Adobo Update
One word: YUM! Turned out even better than the first time. My parents would be proud. =)
Who DOESN'T love Oprah?!
Oprah, Oprah, Oprah...I love this woman! Today's episode focused on "Coming to America", not like the Eddie Murphy classic, but the real, true stories of peoples' journey to the land of milk and honey. There were so many touching stories that, of course, made me run and get my kleenex box. Hubby always teases me that if and when I ever get to see a live taping of the show, the camera would constantly be on me! The camera guys will be like, "Camera 2, get that bawling girl in aisle 17"- you know how they always show the weepy women with the quivering lips dabbing at their eyes...that's SO me! Hey, I can't help it if I get easily touched! It just happens...the tears well up and I get that choking feeling...happens a lot during Kodak or Hallmark commercials...or when I'm reading a really good book...or when Sam stubbornly goes into the water, sinks, and Frodo rescues him...or when Danny dies in Pearl Harbor and tell Rafe that he's going to be a daddy...or in this case, while watching Oprah! Did you know that where I live in MN is only about 3 hours away from Chicago? Oh my!
On a Serious Note
Back to the stories...I won't get into detail, but they were all triumphant, make-you-feel-good-and-it's-okay-to-cry-about-it stories. It made me think about what my parents had to go through as they left the Philippines. It must have been so hard to leave family and friends behind, but knowing in their hearts that the United States would provide them with so many more opportunities. It's the same story of trying to seek a better life for their children, to give them what they never had. I'm so thankful that my parents' journey didn't involve walking hundreds of miles on foot...escaping the war-torn country and risking death at every turn...fearing rape and torture...traveling by freighter or boat with hundreds of others, praying to reach America in one piece and trying not to catch any diseases and/or diarrhea that ran rampant in those conditions. No, my parents arrived in America by plane. Because my Lola had come before them, they were fortunate to have a place to stay. They didn't flee their homeland because of fear for their survival...they left to pursue greater opportunities for their family...for my sister and me. Each story told pulled on the heartstrings of many, mine included. It makes me appreciate my parents SO MUCH for all the sacrifices they have endured through the years. Makes me teary-eyed when I think to how scared they must have been, yet proud of what they did. That's pure love for the family.
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