Thursday, July 29, 2004

Brain Dead

My mind is no longer able. The past 48 hours have been hell. Because I am Queen Procrastinator, among many other things, I brought it upon myself to become a coffee induced zombie scrambling to complete some major assignments last minute.

Somehow I prevailed. I desperately need the next few days to be free of reference checking, lesson planning, educational journal article hunting, and asinine people.

I'm going to spend my week break relaxing my mind, reading good books, writing, and feeding my soul.

I need it.

I deserve it.

Monday, July 26, 2004


Just wanted to send some shout-outs to some special people who celebrated their birthdays the past couple of days. Calves celebrated his 30th on July 22nd. I've known this guy since he first came from P.I. We met up in a prayer group at church and he and his sisters later joined the same folk dance group I was in. We became fast friends and he's been a brother since. He's a hubby to Mich and proud daddy to lil' Kendrick...Happy 30th!

Yesterday was Mare DeJesus' birthday- she turns a young 43! Hubby's lil' rugrat celebrated her 5th the other day. Tomorrow is Voodoo's 34th and XPORider's 30th birthdays- much love to you both. On the 28th, it's my Tita Melang's birthday and the day after that is Mommy Hernandez and hubby's 4th wedding anniversary.

Lastly, a congratulations go out to Robotsushi for the arrival of the newest addition to the family, baby girl Alexandria Dianne!

July is sure a busy month, ain't it??? =)

I'm a sucker when it comes to quizzes. Send me one and I'll be sure to take it. I gotta say though, my fave X-Men is Storm. According to this quiz, I'm a Jean Grey. I can handle that- she's smart, she's pretty, and she's powerful. WERD!

Inside the Actor's Studio

Have you ever watched Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton? I've never really sat through an entire episode before. All I knew was that it was hosted by this dude who not only asked question after question, but he asks them in such a manner that seems so detached and impersonal. He'll ask, "How was life growing up?" and the actor will go into a lengthy diatribe on what a rough childhood they had, how their parents divorced, and how they were raised by a single mom who worked tons of jobs. Immediately after, Lipton's next question could very well be, "What's your favorite color?" I mean, it tripped me out, but was cool nonetheless.

On one of my many restless nights, a rerun of "Inside the Actor's Studio" was on late night tv and it just happened to feature one of my all-time favorites, Johnny Depp. From "Crybaby" to "21 Jumpstreet" to "Edward Scissorhands" to "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" to "Pirates of the Carribean" and all movies in between, I've totally been into Johnny Depp since forever. My sister just reminded me the other day how I used to have this poster above my bed of him and how I'd pose and take pictures with it. Egads! Lol! Now here's an actor who's developed and matured through the years, who was never afraid to challenge himself in the different roles he took on, and who really immersed himself into understanding his character. It was refreshing to hear his thoughts about his career, his family, and life in general. He was honest and open, yet nervous and almost timid. He wasn't dressed GQ-style for the event; rather, he had that casual, comfy, sorta grungy, unshaven look with his long, messy hair that kept getting in his eyes. Sexy. Perhaps it was nerves, but that Johnny is one helluva chain smoker, too! Eh, it goes with the bad boy image, I suppose.

I finally watched from beginning to end and it was only then did I understand that James Lipton is the Dean at The Actors Studio Drama School, where coincidentally, each episode is taped. The audience consists of students who are either going into acting, directing, playwriting, and such. Lipton basically interviews some of the most accomplished actors and directors to get their thoughts about the art and science of the acting biz. It's really interesting and it's sometimes hilarious what comes out of these actor's mouths! At the end of the formal interview, Lipton and the interviewee get a little more personal and move from the stage to be closer to the audience. Before the audience is allowed a Q&A, Lipton puts them in sorta like a hot seat and asks such questions like:

- What's your favorite sound? What's your least favorite sound?
- What's your favorite curse word? (which btw, most actors will respond, "You mean, I can actually say that on television?")
- If heaven exists, what would you want God to say to you when you get there?

Johnny Depp responded God would say in awe, "Whoa." Yah, in that Bill and Ted sorta way. I'd probably say the same thing, too! Lol! If you ever get a chance, check it out. You'll dig it.

Episode of Cops

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha' gonna do? Whatcha' gonna do when they come for you?" Yes, hubby and I could have very well sung this while we watched five cop cars in our apartment parking lot bust some fools for God knows what. There were no sirens, no lights, no nothing. We were just eating dinner when I happened to look outside. We saw one guy and one gal with their hands on the car while another guy was being frisked. Although we didn't have our windows open to eavesdrop better, it seemed like the girl was trying to make trouble. At one point, she was watching the frisking action and one of the cops pointed at her, probably to tell her to look the other way. She did that whole neck action thang as if to say, "Oh nah uh, he did NOT just tell me to look the other way!" All were cuffed and put in separate squad cars and only after the fact did hubby say, "Where's the camera?" No action to see in the pic, but the fact that we saw our neighbors (who JUST moved in a few months ago) get arrested with everyone oogling from their balconies was enough. Whatever happened to that crap about MN being the best place to raise your kids??? I just hope that it wasn't anything too serious...

Three More Freakin' Days

In three days, I will be able to relax and take a breather from the current 8-week online course I've been taking. It's actually been a great informational and enlightening class, but sometimes the people that I have to work with is enough to put me over the top. Take Saturday, for example, where we had a major GROUP project due. There are 5 people in my team. FIVE. And why is it that only myself and one other chick are the only ones to work on it? This is such crap! I've had bad luck in being teamed up with lazy ass people where I end up doing most or all of the work. It's not fair, but I'm not one to totally bitch about it to the teacher. It seems so grade school sometimes. I mean, these are fellow Master students. These are future teachers. Wouldn't you THINK that they would have a better sense of working with others? I mean, we talk so much about cooperative learning in the classrooms, but they themselves can't take care of their own sh*t?! It drives me crazy. I loved my last team. We were teammates for 4 classes. That's 20 weeks. We worked so well together and we balanced each other out..until stupid me felt that I needed a break to clear my head. So I took a month break and lo and behold, I get stuck with a bunch of winners. Lucky me. That's what I get, I suppose. I'm counting the days til it's done. Wednesday can't come quick enough, but in the meantime, I have to get my ass in gear to complete a one-week unit, a PowerPoint presentation, a reflection paper, a team evaluation, and the final summary.

I think it's safe to say that on Thursday, I'll be sleeping in and recuperating from the lack of sleep I'll be experiencing for the next couple of days. Wish me luck ya'll.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A Year at the Classic

One year ago today, hubby and I moved into our current apartment. We were sorta reminiscing about how hot it was that day, how we had to haul whatever we were able to stuff in the Lex up three damn flight of stairs, and how we basically spent our nights sleeping on that horrid Aerobed. I'm sorry, those things are SO not comfortable. With our furniture on the way, we endured the nights by watching the first season of "Friends" on the laptop, eating dinner on the floor and using boxes as our tables. At the time, I remember thinking how big the apartment was. The walls were bare, the rooms were empty, and just the sound of nothingness outside our windows was haunting. The stillness creeped me out. In da City, I was so used to hearing MUNI buses pass by the house at 15-minute increments or police car chases either going in or out of Crocker Park. In Foster City, we had to endure people cranking up their car stereos in the middle of the night, kids on their skateboards, or worse, "Fat Pat" doing God knows what in the apartment directly above ours. Ugh. She was the neighbor from hell. Her footsteps were so heavy that hubby and I actually did the whole hitting on the ceiling in hopes that she'd get the hint and soften her stomps. No such luck. Grrrr. Just thinking about Fat Pat makes me mad. Moving on...

