*I should be sleeping right now...considering that my first day of school is tomorrow! (current time: 11:58pm)
*I've got a few butterflies in my tummy for tomorrow...egads, what am I going to wear?
*Got a mani/pedi today...always nice to get pampered once in a while.
*I'm in love with...UGLY BETTY! I never got to watch this show 'cuz it coincided with Smallville night, but watched the first couple of episodes on DVD. Love this show!
*Looking forward to buying "Heroes" Season I on DVD.
*FASTRAK is awesome!
*People who have supported me financially with TNT are freakin' awesome, too.
*Can't believe how quickly this summer flew by...and how many things I was able to do.
And oh yes, my top two favorites:
*Got a root canal today...and the only thing that hurt was the fact that my insurance through school doesn't pay jack! And if you can believe it, I almost fell asleep in the chair 'cuz I was so tired from waking up to catch the lunar eclipse.
**MySpace is addicting...LOL!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Awesome Nightshow
Earlier this morning, my sis, niece, and I dragged ourselves out of bed in order to witness the total lunar eclipse. I was stoked because it's been a while since I've drunk in any celestial viewings/sightings...just like how they say we should all take time to "stop and smell the roses..."...the same is true about star gazing. We should all stop and avert our eyes to the night sky and just be amazed by its beauty.
Back in the day, I would've considered myself an astronomy lover...so much that I wanted to major in it when I got into State. I aspired to be the first Filipina astronaut! I eagerly registered for Astronomy 101 and was disappointed to find that I had to learn all this math. Math? Not my forte. Hell, I just wanted to study the stars, be able to identify constellations, and perhaps, discover something that could be named after me. Talk about crushed spirits! That class opened my eyes to the fact that Astronomy was not for me and should be persued as only a hobby.
I used to read up on space when I was younger, but after this morning's event, I had to google all of this stuff to refresh my memory and understand it better. Sites like MrEclipse.com had a lot of good info.
An eclipse of the Moon (or lunar eclipse) can only occur at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped components, one nested inside the other. The outer or penumbral shadow is a zone where the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun's rays from reaching the Moon. In contrast, the inner or umbral shadow is a region where the Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.
Astronomers recognize three basic types of lunar eclipses:
1. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
The Moon passes through Earth's penumbral shadow. These events are of only academic interest since they are subtle and quite difficult to observe.
2. Partial Lunar Eclipse
A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are easy to see, even with the unaided eye.
3. Total Lunar Eclipse
The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are quite striking for the vibrant range of colors the Moon can take on during the total phase (i.e. - totality).
Now you might be wondering "If the Moon orbits Earth every 29.5 days and lunar eclipses only occur at Full Moon, then why don't we have an eclipse once a month during Full Moon?". I'm glad you asked! You see, the Moon's orbit around Earth is actually tipped about 5 degrees to Earth's orbit around the Sun. This means that the Moon spends most of the time either above or below the plane of Earth's orbit. And the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun is important because Earth's shadows lie exactly in the same plane. During Full Moon, our natural satellite usually passes above or below Earth's shadows and misses them entirely. No eclipse takes place. But two to four times each year, the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's penumbral or umbral shadows and one of the above three types of eclipses occurs.
When an eclipse of the Moon takes place, everyone on the night side of Earth can see it. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type which are very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. Another 30% are partial eclipses which are easy to see with the unaided eye. The final 35% or so are total eclipses, and these are quite extrordinary events to behold.
Here are some images from this morning...unfortunately, the pics that I attempted to take did not come out at all. Now if only I had a phat camera like Triple D's...
Explains what happens within the given timeframe. It was pretty cool because we noticed that the times were pretty exact.
A beautiful shot of the full moon.
Taken by Chronicle photographer Frank Larson- it's a view of the eclipse next to the tip of the Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco. I guess it WAS clear in the city to view it! Notice the reddish hues on the moon...
As the earth's shadow covered the moon, us girls ventured outside for a better view. If it wasn't for the surrounding lights of the neighborhood houses and streetlights, I'm positive the view would've been more spectacular. With the naked eye, you can really see how the moon appeared to turn red.
In the midst of all of the ooohing and aaaahing, Sabrina made a comment about how awesome God was for His wonderful creations. At that, I literally had to stop in my tracks. I was so busy trying to identify nearby constellations, straining my eyes for any falling stars, and focusing on the eclipse itself that I failed to acknowledge how the entire thing was possible in the first place! I then heard a verse inside my head, although I wouldn't be able to tell you which one, that basically talks about the faith of a child, or seeing through the eyes of a child.
As I looked up at the sky again, I saw it with different eyes...and it only made the event even more spectacular than the minute before. So thank you, Sabrina, for that reminder that God is so good!
*Thanks family for waking up in the wee hours to witness the lunar eclipse...we can do it again next year on FEBRUARY 21, 2008!
Earlier this morning, my sis, niece, and I dragged ourselves out of bed in order to witness the total lunar eclipse. I was stoked because it's been a while since I've drunk in any celestial viewings/sightings...just like how they say we should all take time to "stop and smell the roses..."...the same is true about star gazing. We should all stop and avert our eyes to the night sky and just be amazed by its beauty.
