Thursday, September 09, 2004

Rated PG

If you direct your attention to the right of your screen, you will notice a new link entitled Tha Wood. Hubby thought that it would be cool to create a more "family friendly" blog for our loved ones to visit. He says that our personal blogs can get too angry sometimes....angry?! What the freakin' hell are you talking about?! Hahaha, oopsie, I slipped. My bad. Forgive me.

I actually thought it was a cool idea. After our move to MN, I had given my blog address to lots of, co-workers, lil' cousins. I do admit that sometimes the content of my writing may be questionable, but for the most part, I like to keep it real. If I have offended anyone with any thoughts and opinions, well, you know what? Screw you! For reals, I don't feel that I have to censor myself to keep a "loyal fan base" of readers. In all honesty, if ya'll don't like what you read, don't read it at all. It's as simple as that.

BUT, if you'd rather still like to see what MnM is up to and how she is faring out in the Midwest, then perhaps a bit of change of scenery is in order. Like I said, our joint blog is more family-friendly oriented, more PG-rated, if you will. Please don't be a punk and leave "non PG-rated" comments on that site...use this one instead to air out any frustrations and crude commentary. It'd be much appreciated. =)

Whether you visit this site or the other, it's all love. Happy blogging ya'll!

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