Sunday, August 31, 2003

Dad's okay!
Removal of the aneurysm was a success! Friday's surgery took 3 hours and of course, the waiting was the worst. When he had his quadruple bypass surgery, Doh and I went to Serramonte to kill time! This time, I went back to my parent's house and tried to rest up. Pops was in good spirits before the surgery...even after having been pricked numerous times by the nurse who said she just couldn't find a vein for the I.V. and having another one insert a catheter up to his bladder. Now maybe I missed that episode on ER, but I didn't really know what a catheter was. It basically enables the patient to empty the bladder through a tube that's inserted, well, up through where it comes out of...think about that one. Just seems more painful for men, I think. (Ouch!) My Dad became a star on Friday...of a training video for med students! The doctor asked permission to videotape the surgery and my Dad consented...NOT that we'd be able to see it...NOT that I'd want to anyways 'cuz it'd only be close-ups of the incisions, but nonetheless "cool." Can you imagine? "Hey guys, check it out! This is the part where they make the 1st incision...this is where they insert the stent...oh, and hey, check out my Dad's aorta!" Um, no. With the major surgery done and after staying in the Recovery room for a few hours, Dad got the thumbs up from the doctor to proceed to his own room and not to I.C.U. Today, Dad was up doing his exercise of laps around the hospital floor. Doing well and walking fine, considering where the incisions were. Got to see the battle scars today. I had heard that staples were used to close up the wounds, but I wasn't expecting METAL STAPLES! (y'know, the shiny silver ones!) It looked like someone got an ordinary desk stapler and went down the line! Was somewhat traumatized momentarily and thinking about it still makes me cringe. Don't even want to think about how they're going to take 'em out...

What is it?
What my dad actually had was an AAA, or abdominal aortic aneurysm. Basically, it's an aneurysm in his stomach. Before he was diagnosed, I originally thought aneurysms only happened in the brain. Many relatives on my mom's side have passed on because of this and it turns out that aneurysms are hereditary. Greaaaaattttt. There are other things that contribute to this, that being high blood pressure, smoking, nutrition and exercise. But the scary thing is, these will usually go undetected unless one is given some kind of x-ray. Thankfully, that's what happened to my Dad. We had no idea. Had he not gotten his quadruple bypass, we would never have known about the growing aneurysm in his stomach. According to studies, women are more likely than men to have abdominal aneurysms; vice-versa for the brain. What it really comes down to is being cognizant of our own body and its pains. We often dismiss headaches and other such ailments as nothing, but only WE can determine if it feels normal or abnormal for us. I'm not saying that a headache signifies an aneurysm, but it's happened to the most unlikely people in our lives and the best thing that we can do about it is up our awareness on things. Google it. Check out the research. Read the FAQs.

Maraming Salamat
Just want to say thanks for keeping my Dad in your prayers. Prayer is truly a powerful thing and I believe that each and every one of them were heard. Much love...

Saturday, August 30, 2003

What a Trek!
I finally made it, after what seemed like forever! What was supposed to be a total of 4 hours travel time, turned out to be 8! Let me humor you with my story: boarded the plane at Minneapolis and arrived safely in Phoenix...time to transfer= 30 minutes- took a badly needed bathroom break...boarded a flight en route from Phoenix to SFO. 30 minutes away from SFO, the captain announces that the flight attendants and some passengers in the back have detected a mysterious odor and because they don't know what it is, he's turning the plane around and heading back to Phoenix. Wait! I sit in the back and do I smell anything weird? that Bengay I smell?! As the announcement ends, the grunts, groans, bitching, and whining commence..."Are you serious?!" "Why can't we fly into a closer airport?!" "I can't believe that this is happening to ME!" "Did you know I switched to this flight thinking I'd arrive earlier?!" "Can't they just figure it out in San Francisco?!" and my personal favorite, "Shit!" ('scuse the French!). The plane does an about face, we land in Phoenix yet again...deja vu?...are quickly led to another gate and are put in two lines according to last name...course, everyone just had to bum-rush the gate..somehow feeling like a herd of cows as we slowly inch forward....Moooooo!....are encouraged to "quickly take our seat" by a much-too-perky flight attendant...hey! same seats, lady!....awww man, how'd that guy buy pizza and get to his seat so fast?!...we get seated and buckled in and much-too-perky flight attendant announces that we should be leaving in about 10 minutes...YAY! shouts of joy- literally...20 minutes later, MTP flight attendant explains that the original pilots of our other plane cannot continue with the flight due to FDA regulations- they gotta find another crew...crap, another 20 minutes....more grunts, groans, bitching, and whining...MTP, now only "just perky", tells us that hey, we've got one pilot, but they're having difficulty finding the other one! Eh??? Now mind you, everyone is seated, buckled, flight attendants ready to go, co-pilot in place, captain nowhere to be seen, and this all takes place in an UNcooled grounded airplane in Arizona where the temp outside is 105 and passengers are cranky, hungry, and about ready to bop that perky flight attendant on the head if she delivers more bad news! "Don't shoot, I'm just the messenger!", I know, I know! I see her about to make an the corner of my eye are some disgruntled passengers about to throw their shoe at someone! Not-so-perky announces that yes, they found the pilot and yes, he's on his way...AND since it's so damn hot, they're having some water and snacks brought over- btw: snacks = chips and salsa. Whatever. I'm hungry! Balding Asian guy in suspenders blurts out, "Is it free? I just want to make sure it's free!" Dude, if it wasn't, you'd refuse and choose to dehydrate?! It's free buddy, absolutely free. Goodness! Much to my surprise, the grunts, groans, bitching, and whining escalates..."That water BETTER be cold!" "Snacks?! That's it?!" "I want a meal, we deserve a free meal!"An annoying lady directly in back of me keeps complaining and as she does, her legs or knees are digging into my back...she had better have some uncontrolled spasms in her legs 'cuz I'm about to tell her how I really my head thinking, "Shut up already! Damn!" Now I have to say that NOT all the passengers decided to gripe about one thing or another...I'd say about 1/2 of the people were cool, calm, and collected. That's me baby! Ain't no use crying over spilled milk- as the saying goes...The people in my row were cool, friendly, 40ish, laughing and makin' jokes...I offer them fruit Mentos ("the fresh maker!") to hold them over...ever so grateful are they! Captain comes, we take off, I bury my nose into a book that I had no intention of finishing, but do, and we arrive in SFO three hours behind schedule...

