Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Back to Polly Esthers!
Or so I thought! Late last night, I felt that I was being transported across time and space and thrust back onto the crowded, musty, hips-grindin' dance floor of Club Polly Esther's! Okay, so there wasn't any bumpin' and grindin' happening...and there wasn't even a crowd or any musty smells (thankfully!). But what brought it back was the strobe lights I experienced happening outside my apartment! Goodness gracious me! Some people like to think lightning storms are cool and fascinating....YES, indeed they are! But to be quite frank, (and I ain't ashamed to admit it!), thunder scares the s*it outta me! I've been told, "Oh, you've yet to experience Minnesota thunder and lightning storms." (the same has been said about the snow storms, too!). But on the contrary, I HAVE experienced the lightning and the thunder. The first time was when hubby and I were shacked up downtown Minneapolis. Hubby gone to work and left me all by my lonesome. It started raining. Ah, that's nice...I've always loved the sound of raindrops hitting the roof and window pane. Us being on the top floor, I pushed aside the thick hotel curtains to watch and listen. All of a sudden, KA-BLAM! (yah, just like the old school Batman & Robin episodes!). The crack of thunder was deafening and the entire night sky lit up like it was the 4th of July! WHOA! When I say "deafening," I mean it in all sense of the word.

So last night was the exact same thing....I've been experiencing this whole insomnia thang and around 4:30am, I heard lil' raindrops on my window. "Ooohh, it's raining!," I thought. I opened up the venetians only to be met with blinding light! Before I knew it, the whole sky was lit up- wow! It was an awesome sight, but when that thunder hit, goodness gracious me, oh, did it hit! Like I mentioned, I'm not ashamed to say that thunder creeps me out. It's like that whole jumping out from behind the door kind of never expect it. You know how when you were younger, you were told, "Don't look directly at the sun or you'll become blind." Haha, I was thinking of that very thing last night as I set my sights on the night sky. "Can lightning blind you?" You know, I don't even know the answer to that question, but as stubborn, knuckle-headed kids paid no mind to those "look at the sun or you'll be blinded" warning, but sure enough there I was staring at the sky. Do I think that lightning can cause blindness? NOW I do! Needless to say, I ended up falling asleep in the living room with the blinds open. I remember "seeing" the lightning with my eyes closed. The thunder ceased its thundering and I succumbed to my slumber at last.

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