Friday, November 21, 2003

Dream Catcher

You know, I will blame this entire entry on my conversation with best buddy of mine, Firemarshall J. We were talking about dreams the other day. We exchanged sometimes eerie descriptions of the dreams we've had in the past and with my expert psychological background (hee hee), we contemplated the underlying meaning of them. I, of course, devised my own interpretation and the more we discussed them, the more I came to believe that I may not have been too far from the truth. Perhaps. Dreams are supposed to be "live pictures" of our subconscious thoughts. Many have recurring dreams. Mostly all of us have had dreams where we are falling, only to wake up the moment we are supposed to hit the ground; others are being chased and/or you find yourself frozen in fear without any voice to call out for help. These dreams are common and I believe that they have something or other to do with anxiety. Anxiety about a test the following day, an important meeting, a date, whatever. But other dreams, like the ones Firemarshall J and I talked about, are just too intriguing to dismiss as a regular anxiety dream.

These other dreams, I believe, have more to do with an explanation of why you do or act a certain way. I believe that our dreams are often our own way of dealing with pain, hurt, conflict, happiness, joy, etc. If we delve more into our dreams, there could be signs pointing us in a particular direction different from our chosen paths- or vice versa. Then, there are our nightmares. Yah, I don't really want to do into those. These have something to do with a conflict going on in our lives. Although we may all dream of some monster or boogie man, those frightening images represent some kind of obstacle in our life, something that we have to conquer, face, and overcome. Well, according to me anyways.

I find that when I can remember my dreams in full detail. Most of the time. I can tell you what color shirt someone was wearing or the kind of dog that barked as I walked by. I also dream in color. I never thought about this until my sister's friend Jane mentioned that she dreamt in black and white. Interesting, eh? I also noticed that when I dream about something, it USUALLY comes true. Not always, but usually. It can be the most minor thing such as bumping my knee on the table and it happening the following day. But this is a whole other topic of what I believe is my 6th sense about things, my ESP. Let's save that for another day, shall we? =)

Anyways, I had a really disturbing dream last night. I woke up crying and had this terrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. The details are clear in my mind. It takes place in my parents' kitchen in San Francisco. My mom and my ninong (?) are sitting around the table, my sister and bro-in-law are at the counter getting food ready, and my dad is standing in the doorway. I'm also at the table, trying to load up some kind of weapon. Why? Because it's during wartime. I don't know if it takes place today, but sure enough, you hear bullets and bombing everywhere. Something goes wrong as I load this weapon and the artillery turns out to be an explosive. It's like a grenade 'cuz I remember that I had time to scream for everyone to get down and my mom said in the saddest voice,"This is it. Goodbye everyone." I ran and took cover near my dad in the hallway and the explosion took out most of the kitchen. There was so much rubble and debris. My dad and I were okay, but when we made our way into the kitchen, the bodies of the rest of my family were limp. We were crying as we cleared a path from the debris. I made it to my mom and I was shaking her and yelling for her to wake up. She did. My brother in law was okay, too. But when I got to my sister, it didn't look like she made it. We lay her on the sofa (which, btw, was our old green sofa that hubby and i got rid of) and all of a sudden, she regained consciousness. Everyone was just crying and hugging each other- the last thing I remember was hugging my sister.

So, what the heck does this dream mean? I sincerely doubt that it has anything to do with being in war conditions. But perhaps it means that I've been away from family too long and that a visit is long overdue. I honestly don't know. It was scary, it felt real, and when I woke up, I felt so sad and vulnerable. Sometimes, there are dreams that are just dreams. But dammit Firemarshall started this! NOW, I gotta figure out this AND the red eyes. Great. Your interpretation???

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