Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Prayer Requests

* My Cornerstone homegirl, msbLiSs, is long overdue. If I am not mistaken, she should've given birth sometime late July. I just read her blog thinking that there would've been some good news of the baby's arrival by now....no go. She did, however say, that by the time the baby Eve comes out that she'll be eating solids! Lol! Egads...I don't know much about that, but I say INDUCE, INDUCE, INDUCE! =)

Coincidentally, ya'll should check out the article she posted on her blog. It's all about surviving natural disasters, namely earthquakes. 'Twas quite an eye-opener really. For as long as I remember, we've been taught as kids to "duck and cover." Hell, that's what we all teach our students at school! According to this article, that may very well be the cause of death. Check out her blog and read about the "triangle of life" method. I've said this many a time to hubby whenever those damn tornado sirens sound off over here- "I'd rather have an earthquake over a tornado anytime." I still stick to that. Either way, I hope to never have to experience any major natural disaster anytime soon, but if I have to, and if it's a major earthquake, this sh*t better come in handy.

* Everytime I fly back to CA, I always pray for the flight crew of the plane I'm going to be on. I mean, my life is in their hands, you know? I'm sure that they're all capable and all that crap, but it doesn't hurt to pray that they get a good night's rest and that all goes well in the air.

Thank God I have a straight flight today. No waiting around or rushing to catch a different plane crap.

As it looks, I've got about about two hours til check-in and I still have lots to do. Pray that I have safe flight, ya'll. See ya' in the Bay!!!

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