Forgot to Mention...
I have E.S.P. Don't laugh! Actually, hehe, EVERYONE has it...just depends how OPEN you are to it... I'm not a psychic or anything...if I was, I'd be a LOTTO winner already....but I do get these "feelings" and/or thoughts before certain events happen. Some call it a coincidence, but I call it my "sixth sense." (I said, "sixth" people, NOT "sick!"). I had a feeling that something might happen to the plane. 'Course, the other stuff that followed that original thought ends in a fiery crash, but let's not go there! The thought trickled out as fast as it came. Did our plane turn around for nothing? Get this: the captain explained that the mysterious odor the flight attendants smelled were the fumes of the dying battery...THE BATTERY! As he commended his crew for a job well done, he further explained that the decision to turn back was a VERY GOOD; if we hadn't, our safety would have definitely been in danger...Good Lord! The Good Lord was watchin' over us!

A "Quickie"
As I'm waiting to board my flight, the white courtesy operator makes an announcement, "Peter Weiner...Peter Weiner...white courtesy telephone...Peter Weiner." Did ANYONE ELSE just hear that?! "Peter Weiner...Peter Weiner..." Oh my gosh, this is such a Chandler moment that I so wish I could share it with Doh! "Peter Weiner..." Am I the ONLY ONE who's going to bust out laughing at this childish and immature, yet so deserving moment?! "Peter Weiner..." Alas! What's that? Was that muffled laughter? Snickering perhaps? SCORE! The couple next to me starts laughing and I crack a childish...=p

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Back to the Bay!
I'm about to head out on a flight back to da City today. Pretty excited, but sad to leave hubby behind.=( Wish I was going under better circumstances...Dad's having surgery once again. We pray that everything will go just fine and as the doctors say, "it's just a routine procedure." Don't know about that...ain't nothing routine about goin' under the knife! But happy to say that since my dad's quadruple bypass surgery, he's been recovering quite well! Still not his 100%, but well enough to carry out the parental nagging as all mom and pops do. It's all love! In any case, keep him in your prayers, will ya?

Excited about...
Seeing mom and pops...seeing my sister and family...playing with my godkids...sleeping on a real bed- damn you, Aerobed!...eating homecooked meals...visiting old job...seeing friends...seeing and hearing the ocean waves...da dear Honda!

Things I'll Be Missin' in MN
My hubby...high-speed hubby...da bugs...NOT! hubby...a/c on 24/ hubby.

Well, got to go catch a flight. Next time I see ya'll, I'll be in CA. Much love...

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Make-over...part II!
With html-expertise at his fingertips, hubby Doh-boy has given my blog a makeover! Whoo hoo! I feel like I've just been on Oprah!, okay, maybe not. But yah, just a few things to note...aside from the beautiful, calming, cool blue colors, ya'll can leave some comments if you so desire...the blog title is in a different font...does it give you that asian-sorta-feel? It does for me! Plus, there's a lil' meter on the side that I've always thought was cool. So what if the most frequent visitor is MYSELF! Do check out the links to the left and hey, if there's a link you think I should add, well by all means, let me know. I've also recently joined Oprah's Book Club of the Month...yes people, it's back from the ashes! I'm constantly searching for good reads out there, and hell, if it's good for Oprah, then it's all good with me! Anyways, hope you like the new look of my blog...I sure do! Much love...
Adobo Update
One word: YUM! Turned out even better than the first time. My parents would be proud. =)

Who DOESN'T love Oprah?!
Oprah, Oprah, Oprah...I love this woman! Today's episode focused on "Coming to America", not like the Eddie Murphy classic, but the real, true stories of peoples' journey to the land of milk and honey. There were so many touching stories that, of course, made me run and get my kleenex box. Hubby always teases me that if and when I ever get to see a live taping of the show, the camera would constantly be on me! The camera guys will be like, "Camera 2, get that bawling girl in aisle 17"- you know how they always show the weepy women with the quivering lips dabbing at their eyes...that's SO me! Hey, I can't help it if I get easily touched! It just happens...the tears well up and I get that choking feeling...happens a lot during Kodak or Hallmark commercials...or when I'm reading a really good book...or when Sam stubbornly goes into the water, sinks, and Frodo rescues him...or when Danny dies in Pearl Harbor and tell Rafe that he's going to be a daddy...or in this case, while watching Oprah! Did you know that where I live in MN is only about 3 hours away from Chicago? Oh my!