Remembering how we moved into our apartment is just as significant as our drive from California to Minnesota. Honestly, I'm glad that I experienced the drive cross-country, but would I do it again? Um, no thanks. It was cool to see different states though, even though there was sh*t to look at in Wyoming or Nebraska. Iowa reminded me of the horror flick, "Children of the Corn" 'cuz of the miles and miles of corn fields. My mind kept urging hubby to drive faster in fear that we'd get "conveniently" stuck out in the middle of nowhere. Yes, my mind has a vivid imagination...sue me.

In any case, I still can't believe that we've been here- the Midwest, Land of 10,000 Lakes, land where Prince was born- for a year already. Hubby doesn't really count this as our year mark just yet because we were both flying back and forth from the Bay too often. If you want to get technical, my year will officially be in September. By that time, our apartment was cleaned out, furniture was picked up by the moving company (damn them!), and I was staying at my folks' place. September was when I bought that one-way ticket here... BUT, I will count today as the unofficial year mark, simply because we had driven cross-country to get our keys. Wow...I still can't believe it. Can you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Sponsored by...

Nine West. Hubby was teasing me the other day and saying that Nine West sponsors me. Eh? Yesterday, I bought a Nine West watch from Mervyns. All of the Mervyns in Minnesota are closing down and I've been going every week, waiting for the sales to go up. Last week, most were 30-60% off...this week, it's 40-70%. Granted they don't have the best selections anymore, they still have some nice gear that I wouldn't mind having. Take the Kitchen Aid mixer that usually sells for $299. Last week, there were three left at 30% off. Hubby kept saying to get it, but I thought it was still too pricey. Just a little bit longer, I told him. Ah well, someone snatched it up. My loss. Anyways, I got a new brown band Nine West watch. I've been wanting to give my Bulova a rest and save it for special occasions and Sundays. Thought I needed a more everyday watch.

"You're sponsored by Nine West," says hubby. I don't get it. He explains, "Well, you got the shoes, the bags, and now the watch. You're sponsored." Ohhhhhh. Lol! Considering that hubby is definitely "sponsored" by NIKE, it's only fitting that I get sponsored, too. silly that hubby! =)

Silly and Sweet

Speaking of hubby, I just have to share. The weather has been very Nelly lately...y'know, "hot in herre!" Seriously. The temps reached up to the 90's today by noon! As I write this, it's 80 degrees out...and it's 11:10pm. Egads. Anyways, around 10pm-ish, I had this sudden craving for a "Moolatte." We discovered this frozen blended coffee drink just recently and it comes VERY close to Baskin Robbin's MochaBlast. Anyways, hubby and I have this thing that once nighttime rolls around, we don't go out. Why? Can I just remind you of all the mosquitoes??? I was thinking aloud how I wanted one and hubby already starts for the door. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To get you a Moolatte!" "But it's already late, they're probably closed." "Well, there's only one way to find out, right?"

So we head out and drive all of the 2 minutes it takes to get there, order ONE Moolatte (nothin' for hubby) and head home. I mean, we didn't HAVE to go...but hubby said that since I wanted one, we were going to get one. Ain't hubby sweet? =)

Just Like Old Times

I got to catch up with the future Mrs. Gee the other day. We haven't talked for days since my last visit to da City back in March. Mrs. Gee is one of my closest friends whom I have so much in common with. It's helped that we both studied psychology at State...our analyses about everything and everything bonds us well. Lol! Honestly, we tend to think along similar lines and when one of us has a hard time expressing our thoughts and whatnot, the other just seems to understand. OR, it could be that we're the only ones who could decipher each other's babbling psychosis and make sense of it all when others can't. It's like that. We were also co-teachers for our church School of Religion program. We taught catechism for 3rd graders. Although we both have our distinct styles of teaching, we meshed so well in the classroom. We totally balanced each other out. And when we both decided that we wanted to pursue teaching as a career, we were there to encourage each other throughout the process. She's been a great support to me in so more ways than one. But what I especially love about homegirl is that even though we haven't kept in touch for what seems like ages, our conversations pick up where they left off.

It never fails that whenever we talk, my facial muscles and my sides start hurting from all the laughing. Our topics of conversation knows no boundaries. We usually update each other on what's been happening in our lives, families, jobs, etc, and can discuss something totally serious one moment and be on the floor rolling from something silly the next. We were talking and talking, when all of a sudden, the phone went dead. I call her back and it turns out that her cell phone died- aiya! I hadn't noticed the time, but according to hubby's work phone, it said we were talking for 100 minutes. Wow! It sure didn't feel like it! Just like anything else that you're enjoying, the time sure flies. It was SO great to catch up with her. I got to know what's happening with all the wedding preparations, the home front, the school front, and the stud muffin front. I bet if her phone didn't die, we could've probably talked for another 100 minutes. Easily.


Ya'll have heard this term before, yes? If not, it's supposed to be in reference to the high school seniors who, with graduation in sight, tend to start slacking off. It doesn't only pertain to seniors, but to all students as the school year slowly comes to an end. When I was still teaching, the change in the students' demeanors were almost drastic. It's as if something in the air around Easter break time infects the kids and sends secret messages to their brain and turns off the "motivation to finish up work and/or listen to the teacher" switch. It really is an interesting phenomena.

When I see it happening, I tell my students to be careful. Along with the usual reminders to cover their mouths when they sneeze and to wash their hands after they use the bathroom, I tell them that there's a contagious disease going around school. (Of course I have to explain the term "contagious" and some often wonder if they could die from the disease I speak of.)I tell them that it's called "spring fever" and ask if anyone has ever heard of it. Most will respond that they haven't...and a look of terror will creep into their eyes. Hee hee, it kills me. Anyways, I lure them in with the fact that there's no explanation for this "disease" and there's no known cure. For some unknown reason, it only hits around this time of year. ("What happens to people who get spring fever?") Well, funny you should ask, little Suzy. People with this disease tend to be students. (Ears perk up, eyes get bigger.) It usually affects the way people feel and act. The worst thing is, you may not even know if you have it! In fact, I know some people in this very class who have it! (Nervous glances are exchanged.) You start to feel lazy and you have no motivation to finish anything you started. Homework never gets done, your ears stop listening, your feet get twitchy, your fingers start twiddling, your eyes start wandering, and your body keeps wanting to turn around so you could talk to your neighbor behind you. People start talking without raising their hands and for some reason, they forget all the rules. Spring fever is a very dangerous disease. ("Wait a second! It's not a real disease!") By this time, I can't help but let a smile escape from my lips and when the kids finally catch on, the whole class erupts in laughter. It's a good story to tell kids and for me, it's my way of basically saying, "While everyone else gets spring fever, I know that OUR class won't!"

