Saturday, October 18, 2003

I think we just went to our first real ho-down! Tonight was the CSFA (Cultural Society of Filipino Americans) induction of officers...Western style! On the invitation, it said "Western Attire." Kinda reminded me of all the Barn dances we'd have at the church cafeteria when we were younger. We'd have a scarecrow, some hay, and everyone wore their overalls and flannel to look, well, farmer-like! But although we were dressed like farmers and whatnot, we still got down with our cha-cha and modern music. Well, tonight was different! We walked into the place and HELLA people straight looked like real cowboys! Spurs and everything! First of all, it's like WHOA! Everyone was sportin' cowboy boots, bolo ties, red bandana 'round the neck, and the famous cowboy hat. Hmmm...those look kinda cute. Cowboy hats. As peoples were moseying on down, I had an inkling of a feeling that I wanted a hat! Egads, did I just say that?! Hubby and I were discussing the attire when it hit me, HELLOOOOOOOO! We're in the freakin' Midwest! Of course these people are going to have this kind of clothing! I was all wondering, geez, does everyone have cowboy boots and hats? Was there a certain costume rental store in Minnesota that had hella business 'cuz all these Pinoys were rushing in to get the best stuff? Um, I think not. I honest to God think that the clothes worn tonight came from their very own collection. Dayamn. Remember that inkling I got about them cowboy hats? I even had one for cowboy boots, BUT that didn't last too long. Hell, the first boots I'll probably invest in will be SNOW BOOTS! lol! Oh, and to top it all off to make the night soooooo country, CSFA hired a country band for our music enjoyment! 'Twas a REAL country band called the Country Gents! They even have a cd out! Good Lord! Once they started gettin' their twang on, a couple of puti gentlemen with their Pinay women hit the dance floor. Yee-haw! I have to say that this is a FIRST for hubby and me....seeing and hearing a live country band. As expected, everyone got their Electric Slide on. The lead singer called out, "Line dancing!" and these pinoys started electric sliding! He called out, "Two stepping!" and these pinoys did their electric slide! Boy, Filipinos sure do love their electric slide! After a few more country tunes, hubby and I decided that it was time to just, well, go. Said our goodbyes and we moseyed on outta there...

Just a side note. We and another couple we sat with were commenting on the "oh so cool" music of the night. (sense the sarcasm?!) They mentioned that they should've gone to the clubs. Said that Minneapolis got a lot of bumpin' dance clubs. Oh really, we ask? Yah, there's even some at Mall of America! (the hotel we were at was right across the street from MOA). Told us that the top floor of the mall has some clubs and get this- the cover is only $6! $6.00 to get a stamp and you could jump from club to club! Whoo hoo! One of these days, hubby and I are going to check it out! Yee-haw!

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