Back in the day, I would've considered myself an astronomy lover...so much that I wanted to major in it when I got into State. I aspired to be the first Filipina astronaut! I eagerly registered for Astronomy 101 and was disappointed to find that I had to learn all this math. Math? Not my forte. Hell, I just wanted to study the stars, be able to identify constellations, and perhaps, discover something that could be named after me. Talk about crushed spirits! That class opened my eyes to the fact that Astronomy was not for me and should be persued as only a hobby.
I used to read up on space when I was younger, but after this morning's event, I had to google all of this stuff to refresh my memory and understand it better. Sites like MrEclipse.com had a lot of good info.
An eclipse of the Moon (or lunar eclipse) can only occur at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped components, one nested inside the other. The outer or penumbral shadow is a zone where the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun's rays from reaching the Moon. In contrast, the inner or umbral shadow is a region where the Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.
Astronomers recognize three basic types of lunar eclipses:
1. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
The Moon passes through Earth's penumbral shadow. These events are of only academic interest since they are subtle and quite difficult to observe.
2. Partial Lunar Eclipse
A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are easy to see, even with the unaided eye.
3. Total Lunar Eclipse
The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are quite striking for the vibrant range of colors the Moon can take on during the total phase (i.e. - totality).
Now you might be wondering "If the Moon orbits Earth every 29.5 days and lunar eclipses only occur at Full Moon, then why don't we have an eclipse once a month during Full Moon?". I'm glad you asked! You see, the Moon's orbit around Earth is actually tipped about 5 degrees to Earth's orbit around the Sun. This means that the Moon spends most of the time either above or below the plane of Earth's orbit. And the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun is important because Earth's shadows lie exactly in the same plane. During Full Moon, our natural satellite usually passes above or below Earth's shadows and misses them entirely. No eclipse takes place. But two to four times each year, the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's penumbral or umbral shadows and one of the above three types of eclipses occurs.
When an eclipse of the Moon takes place, everyone on the night side of Earth can see it. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type which are very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. Another 30% are partial eclipses which are easy to see with the unaided eye. The final 35% or so are total eclipses, and these are quite extrordinary events to behold.
Here are some images from this morning...unfortunately, the pics that I attempted to take did not come out at all. Now if only I had a phat camera like Triple D's...
Explains what happens within the given timeframe. It was pretty cool because we noticed that the times were pretty exact.
A beautiful shot of the full moon.
Taken by Chronicle photographer Frank Larson- it's a view of the eclipse next to the tip of the Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco. I guess it WAS clear in the city to view it! Notice the reddish hues on the moon...
As the earth's shadow covered the moon, us girls ventured outside for a better view. If it wasn't for the surrounding lights of the neighborhood houses and streetlights, I'm positive the view would've been more spectacular. With the naked eye, you can really see how the moon appeared to turn red.
In the midst of all of the ooohing and aaaahing, Sabrina made a comment about how awesome God was for His wonderful creations. At that, I literally had to stop in my tracks. I was so busy trying to identify nearby constellations, straining my eyes for any falling stars, and focusing on the eclipse itself that I failed to acknowledge how the entire thing was possible in the first place! I then heard a verse inside my head, although I wouldn't be able to tell you which one, that basically talks about the faith of a child, or seeing through the eyes of a child.
As I looked up at the sky again, I saw it with different eyes...and it only made the event even more spectacular than the minute before. So thank you, Sabrina, for that reminder that God is so good!
*Thanks family for waking up in the wee hours to witness the lunar eclipse...we can do it again next year on FEBRUARY 21, 2008!
Monday, August 27, 2007
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
- Psalm 34:18
Not sure if I ever mentioned that I subscribe to a daily Bible verse via KLOVE. I've been lazy about updating my sidebar daily, but once in a while, a verse will resonate strongly that I'm moved to change it. The above verse comes at a time when I am being bombarded by anything to do with marriage, love, and divorce.
A few Sundays back, I went to church and the pastor just so happened to be starting up a new series of sermons. This four-week series was entitled "Sex, Marriage, and Singleness from God's point of view." Under that umbrella, there would be four categories that he would focus on each week: sex, intimacy, fidelity, and singleness.
Now I will be honest and say that I have not been going to my church religiously week after week...although my intention is to do so. And when I have been away, there is always this "call" to go back. Yes, I do feel guilty for not attending, but at the same time, I know that I can have my intimate time with God anytime, anywhere. So when I did go back on that particular Sunday, I felt that the message was exactly what I needed to hear.
Point blank: it's difficult for me to talk about marriage and divorce. It's a touchy subject. Even though I may pass it off nonchalantly with a smile, it still hurts something fierce inside. With any emotional pain and hardship, they say that it hurts less with each passing day. Somedays, I don't feel any different from the last.
The sermons have been hard to swallow in many parts and shit, even as I write this, I get somewhat choked up. But it always seems that when difficult and personal topics such as these arise, the pastor acknowledges how there must be so many of us dealing with the very thing. From his standpoint on the pulpit stage area, he has the opportunity to look into the church congregation and see for himself how people react to what he says. I can only guess that he saw many downcast eyes of those who were thinking of their current situations and perhaps, he did see that one lady, whom I heard, trying to stifle her sobs. Or maybe he could see me shift uncomfortably in my seat as I tried to hold back my tears. It's like Jesus was speaking through him to talk to me...almost as if he was reaching out to me through him to speak to me personally. And no matter how crappy I feel about my situation, he's saying that it will be okay in the end.
I missed last week's service because of a family event, but thanks to the internet, I can listen to the audio of the entire sermon. Last week's focused on the last topic: singleness.
