What's the Protocol?
Is it okay to post a stranger's blog on your own after finding it by chance? After browsing it, taking a liking to it and deciding that it could be part of your daily reads? I've been doin' a lot of that, checking out other people's blogs, trying to take a peep into their thoughts and their world. I've recently been cruisin' blogs by filipino and other asian american poets. Maybe it's that part of me that is trying to stay in the loop of things back home in da City or keeping up with anything to do with being filipino. The written word that I've come upon have left me inspired to create something of my own, and yet I don't even come close to reaching the depths that they do. But that's cool with me. I write for me, and so do they. Some people express themselves better than others and some are just so eloquent that the words chosen to fit into their puzzle of a poem just blows me away. It's unreal how people find the inspiration to write so easily, whereas I need certain situations to get the words flowing in my mind. People like msbLiss and voodoo child always have a way with words that leave me in awe. Even hubby got his words playin' a game of ball in his head and yes, even FireMarshal J! Anyways, I've taken some blogs that I found and posted them onto mine. I hope the artists don't mind, but since I found inspiration in them, maybe someone else will, too.
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