On a Serious Note
Back to the stories...I won't get into detail, but they were all triumphant, make-you-feel-good-and-it's-okay-to-cry-about-it stories. It made me think about what my parents had to go through as they left the Philippines. It must have been so hard to leave family and friends behind, but knowing in their hearts that the United States would provide them with so many more opportunities. It's the same story of trying to seek a better life for their children, to give them what they never had. I'm so thankful that my parents' journey didn't involve walking hundreds of miles on foot...escaping the war-torn country and risking death at every turn...fearing rape and torture...traveling by freighter or boat with hundreds of others, praying to reach America in one piece and trying not to catch any diseases and/or diarrhea that ran rampant in those conditions. No, my parents arrived in America by plane. Because my Lola had come before them, they were fortunate to have a place to stay. They didn't flee their homeland because of fear for their survival...they left to pursue greater opportunities for their family...for my sister and me. Each story told pulled on the heartstrings of many, mine included. It makes me appreciate my parents SO MUCH for all the sacrifices they have endured through the years. Makes me teary-eyed when I think to how scared they must have been, yet proud of what they did. That's pure love for the family.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Joke For the Day
I originally got this as an email and was going to forward it, yet again, to some lucky recipients whom I call "friends"...Pssst..that's YOU! I was going to subject it, "From one intelligent woman to another." Don't know about you, but I'm undecided how I feel about "forwards." The people that send them DO think about putting you on that mass email what if it's only a matter of a click here and click there. BUT, they have so much time to read something AND send it on, YET don't have time to put in a lil' personal note of hello and how are you?! I see "forwards" as some kind of cop-out for keeping in falls into that category of the "Hey, how are you?" but btw: I don't really have time to chat and get into detail of how you're REALLY was just the polite thing to say. If you don't have any interest in how I'm doing, for goodness sake, DON'T ASK! So, um, yah, here's the joke of the day....hehe, enjoy!

~Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten men and one woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall. They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids, or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return. As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping their hands.......~

Tada! Thank you, thank you...(bowing). To my fellow intelligent women out there, have a terrific day! Oh, and to the other less dominant sex, the MEN, uh, yah, you guys have a good day, too. (smirk, smirk!) LOL! It's all love people!
The Last Flashback...I swear!
Okay, now I'm going to have to blame my sister for this one! Back in the day on Saturday afternoons, after my Ate and I have spent the morning cleaning house, we'd always watch t.v. Nothing spectacular, eh? But the shows that I watched weren't really typical of 7 or 8 year-olds. My sister and I are seven years apart, and her being the older one, I never really had a say of which channel to watch. I remember looking forward to watching Erol Flynn in episodes of "Zorro," that mysterious masked man who'd leave his trademark "Z" with a sword. How about all the Frankie and Annette beach series? Remember those?! I totally loved the "Tammy" series..."Tammy and the Doctor," and all the other "Tammy and the...(whatever occupation the main guy was)." I loved those 'cuz Tammy was this hopeless romantic...and what did an 8 year old know about being a hopeless romantic?! 'Course there'd always be singing somewhere in the episode, too! Singing? Yea! C'mon now, this is the same time period as the ever popular Grease! Twas totally cool back then..and STILL is to me! ANYWAYS, besides the "Tammy" series, there was the "Gidget" series. I just finished watching "Gidget Grows Up." For those of you who've never watched this one (or EVER watched it at all!), it was about this immature, young girl named Frances whose nickname was Gidget. The man of her dreams for as long as she can remember is Jeff, or, and please don't ask 'cuz I sure don't know, nicknamed "Moondoggie." From what I recall, lots of the episodes took place frolicking in the sand and surf. I'm guessing the genre took place in the 60's. Well, this one episode was probably the LAST one because it goes through the "I'm grown up now and don't need you in my life" storyline, only to end up in marriage. It's just such a sweet story, so innocent, and so fresh. No cuss words, no sex, just the simple (and corny!) love story of how they've always loved each other and how they're meant to be. Ah...if love and life were only that simple..... Okay, that's the last of those flashbacks...Moving on.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Sweet Tooth
Still on the Food Network thang...there's a show called "Unwrapped." Tonight's episode focused on Retro Candy. Remember those "Fun Dips"- you know, those white popsicle looking candy sticks that you dip into different flavors? I mean, it was pure sugar (like Pixie Sticks!), but they were divided so you can eat the cherry after the grape! LOL! How about "Sugar Daddy" or "Charleston Chew" or "Necco Wafers?" Omigoodness, talk about going back to your childhood! There's actually this company that specializes in candy from the past. They have their own stock of candy that you probably can't find anywhere else. They shared some emails they received from people who were just ecstatic about finally finding a certain candy. Some people are just so nostalgic that certain candies just put them over the top! Get this- you can even order a decades box that will have a variety of old school candy from either the 50's, 60's, or the 70's. The box even says, "Don't open unless you were a child in the 70's!" During the email sharing portion, they mentioned how this grandma was searching and searching for a certain candy. Gosh, they made it sound like it was her last dying wish! In any case, if ya'll are looking for some old school candy that you totally must have or just looking for your own blast to the past, check out Home Town Favorites. My guess is, in about 10 more years or so, these so-called "retro candy" will include "Lemon Heads," "Now or Later" and "Chicklets." (Goodness me, "Chicklets" should've been on tonight's episode...those are nowhere to be found!) Oh, and btw: if you know of any other candy that COULD be considered "retro," drop me a line and let me know! Happy hunting!
I'm Inspired!
Most of you know that I'm not one to spend so much time in the kitchen...unless I'm taste-testing...but I've been watching the Food Network lately, and I'm thinking, hey, I can do that! Before I left the City, I was so excited when I saw some cool Philippine cookbooks at Costco- yes, Costco! It was the picture of the Banaue rice terraces that caught my eye...which, btw, are considered one of the 7 Wonders of the World! Anyways, I couldn't resist and got that along with another Pilipino cookbook. Hmm...for some reason, I just don't think I'd be able to find those in Minnesota....but that's just me! Oh, and just wanted to share with those I haven't already, but one of the last meals I cooked in Foster City was, get ready for this, chicken adobo! Whoo hoo- my first Pinoy dish! As "easy" as everyone says it is, I did have a lil' panic anxiety attack when I couldn't quite balance the vinegar and soy I add vinegar?.....more soy sauce? I water it down?..... So here I am, with the recipe in front of me (Kapangpangan style, of course!), calling my mom AND my Ate, and desperately trying to get that "ang sarap" taste... Pathetic, eh? BUT, to my surprise, after the anxiety episode, it tasted GOOD! There was just ONE thing that I didn't take into consideration though...and yes, I'm embarrassed to admit, but... You know how you're supposed to add all the ingredients together from the start, right? And I'm always seeing my parents taking a taste to make sure it's just right.... well, for some ODD reason, I was having a difficult time doing that while it was boiling. Haha, let's read that again..."while it was boiling." HELLOOOOO! I'm supposed to do the whole tasting thang BEFORE boiling it! SIRA NG ULO!!! Man, I can only imagine what my Mom would've said if she knew that....I can see her now shaking her head... WELL, I'm attempting my second try at it tonight. Note to self: taste BEFORE boiling! Okay, I think I'll get it right this time....although I have to say that it was "sarap ng sarap" before...just a TAD bit strong! Tis cool though, that's Kapangpangan style! You know! (haha, yah, that LIL' ghetto side comes out now and then...don't let it scare you!) WORD!