Dude...that's me.
Without going into so much detail, the pastor began with the common stereotype that we all have to get out of our heads- that being single is a disease! So many singles get so much flak for not finding "the one" and yah, I can see how people can have that "dang, it's been so long" mentality. But according to the pastor, us singles should view our singleness as a gift and calling...yes, a calling to be single! Comparing married couples vs singles, people with families get easily "distracted" by so many things that they don't have the time to serve God fully, whereas singles, who don't have the responsibility of a family, can have MORE time and dedication to do what He calls them to do. Of course this is not saying that those with families can't serve God, etc, but the main point was that single people have MORE of an opportunity to do work for God.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was experiencing "Ally McBeal syndrome"- am I supposed to live my life alone??? Y'know what? The Bible says NO. We are not meant to be alone; although it said that our singleness is a calling from God, it is but a temporary one. And to some, a very LONG temporary one! But hearing the words, "we are not meant to be alone"...I feel that I was MEANT to hear it and internalize it.
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
To truly believe this verse is a major comfort.
I made it to church today. Once a year, my church hosts an outdoor service at an amphitheater in the nearby park. This was my first one! There really is something about singing, praising, and praying to God outdoors. Again, the messages and faith stories spoke to me. How does HE know that I needed to hear that today? 'Cuz he's AWESOME and ALL-KNOWING!
There was a BBQ following the service (YUM!), but there were also baptisms today. I have to say that each and every time I see a baptism, whether it is in person or in a film/slideshow/pictures, I can't help but feel overwhelming joy for that person. It's making the commitment, it's making that declaration, and it's sharing it with everyone...everyone's story of how they came to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior is different and personal to each, but at the same time, I feel that we all now share that one common bond. Needless to say, I was in tears the entire time! It was beautiful to see young kids get baptized, but two particular people stood out today. One was an 80-something year old lady and the other was a recovering alcoholic. To see and hear about the major shift in their life dedicated to following God was touching and inspirational. I was glad to have made it to service today to see firsthand the beginning of their new lives.
**In case you were interested or curious about any of the topics in that four-week series, click here.
- Psalm 34:18
Not sure if I ever mentioned that I subscribe to a daily Bible verse via KLOVE. I've been lazy about updating my sidebar daily, but once in a while, a verse will resonate strongly that I'm moved to change it. The above verse comes at a time when I am being bombarded by anything to do with marriage, love, and divorce.
A few Sundays back, I went to church and the pastor just so happened to be starting up a new series of sermons. This four-week series was entitled "Sex, Marriage, and Singleness from God's point of view." Under that umbrella, there would be four categories that he would focus on each week: sex, intimacy, fidelity, and singleness.
Now I will be honest and say that I have not been going to my church religiously week after week...although my intention is to do so. And when I have been away, there is always this "call" to go back. Yes, I do feel guilty for not attending, but at the same time, I know that I can have my intimate time with God anytime, anywhere. So when I did go back on that particular Sunday, I felt that the message was exactly what I needed to hear.
Point blank: it's difficult for me to talk about marriage and divorce. It's a touchy subject. Even though I may pass it off nonchalantly with a smile, it still hurts something fierce inside. With any emotional pain and hardship, they say that it hurts less with each passing day. Somedays, I don't feel any different from the last.
The sermons have been hard to swallow in many parts and shit, even as I write this, I get somewhat choked up. But it always seems that when difficult and personal topics such as these arise, the pastor acknowledges how there must be so many of us dealing with the very thing. From his standpoint on the pulpit stage area, he has the opportunity to look into the church congregation and see for himself how people react to what he says. I can only guess that he saw many downcast eyes of those who were thinking of their current situations and perhaps, he did see that one lady, whom I heard, trying to stifle her sobs. Or maybe he could see me shift uncomfortably in my seat as I tried to hold back my tears. It's like Jesus was speaking through him to talk to me...almost as if he was reaching out to me through him to speak to me personally. And no matter how crappy I feel about my situation, he's saying that it will be okay in the end.
I missed last week's service because of a family event, but thanks to the internet, I can listen to the audio of the entire sermon. Last week's focused on the last topic: singleness.
Dude...that's me.
Without going into so much detail, the pastor began with the common stereotype that we all have to get out of our heads- that being single is a disease! So many singles get so much flak for not finding "the one" and yah, I can see how people can have that "dang, it's been so long" mentality. But according to the pastor, us singles should view our singleness as a gift and calling...yes, a calling to be single! Comparing married couples vs singles, people with families get easily "distracted" by so many things that they don't have the time to serve God fully, whereas singles, who don't have the responsibility of a family, can have MORE time and dedication to do what He calls them to do. Of course this is not saying that those with families can't serve God, etc, but the main point was that single people have MORE of an opportunity to do work for God.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was experiencing "Ally McBeal syndrome"- am I supposed to live my life alone??? Y'know what? The Bible says NO. We are not meant to be alone; although it said that our singleness is a calling from God, it is but a temporary one. And to some, a very LONG temporary one! But hearing the words, "we are not meant to be alone"...I feel that I was MEANT to hear it and internalize it.
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
To truly believe this verse is a major comfort.
I made it to church today. Once a year, my church hosts an outdoor service at an amphitheater in the nearby park. This was my first one! There really is something about singing, praising, and praying to God outdoors. Again, the messages and faith stories spoke to me. How does HE know that I needed to hear that today? 'Cuz he's AWESOME and ALL-KNOWING!