Egads...long ass story. Mini-flashback for me though. Lol! My main point though...I've been hit with spring fever. I only have one more week to go for my current online class. I'm almost done. The end is in sight. It's one of those "so close, yet so far" moments. Argh! I'm going to blame the weather on this one. It's so fricken' hot! And now after I've downed this Moolatte, I'm beginning to feel the caffeine take that's going to help me get my work done! If only my students can see me now...

Monday, July 19, 2004

No Canes Required....just yet!

On the mobility scale, I went from none to crawling, from slow motion "one step for MnM" babysteps to waddling as if I'm pregnant, to the current state of taking it easy and taking my time. This was truly the weekend from hell. I almost didn't make it to church. I did, but I had to join the other old folks in sitting out the praise and worship time. I couldn't quite stand the entire time and supporting myself with my arms was not an option. I felt like a lil' kid at church. I couldn't keep still. I had to change my sitting position every other minute. I have to say I'm quite disappointed though. Motrin didn't do sh*t for me. Usually after poppin' a few of those, I'm good to go. Oh well. I'm able to sit, stand, and lie down now....all in normal positions. No more gymnastic twistings of my body into pretzel formations. I'm good to go.

Wedding Prep - Meeting One

We had a meeting with the bride and groom. We, meaning two other "coordinators" plus myself. We wanted the young couple to tell us more details so we can get started. We have exactly one month to prepare. One freakin' month. This, by far, has got to be THE first wedding I will see that will have been put together in a month from start to finish. Never in my wildest dreams would I think it was possible. Again, this wedding has special circumstances, but still. One year? Yes. Six months? Sure. One month? It can be done. It has to be done....but not without pulling out my hair! Lol!

Among the coordinators, there is the dope flower arranger, the perfectionist who refuses to delegate responsibility and who has to do everything herself, and me. I may not be the craftiest person out there, but having been married the most recent, I've still got a lot of ideas swimming around in my head. I was under the impression that the couple would be satisfied with anything they could get. They're basically getting a free wedding! BUT, with all the things that can be done, it IS their wedding. I must've said that about a hundred times, "It's really up to you and how YOU want it. This is YOUR day." I say this because so many suggestions are being thrown out there that it's as if they are forced to just accept. They were basically watching this debate of how their wedding should be and that just ain't right.

In any case, the entire month leading up to D-Day is going to be hectic, chaotic, and overwhelming. I'm glad to be a part of it, not only because I love weddings and I don't mind helping out, but it'll definitely keep me busy. I've already driven around to different craft stores and checking out the major sales for anything that might work for a wedding. I have a feeling that it's going to turn out great...but til then, I'll have to keep saying my prayers.

Joy Luck Club

One of hubby's basketball crew buddies invited us over for dinner tonight. Funny story about this guy. Hubby had quite the interesting conversation with him the other day.

doh: They're building new homes that'll be ready by Thanksgiving.
homie: Hey, what a coincidence! The place I'm moving to will be done around that time.
doh: Yah, it's only about 10 minutes from where we live.
homie: It's only about 5 minutes from my parent's house.
doh: Have you seen the Centex homes?
homie: Dude, that's the same builder.
doh: Wait a sec...are you talkin' about Bailey's?
homie: No way! You're going to live there, too?
doh: Holy sh*t! That is too funny. Which floor plan did you get?
homie: I got an Ivy. My sister is also buying a house across the street from me.
doh: We got a Catalina. It's cool 'cuz it's a quiet corner facing a hill.
homie: Mine faces a hill, too!
doh: Are we talking the same hill?
homie: I think so!

Not only is homeboy buying a place in the same area, it turns out that he is going to be our next door neighbor...literally! I mean, talk about small world, you know?

Anyways, homie invited us over for dinner. Nothing fancy. A little pizza....hanging out.....playing mahjong. Turns out that his sister and sister-in-law have mahjong night once a week. Before we came over, we were told to bring some quarters! Lol! Needless to say, I played a couple games, but didn't win. Boo. It's been a while since I played, but it was fun. Just mixing up all the tiles and hearing the familiar sounds of the "halo-halo" brought it all back. I always laugh because I always recount the story of how my dad taught my sister and I how to play. I must've been 6 years old! Though we never played with money, we did play for candy. M&Ms if I'm not mistaken. Ahhh...those were the days. I can still hear the yelling of my mom as she lets my dad hear it about teaching us kids how to gamble. Lol!

In any case, it was cool to hang out with a new bunch of people. I can see hubby and I becoming fast friends with our new neighbors. Ain't that dope though? Our place isn't even built, but we already know two people in the neighborhood! Whoo hoo!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Major !@&*!% Pain in the....

Back. Lower region. Middle. Shooting pain down my whole left leg. My fantastically painful back spasms decided to make a comeback yesterday. And oh did it. This damn sciatica that I have battled for 10 years now (egads...I'm feeling my age now!) is an on and off phenomena. "Phenomena" because there really ain't sh*t any doctor can do. The sciatica only bows down in obedience to double dosages of Motrin...until yesterday. It was a normal Friday. Did the usual vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, loads of laundry Friday routine. Nothing strenuous. I was just about to pick up my basket of freshly dried clothes when I felt it. The ultra quick feeling that paralyzes. I was stuck in a position where my hand automatically "grabbed" for my back and in a flash, I was doubled over in pain and on my knees. My breath quickened, not because I'm having some kind of heart attack, but because I was in such an awkward position that my lungs were getting freakin' squished. I stay in that position for a few minutes because while I was about to pick that basket up, I was also on the phone with hubby. So here I am on the floor...doubled over in pain...holding a phone to my ear. I muster enough energy to roll onto my back so I can stare up at the ceiling, thinking that this position will alleviate the pain. Try again. This sh*t sucks. Hubby says that he should be home in about 10 minutes. "Great," I say. "Hopefully in 10 minutes, I'll have gotten over the initial pain and be able to get myself off this floor and unlock the door for you." The pain in my back is telling me, sorry honey, your hubby will have to wait it out in the hall.

I'm really too young for this sh*t. Back pain at 30. Actually, when you think about it, I was only 20 when it all started. I was working at Carlton Cards in Stonestown Galleria. The card store had all chick workers. We did have one guy assistant manager, but not for too long. You wouldn't think that our shipments would be majorly heavy, but when you're talking hundreds of cards at a time? Oh yah..they got heavy. Out of the 10 of us who worked there, only about 4 of us (me included!)would be man enough to carry those big ass boxes. Plus, our back room/stockroom was not conducive to keeping all the boxes in order. We had warehouse-like shelves which meant we had to put these boxes overhead! 'Course stupid me at the time felt that I could. I did. And after working almost 2-3 years, my back was paying for it. Unfortunately by the time I quit, I wasn't aware of worker's comp. Sh*t again.