Sunday, August 24, 2003

School is starting...
It's that time of year again. School is starting for everyone...but me! Not to sound so pathetic or anything, but I WISH I was busy getting a classroom ready.... buying class stuff at teacher stores....setting up colorful bulletin tags on the desks...posters..library books... Honestly, it IS nice to work on my Masters without having to worry about correcting papers and/or planning lessons. But I have this creeping fear that while I am out of the classroom that I'll "lose" my desire to teach. Gosh, I hope not! The past three years having my own class has been so awesome! Teaching is definitely my calling! To be able to make a difference in a child's life, to see that spark of learning and understanding and knowing that I was responsible for that spark is such an undescribable feeling! One thing I DON'T miss is having to tear out those darn tests & quizzes and filing them away in order for the file cabinet. I can do without that...

I can't believe that just about 2 1/2 months ago, I was packing up my things in my own classroom, ready to ship 'em off to Minnesota....and now I'm here. Of course "here" is Minnesota and although I keep telling people that I haven't fallen in love with the place, it is a nice place.

I remember that day it hit me that I would be unemployed....UNEMPLOYED! I have been working since I was 14 years old! I do miss my job at Cornerstone. I think deep down I knew that I wouldn't stay there forever, but it was such a great start for me. The teachers and staff are so supportive...they made my 1st year of teaching so memorable that I don't think I would've survived it without their encouragement. Plus, I've made some really good friends among the group of teachers and not being able to see them on a daily basis will definitely be different. I'll miss the passing hellos, the morning chats, the lunch discussions, and the end of the day goodbyes that would take forever. I have learned SO much from fellow teachers that I have to credit them for molding me into the teacher that I am today. Of course, I can't forget the students. Although we all had difficult and/or knuckle headed kids here and there, I can honestly say that I loved my students. All the classes that I had were good groups. There's always that troublesome handful, but for the most part, I really enjoyed my kids and I think they enjoyed me, too! (I was the COOL teacher!) =) The kids don't realize that teachers learn so much from them, too (shhh..don't tell them!). I will miss being in the classroom and I look forward to the day that I return.