There was a BBQ following the service (YUM!), but there were also baptisms today. I have to say that each and every time I see a baptism, whether it is in person or in a film/slideshow/pictures, I can't help but feel overwhelming joy for that person. It's making the commitment, it's making that declaration, and it's sharing it with everyone...everyone's story of how they came to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior is different and personal to each, but at the same time, I feel that we all now share that one common bond. Needless to say, I was in tears the entire time! It was beautiful to see young kids get baptized, but two particular people stood out today. One was an 80-something year old lady and the other was a recovering alcoholic. To see and hear about the major shift in their life dedicated to following God was touching and inspirational. I was glad to have made it to service today to see firsthand the beginning of their new lives.
**In case you were interested or curious about any of the topics in that four-week series, click here.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Marathon Update
I'm proud of myself and disappointed at the same time. Disappointed that I haven't been able to participate in any of the group/team runs, but proud that I've been getting into a routine that is getting me out there. So far, I've stuck to the Great Highway because it's easier to gauge the mileage. Like I mentioned before, the strip is a total of four miles back and forth. I actually have been surpassing the strip and continuing on halfway towards the Cliff House. Because I've yet to work on endurance training, I can't seem to run very far nonstop. I've been using the stoplights as my marker. I run from light to light, but admittedly so, I can only run 3/4 of it before I start walking to catch my breath. Of course, I keep moving to maintain activity; by the third light, I can pretty much make it down through the remaining lights with a mini walking break in-between.
Now that school is starting, I'm determined to get a run in everyday after work. My goal is to up my mileage to 8 miles by mid-September; that way, come October, I'll be able to do 12 miles by the marathon...without passing out, that is! I've also yet to start biking, too...man, I really gotta get on it!
*Just wanted to say a quick THANKS to those who have already donated to my fundraising project for Team in Training (TNT). I will be sending out a letter and email out very soon, so if you get doubles, my apologies in advance! It's such a great way to raise awareness...and raising funds for research and patient services by running is what I'm committed to do.
Here's the catch though...if you've been thinking of donating, please do not delay! I have only until OCTOBER 5, 2007 to raise $2,100. So check out the link on the right-hand side to my personal TNT page and whatever you can do to help would be most appreciated!
Hope you're having a good weekend ya'll...
I'm proud of myself and disappointed at the same time. Disappointed that I haven't been able to participate in any of the group/team runs, but proud that I've been getting into a routine that is getting me out there. So far, I've stuck to the Great Highway because it's easier to gauge the mileage. Like I mentioned before, the strip is a total of four miles back and forth. I actually have been surpassing the strip and continuing on halfway towards the Cliff House. Because I've yet to work on endurance training, I can't seem to run very far nonstop. I've been using the stoplights as my marker. I run from light to light, but admittedly so, I can only run 3/4 of it before I start walking to catch my breath. Of course, I keep moving to maintain activity; by the third light, I can pretty much make it down through the remaining lights with a mini walking break in-between.
Now that school is starting, I'm determined to get a run in everyday after work. My goal is to up my mileage to 8 miles by mid-September; that way, come October, I'll be able to do 12 miles by the marathon...without passing out, that is! I've also yet to start biking, too...man, I really gotta get on it!
*Just wanted to say a quick THANKS to those who have already donated to my fundraising project for Team in Training (TNT). I will be sending out a letter and email out very soon, so if you get doubles, my apologies in advance! It's such a great way to raise awareness...and raising funds for research and patient services by running is what I'm committed to do.
Here's the catch though...if you've been thinking of donating, please do not delay! I have only until OCTOBER 5, 2007 to raise $2,100. So check out the link on the right-hand side to my personal TNT page and whatever you can do to help would be most appreciated!
Hope you're having a good weekend ya'll...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Ups and Downs
I can't believe school is starting soon. Being back to school for teacher retreat has been brutal. As I glimpsed the faces surrounding me, I saw mirror images of exhaustion and boredom...eyes were either staring blankly ahead, rolling to the back of their head, and/or looking attentive, but really brainstorming what needs to be done in their respective classrooms. I'm not ready for school- mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've loved my summer vacation...loved my summer hours of sleeping in the wee hours of the morning and getting up when it's nearly afternoon.
I've loved it, but it's now kicking my butt.
Ups and Downs...that basically describes my summer. I know that I just said that I've loved my summer vacation; it leans more to the lazy side of me that thoroughly enjoyed not working the usual 7am-5pm. For almost every "up" in my summer, there was definitely a "down."
A Definite UP
There's been plans and talks about when I should go up. As in up, up, up and away! Ate and BruthaMan made it possible for me to go flying this last Saturday. In one word, the experience was simply AWESOME. I can understand why some people, BruthaMan included, can love flying so much. It's just so peaceful up there...and this not being an engine plane, it's quiet and serene...and to me, it made me feel geographically closer to God and the heavens. Corny, I know! When you're looking down at the world below you, it looks both tiny and grand and the same time. Gliding through the air, letting the wind take you...it almost felt like I was in some kind of dream. I had the opportunity to go up with Kenny Price, BruthaMan's flight instructor up at Williams Soaring Center in Williams, CA, who also happens to be one of the BEST in the nation. Pretty fabulous that I was able to fly with him!
Flight instructor, Kenny Price, and MnM.
