Friday, September 17, 2004

Too Much Excitement for a Friday!

I can't remember being so nervous in a while...for my life anyways.

Hubby shook me awake this morning with this wide-eyed look. He was holding the propane tank that is used for the Q-grill. The words took a moment to register, but hubby said, "I accidentally left the tank in the grill and now there's an odor. And look, the tank is frozen over." I remember shooting up from bed and immediately walking out to the living room and sure enough, there was this strong smell that was enough to make me start gagging.

I told hubby to open all the windows in the apartment. Hubby started to look for all the Q-grill pamphlets for any information on what to do in these kinds of situations. I browsed through them and right there on the first page were all the danger symbols. It basically validated our fears about the gas being toxic (carbon monoxide)and flammable. At this point not knowing whether or not our apartment was going to explode, I began to worry. I think we should call somebody, I told hubby. We should call the fire department.

Hubby didn't call 9-1-1 immediately, but instead called the fire department to confirm that this was indeed a need for them to come. According to him, the dispatcher lady was calm as he explained our situation. After getting off the phone, he said that they were sending someone over.

About ten minutes later, you could hear the distinct and familiar sound of the sirens. Oh wow, is that for us? We honestly didn't think that they would make their usual grand entrance; rather, we were thinking that someone would come with a meter to get a gas reading. Hell, I don't know how they do these things!

After the fire truck pulled into our parking lot, all these concerned folks (rubber neckers) started coming out to see what the heck was going on. Again, hubby had to explain about the grill and how there was this strong odor when we woke up. Two firefighters all up in their gear proceeded up to the apartment to check it out. As all this is happening, the firechief was asking for our information. Perhaps it was all in the excitement, but hubby couldn't remember our phone number! I'm thinking, Maybe it's the effects of the gas taking over! He did say he had a slight headache... Hubby would later tell me that when he was describing the "situation," he could have sworn there was this disappointed look on the firechief's face that seemed to say, "A propane tank? That's it? No action once again...dammit."

The crew of two came back out holding out "the source" of the smell. Yes, they came out holding that lil' propane tank which was now empty. As for the odor, it was nothing to worry about. We did right in opening up all the windows and airing the place out. It was a tad bit embarrassing to have all this attention, but hell, it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

After we thanked them for coming over (and after we watched them TRY to maneuver that huge truck out of our parking lot), hubby jokingly said, "Hey, are all my CD's and DVD's still here?" I started laughing because I was just thinking to myself, Hmmm, I wonder what they thought about our apartment. I have to make it a point to ask homie Firemarshall J if they actually take note of the different homes they visit. Now, I'm sure that they're all professional as they're working, but I mean, do they talk amongst each other and say, "Hey, did ya'll notice that plasma TV on the wall?" or "Wasn't that two-tone living room space pretty?" (obviously a Trading Spaces fan...)Or perhaps, they ARE just professional and it's basically in and out.

In any case, I'm thankful that this wasn't as serious as it could've been. For a minute there, I was seriously thinking the worst. I don't even want to think about what would've happened had it been carbon monoxide poisoning. (Well technically speaking, if it WAS, then I wouldn't be here blogging about it right now, would I? Duh.)

I just praise and thank God that we're okay and that we've been given another day.

Man...too much excitement for a Friday....and it's NOT even 11:30am! Have a great weekend ya'll...hug your loved ones today and tell 'em you love them. You just never know...

*check out hubby's blog for his account of today and the pic that we took of the truck. Yes people, it was a Kodak moment!*

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