Monday, November 10, 2003

To Do List

Let's review.
1. Start sleeping at decent hour.
- Obviously, I didn't do that. After posting about 12:45am, I started browsing the web and took some personality and IQ tests. Will discuss that later. And oh, will definitely do #1 tonight.

2. Get up no later than 9am.
- Well, considering that I didn't get to bed until 4am, going an hour and a half beyond my targeted time is a good start. *Dammit, will do that one tomorrow.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast- include fruit and cereal.
- Yay! I did this one! Had a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats with 2% Reduced Fat Milk. Also had a juicy, yellow apple. Yum.

4. Do some stretching and exercise.
- Yay again! I started doing some stretches while watching the Wayne Brady show. Did the whole Larawan warm-up routine...basics, Panggalay movements to work the arms, and other dance/ballet positions.

Alright, two out of four ain't bad so far. It's still early in the day...must work on #5 and #6. Oh! I also forgot to add to my list one more thing.

7. Start writing up my Christmas cards. Personal deadline: Thanksgiving.

Yes, must definitely start on that one...

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