Wednesday, November 05, 2003


Doesn't that sound like the beginning to another inspired poem? Well, it just might be. First of all, I really need to start sleeping at a regular hour. This whole not working thang has got me comfortably sleeping in when other folks are getting ready for work. And while these same people are taking off for lunch, I'm just having my morning cereal. Not cool. I definitely don't have that stamina like I did in college to be pulling all-nighters anymore...I'm gettin' old...I need a nap in the afternoon. Second of all, I finally pulled out these pajamas I bought at Victoria's Secret. I've been waiting for just the right time to wear 'em. And if you're thinking of anything besides these thermal-like jammies that I have, then you're crazy to think I'd wear anything else in this cold 30 degree weather! Corrupted minds, I tell you. So this receives a place on my irritation list 'cuz when we had bought this back in CA, I distinctly remember the beeper alarm go off as we left VS. We bring our bag of purchases back, only to find out that there's no security tag of any kind that was left. So we're free to go, and once we got home, it went straight into the sea of boxes to be packed. I take it out and what the heck is this thing at the bottom of the jammy leg? A security tag! I cursed the saleslady from VS and for a split second, believe that the women who work there are all superficial and hello? How hard is it to find the tag and take if off? Maybe if they didn't use all that makeup and hairspray, it won't affect their ability to do their job! Okay, that was uncalled for. My apologies. *breathe in, breathe out* So I struggle with a pair of scissors, hubby takes out his computer tools, and I'm about resigned that I'm just going to have to cut the darn thing off and live with a hole. But through much determination, finally success! And my cute baby blue thermal jammies stayed intact. Yay!

But here's the kicker. My current University of Phoenix class is on Diversity in the Classroom. Its focus is on special education, legislation surrounding disabilities, and ensuring everyone gets treated equally. It's been an interesting first week thus far, but I tire of ignorant comments by ignorant people. The whole issue of diversity runs the gamut from race, religion, gender, ability, socio-economic, etc, so it's not a surprise when the topic turns to cultural diversity. I guess I have a problem with people who rave on and on about accepting people for who they are, preaching how the best way to teach diversity and tolerance in the classroom is by putting up maps and pictures of different countries of the world, and yet, their own attitudes are screwed up and hypocritical. People are agreeing with these issues because it's the right and politically correct thing to do. They deny that they have any judgmental bone in their body. Everyone is saying what is supposed to be said. I don't want to go so much into it, but that's at the top of my irritation list today.

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