In the meantime, I just wanna give some "shout outs" to those going back to school. To the Cornerstone crew in S.F., I'm thinking of you all and missing you much. Sharon, my fellow Pinay sista over there, I'll miss you most! You've been a true friend! Congrats to Msneldog on her upcoming wedding and belated best wishes to bettes15. Ms.MarveLIS, I'm going to miss our chats here and there, too! And a big "WHAT UP?!" to AK4him for hangin' out at the beach and for taking us to Akagi's for din-din. Yummy! To the 3rd grade crew- you're the best! Miss Lily...don't miss me too much! ~Can't forget Ms. Penalosa who's starting her first year teaching 6th graders...whoo girl, you're my hero! You're going to have an awesome year- so, so proud of you! Give Stud Muffin my love.~To my number one roomie of all time Heidi in CT...she's not goin' back to school, but her lil' Josh is starting kindergarten. Gosh, they grow up so fast, don't they?! Get those kleenex ready and try holdin' back the strong girlfriend!~Last, but not least, I want to give a very special hugs and kisses to my Bina from her Ninang! Kindergarten was a piece of cake and now, it's on to 1st Grade! This summer, she started piano and swimming lessons...she's graduated from a "starfish" to a "seahorse!" Ninang is so proud of you!

Hope everyone who's going back to school is ready for a brand new year- teachers and student alike. My love and prayers to you all.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Updated Blog
Hey ya'll, check it out. With the help of my beloved Doh-Boy, there are some changes to note on the blog. First of all, there's "Kaibigans" where you can check out some other cool blogs by some really cool people. Then, there's my "Links" to some cool sites that deserve some looking into. (FYI: I put Kim Taylor Reece on there 'cuz we had the pleasure of meeting this talented photographer! At last month's AlohaFest in San Francisco, hubby decided to buy me an ORIGINAL art piece for our anniversary- WOW! For those who don't know much about art (me included!), original pieces don't come cheap. So now, we're going to have this Hawaiian model beautifully posed on the beach on our wall with, yes, a nipple showing! Haha, not to be any kind of perv, but I do believe that is his signature thang. By the way, not only did we get the original piece, the gallery owners threw in a smaller piece worth $325 and a calendar (yah, more nipples!) for FREE...PLUS, we got all items personally autographed...PLUS, we got a pic with him!) Lastly, there's "Reading" where I'll post what my current read is for the moment.

Events to note in Minnesota
Gay Pride Celebration
During my first visit to Minneapolis, there was a Gay Pride Celebration. Turns out that Minneapolis has the largest concentration of gays and lesbians per capita. Didn't know that! I automatically thought home sweet home in San Francisco had the biggest community. The parade was a huge event that we unfortunately didn't have a chance to check out.

Taste of Minnesota
This annual event is similar to the one held in downtown San Francisco (although I can't remember the name). It's basically free, but you have to purchase tix to eat certain foods (i.e. 5 tix for a barbeque plate). So many restaurants participate, but yet again, we didn't get to go. This was actually during the 4th of July time frame and I had to fly back to the Bay Area.

Hubby and I just happened to come across this Rib Fest happening in downtown Minneapolis by accident. It was held in a Justin Herman Plaza kind of place. There were so many booths from restaurants claiming to have "the best damn ribs." Most of the vendors were out of state, some as far as Iowa, Texas, and North Carolina. Now, did we actually do some taste testing? Nope! First of all, it was so expensive. Secondly, it was just pure humidity that day and for me, it's somewhat suffocating. With the dryness in the air mixed in the smoke of all the barbeques cooking, the only thing I could keep down was the $5 lemonade we bought! But all that aside, the "highlight" for us was when we noticed all these TV cameras everywhere. "It's the news," we thought. Guess again. Turns out it was a taping for "Elimidate!" Now, I know that there are so many crappy reality dating shows out there, but yes, I admit I actually watch this one! It's just funny how catty it can get as gals/guys do anything to win the date. We stuck around hoping to see who'd be the first to get the boot, but we were overcome by the heat. Oh, and as toursity as they come, we actually took a couple of pics of them! I'll be sure to post them once we get all our stuff! =)

Minnesota State Fair
The fair began a few days ago and lasts until Labor Day. This is a HUGE thing over here! Each night, there's a concert on the main stage. They've got carnival rides, games, circus, marching bands, contests, cow milking (Moooo!), ax throwing (damn lumber jacks!), tree scultures (think huge bonsai trees!), crop art (crop circles?), bungee jumping, food, fireworks and so much more! The commericals and flyers all have, "Think you've seen it all?!" There is this hilarious commercial where they show a little girl riding an ostrich....AN OSTRICH! My goodness! Out of all the things I've seen, the one thing that sparked my interest was going to the Birth Center and holding a newborn piglet! (oink, oink). I'm hoping to go sometime next week...I'll let you know if I get to hold a little piggy! That would definitely be a Kodak moment!

And here I thought that there wasn't anything to do out here in Minnesota! Silly me....

Friday, August 22, 2003

No Pain...hey, NO pain!
Going to sleep late last night (early this morning), I dreaded waking up to sore muscles and pain all over my body. But surprisingly so, I was able to get up with only tightness in my thighs. It felt like I just ran Lake Merced! So the "it's-a-good-kind-of-pain" feeling DOES exist! My arms are a lil' somewhat tender after doing "figure 8's" and my tummy area hurts from too much sucking in. But other than that, it sounds like I had a good workout!

