Inside the Actor's Studio
Have you ever watched Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton? I've never really sat through an entire episode before. All I knew was that it was hosted by this dude who not only asked question after question, but he asks them in such a manner that seems so detached and impersonal. He'll ask, "How was life growing up?" and the actor will go into a lengthy diatribe on what a rough childhood they had, how their parents divorced, and how they were raised by a single mom who worked tons of jobs. Immediately after, Lipton's next question could very well be, "What's your favorite color?" I mean, it tripped me out, but was cool nonetheless.
On one of my many restless nights, a rerun of "Inside the Actor's Studio" was on late night tv and it just happened to feature one of my all-time favorites, Johnny Depp. From "Crybaby" to "21 Jumpstreet" to "Edward Scissorhands" to "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" to "Pirates of the Carribean" and all movies in between, I've totally been into Johnny Depp since forever. My sister just reminded me the other day how I used to have this poster above my bed of him and how I'd pose and take pictures with it. Egads! Lol! Now here's an actor who's developed and matured through the years, who was never afraid to challenge himself in the different roles he took on, and who really immersed himself into understanding his character. It was refreshing to hear his thoughts about his career, his family, and life in general. He was honest and open, yet nervous and almost timid. He wasn't dressed GQ-style for the event; rather, he had that casual, comfy, sorta grungy, unshaven look with his long, messy hair that kept getting in his eyes. Sexy. Perhaps it was nerves, but that Johnny is one helluva chain smoker, too! Eh, it goes with the bad boy image, I suppose.
I finally watched from beginning to end and it was only then did I understand that James Lipton is the Dean at The Actors Studio Drama School, where coincidentally, each episode is taped. The audience consists of students who are either going into acting, directing, playwriting, and such. Lipton basically interviews some of the most accomplished actors and directors to get their thoughts about the art and science of the acting biz. It's really interesting and it's sometimes hilarious what comes out of these actor's mouths! At the end of the formal interview, Lipton and the interviewee get a little more personal and move from the stage to be closer to the audience. Before the audience is allowed a Q&A, Lipton puts them in sorta like a hot seat and asks such questions like:
- What's your favorite sound? What's your least favorite sound?
- What's your favorite curse word? (which btw, most actors will respond, "You mean, I can actually say that on television?")
- If heaven exists, what would you want God to say to you when you get there?
Johnny Depp responded God would say in awe, "Whoa." Yah, in that Bill and Ted sorta way. I'd probably say the same thing, too! Lol! If you ever get a chance, check it out. You'll dig it.
Episode of Cops
"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha' gonna do? Whatcha' gonna do when they come for you?" Yes, hubby and I could have very well sung this while we watched five cop cars in our apartment parking lot bust some fools for God knows what. There were no sirens, no lights, no nothing. We were just eating dinner when I happened to look outside. We saw one guy and one gal with their hands on the car while another guy was being frisked. Although we didn't have our windows open to eavesdrop better, it seemed like the girl was trying to make trouble. At one point, she was watching the frisking action and one of the cops pointed at her, probably to tell her to look the other way. She did that whole neck action thang as if to say, "Oh nah uh, he did NOT just tell me to look the other way!" All were cuffed and put in separate squad cars and only after the fact did hubby say, "Where's the camera?" No action to see in the pic, but the fact that we saw our neighbors (who JUST moved in a few months ago) get arrested with everyone oogling from their balconies was enough. Whatever happened to that crap about MN being the best place to raise your kids??? I just hope that it wasn't anything too serious...
Three More Freakin' Days
In three days, I will be able to relax and take a breather from the current 8-week online course I've been taking. It's actually been a great informational and enlightening class, but sometimes the people that I have to work with is enough to put me over the top. Take Saturday, for example, where we had a major GROUP project due. There are 5 people in my team. FIVE. And why is it that only myself and one other chick are the only ones to work on it? This is such crap! I've had bad luck in being teamed up with lazy ass people where I end up doing most or all of the work. It's not fair, but I'm not one to totally bitch about it to the teacher. It seems so grade school sometimes. I mean, these are fellow Master students. These are future teachers. Wouldn't you THINK that they would have a better sense of working with others? I mean, we talk so much about cooperative learning in the classrooms, but they themselves can't take care of their own sh*t?! It drives me crazy. I loved my last team. We were teammates for 4 classes. That's 20 weeks. We worked so well together and we balanced each other out..until stupid me felt that I needed a break to clear my head. So I took a month break and lo and behold, I get stuck with a bunch of winners. Lucky me. That's what I get, I suppose. I'm counting the days til it's done. Wednesday can't come quick enough, but in the meantime, I have to get my ass in gear to complete a one-week unit, a PowerPoint presentation, a reflection paper, a team evaluation, and the final summary.
I think it's safe to say that on Thursday, I'll be sleeping in and recuperating from the lack of sleep I'll be experiencing for the next couple of days. Wish me luck ya'll.
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