View from 3,000 feet
"I'm soarin', flyin'...."
*For more info on soaring, check out BruthaMan's blog.
A few other definite UPs include -
*signing up to run a half-marathon. For a while, it was bringing me down because of the expectations that I put on myself, but as I slowly get into a routine and continue to push myself a little bit more each time, it's quickly becoming a more positive experience.
*sponsoring a child in the Philippines. My parents have done this for as long as I can remember and I knew that I'd want to follow in their example. I've always wanted to have a child of my own, but seeing that isn't meant to be just yet, why not put my desires and hope into a child who is in need. When I went to Spirit West Coast with RyceGirl, I saw the website for Compassion. I felt something in my heart and checked out the site. I searched under Philippines and this particular picture of a 6-year old boy resonated and called to me. As I read the profiles of other children, I believe the Holy Spirit was calling me back to that child. I didn't choose to sponsor a child just to do it. I want to be able to help make a difference and pray that He will come to know Christ in his life.
As I said earlier, with all of the positives, I've definitely had my share of negatives. While I don't want to revisit the same-old same-old drama otherwise known as my life, I do wanted to share the lyrics to a current popular Christian song that really does something for me when I'm down. It's a gentle reminder that I'm not alone, even though I may feel like it most of the time. (*Check out the youtube video of this song...Aaron Shust is pretty dope live in concert- he was at Spirit West Coast)
My Savior, My God
by Aaron Shust
I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior
I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me; this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior
My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God: He was, my God; He is
My God is always gonna be
Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior.
I can't believe school is starting soon. Being back to school for teacher retreat has been brutal. As I glimpsed the faces surrounding me, I saw mirror images of exhaustion and boredom...eyes were either staring blankly ahead, rolling to the back of their head, and/or looking attentive, but really brainstorming what needs to be done in their respective classrooms. I'm not ready for school- mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've loved my summer vacation...loved my summer hours of sleeping in the wee hours of the morning and getting up when it's nearly afternoon.
I've loved it, but it's now kicking my butt.
Ups and Downs...that basically describes my summer. I know that I just said that I've loved my summer vacation; it leans more to the lazy side of me that thoroughly enjoyed not working the usual 7am-5pm. For almost every "up" in my summer, there was definitely a "down."
A Definite UP
There's been plans and talks about when I should go up. As in up, up, up and away! Ate and BruthaMan made it possible for me to go flying this last Saturday. In one word, the experience was simply AWESOME. I can understand why some people, BruthaMan included, can love flying so much. It's just so peaceful up there...and this not being an engine plane, it's quiet and serene...and to me, it made me feel geographically closer to God and the heavens. Corny, I know! When you're looking down at the world below you, it looks both tiny and grand and the same time. Gliding through the air, letting the wind take you...it almost felt like I was in some kind of dream. I had the opportunity to go up with Kenny Price, BruthaMan's flight instructor up at Williams Soaring Center in Williams, CA, who also happens to be one of the BEST in the nation. Pretty fabulous that I was able to fly with him!
Flight instructor, Kenny Price, and MnM.
View from 3,000 feet
"I'm soarin', flyin'...."
*For more info on soaring, check out BruthaMan's blog.
A few other definite UPs include -
*signing up to run a half-marathon. For a while, it was bringing me down because of the expectations that I put on myself, but as I slowly get into a routine and continue to push myself a little bit more each time, it's quickly becoming a more positive experience.
*sponsoring a child in the Philippines. My parents have done this for as long as I can remember and I knew that I'd want to follow in their example. I've always wanted to have a child of my own, but seeing that isn't meant to be just yet, why not put my desires and hope into a child who is in need. When I went to Spirit West Coast with RyceGirl, I saw the website for Compassion. I felt something in my heart and checked out the site. I searched under Philippines and this particular picture of a 6-year old boy resonated and called to me. As I read the profiles of other children, I believe the Holy Spirit was calling me back to that child. I didn't choose to sponsor a child just to do it. I want to be able to help make a difference and pray that He will come to know Christ in his life.
As I said earlier, with all of the positives, I've definitely had my share of negatives. While I don't want to revisit the same-old same-old drama otherwise known as my life, I do wanted to share the lyrics to a current popular Christian song that really does something for me when I'm down. It's a gentle reminder that I'm not alone, even though I may feel like it most of the time. (*Check out the youtube video of this song...Aaron Shust is pretty dope live in concert- he was at Spirit West Coast)
My Savior, My God
by Aaron Shust
I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior
I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me; this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior
My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God: He was, my God; He is
My God is always gonna be
Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring;
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior
That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Survivng D-DAY
Today is D-DAY....THE day that should've put me in the foulest mood...THE day where it should've gotten worse with each passing second...THE day where I should've been crying my eyes out...THE day where all the stupid drivers in the city decide to drive in front of me...well, ok, I'll give it that...that DID happen!
I expected myself to be upset, sad, frustrated, depressed, PO'd to the nth degree...maybe I anticipated it too much.
What the hell am I talking about???
Today, August 22, 2007, is THE LAST DAY where I could've been able to retrieve all of my personal belongings back at my house in Minnesota. Because it has gone into foreclosure, we were given a six-month window to take back our stuff.