At the time, the pain in my back was bearable. Just two Tylenol would take care of it. It wasn't until after that I really started feeling the spasms. I remember one time I was at the PACE office at State when it hit. My friends, not knowing what to do, made me lie down flat on my back on the floor. People must've thought I was weird...a Pinay chick lying in front of the pain...crying. The pain can and will bring instant tears to my eyes. I don't kid around, it fricken hurts.

I was rushed to the E.R. one time. The pain was so intense and scary. I was crying in my room, trying to call out for my mom and dad in the room next door, but the pain made me choke on my own sobs. It was that bad. I made it off my bed, by rolling I think, and dragged myself to my parents' room. My dad, cranky and tired, called my sister downstairs and got ready to drive me. My mom, on the other, oh my mom. She thought that by massaging my back, the pain would subside. So I'm crying, she's massaging, I'm crying, she's massaging....I'm crying and she's like, "What is THAT on your back?!" (in Tagalog, of course). It's my tattoo. The tattoo that they didn't know about. The one that I have been trying to hide from them for a while now. She stops massaging and starts to freak out, but I do my thing and keep crying, "My back! My back!" that she is forced to go back to massaging. Oh man, I think, am I gonna get it when I get back from the hospital! Sh*t.

I go to E.R., they stick my ass with a shot of liquid Motrin, the spasms subside, and after a couple hours, I go home. The spasm episodes happened more frequently at one time that the doctor suggested I get a sonogram. Sonogram? I'm not pregnant. "No dear," the nurse tells me, "it's to check if your kidneys or anything else in there is ok and not putting undue pressure on your spine." I get my sonogram, my x-rays, and nada. Diagnosis? 'Tisn't the slipped disc that they originally thought or my kidneys. It's sciatica. do we treat it? Uh, you can't. There's no cure, so to speak. But here, we're going to send you to a physical therapist for the next month so you'll feel better. Lovely.

So no cure. It comes and goes. Bad news is, I'll probably live the rest of my life with it, never knowing when it'll hit. I can take double dosages of Motrin to ease the pain, I can put hot packs and cold packs on the spot, I can do certain stretching exercises, but other than that, I have to ride it out until the spasms quit. Still more bad news is, when I have a child, my back pain may be even more pronounced. Great. Just fricken' great. Sh*t.

It's been a full 24+ hours since I first felt the pain. I barely slept 'cuz I couldn't find a single comfortable position and to top it all off, Motrin ain't doin' jack for me. Can I tell you how hard it is to even go to the bathroom??? If it wasn't for Gilmore Girls Season I dvd and reruns of "I Love the 90's," this would've been a truly, truly, yah you guessed it, a sh*tty weekend.

By the way, whatever happened to my mom after I got back from the hospital? Well, she never brought it up. I sure as hell didn't bring it up. My sister THOUGHT I should bring it up. I believe that it's just one of those things that they'd rather not talk about...even if they knew it was there. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.

In the words of my Tagalog teacher at State, "Buhay ng buhay!" Or in the words of my girl Gwen Stefani, "It's my life! Don't you forget!"

Pray for my back ya'll and I'll be praying for all of you, too...peace out.

Friday, July 16, 2004

IKEA Mania

Well, if ya'll have dropped by hubby's site, you would know that the world of IKEA has taken the Twin Cities by storm. Not only did we NOT get our free Poangs (couldn't and wouldn't camp out and give them damn mosquitoes a free bloodfest on my thank you), but we didn't even dare to go on opening day. We did, however, visit the following day and surprisingly, it wasn't unbearably crowded. I had to keep hubby in was like watching a lil' boy on Christmas Eve waiting for the clock to strike 12 so he could open up his gifts. I mean, don't get me wrong, there were HELLA that caught my eye, too, but today wasn't a shopping day...only a browsing day. With a new place looming in the distance for us, our eyes were hungry of what might potentially look good in this room or that. Honestly, we weren't there for very long...2 hours at least. We just zoomed from room to room taking note of chairs, curtains, bed frames, duvet covers, coffee tables (although I've seen nicer ones from Crate and Barrel), shelves, and oh boy, the list can go on and on. I was actually hooked by all the different black and white poster pieces. My mind is already trying to cover the walls of the new place that doesn't even have the frames up yet! There was even this huge poster of the Bay Bridge at night with the da city in the if it was the other bridge, no doubt we would've gotten that one.

Hubby wondered out loud why IKEA was such a big deal. Well, considering that they've never had one here and the closest one in Chicago is about 8 hours out, well, yes, I'd say that's reason enough for them to go ga-ga. Us, on the other hand, were fortunate to have lived within driving distance of TWO of 'em...ah, not everyone can be as lucky as us! 'Tis funny, too, that you can just see the look of awe on everybody's face...they're so blown away at how affordable and chic everything is. I was starting to think that the prices over here were a tad bit cheaper than CA. We kept comparing prices of what we have already and well, whaddaya know? I remember everytime we went, we'd stock up on our tealight candles. You buy 'em in a pack of 100 for about $4.99...over here, you pay $2.99!

I think it's safe to say that we'll be taking advantage of the 15-minute drive from our place a little bit more in the future...

Show Me Some Love

Don't know what happened to the other site that was hosting our comments, but hubby decided we should change over. Unfortunately, all the other lovely comments my loyal readers (um, yes you!) have left are forever gone in cyberspace, never to be read and reread by myself ever again. Sigh. So when you pass on by, show me some love!

My Inner Child

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

My inner child is forty-five years old today

My inner child is forty-five years old!
I've never really liked children, not even when I
was one. I want things neat, ordered, and
adult--fine wine instead of french fries, pina
coladas by the pool instead of beach sand
between my toes. Now if only my fellow adults
would stop acting like such, well, children!

Hmm...I don't really agree with that, although I've always been told that I'm mature for my age! And just for the record, I LOVE kids! (and goodness gracious, I would never have become a teacher if I didn't!) Lol...45 years old, eh? And this says what when hubby's inner child is 16???

Friday Night Plan

* do some homework (I've been procrastinating!)

* watch VH1's "I Love the 90's!" (1998 and 1999 baby!)

* start rereading "The Great Gatsby" (I'm trying to get back to literature!)

SO, as you can see, I'll be very busy tonight. Oh yes, I still have to figure out how to proceed with the wedding favors, too. Aiya! Well, hope ya'll have a great safe and party hardy! Much love...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Future Endeavors?

Wedding planning. There's going to be a wedding next month and I have volunteered my services to make favors. So I suppose the technical term would be "favor coordinator?" The thought has crossed my mind several times before, usually during my moments of "What if a school never hires me?" or "What else can I do and what else would I enjoy doing aside from teaching?" Well, suffice to say, I did enjoy making wedding favors for my sister's wedding. My lil' assembly line of candle, tulle, ribbon, silver bucket, and sticker went as well as could be for mine. Three weeks after my own wedding was spent helping out with the Lapid nuptials, which btw, consisted of overly time consuming place cards. I wouldn't want to plan an entire wedding because egads, I've already done that once, er, twice before (and hopefully a 3rd again in the future!). But to be delegated and take charge of something small, well, I think I can handle that.