Larawan flashbacks
Gee, this whole week seems to be full of flashbacks! I'm still glued to the TV watching VH-1's "I Love the 70's" (the conclusion with 1978-1979 is tonight). After that dance practice last night, I was feeling pretty, after the whole nausea and collapsing lungs episodes passed. But it totally brought back memories- not of Barangay or Likha, but of Larawan. For those of you who don't know, I was being serious about the whole tsinelas throwing bit. Hell, sometimes tsinelas, sometimes drum sticks, and all the other times, it was whatever Ate Edwina could get her hands on! My Ate, Chris, and Kuya Sam could all attest to this! Proud to say that my sister nor I were ever the direct targets of flying objects, but we did have to do the "Duck! Incoming!" drop-to-the-floor-and-cover-your-heads stunt. I WON'T say who the targets were, but I sure as hell happy it wasn't me!

Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Being in Larawan was a really good move. For those who don't know, most Larawan members were originally from Barangay...all of us were students or alumni of UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and SF State. Ate Edwina was actually helping Barangay improve dance-wise, costume-wise, attitude-wise, and most importantly, discipline-wise. If memory serves correct, it was after the 5-year anniversary of Barangay that Ate and I decided to "defect" to Larawan. It was more of a "professional growth in folk dancing" decision. We both felt that we weren't really developing as a dancer in Barangay at the time, so we left with Edwina.

Now let me say a few words about Ate Edwina. This woman was a scary lady! Her looks alone can kill! And like I've mentioned before, if she's not in a good mood or she's frustrated that someone can't get "these simple moves," objects started flying! But she was one of those people that could be a pussycat, too. Kind of like the whole Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome...the bi-polar disease...(hey Jon, did you get that one?!). She could be one of the nicest, sweetest and yes, funniest people around. That's probably the reason why we were like a family! Aside from that, I have to give her props 'cuz Edwina was a very talented dancer. After all, she did dance professionally when she was younger and traveled around the world. We were taught to make our costumes, props, hair (btw: I was dope at doing buns!), and makeup (for the life of me, I STILL can't put on stage makeup...I suck!). She even taught the guys to play instruments, too. People were better at some things than others, but we did the whole teamwork thang and everything worked out.

But she could get under your skin, too. There was something about the way her eyes bulged and how her voice shrieked. Everyone hated to hear that one word, "AGAIN!" as we would tiredly and painfully start from the beginning. Sometimes, it was really enough to make anyone cry! She was also a perfectionist and a stickler for details. While other dance companies glued their fans together for Singkil, we had to cramp our fingers and hold them open. Nevermind that she switched to BIGGER fans making it seem impossible to hold it open for 10 seconds, let alone a whole dance. Then there were the castanets for Spanish. Oh yah! She threw those, too! She had bought pieces of bamboo, but them, sanded them down, and "custom-made" them in size.

One of the main things that I will take from Ate Edwina is how she taught us discipline. Discipline to hold those damn fans, to bend a certain way, to "if it hurts, then you know you're doing it right!", to lose weight (yes, we all lost weight...if we didn't, we didn't get a dance!), and to not screw around during practice. (looking back, the screwing around rarely happened...remember flying objects?!). There was really no such thing as "Take five" with her. If it wasn't our dance that was being practiced, then we had better be practicing something on the side OR working on costumes and props OR doing something dance related. That's why we always said that we'd practice "in the other room" or go to the bathroom. That was our only down time..considering that practices would run to about 1am! The gals even had to wear leotards to practice...ew, I hated those! It was one of those with snaps at the crotch...totally uncomfortable! We learned that if by chance it happened that we cut ourselves dancing or slipped and hurt ourselves, we had to keep going...the show must go on!

ANYWAYS, wow! Talk about flashback week! Whew! See, then after all is said and done, I just come away with the feeling of, "My goodness, that was back when I was in high school!" And that was well, gee, too long ago! Yah, I could say that I've danced for about 10 years, but out of those 10 years, I would say it was the last 5 years that I really learned the art of Pilipino folk dancing. Course there's so much more to learn and I'm so looking forward to it!

Okay ya'll, there's my novel for today. Oh, in case you're interested, check out Enjoy! And for you 80's fans out there, there is a "I Love the 80's Strikes Back" coming in October! Stay tuned!
The "Fast" Tinikling
Tonight we checked out CSFA (Cultural Society of Filipino Americans) dance company. Hubby and I walked up and met with some of the older ladies/founders. These "aunties" were just loungin' outside while we were talking and here we were trying to fight off the horde of bugs that were attacking us! Anyways, since hubby had gone the week before, they were "expecting" me. The president of the group was so inviting and friendly and continued to welcome me. She also said that she hopes that not only will I be participating, but teaching as well. (eh???) I honestly just wanted to check the practice out, you know, keep in the back and observe. So we walked into the room and I saw tinikling sticks laid out. Dancers ranged from about age 8 to about mid 40's. Kuya Gary, the instructor, was in the middle of explaining something when he saw me. He immediately welcomed me and pointed me toward some sticks. I wasn't prepared to join in right away and heck, I didn't even stretch! But I kicked off my shoes and joined in. So lucky me, they were learning the "fast Tinikling." I say "lucky" 'cuz hey, I'm in the best shape I've ever been and it's only been 4 years since I've done ANY kind of dancing and yes, at 29 years old, I'm in my prime for doing the "fast Tinikling."