My "stuff" translates to everything I've ever owned since I was a baby. Yes, a baby! As in, pink booties that my mom had saved after all these years. Or how about the Valentine cards that I saved from kindergarten...hell, it doesn't matter that I don't remember everyone in my class, but damn, c'mon...kindergarten! There's the letters from grade school that Mommy Hernandez and I used to write each other...things I've saved from grade school, high school, and college...my Precious Moments collection (some pieces are already "retired" which means they don't make that particular piece anymore...)...ALL of my photo albums throughout the years (and ya'll know that I had HELLA!)...ALL of my books (I had a HUGE LIBRARY!)...DVDs...furniture...kitchen stuff...my nice-ass mountain bike...ALL of the school materials/resources that I've accumulated through the years (and we're talking about a few thousand dollars worth...)...my original Kim Taylor Reese piece that was personally autographed by the artist himself...and EVERYTHING that I've accumulated throughout the five years I would've been married on top of the already years of history and memories that I lugged to MN.
When I see it all in writing, it really does make me want to cry. Shit.
But stuff is stuff, right? I mean, most are material things that can easily be replaced...haha, easily if I had the funds, but let's not even go there because I've found that divorce is quite expensive...but hell, I should be happy to be back in California. And I am. I've got my family, friends, job, my health...I've got all that I need to move on. Most importantly, I've got my God who's been the rock that I need to stand firm and be strong.
This day has been looming...I've dreaded it, I've talked crap about it, and like I mentioned earlier, perhaps I've anticipated the day way too much. Some may wonder...WHY didn't MnM go back and get her stuff? WHY didn't MnM make it happen? In fact, some generous folks had offered to fly out with me to Minnesota and make it happen, but due to some "obstacles," it wasn't meant to be. It's literally out of my hands.
But today, I made up my mind. Today, D-DAY, is the day that I exhale. I've been offered the advice of "letting it go" time and time again, but man, talk about easier said than done. To let go of EVERYTHING I've ever owned sucks....and what sucks even more is the fact that I could've gotten it back...
...if only I had gotten the keys that I was promised.
It should've been a simple task. Get the keys. Fly back to MN. Get my stuff. Pack a U-Haul. Drive back to CA. Done.
But things happen for a reason...and this wasn't meant to be.
I've learned a really tough lesson here. First of all, I've learned that no matter how many times my heart breaks, it WILL heal. I can't even quite describe in words what it feels like, but to me, I feel empty inside...it's as if the joy and love is sucked out. Then I become nauseated, but the only remedy for that is crying. But y'know what? I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of all of the random moments when the tears come...I feel that my situation has had enough. Just when I feel that I'm all cried out, it never fails.
I've also learned that it's such a burden to be angry and bitter...and I've been angry and bitter for way too long. It's a burden that I no longer want to carry. There's this domino effect happening here. It's all a jumbled mess that even I can't organize together, but because of the anger I am harboring inside, I feel that it hinders me from doing other things. Those other things include being a good teacher and just trying to be a good person overall. I've mentioned that I've thought about doing mission work...it's calling to me, but I'm scared that I'm not worthy enough to do the job well. Do I feel that way because of how I'm dealing with the divorce? How could I share the love of Christ to others when I, myself, cannot bring myself to forgive the ones who have sinned against me? Do you see what I'm getting at?
I don't want to be angry anymore. I really want to forgive and move on. Again, easier said than done, but very POSSIBLE. So many people say that if they were in my shoes that forgiveness wouldn't be an option, but to that I say, it HAS to be. I don't want to go through life being bitter about how my life could've been. Yes, I have been moving on, but with lots of complaining and feeling sorry for myself. For a long time, I was having "Ally McBeal syndrome"....lol...one of my ultimate fave shows in which the main character, Ally, feels that perhaps she is supposed to go through life alone. I thought that a failed marriage was like having this huge red X on my forehead. That was and is the hardest thing to swallow.
Times like these, I swear I wish I was seeing a shrink!
As I sit here and type this post, my heart is beating a million miles a minute...and no, it's not because I ran 2 miles today (which I'm SO PROUD of!). It all comes down to this...I need to let it all go, not only my belongings back in Minnesota, but the anger as well. I need to focus on the bigger picture and what I am called to do. It takes a lot of effort to be angry, but it's so easy to love.
In this case, I want to take the easy way out.
Today is D-DAY....THE day that should've put me in the foulest mood...THE day where it should've gotten worse with each passing second...THE day where I should've been crying my eyes out...THE day where all the stupid drivers in the city decide to drive in front of me...well, ok, I'll give it that...that DID happen!
I expected myself to be upset, sad, frustrated, depressed, PO'd to the nth degree...maybe I anticipated it too much.
What the hell am I talking about???
Today, August 22, 2007, is THE LAST DAY where I could've been able to retrieve all of my personal belongings back at my house in Minnesota. Because it has gone into foreclosure, we were given a six-month window to take back our stuff.
My "stuff" translates to everything I've ever owned since I was a baby. Yes, a baby! As in, pink booties that my mom had saved after all these years. Or how about the Valentine cards that I saved from kindergarten...hell, it doesn't matter that I don't remember everyone in my class, but damn, c'mon...kindergarten! There's the letters from grade school that Mommy Hernandez and I used to write each other...things I've saved from grade school, high school, and college...my Precious Moments collection (some pieces are already "retired" which means they don't make that particular piece anymore...)...ALL of my photo albums throughout the years (and ya'll know that I had HELLA!)...ALL of my books (I had a HUGE LIBRARY!)...DVDs...furniture...kitchen stuff...my nice-ass mountain bike...ALL of the school materials/resources that I've accumulated through the years (and we're talking about a few thousand dollars worth...)...my original Kim Taylor Reese piece that was personally autographed by the artist himself...and EVERYTHING that I've accumulated throughout the five years I would've been married on top of the already years of history and memories that I lugged to MN.