This upcoming wedding is special in its own way. Not only is it going to be held in a church, but it's also being GIVEN by the church...literally. See, the young couple that is getting married cannot afford a wedding. The bride's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer earlier this year and being the single mother of four kids, the financial department has been tough for them all. It's a recent known fact that the church has been paying for rent, bills, and basically helping out as much as possible. It's truly been a rough year for the family and for the mother who's had to endure sessions of chemotherapy. Through answered prayers, the mother was miraculously healed and is cancer free today! Although this wedding is for the daughter, it is moreso for the mother. It's a time to celebrate and the church community is doing its part to provide a wedding, however small and simple it may be.

It's All About Who You Know

The notion of me making favors was suggested by, um, yours truly. Turns out that I had a box of parent-donated candle holders from when I was still at Cornerstone. I'm not talking cheesy, plastic, or cheap. These candle holders are nice- cream colored and in the shape of a heart. Pretty really. I also had picture frame magnets in the shape of a heart with flowers all around, too. I brought both to church last Sunday, showed it to the bride's mother, she liked it, and from there it was decided that I'd be in charge of 100 favors.

100 favors. I only had 24 in my box. So what do I do? I call up my teacher friends and see if they had any in stock. Had I still been working there, I probably would've used these for a Mother's Day craft for the student to make. I catch Miss Lily online, pitch her my idea, and it turns out that she had the very same idea for HER upcoming wedding! Plus, it turns out that she needs 300. Aiya! Well, we go straight to the source at Cornerstone to see what they have in stock ('cuz I'm doing my best to get these for FREE!)and Miss Amy tells us that yes, they have both. I would've preferred the candle holders, but seeing that Miss Lily wanted them too, I opted for the heart shaped picture frames. 100 of them are in the mail and on its way to MN.

The only thing I gotta say is- it's good to know people. Thanks to my teacher friends (and especially to the one who so happens to be in charge of the Art supplies!), the couple is now going to have favors for their wedding!

Hubby had asked me the other day, "Why are you doing this?" In the year that we've been here and going to this church, I have NOT had one conversation with the bride. It's funny and it's all due to two words: first impressions. You know what they say about first impression, right? Well, I'm sure she is a nice person and all. I totally feel for the situation that they're in, but a huge part of me is saying that her wedding day has to be special. So even though we don't talk and even if I believe that she may be getting so much more than she deserves, my reasons for helping out are simple. I'm doing it for her mom. It's not everyday that a mother sees her daughter get married and in Auntie's case, it's a miracle that she's seeing it at all. It may be simple, it may be small, it may not be held in the best restaurant or hall with deliciously catered entrees and such, and it may not be the wedding that the bride has always dreamed of having ever since she was a little girl, it will still be a special day. And so, I join the others in helping put this wedding together even if it's by making the favors...more details to follow later.

Just Because

I was having the hardest time sleepin' and decided to read up on my past entries. Found many of the Quizilla quizzes I took and decided to re-post this one...simply because it's pretty.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Good TV Day

How very NOT typical for a Monday night! Rarely does the start of the week provide any quality entertainment...not in the summertime anyways. With all the news, reruns, reality shows, travel, cooking, interior decorating, and sports aside...haha, um, there isn't anything to watch. On the contrary, my friends! Take last night for example...

- ESPN's Homerun Derby. You get some of the best players in the league who compete for the most homeruns. That's it. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's pretty damn exciting! This year's lineup included San Francisco Giants Barry Bonds- whoo hoo! As Barry went up to the plate, hubby jokingly comments, "Wouldn't it be funny if they walked him?" And sure enough, the first pitch was an intentional walk!!! It was hilarious not only because hubby called it, but because Bonds had this comical look on his face as if to say, "What the hell?" The crowd cheered, the announcers were surprisingly shocked, and it was just a good way to start the evening. Everyone got a good laugh! Bonds did well in the 1st round hitting 8 homers...and had the roof of the Minute Maid ballpark been open or if they were in Pacbell Park, a few were definitely outta there! The commentators were discussing swinging styles of the different players and when it came to Bonds, it was all about fluidity and grace. As if he wasn't even trying. But in the 2nd round, he didn't hit enough to qualify for the championship round. It's all good though. I think for me, it was cool enough to see Bonds being pitched to at all! Lol!

- VH1's "I Love the 90's." Although I've been hyped for this segment to air for some time now, we were torn because it was showing at the same time as the Homerun Derby. Eh, we figure VH1 will show repeats of it anyways, but that still didn't stop us from switching channels between commercial breaks. Some of what we saw included the tv series, "Twin Peaks." Ya'll remember that freaky ass show? When it first aired, I thought it might be a show based in San Francisco. Wrong! It turned out to be a drama about the death of a prom queen gal Laura Palmer and finding out who her killer was. It's set in this quirky town with a bunch of strange misfits...even midgets (in PC terms: vertically challenged folk) were doing their thang and speaking freakishly backward. I will admit that the show gave me the creeps, but the humor was so bizarre and so dark that it got me hooked. I even want to say that I had a hard time sleeping sometimes... Let's see, what else... they have ex-long haired singer Michael Bolton telling us the "hotties" of each year, MC Hammer announcing the popular dance hits, and they even have the Snapple lady. The Snapple lady!

I was still in high school in 1990. That was 14 years ago! Egads. Tonight it's 1992 and 1993...BUT on ESPN, they have the All Star Game, too! Geez, what to do, what to do??? Plus, after all of that excitement and taking a break to actually do some homework, I watched a few episodes of "Dawson's Creek" season 3 last night, too. I've got two more episodes left. It's totally killing me 'cuz the whole Joey-Pacey thang was just getting started and now it's a whole big mess. I'm bummed that I've come to the end of the complete season 3...all I gotta say is that season 4 better come out soon! Lol! In any case, I'm hoping Wednesday will be better...I need a break! Lol!

Birthday Shout-Out

Lil' bro Phil celebrated his 29th birthday yesterday. This year, he decided to put party-mode on hold and opted to spend quality time with his fam down south. Lil' bro and I met at State where I signed up to be a PACE Ate. My bros included lil' Phil and Nickyboy. Throughout the rest of my college years, I literally took an active role as older sis in watching out for him and even doing their dishes at their Westlake apartment! What do you expect from a bunch of guys living in one place? Lol! We bonded pretty quick and I think the fact that since he was away from home, his friends became his family. And that's how it should be, too. Up to this day, we still regard each other as "lil' bro" and "Ate." It was cool, too, that after hubby and I moved to Foster City, lil' bro would come and hang at the apartment. No need for invitation, no special occasion, just to hang out, watch tv, eat, and chill. He did only live across the bridge. I was sad when we were making our move 'cuz that meant no lil' bro hanging out anymore. After grad, most of the people in our circle of friends went their separate ways, but we still managed to keep in touch. Lil' bro and I did and up to this day, we still do. Happy 29th Birthday Phil- love and miss ya'!!!

