Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Bad Boys
"Bad boys, bad boys, watcha' gonna do? Watcha' gonna do when they come for you?" Hahahaha! Hubby and I watched the Will Smith and Martin Lawrence duo do their thang at a discount theater here in Woodbury. Turns out that we've got a theater that we can see outside our living room window. Only $2.50! Should we have walked there? Probably. Did we? Nah uh. LoL! It's one of those "so close, yet so far" deals...plus, when it's cold, the hop, skip, and a jump that it takes to get there isn't worth the frostbite I'm prone to get! We thought we'd get the theater to ourselves, but a couple of other couples came in last minute. Funny thing though. We placed ourselves in the middle, y'know, to get the best seats, but once the lights went down, hubby and I turned to each other almost simultaneously and said, "let's move to the back." It was probably when the preview for Texas Chainsaw Massacre came and we said we didn't want any freaky people comin' up from behind us! Talk about paranoid, eh?! Anyways, as late as watching this summer blockbuster, it was cool to finally see it in the theater...for only $2.50, too! Hmmm...what should we see next? The Incredible Hulk? Swat? Finding Nemo? Tomb Raider 2? Ooooohh, the possibilities! LOL

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