When I see it all in writing, it really does make me want to cry. Shit.
But stuff is stuff, right? I mean, most are material things that can easily be replaced...haha, easily if I had the funds, but let's not even go there because I've found that divorce is quite expensive...but hell, I should be happy to be back in California. And I am. I've got my family, friends, job, my health...I've got all that I need to move on. Most importantly, I've got my God who's been the rock that I need to stand firm and be strong.
This day has been looming...I've dreaded it, I've talked crap about it, and like I mentioned earlier, perhaps I've anticipated the day way too much. Some may wonder...WHY didn't MnM go back and get her stuff? WHY didn't MnM make it happen? In fact, some generous folks had offered to fly out with me to Minnesota and make it happen, but due to some "obstacles," it wasn't meant to be. It's literally out of my hands.
But today, I made up my mind. Today, D-DAY, is the day that I exhale. I've been offered the advice of "letting it go" time and time again, but man, talk about easier said than done. To let go of EVERYTHING I've ever owned sucks....and what sucks even more is the fact that I could've gotten it back...
...if only I had gotten the keys that I was promised.
It should've been a simple task. Get the keys. Fly back to MN. Get my stuff. Pack a U-Haul. Drive back to CA. Done.
But things happen for a reason...and this wasn't meant to be.
I've learned a really tough lesson here. First of all, I've learned that no matter how many times my heart breaks, it WILL heal. I can't even quite describe in words what it feels like, but to me, I feel empty inside...it's as if the joy and love is sucked out. Then I become nauseated, but the only remedy for that is crying. But y'know what? I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of all of the random moments when the tears come...I feel that my situation has had enough. Just when I feel that I'm all cried out, it never fails.
I've also learned that it's such a burden to be angry and bitter...and I've been angry and bitter for way too long. It's a burden that I no longer want to carry. There's this domino effect happening here. It's all a jumbled mess that even I can't organize together, but because of the anger I am harboring inside, I feel that it hinders me from doing other things. Those other things include being a good teacher and just trying to be a good person overall. I've mentioned that I've thought about doing mission work...it's calling to me, but I'm scared that I'm not worthy enough to do the job well. Do I feel that way because of how I'm dealing with the divorce? How could I share the love of Christ to others when I, myself, cannot bring myself to forgive the ones who have sinned against me? Do you see what I'm getting at?
I don't want to be angry anymore. I really want to forgive and move on. Again, easier said than done, but very POSSIBLE. So many people say that if they were in my shoes that forgiveness wouldn't be an option, but to that I say, it HAS to be. I don't want to go through life being bitter about how my life could've been. Yes, I have been moving on, but with lots of complaining and feeling sorry for myself. For a long time, I was having "Ally McBeal syndrome"....lol...one of my ultimate fave shows in which the main character, Ally, feels that perhaps she is supposed to go through life alone. I thought that a failed marriage was like having this huge red X on my forehead. That was and is the hardest thing to swallow.
Times like these, I swear I wish I was seeing a shrink!
As I sit here and type this post, my heart is beating a million miles a minute...and no, it's not because I ran 2 miles today (which I'm SO PROUD of!). It all comes down to this...I need to let it all go, not only my belongings back in Minnesota, but the anger as well. I need to focus on the bigger picture and what I am called to do. It takes a lot of effort to be angry, but it's so easy to love.
In this case, I want to take the easy way out.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Week Two Update
The training is coming along. Within these past two weeks, I've tried to change up my walk routines, mainly just to figure out where I am most comfortable. I've tried walking the trails around Fort Funston, going around Lake Merced, and doing the stretch along the Great Highway. Among the three, I'm favoring the beach. Mileage-wise from Sloat Blvd to Lincoln, it's approximately two miles one way. Going back and forth for a total of four miles takes me a good hour. To the well-trained runner, it may not seem impressive, but it's definitely a whole lot more than what I'm used to doing...and I'm proud that I've stuck to a routine thus far.
Today was different. The conditions in the East Bay are way different than what I am used to. For the most part, I've been starting with flat terrain; the surrounding neighborhood here is full of hills and the inclines got me breathing heavy. On top of that, it was one of the first times where I actually wished for fog instead of the beautiful and sunny weather! Both factors slowed me down and I doubt that I did the anticipated four miles...but still, I walked for an hour regardless.
I did try jogging for a bit. As a novice runner, the suggested time to run is 4:1....run for 4 minutes, walk for 1 to cool down, and repeat. MnM can be backward or "baliktad" and while I do maintain the numbers (4:1), I'm running for 1 minute and walking for 4 instead!
Pathetic, I know...
But because of the time crunch that I am in to ready myself for the marathon, I am more aware of the food choices I make and of the need to "just do it" and be active someway. One thing that I do have to work on is cross-training. I was banking on retrieving my personal mountain bike from Minnesota, but seeing that venture is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN (...long story...), my sis is kind enough to let me borrow hers in the meantime. I'd like to invest in another one, but I can't seem to swallow the fact that the one that I DO have is going to be auctioned off really soon. But I digress...