Monday, July 12, 2004


You know the feeling you have after you get off an intense rollercoaster? The one that takes you through numerous twists and death-defying turns? The one where your stomach tightens up and you suck in that last breath before going down that goliath drop only to be forced into yet another frenzied upside down maneuver? The one where people can't decide whether to scream or laugh and end up doing a combination of both until their insides feel like popping? Then when the ride is over, your legs are weak and trembling and you're in that instant high where you sorta want to ride again or sit the next one out. And in those last euphoric moments, the only thing that escapes your lips is, "Whoa."

Egads, if I didn't know any better, it almost sounds like I'm describing how smokin' up a joint would feel like. Not that I would know. I've never done that sh*t ever. Seriously. I'm not talkin' drugs, I'm just talking about "the rush."

Hubby and I watched "Spiderman 2" today and it's funny 'cuz it was a totally last minute decision as we were walkin' out the door. So last minute, as in 10 minutes before previews...and MnM LOVES to watch the previews. How fortunate that we're just a hop, skip, and a jump from the local theater which, might I add, have been refurnished with nice, comfortable, almost but NOT stadium-like seating. Let's not forget the whole under $20 bucks for the tix and necessary must-haves. It still blows our mind when we add up exactly how much we spent for everything...

Can I just say that omigoodness,"Spiderman 2" was SO GOOD! Okay, so the analogy to the rollercoaster ride is a bit much. But throughout the entire movie, I was sittin' on the edge of my seat. It was intense! Now while I admit that I wasn't the hugest Marvel comics fan growing up, I knew my superheroes. What I didn't know was, according to hubby, that the movie was really about a 20-year storyline squished into a kick ass 2-hour flick. And boy, does Spiderman kick some serious ass or what?! Er, how about an eight-tentacled adversary named Dr. Octopus is more like it. And what about that Tobey Maguire, eh? Spidey sure works out...cheesy costume thang though. I don't think tight costumes will ever fly, (catch my pun?) but it'll work for now. Lol! I've seen good movies...and I've seen REALLY good movies. "Spiderman 2" is definitely in the latter category. It was so good that while the credits were rolling, I was clapping in my seat...and there aren't that many movies that deserve such accolades. Although the summer ain't over just yet, this has got to be THE best summer blockbuster movie!

In any case, if you haven't seen the flick yet, by all means go. And not that I'm going to give any of the plot away, but if you're going to see it, keep an eye out for the singing Asian me, you won't be able to miss her. Lol!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Quizilla Revisited

Yes, when I am bored out of my mind, I actually surf on over to and check out the numerous quizzes created by equally bored individuals. While there are a select few that I dub worthy of taking, most are a serious lack of time. But when you really think about it, those swimming in the "don't want to think right now and are content with answering senseless questions to supposedly analyze myself" part of the pool, well, yes I suppose this site will satisfy those urges. Okay, cut it with the's the latest c/o best bud, J and homegirl, Rho.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just because you were disguised as a toy doesn't mean you weren't educational, you sneaky bastard.

btw: I just have to add that ya'll gotta tune in VH1's the new segment of "I Love the 90's!" Now although I was born in the 70's, I identify myself as an 80's Generation X kid, BUT the 90's were the bangin' times, weren't day? I can't wait to hear the sarcasticly hilarious opinions and comments on Beverly Hills 90210 and Ally McBeal, two of my ultimate favorite shows that I watched religiously back then. Did you see the dancing baby??? Can't wait, can't wait! Lol!

Friday, July 09, 2004


song playin' in my head: "Running" by No Doubt

I was going through some of the many unpacked boxes that we still have in our room and chanced upon this poem I wrote a couple years back. The title caught my eye 'cuz of my post on 'Anniversaries' and thought it'd be appropo to post this now as well. Whatever I was feeling at the time I wrote this seems irrevelant now- I just remember that I wrote it at the beach, hence, the water references. In any case...

After a Storm, There's Always a Rainbow

There's a sadness in my heart that can't be spoken
So turbulent are the words not ready to flow
The overwhelming emotions like waves crashing against each other
Fight their own battle within.
Always willing to meet the shore with surprising strength
Only to be returned to the sea of unknowing and begin again.
The endless cycle continues.

Is it the barrel of a perfect wave that I desire?
Or is it the calmness of the sea in the eye of a storm?
Perhaps it is the tranquil stream that steadily flows...
I wish to be the falling rain
Falling here and there, wherever my fate.
To water and give life to those around me-
The feeling of new beginnings, wiping one's slate clean-
To know that after a rainstorm, a rainbow will soon appear.

I often feel like a dam set against the forces of a mighty river
Ready to burst.
But my heart and mind somehow strengthens my physical power
To hold steady.
The life journey set ahead of me was never meant to be easy and
I am reminded that God does not give us challenges that we cannot handle.
But I am a dam, not perfectly built for a storm
Not ready and capable to hold against life's forces.
I overflow and burst.

The damage is done, but the hurt remains.
I'm a loss of what to do.
I ask my God for help and He answers me.
I know what must be done and so
I take what's left and begin to rebuild.
Now I am stronger...Now I am unbeatable
Willing to stand up against any storm.
Standing tall, I have overcome.

Word Play

Got this as an email forward from future and soon-to-be Mrs.Gee...

I am: a San Francisco native and proud to be Pinay!

I miss: da City, the beach, E Komo Mai, Akagi's, Baskin Robbin's, teaching..oh yes, my family and friends, too!

I want: world peace and a cure for cancer. Is that too much to ask?

I have: three tattoos...and itching for a fourth!

I fear: losing my loved ones...bugs in my ears...drowning (traumatic experience when I was younger...)

I play: a damn good ass game of Mahjong

I hear: the incessant chirping and buzzing of the multitude of bugs outside my window

I care: for the kids of today..they are our future!

I smile: whenever I talk to my godkids

I love: anything 80's- music, movies, clothes..'tis my generation!

I think: about my life, my faith, my goals, my future

I always: carry kleenex in my pockets and bags

I dance: Filipino folk dances

I am not: fluent in Tagalog, but don't get it twisted that the language or lack thereof makes me anything less of a Pinay that I am...I was born and raised in a Filipino household and grew up with traditional Filipino values. And for the last time, just because I don't speak it, doesn't mean I don't understand it.

I sing: loudly when I'm driving by myself

I cry: when no one's looking, when I'm angry, and at practically every movie and sappy book or commercial there is.

I wish: that a school would hire me already!

I keep: everything and anything...i'm such a packrat!

I can: be a real bitch if and when provoked

I can't: stand ignorant & close-minded people! I also can't stand people who talk on their cell phones in restaurants without a care in the world that their obscene language is offensive and shrill laughter is annoying.

I write: poetry that people will never see and read

I win: when I get through to a child and make a difference

I lose: my patience with kids who don't listen the first time; my cool with people who can't drive; and I just plainly lose IT when people lie, cheat, or steal.

