I Wish...
I wish that ya'll can see just how beautiful it is outside. The freshly fallen snow laying untouched doesn't seem real until you step into it. Not quite a blizzard or any sort of major snow storm, the snow falls gently coating everything it touches in white. The snow fills every crevice and crack, packs itself onto the branches of the trees and rooftops, and creates a perfect occasion to stay indoors.
Surprisingly, it isn't that cold. We're at a cool 18 degrees. The last 82 hours had us and the entire state of Minnesota in below zero temps. Apparently, it was too cold to snow!
But as much as we wanted to stay underneath the warmth of our IKEA down comforter, 'tis church day today. Hubby flipped the blinds in our room to find the entire preserve behind our apartment completely white. We went to the living room to check the parking lot and all I could say is, "Wow!" No snowplows had come through yet and no tire tracks had been made. After the whole awe of the postcard picture perfect sight, we came to a major halt (think cartoon car screeching...). Hold up...as pretty as it is out, we gotta go out in it! Aw man...
We got ready for church, making sure we had them thermals tightly tucked in, and just prayed that we'd get to our destination safely. Just as we thought, even the freeways had not been plowed. The roads were slippery...oh, were they slippery! It always makes me nervous whenever we drive in fresh snow. The only feeling I had was the knot inside my stomach, holding my breath as we inched our way down the on-ramp. Doesn't help that the Lex isn't quite built for snow and plus, there's all these drivers who lose all sense of speed, as in going too fast than conditions allow. Cars spun here and there, ours included, and just made my entire body tense.
Lil' Brats
Since our move to MN, I told myself that I would make an effort to get more involved, whether it be for church or with the community via folk dancing. On Saturdays, I've been helping out the PSA (Philippine Students Associaton) at the University of Minnesota with their upcoming fashion show. They want to showcase a few dances from the motherland and I'm there to teach them dances such as Pandanngo Sa Ilaw/Oasioas and Binasuan. It's cool. I feel transported back to my college PACE days, but hanging out with these 19-year olds reminds me how old I really am. It's going to the big 3-0 this year, people...good Lord!
Anyways, I've decided to volunteer my time at church working with the little kids. I feel like I've been outta the loop since I haven't been working and what better way to get back into it? There is a portion of the service where the kids go to the front while an auntie teaches them a quick lesson. Just looking at the group of kids, 3/4 of the rugrats ain't even paying attention. They then proceed to go into a sideroom to continue the lesson and draw to their heart's content. Hahaha, well, what the heck did I get myself into?! Those kids, those rugrats, those monsters were the most hyper and uncontrolled kids I've ever been in the same room with! Now today was going to be my "observation" day, y'know, just to see what it is they do while the adults do their thang and worship. But I soon learned that my tasks included getting them to stay in their seats, stop playing with their toys, and listen....which, btw, seemed completely impossible. Now ya'll might be saying, "You were a teacher, for goodness sake!" Yes, I was. BUT, I had rules, procedures, and a no tolerance rule of speaking and/or fooling around when the teacher is speaking. There were reasons why my class was organized and deemed "well-behaved" by other teachers. But as much as I want to get involved with the church, I don't think I can hang. The children range from 2-7 years old...NOT the age group I prefer to work with.
Now perhaps the term "monsters" may have been too harsh, but when you get hit by a kid because you rightfully take something away, oooohhhhh.....'twas about self-control on my part to lay down the law, fo' reals. They're not my students, I know, but if someone, ANYONE were to teach them how to listen and be polite to each other including their own parents, well shoot, our time with them would go much smoother. But that's just me. Was I tired after that hour an a half with them? Dude...those lil' brats wore me out. I definitely have to pray about this. Do me a favor and pray for it, too. Much love...
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