In Tinikling, it's all about speed and form. You don't want to look like you're trying to catch up. Perhaps it was due to all that gasping for air, but I just couldn't figure out my left from my right. I felt so baliktad! Although I haven't danced in 4 years, there are still certain moves that I have ingrained in my which arm goes up when you enter the tinikling sticks! But I kept telling myself to forget all the dances and choreography that I knew. So I went with it and tried my best to keep up. I forgot to mention that I hadn't eaten the entire day and the only thing in my stomach was blueberry slushy from Target! So here I was jammin' to the fast Tinikling without any food in my stomach about to pass out! (but hey, I kept my form and I didn't look down at the sticks! whoo hoo!)

Pasko Na Naman
Overall, it was a good practice. I got to talking with Kuya Gary and Ate Glen (the president). One of the other founders asked hubby and me if we'd like to join in their Christmas caroling. My first thought was, "Singing outside in the snow?!" haha, okay, um, that would be a no. As hubby would say, "That would be a no on that fly-by, Ghost Rider." Hopefully hubby could bust out the guitar for them as we sing "Pasko Na Naman" while I pile on the hat, scarf, mittens, jacket, boots, etc. Weather-wise, it was surprisingly very cool. Not much humidity...actually felt like San Francisco weather! =)

I'm looking forward to going back and dancing with CSFA. Okay, so I don't think I'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning...I was using muscles that have been dormant for way too long! But the "pain" is a good-kind-of-pain, if there's such a thing. It felt good to dance again...and I'm sure it'll be even greater to perform, too! Til then, I gotta pick up the pace and keep up with the kiddies doing "the fast Tinikling." Notice it's the "fast" version vs. the regular one. Should I have eased in with the regular one? Would I have done better and would I have been able to keep up had one of my lungs not collapsed? Probably. The "fast" Tinikling. Shiet.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Minnesota weather is so weird. It's already been established that MN has all the four seasons. When someone told me that, I actually had to ask what that meant. Coming from San Francisco, I'm used to "Indian summers" (to this day, I STILL don't know why they call it that!) and fog, fog, fog. Gosh, I miss the fog! After last night's lightning and thunder storm, I woke up to a beautiful day. Looking outside, the trees were swaying to what looked like a gentle breeze. Although I didn't go outside, I already knew that one step out would be met NOT by gentle breezes of cool air, but by gusts of uncomfortable humidity.

Pandango and Tinikling flashbacks
Tomorrow I check out a filipino cultural dance company. I'm pretty excited. I haven't been involved in any folk dancing for about four years now. From what I hear, it's a small group of people who basically like to dance- nothing too professional. They do parties, birthdays, and hey apparently they Asian festivals in Minneapolis! Didn't know that! Nothing like Larawan or Likha and the numerous hours of practice that would last until 1am in the morning. I'm looking forward to getting back into it and just learning and re-learning cultural dances.

It's been way too long. After more than 10 years (Wow! Was it really that long?!), I just thought that "my time" was done. I did the whole performing thang and did the PCN thang at SF State, too! But I learned so much besides dancing during those years. I learned the discipline of being a dancer....sure didn't want that tsinelas thrown at me by Ate Edwina now! I also learned to appreciate my culture through dance. I remember that back in the day that I didn't want to join Barangay because I thought dancing barefoot was "embarrassing!" But as I immersed myself into the dancing and the history and stories behind the dances and movements, I was captivated. Captivated by the beauty of the Pilipino culture.

Yah, I could go into the whole "Pilipinos don't have their own culture" thing, but I won't. Choosing to be a part of a filipino folk dance group was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I never joined a gang, never did drugs, and I didn't become a statistic of teenage pregnancies. But there's another issue that I must bring up. It's a tired issue that really needs to die. I'm sick and tired of the whole P.I.- born vs. American-born Pililpinos issue. I really am. Just because I was born in the States and I don't speak the language doesn't make me LESS of a Pinay than an P.I.-born Pilipino. I've dealt with that my whole life. When my cousins first came from PI, they lived with us. I, of course, spoke to them in English. Although they never blatantly said it, there was always that vibe that they held that against me. I am Pilipino, therefore, I should speak the language. Hey! Doesn't it count for something that I could understand it?

Now that I'm here in Minnesota, it's the same thing. The group of Pinoys that we've come to know are a nice group, but I don't feel so comfortable with them just yet. I know, I know, give them a chance. But there are a FEW people and this one particular lady who is constantly saying "Oh! Why are you talking to them in Tagalog?! They don't understand. Speak English!" I can't even begin to describe how much that irks me....she totally rubs me the wrong way! I'm tired of explaining that "I understand, I just can't speak." In any case, I'll get off the subject... So um, anyways, yah, tomorrow I'll be checking out a filipino dance group...I'm excited!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Back to Polly Esthers!
Or so I thought! Late last night, I felt that I was being transported across time and space and thrust back onto the crowded, musty, hips-grindin' dance floor of Club Polly Esther's! Okay, so there wasn't any bumpin' and grindin' happening...and there wasn't even a crowd or any musty smells (thankfully!). But what brought it back was the strobe lights I experienced happening outside my apartment! Goodness gracious me! Some people like to think lightning storms are cool and fascinating....YES, indeed they are! But to be quite frank, (and I ain't ashamed to admit it!), thunder scares the s*it outta me! I've been told, "Oh, you've yet to experience Minnesota thunder and lightning storms." (the same has been said about the snow storms, too!). But on the contrary, I HAVE experienced the lightning and the thunder. The first time was when hubby and I were shacked up downtown Minneapolis. Hubby gone to work and left me all by my lonesome. It started raining. Ah, that's nice...I've always loved the sound of raindrops hitting the roof and window pane. Us being on the top floor, I pushed aside the thick hotel curtains to watch and listen. All of a sudden, KA-BLAM! (yah, just like the old school Batman & Robin episodes!). The crack of thunder was deafening and the entire night sky lit up like it was the 4th of July! WHOA! When I say "deafening," I mean it in all sense of the word.