I smell: Sweat Pea air freshener from Bath and Body Works

I confuse: all the damn freeways and interchanges here in MN

I need: a job, a vacation to somewhere tropical, a massage, a manicure/pedicure, a winning Lotto ticket to pay for all our bills, a hug

Alright, that's all folks! Hope ya'll have a good weekend- much love...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Birthday Shout-Outs

song playin' in my head: "You're Still You" by Josh Groban

Happy 30th Birthday, Mommy Hernandez!!! Mommy Hernandez and I go back, WAY back, to 1st grade. Although we were in same class, it wasn't until 3rd grade that we actualy became friends. I still remember the mornings in the schoolyard waiting for the bell to ring. I always knew when MH got there because the sound of her Dad's orange Volkswagon Bug announced her arrival. It was so loud we could practically hear her from around the corner! There she'd be, a lil' shy Pinay chick with her forever bowl haircut and her long ass skirt that went past her knees. Not to be mistaken for the typical timid girl, once you got her talking, that was it! We could talk about anything and everything...and of course, at the time, it was usually about Ricky Shroeder and the latest episode of Silver Spoons. Later, it was all about River Phoenix and Wil Wheaton from "Stand By Me." Of course, there was WHAM!, Duran Duran, and Culture Club to discuss as well! Her fave in DD was lead singer Simon Le Bon and mine was John Taylor. I was so in love with those cheek bones and poofy hair! lol! She'd always joke that when I'd marry my John Taylor, my initials would be AT& in the phone company! If you're not laughing or even smirking just a bit, I don't give a damn. 'Tis one of those moments that'll always be there whenever I think of MH.

The rest of our grade school days were so memorable that in fact, I dub those years as the "good ole' days." Our lil' group of friends were so tight, although while we went doorbell ditchin' afterschool, taking walks in the park, and heading to Mission for Mickey D's, MH could never join us. Her Dad picked her up promptly at 2:45pm and she rarely had time to hang out. It's all good though 'cuz I don't think I would've wanted that responsibility of converting miss-goody-two-shoes into the lil' rugrats that we were back then. Aw, we weren't bad kids...didn't do drugs, weren't in any gangs, didn't do sh*t like that. We just liked to have fun and hang out. She was allowed to go to my house sometimes. Being the latchkey kid that I was, we'd come home to an empty house and goodness gracious, how many people allow this anymore?! All we'd ever do is cook some Ramen, watch Scooby Doo, and drink our soup through straws. The times that I went to her house were fun, an adventure. There were no buslines that went directly to her house...yah, yah, means of transporatation at the time. No buses, no one to drive me. If I wanted to visit MH, I had to bike it. No big deal, right? NOT! 'Tisn't a big deal to bike myself, mind you...but 'twas a big deal goin' up South Hill Blvd- ain't nothing but hill after hill after hill, well, you get the point. She just happened to live near the top where once you got there, you're awarded one of the most scenic views of the San Francisco downtown skyline you can get from Daly City. I'd never bike it all the way. I couldn't. Not possible. Lance Armstrong, I'm not. The trek back down was smooth sailing...although it surprises me even now that I never got hit by oncoming traffic at the speeds I was making down that hill. The cool thing was that I could actually pinpoint MH's house from my street and vice versa on her end. In fact, when I'd speed off on my bike, she could actually watch the dot of me journey home through her binoculars.

To see our friendship grow through the years has been amazing. The years are marked with memories full of laughter, tears, boyfriends, breakups, phone calls, letters, reunions, graduations, 1st jobs, engagements, marriage, and now kids. My heart broke in two last year when I found out that she had cancer. She was too young. She just gave birth to baby Noah and her mom was just in the hospital. Life seemed so unfair to be throwing all these obstacles in her way. When she told me, I was speechless. I wanted to cry and scream all at the same time. My childhood friend whom I've known for almost 25 was too unreal. Thankfully, after chemotherapy sessions and lots of prayers, her cancer went into remission. She has been cancer free since then.

Mommy Hernandez and I have lots of "Remember When's" and I'm so thankful that she's in better health so that we could continue our reminiscing. To one of my oldest and dearest friends, Happy 30th Birthday!!!

Purple and pole forever...much love girl

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

New Look

song playin' in my head: "The Reason" by Hoobastank

Thanks to hubby for giving my blog a new look! I get antsy every few months with my current skin. That could be nothing short of my Ariean fickleness- it's why I have to get new frames for my glasses every couple of years and why I have a need to change and color my hair. I dig this skin. For some unknown reason, I've been getting in touch with that whole femininity thang. I've NEVER liked the color pink, I was never into flowers. Why? It was just too damn girly. Maybe the whole step into the new age bracket did something to me...

In any case, I'm liking the pink and I'm liking the flower. And if you didn't notice, I got myself a tagboard now. Yah yah, I succumbed to the pressure of everyone else having one. Lol! So when you pass on by, drop a lil' note and MnM will be a happy camper.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


I can't believe that it's going to be a year since hubby and I made our move out here. It seems like time passed so quickly, but then I'm reminded of that long ass winter in which time seemed to stand still. 'Tis been more than a year already since hubby got his gig out here and a year since we got the keys to our place. How time flies. I find it funny and yet something close to the enjoyment of self-afflicted pain that I'm one to dwell on certain dates, good or bad. Most of the time, it's a pleasant stroll down memory lane to reminisce and do the whole "Remember When's???" Others times, it's being forced back in time to watch a horror movie unfold; it's a broken record that's stuck on the absolute worst part of the song that undeniably sounds like a dying cat. It makes me wonder why I allow myself to indulge in such emotionally questionable behavior, I mean, why do this to myself? Why ride that roller coaster of emotions when at the time, it was the very thing that I wanted to escape the most? Why relive the insanity and chaos of the situation?

I have known people throughout my life who exhaust their efforts to do this very thing. They get so down on themselves that they start to believe that they deserved what happened. No light at the end of the tunnel exists and the burdens upon their shoulders gets heavier and heavier. They are stuck in this unbreakable cycle and since they do not feel capable of feeling happiness, the feeling of acceptance of their "imprisonment" is the best alternative. Others believe that they are alone in the world and that no one can relate to what they're going through. They feel ashamed. They bottle up all of their emotions and keep it to themselves when at the very last moment, they explode and we're left to wonder why.

I would like to believe that I do not fall into any of the aforementioned categories. I would like to believe that with some self-psychoanalysis, I've got a better grip on life to not drive myself crazy with delusions. So why do I relive the worst moments of my life on these "anniversaries?" My answer is simple.

When I look back at the less fascinating moments of my life, I see them as growing pains. A total pain in the ass, but a growing pain nonetheless. I remember how lost, hurt, and utterly confused I felt at the time and see how far I've gotten in life since then. We've all been there. We've been through some serious life-changing sh*t where for the moment, you are perfectly content with wallowing in your own tears and sorrow. Plus, that's part of the healing process. The physical act of crying, venting, lashing out, and hell, eating that pint of ice cream helps make the pain go away. I admit, it's easy to get caught up in the wallowing part the second, third, fourth, or whatever time around, but in all honesty, I see all that sh*t as what makes someone a stronger person...what makes ME a stronger person. It has toughened up my skin. I'm confident that I have learned so much from those moments that there's no way in hell it can repeat itself.

