A Day of Blessings
This morning I got a call from my sis back in CA and off the bat, I knew why she was calling. Tita Ena, who has been in stage IV of her cancer, passed away early this morning. Although we have all been expecting this, it still comes as a shock when it happens. Plus, I've never been one to deal with death as well as my parents. They've always shown strength, whether it has to do with acceptance or just trying to be strong for all the other family members, I don't know how they do it.
Just to stray from the subject real quick, many of you may know that I've been one to be very open to the whole intuition thing. I've always had a sixth sense, that "feeling" when you know something is going to happen and it does. But it's not so much like ESP because I can't will myself to think about something that will happen tomorrow and it does. For me, I tend to get these fleeting thoughts, and as quickly as they come and go, sure enough, it happens. Even before the phone rings, I'll already know who is going to call...and it's not because I told them to call me at a specific time. Call it ESP, call it what you want...I have it.
Last night as I was praying, I had this feeling in my heart about Tita Ena. I thought, wouldn't it be sad if she passed away today (Jan. 16th)? Coincidentally, today is my mom's birthday. I remember that on my dad's birthday back in '92 I think, we found out that his oldest brother passed away. Some might think it's eerie to have someone pass away on your birthday, but I think in some ways it's like a blessing. It's like that day was chosen to celebrate two lives- someone's birthday and another's death. It's that whole balance of life thing...I guess. Hahah, maybe I'm just reading too much into something, but still. In any case, although it is sad that Tita Ena is gone, I'm thankful that her suffering is over. She had been receiving hospice care at home and had all the morphine at her fingertips to dispense when she deemed necessary. From what I hear, she was in a lot of pain. I'm glad that her family from the Philippines were able to be with her during her last moments, but I still can't feel sad for her two children. Since their dad isn't well enough to care for them, I believe that they will be put into the care of an auntie back in PI. They're so young and I can't even imagine how it would be to grow up without a mom. But Tita Ena is in a better place now and I'm thankful for that. Keep her and her family in your prayers ya'll. Thanks.
Birthday Shout-Outs
It's my mama's birthday today! I called her this morning, and although there's a sadness in the air, she was in good spirits. Plus, she jokingly said, "see, your Tita Ena was waiting for my birthday!" I think that would be fitting. Like any other family, our family has tons of drama (which I will not go into). It usually has something to do with the in-laws that marry into the family. But being the eldest in the family and one to keep the peace within, my mom was always accepting of all of them, even when other relatives weren't. During Tita Ena's last weeks, my mom has been going to the house to visit, to pray, and to just be with her and help out around the house where she could. My mom was probably one of the only family members to visit her so often besides my Lolo and maybe in appreciation to her, did wait for her birthday.
In any case, my mom will be celebrating at Todai's for lunch today. Actually, I think I ruined the surprise for her! Since I talked to my sis earlier today, she told me of her plans for the whole family to go to lunch and so I brought that up in my conversation with her. My mom was surprised, "We are? Oh, I didn't know that." Ooopsie! Well, my mom turns 60 today and happy to say, she's as healthy as can be. With all the drama, trials, and sacrifices that she has made in her lifetime, she definitely is a dakilang pilipina. Happy Birthday Mommy! Love and miss you.
Today is truly a day of blessings...
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