Saturday, August 25, 2007

Marathon Update

I'm proud of myself and disappointed at the same time. Disappointed that I haven't been able to participate in any of the group/team runs, but proud that I've been getting into a routine that is getting me out there. So far, I've stuck to the Great Highway because it's easier to gauge the mileage. Like I mentioned before, the strip is a total of four miles back and forth. I actually have been surpassing the strip and continuing on halfway towards the Cliff House. Because I've yet to work on endurance training, I can't seem to run very far nonstop. I've been using the stoplights as my marker. I run from light to light, but admittedly so, I can only run 3/4 of it before I start walking to catch my breath. Of course, I keep moving to maintain activity; by the third light, I can pretty much make it down through the remaining lights with a mini walking break in-between.

Now that school is starting, I'm determined to get a run in everyday after work. My goal is to up my mileage to 8 miles by mid-September; that way, come October, I'll be able to do 12 miles by the marathon...without passing out, that is! I've also yet to start biking,, I really gotta get on it!

*Just wanted to say a quick THANKS to those who have already donated to my fundraising project for Team in Training (TNT). I will be sending out a letter and email out very soon, so if you get doubles, my apologies in advance! It's such a great way to raise awareness...and raising funds for research and patient services by running is what I'm committed to do.

Here's the catch though...if you've been thinking of donating, please do not delay! I have only until OCTOBER 5, 2007 to raise $2,100. So check out the link on the right-hand side to my personal TNT page and whatever you can do to help would be most appreciated!

Hope you're having a good weekend ya'll...

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