A friend of mine once told me that "after every storm, there's always a rainbow." Though at the time it may not seem like it, the pain subsides and each day becomes bearable again. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel. In light of whatever anniversaries I choose to "celebrate" and remember, it's never in regret. I may feel absolute joy and happiness, or I may feel angry and sad. But that's all there is to it. There's so sense of living and being stuck in the past- we have to live for today. If there is anything to regret, it is learning from the mistakes and not doing jack about it. Everything happens for a reason and purpose...even all the bad sh*t we feel and know we don't deserve. I'm a stronger person because of everything I've been through and I'm proud of how high I've held my head.

Happy Anniversary to me and my moments...til next year.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Notebook

Hubby and I went to see "The Notebook" last night. We weren't able to catch the matinee, but even yet, the $18.50 that we paid covered not only our tix, but a hot dog, nachos, and small popcorn. Dayamn.

I'm a HUGE fan of author Nicholas Sparks. In fact, he is the only author whose entire collection I have thus far. His other novels that became movies that some may be familiar with are "Message in a Bottle" with Kevin Costner and Robin Wright Penn, and "A Walk to Remember" with singer Mandy Moore and Shane West. His style of writing is amazingly honest and it inspires me to write. As with any other book that I read, I can't help but immerse myself into the story. Sparks' novels have a way of drawing you in. His stories are so captivating because they all focus on timeless tales of true love. If you haven't read any of Nicholas Sparks books, it's not the fairytale love stories that always end with a happily ever after. These will pull at the heartstrings one minute, make you laugh another, and still make you sob uncontrollably another. If you're ever in need of a good ass cry, Sparks is the man.

As with any novel that lends itself to being made into a movie, there is always the debate of which is better- the movie or the book. 9 out of 10 times, the book is better. OR, it can also depend if one watched the movie PRIOR to reading the book. Either way, some will defend one or the other. I suppose I can understand the film makers' right to exercise artistic interpretation (as in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner or Azkaban"), but in this case, I felt that the movie should've mirrored the book more closely.

"The Notebook" is one of my favorite books that I can honestly say that I've read almost ten times. The movie was good, too. It made me cry, but then again, when don't I NOT cry at movies? I have to say that I was a tad disappointed. There were so many parts of the book that I felt should've been included. To shorten the movie, I'm assuming, the sequence of events were all jumbled. Then, there was an entirely new character added to the storyline! I've "seen" the movie again and again in my mind and I have a clear picture of what the characters look like, how they react in situations, and how the setting played a major part. Actors Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams looked great onscreen together and their interpretation of their characters was pretty good. James Garner and Gena Rowlands were good, too, but in the book, they're supposed to be very much older than they were in the film. There were so many details that were left out that really make the book much better than the movie. According to the amount of kleenex I used and the sniffling noises I heard around me in the theater, the film still drove its point of true love and miracles through. It's still a "crying movie" and if you ever get a chance to read "The Notebook," do so. (Just don't forget the box of tissue!)

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Birthday Shout-Outs

Just wanted to wish my homie, Josemryosp, a very Happy 31st Birthday! I called him around 8:15am this morning to greet him and surprisingly, he was awake and sounding "irked." Apparently, some of his barkada went to his house early in the morning and woke him up, spraying all kinds of silly stuff on him. According to him, they're going to kidnap him for the day. See, to me that sounds FUN, but perhaps 'cuz he was still half asleep, I could see how a brutha could turn out when his precious sleep is disturbed...Aiya!

I met Josemryosp during my 2nd year at State. Though he hailed from the East Bay, he transferred in from Boston. He joined PACE and instantly became part of the Get-Along-Gang. Get-Along-Gang, if ya'll can remember, was that old skool cartoon about a bunch of animal friends. I can't for the life of me recall why we dubbed ourselves fact, I want to say that one of the O.G. PACErs, Dom probably, called us that. During our 1st year at State, there was only a handful of freshman that joined PACE that year. Because of that newbie bond, we stuck together. There were eight of us- Keyopes, Dimples, ACL, Batalones, MnM, Ignacio, Dr.C, and Guam1. The following year, our lil' groupie extended to Josemryosp, lil' bros Phil and Nickyboy and later, JP. Yah, yah, so we were like a clique, but I have to honestly say that I've had the best of times with these people.

During our freshman year, we bailed out on school so often that it's no surprise I only passed three of my five classes (sorry Mom!). We went "gallivanting" hella times and 'twas the time when I really got to know da City. We'd go to Golden Gate Park in search of the buffalo, but found the waterfalls instead ("the waterfalls with the water falling" - Dimples). We'd drive all the way to the East Bay to get some free Baskin Robbins 'cuz Ignacio worked there or on Advising Day, we'd head out there to go swimming. We really bonded during our PACE years and though hella sh*t went down in our friendships, I'll have to say that those years were probably the best times of my life.

ANYWAYS, excuse the lil' flashback down memory lane! Happy Happy 31st Birthday, Mr. Josemryosp! Blows my mind that we've been friends for over 10 years and going strong. Hope that you have a great day and please, please, please, don't give anyone a beating! Lol! Much love!

Freakin' Ironic

So the camping has been over for four days now and I've gloated enough to hubby how I rarely got bit on the mosquito infested trip...why NOW, in the comfort of my own home, do I have more bug bites than I did out in the wilderness??? WTF? I suppose if you really think about it, it's that time of year when they are out and about like crazy. While we were "out there," bug spray was the "never-leave-the-tent-without-it" thang. Here, I take for granted that I'm safe. Quite the contrary, my friends. They find a way in. I don't know how, but they do. I think I'm going to have to start wearing bug spray along with sunscreen everyday...ain't that a bitch?! Both hubby and I are so paranoid that whenever we feel a need to itch, we automatically think it's a bug. Could be. Remember that whole bit about chiggers and no-see-ums? So small you can't even see 'em? Shiet.

During some down time at camp, hubby and I were hanging out in our tent and I encouraged him to try his hand at writing a poem. Let me say that hubby is a GREAT writer. He doesn't write poems, but when he blogs or writes other non-work related thoughts, he has a way with words and can be eloquent in his own way. For these lil' poems that he wrote, keep in mind that bugs were the #1 complaint of our entire trip. Plus, remember that lil' bit about me finding a tick in girlfriend's hair? Hubby creeped out 'cuz he doesn't know what they look like. Hahaha, I think this inspired him. Without further adieu, hubby's haikus:

In My Hair
by Doh

Bugs flying everywhere
Creepy crawlies everywhere
Look! Is that a tick?!

The Lake At Dawn
by Doh

Calm is the water
The lonely boat drifts away
Look! Is that a tick?!

Ain't that some deep sh*t?! Lol! It's all love, baby!