Monday, August 25, 2003

I'm Inspired!
Most of you know that I'm not one to spend so much time in the kitchen...unless I'm taste-testing...but I've been watching the Food Network lately, and I'm thinking, hey, I can do that! Before I left the City, I was so excited when I saw some cool Philippine cookbooks at Costco- yes, Costco! It was the picture of the Banaue rice terraces that caught my eye...which, btw, are considered one of the 7 Wonders of the World! Anyways, I couldn't resist and got that along with another Pilipino cookbook. Hmm...for some reason, I just don't think I'd be able to find those in Minnesota....but that's just me! Oh, and just wanted to share with those I haven't already, but one of the last meals I cooked in Foster City was, get ready for this, chicken adobo! Whoo hoo- my first Pinoy dish! As "easy" as everyone says it is, I did have a lil' panic anxiety attack when I couldn't quite balance the vinegar and soy I add vinegar?.....more soy sauce? I water it down?..... So here I am, with the recipe in front of me (Kapangpangan style, of course!), calling my mom AND my Ate, and desperately trying to get that "ang sarap" taste... Pathetic, eh? BUT, to my surprise, after the anxiety episode, it tasted GOOD! There was just ONE thing that I didn't take into consideration though...and yes, I'm embarrassed to admit, but... You know how you're supposed to add all the ingredients together from the start, right? And I'm always seeing my parents taking a taste to make sure it's just right.... well, for some ODD reason, I was having a difficult time doing that while it was boiling. Haha, let's read that again..."while it was boiling." HELLOOOOO! I'm supposed to do the whole tasting thang BEFORE boiling it! SIRA NG ULO!!! Man, I can only imagine what my Mom would've said if she knew that....I can see her now shaking her head... WELL, I'm attempting my second try at it tonight. Note to self: taste BEFORE boiling! Okay, I think I'll get it right this time....although I have to say that it was "sarap ng sarap" before...just a TAD bit strong! Tis cool though, that's Kapangpangan style! You know! (haha, yah, that LIL' ghetto side comes out now and then...don't let it scare you!) WORD!

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