Small World...again!
Talk about small world! Hubby and I went to the grocery at around 2am this morning...don't ask why we chose an ungodly time to go, we just happen to be awake! Anyways, as we were checking out, the cashier (who happened to be quite tattooed out!) started some small talk with hubby about California after he pulled out his i.d. Doh said I was from da Bay and he asked whereabouts I was from. Excelsior district...yeah representing, lol! He said he grew up at 24th and Mission...DUDE! That's where I went to school, I say. I asked him if he went to Mission High, simply 'cuz that's the main public school out there and he said that he went to Thorton in Daly City? Eh..I never heard of that school. Then he chuckled and said that ti was a school for "messed up kids." 'Course that brought up my next question of why the heck he is here in MN, but I didn't get a chance to ask. Well, Doh and I were joking that since he was probably a knuckle headed kid back in the day, his parents probably sent him to live with Aunt so-and-so out in the Midwest to "straighten up." cousins who messed up way back when got sent to Alaska, some got sent to the motherland, but other people...I guess the Midwest would seem like a punishment in itself. Hahaha...'tis jokes lang people. Me, I'm liking MN more and more now. Aside from the cold, it's turning out to be a blessing in disguise. Dude....24th and Mission? That is yet another "small-world" incident to add to my list. First Ibalik and the Cutting Edge crew, living out near my hood...and now Rainbow Grocery clerk guy who lived in the hood where I went to school. Now that I think about it, if you keep heading toward 16th and Mission, that's where you'd find all the police cars trying to keep the peace with the local gangs...'twas the North against the South. Hell, I'm just glad I never got into that craziness. In any case, small world incident #2...and of all places, too! Any more???
I'm still riding high on that phone call for that interview I received the other day. After sharing my good news with my lovely readers (psst...that's YOU!), there was a message on our answering machine from the same lady who called. Turns out that there was a problem in scheduling with some of the interviewers and that it had to be re-scheduled. On the down side, it won't be until March. On the plus side, the lady sounded really apologetic and her exact words were, "we are VERY interested in meeting with you." That's good, right? She could've said that they were just plain interested, yes? Well, I'm hoping that the bomb resume that hubby put together for me caught their eye and that they're looking for someone with my skillage. 'Yo, ya' bettah recognize! Lol! =) We'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, keep your fingers and toes crossed for me...I'll keep ya'll updated.
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