Friday, August 22, 2003

The "Fast" Tinikling
Tonight we checked out CSFA (Cultural Society of Filipino Americans) dance company. Hubby and I walked up and met with some of the older ladies/founders. These "aunties" were just loungin' outside while we were talking and here we were trying to fight off the horde of bugs that were attacking us! Anyways, since hubby had gone the week before, they were "expecting" me. The president of the group was so inviting and friendly and continued to welcome me. She also said that she hopes that not only will I be participating, but teaching as well. (eh???) I honestly just wanted to check the practice out, you know, keep in the back and observe. So we walked into the room and I saw tinikling sticks laid out. Dancers ranged from about age 8 to about mid 40's. Kuya Gary, the instructor, was in the middle of explaining something when he saw me. He immediately welcomed me and pointed me toward some sticks. I wasn't prepared to join in right away and heck, I didn't even stretch! But I kicked off my shoes and joined in. So lucky me, they were learning the "fast Tinikling." I say "lucky" 'cuz hey, I'm in the best shape I've ever been and it's only been 4 years since I've done ANY kind of dancing and yes, at 29 years old, I'm in my prime for doing the "fast Tinikling."

In Tinikling, it's all about speed and form. You don't want to look like you're trying to catch up. Perhaps it was due to all that gasping for air, but I just couldn't figure out my left from my right. I felt so baliktad! Although I haven't danced in 4 years, there are still certain moves that I have ingrained in my which arm goes up when you enter the tinikling sticks! But I kept telling myself to forget all the dances and choreography that I knew. So I went with it and tried my best to keep up. I forgot to mention that I hadn't eaten the entire day and the only thing in my stomach was blueberry slushy from Target! So here I was jammin' to the fast Tinikling without any food in my stomach about to pass out! (but hey, I kept my form and I didn't look down at the sticks! whoo hoo!)

Pasko Na Naman
Overall, it was a good practice. I got to talking with Kuya Gary and Ate Glen (the president). One of the other founders asked hubby and me if we'd like to join in their Christmas caroling. My first thought was, "Singing outside in the snow?!" haha, okay, um, that would be a no. As hubby would say, "That would be a no on that fly-by, Ghost Rider." Hopefully hubby could bust out the guitar for them as we sing "Pasko Na Naman" while I pile on the hat, scarf, mittens, jacket, boots, etc. Weather-wise, it was surprisingly very cool. Not much humidity...actually felt like San Francisco weather! =)

I'm looking forward to going back and dancing with CSFA. Okay, so I don't think I'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning...I was using muscles that have been dormant for way too long! But the "pain" is a good-kind-of-pain, if there's such a thing. It felt good to dance again...and I'm sure it'll be even greater to perform, too! Til then, I gotta pick up the pace and keep up with the kiddies doing "the fast Tinikling." Notice it's the "fast" version vs. the regular one. Should I have eased in with the regular one? Would I have done better and would I have been able to keep up had one of my lungs not collapsed? Probably. The "fast" Tinikling. Shiet.