So last night was the exact same thing....I've been experiencing this whole insomnia thang and around 4:30am, I heard lil' raindrops on my window. "Ooohh, it's raining!," I thought. I opened up the venetians only to be met with blinding light! Before I knew it, the whole sky was lit up- wow! It was an awesome sight, but when that thunder hit, goodness gracious me, oh, did it hit! Like I mentioned, I'm not ashamed to say that thunder creeps me out. It's like that whole jumping out from behind the door kind of never expect it. You know how when you were younger, you were told, "Don't look directly at the sun or you'll become blind." Haha, I was thinking of that very thing last night as I set my sights on the night sky. "Can lightning blind you?" You know, I don't even know the answer to that question, but as stubborn, knuckle-headed kids paid no mind to those "look at the sun or you'll be blinded" warning, but sure enough there I was staring at the sky. Do I think that lightning can cause blindness? NOW I do! Needless to say, I ended up falling asleep in the living room with the blinds open. I remember "seeing" the lightning with my eyes closed. The thunder ceased its thundering and I succumbed to my slumber at last.
Dakilang Pilipina
What is "Dakilang Pilipina?" I actually got this from the title of a PCN at UC Berkeley. It's funny how two words can have so much meaning. From my understanding, it translates to "A woman of might; a woman of strength." In my opinion, it is so deserving that "Pilipina" is attached to it. Dakilang Pilipina is the embodiment of every mother, daughter, ate, tita, and lola that I know. It embraces the many different obstacles, sacrifices, every trial and tribulation that we Pilipinas have endured. Pilipinas are known to be strong women. We are the pillars of strength in the family. And when LIFE knocks us down, WE get up again.

I have chosen this as a name for this blog because Dakilang Pilipina is what I strive to be every day of my life. I feel that in my 29 years of existence, I have definitely had my share of obstacles. I have fallen and been kicked down so many times that honestly, the act of getting up again seems impossible at times. It is so much easier to give in and give up. But I don't. I always remember the saying, "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger." Gee, if I could get a nickel for everytime I've said that, I'd be rich! Okay, not rich...hell, not even close to rich, but you get the jist of what I'm saying. I've had my share of good days and not-so-good days. Although I do remind myself of that lil' saying many times, I have a new quote that I would rather live by: "If God brings you to it, God will pull you through it." I don't know where it originated. Think I got it on a forward through email. Those words and the fact that I have faith in the Almighty One bring me comfort and strength to go on.

Dakilang Pilipina- a woman of might, a woman of strength. That's me.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Tonight was just full of flashbacks! I was watching “I Love the 70’s” on VH-1 tonight and be it that I was born in the 70’s and consider myself to be of the 80’s Generation X genre, it was hilarious! They had the Jackson 5…you know, when Michael Jackson was still black! Other notables were the Partridge Family, bell bottoms, afros, disco, Love American Style (egads, does anyone else remember that?!), and so much more. But I have to say, I still love watching “I Love the 80’s.” Even if I’ve seen the re-runs over and over again, I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and sing along to my faves!

Grease 2
Didn’t we all want to be a PINK LADY???

I don’t care what anyone says, but this movie rocks! I must have seen this a thousand times and I swear, I never tire of it! I know practically every song in that movie by heart! (“I want a cool rider, a cool, cool, cool, cool rider. I want a c-o-o-l, r-i-d-e-r.”) And the best is, of course, the “Calendar Girl” song. You remember, the song the Pink Ladies sang during the talent show. I remember back in the day when my two youngest aunties, my sister, and I would sing that song at the top of our lungs! Everyone wanted to be “winter” because that was the coolest season to sing about! Yah, so what if it’s cheesy! So what if people thought the original Grease was better! These are the kinds of movies that I totally love! “I’ll be yours in springtime, when the flowers are in bloom. We’ll wander through the meadows, in all that sweet perfume. And every night, I’ll hold you tight, beneath that April moon.” (sing with me now…) “Aaaah ah, aaah ah, aaah ah…I’ll be your girl for all seasons, all the year through. Your girl for all seasons, cuz I love. Yes, I love to be everything to you….just you.”

My First...

I admit it. This whole blogging thing is very new to me- this is my first post. Honestly, blogging was a totally foreign thing to me until I found out that everyone was doing it....yes, I give in to peer pressure like that! I've seen so many of my friends' blogs and wow, they're so creative, fun, and cool! Gee, so much pressure to have an equally cool and hopefully, interesting one! Aiya! We'll see how this goes...

My hopes in keeping this blog is to keep in touch with family, friends, and just to document this whole moving out of state thang! I never, in a million years, thought I'd ever leave California...EVER! I've been told numerous times that this is a "brand new chapter" in my life. I just gotta keep tellin' myself that!