Weekend Shot to Hell
The weekend didn't start off as I had planned. On Friday evening into Saturday morning, I was supposed to help facilitate a youth lock-in at the church. Originally, it was supposed to be hubby and myself, but due to work overload, it would be a no go for Doh. I made plans to run it and had these seriously great ideas. From what I heard about their last lock-in, all it consisted of was playing games and staying up. It was more like a huge sleepover. I was reminded of our recent camp experience. Where was the spiritual aspect of it all? Where was the getting in touch with your faith part? Since hubby and I have been trying to give our two cents about what should be done with the youth, we were basically given the go ahead to bring a new format to the plate. I even went to the Christian Warehouse to check out what they had on Youth ministry, searched the Web for any helpful activities, and even talked to the future Mrs. Gee for ideas. I was putting the time and effort into making this lock-in work.
Unfortunately, come Friday morning, I could not get out of bed. Literally. The day before, I had felt the pain in my back linger. I was conscious of the stiffness and was doing my best not to do anything strenuous. I was still mobile, but I knew if I did anything out of the ordinary, it would flare up. It was as if the pain was comtemplating whether to stay or go. What a freakin' uncomfortable tease! Needless to say, it made its unwelcome comeback.
Hubby called the church and broke the news. I was bummed, seriously bummed. Not only did I feel I let the church and the kids down, I sure as hell let myself down. Then I started thinking, there has got to be a reason why today of all days that my back started to hurt again? Was God telling me something? Was he saying that I wasn't ready to lead this lock-in? Who knows. Either way, I felt I could've done it...with or without hubby.
Drugged Up
From the last time the pain hit, I thought that Motrin would do the trick. It had been my trusted lil' cure all in the past, but sadly, it failed me. I decided to go with Tylenol this time, upped my intake just a bit to get rid of the nagging and shooting pain. It worked. I mean, I wasn't about to go and do cartwheels or anything, but I could actually walk the way us humans were supposed to: upright. When the back pain strikes, I am like those elderly folk who have lost the battle with, oh gosh, the name escapes me at the moment. You know, when their bone density gets weak and they end up walking bent over hunchback-like? That's me. It would definitely be a sight to see...that, or me crawling on all fours to get from one room to the other. Hey, whatever works, eh? In any case, Tylenol has been my friend this weekend.
Because of the pain, I haven't had time to do much of anything. In fact, I seemed to be knocked out all Friday. Friday is my usual cleaning day and you can't imagine how unsettled I was knowing that the house was going to go unvacuumed and undusted! And in the midst of all that, I paused and thought, Oh God, I've really turned into my Mom! Lol!
Saturday was spent reading. Reading all day. Man, I could do that all day, everyday if I had the chance! I could seriously spend an entire day in a Borders. Just leave me there and I could be content. I finished the latest Sparks book, "The Guardian." In a semi-break from his usual all out gut wrenching love story, Sparks delivered a suspense thriller amidst a love story. I honestly had no idea what it was about and simply because it was a Sparks novel, I got it. It turned out to be a creepy story of a stalker and although I know it's just a story, a figment of the author's imagination, I could feel my heart beat faster with anticipation. There was a part where the stalker dude broke into the house of the girl and when she finds these clues, you're not sure whether he's still in the house and positive that he's going to jump out from behind the door. It was like a scene from "Sleeping With The Enemy" with Julia Roberts, remember that flick? I literally had to sit up in my chair (as best as I could with the pain) and read on to see what happens. At one particular moment, a door slammed downstairs that reverberated the entire apartment and I swear that my stomach practically jumped up to my throat! Talk about freaky! Needless to say, aside from bathroom breaks and the occasional need to eat, I finished the book from beginning to end. My whole body was tense, perhaps from sitting for a long period of time, but honestly from the storyline. Damn that Sparks sure delivers! Whew! Good book. Good, good book. =)
In a break from that, I stayed in my Sparks-esque mode and watched "A Walk To Remember." I don't know how many times I have watched this, but it never fails to make me cry. Always in the same place and with just one line: "I don't need a reason to be angry with God." *sniff, sniff* That gets me all the time! Usually, it satisfies the need to have a good cry- depending what kind of day you're having, it could either be the tears overflowing cry or the all out sobbing uncontrollable cry.
This may not have been a major hit in the box office nor was it a big budget film with special effects and whatnot. It really comes down to the love story and because I'm such a sucker when it comes to romance, it's one my my favorite movies to date.
What Kind of SOUL do you possess?
brought to you by Quizilla
You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what
you do best. You collected thoughts and always
positive attitude make you very bright and
logical. When theres a problem, you know how to
approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on
you on their problems, and your shoulder for
their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy
nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and
hardly scream, which makes you good with kids.
You seem to be in tune with the world and if
anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
I'm not a huge anime fan, but I thought this was cute. The "Calm Soul," eh? Interesting....
Birthday Shout-Out
Just wanted to wish Ms. Dimples a Happy 30th Birthday! Man, this is the big 3-0 for many of us and I'm glad to say that we've all reached this important milestone. I've known Dimples since high school. She actually went to a different all-girls' school, but after the 1989 earthquake, hers shut down and most of the students enrolled into mine. From high school to State, to PACE to graduation...we've been friends a long time. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but I'm glad that the friendship has remained. Happy 30th Ms. Dimples- much love.
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