So biking is on my list of cross-training activities! Plus, I'm getting excited for school to start again...again, this may not sound impressive, but I'm going to try and make P.E. time with the kids a mini-workout, too....even if it means running laps in the schoolyard! Then, I'll change it up and perhaps we'll do some core conditioning exercises...my students do not know what they're in for this year! Lol!
I have not been able to join the mentor runs on Thursday, the team runs on Saturday, nor have I been able to join Mommy Hernandez (who is running the NIKE Half Marathon AGAIN!) Thursday evenings at NikeTown. I really have to get on the ball!
Continue to wish me luck, ya'll!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Marathon Training
I still can't believe that I actually signed up for a marathon. It's something that I told myself I would do "one of these days" and well, one of those days has come.
I am attempting to run the NIKE Women's Half Marathon on Sunday, October 21st. It's a 13.1 mile course that starts at Union Square in downtown, weaves through many scenic parts of da city, and ends at Ocean Beach along the Great Highway.
Joining this marathon is three-fold for me.
First of all, I am so out of shape that it's ridiculously scary. I've never really been one to spend loads of time in the gym nor am I anywhere near being the sporty type. I've come to accept my supposed inherited genes and while I was never truly content with having the body type that I do have, I figured that this was how it would always be. Not anymore.
Secondly, the rollercoaster of emotions (as I've been calling my divorce) has been really intense. It's a known good that when people find themselves in intense or stressful situations, they find comfort in food. That was me. I'm disappointed at how much I let myself go. I told myself time and time again that "life will begin once I sign the papers." Once I signed, I became a new person...and this desire to do so many things, things that I've never really done before, took over. Take hiking, for example. To be quite honest, I was so proud of myself for making it through in one piece! Ya'll may not think the hike was nothing, but it was HUGE for me. That day got it in my head that something like a marathon was not out of reach. I'm trying to be more open to new experiences and running this marathon is definitely up there on the list.
Last, but definitely not least, I'm running for a good cause. Because I joined through Team in Training, I am raising funds that will go towards finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other blood cancers. There have been so many people that I know of who have been affected by various cancers and raising money for research, for awareness, and for a cure is the least that I can do. I just want to do my part...and you can, too!
While I do the running (or jogging, walking, crawling...), you can help by sponsoring me and making a donation. My goal is to raise $2,100. If you're interested, visit my TNT site and you can make a tax deductible donation for any amount...anything will help!
Thanks in advance for helping out for such a worthy cause! And WHEN (not if...) I do cross that finish line, I'll treat you to a yummy and nutritious Jamba Juice smoothie. Sound good???
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
What I would've given to be at AT&T Park last night! Wowzers! We all had that inkling of hope that he'd break the record here at home and he did! Homerun 756! That's HISTORY in the making, people! Whoo hoo!
Look at that crowd! I can't even begin to imagine the excitement in the air! Were any of you lucky bastards there???
What a great Kodak moment with the sign in the background!
And the lucky dude who caught the ball...look at t-shirt he's wearing (it's a Mets shirt)! Turns out that he's a New Yorker!
Bonds addressing the crowd and saying a few words about his late dad. Where's the tissue???
*I don't take credit for these pictures. I took them from SFGate.com.
What I would've given to be at AT&T Park last night! Wowzers! We all had that inkling of hope that he'd break the record here at home and he did! Homerun 756! That's HISTORY in the making, people! Whoo hoo!
Look at that crowd! I can't even begin to imagine the excitement in the air! Were any of you lucky bastards there???
What a great Kodak moment with the sign in the background!
And the lucky dude who caught the ball...look at t-shirt he's wearing (it's a Mets shirt)! Turns out that he's a New Yorker!
Bonds addressing the crowd and saying a few words about his late dad. Where's the tissue???
*I don't take credit for these pictures. I took them from SFGate.com.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
BeatsRhymesnLife: Anthology
Just had to put a plug out there for Mrs. Voodoo's completed project from her Year of Creativity. The published book contains selected writings, photography, and art from Mrs. Voodoo herself, BRL family, and BRL friends. I've always known that the many people that have come into my life, whether they were acquaintances or close friends, were just talented to the bone...and this book proves it. When the book arrived, I basically dropped whatever I was doing and spent the hour or so gulping it down page by page. I am amazed and blown away. It's so neat to read into other people's thoughts and see how they view the world around them. We could all be looking at the very same thing, but have completely different feelings towards it. But another aspect that makes this book so WOW is to see your own piece of writing in print.
One of my life goals is to be a published author...either of my writings, my pictures, or both. Seeing how Mrs. Voodoo put a lot of time in putting this anthology together, I do see that it is a doable project. But one thing that's always held me back is myself. They say that you're your own worst critic...and I agree. When the call was made to submit five pieces of work, it was hard to decide what to give. I wasn't sure if I wanted parts of me to be out-out there, know what I mean?
In any case, I'm much proud of Voodoo for cranking this out and for sticking to her Year of Creativity project. It's very inspiring! Who knows...maybe I'll sum up the courage to join her hext year! In the meantime, check out the site, check out the preview, and order yourself a copy or two (or three...or four...).
Thanks Mrs. Voodoo for making one of my goals a reality! The book is awesome!
Monday, August 06, 2007
At 6am yesterday morning, RyceGirl and I headed down to Monterey for the Spirit WestCoast Christian festival. The festival itself was held in Laguna Seca, a little town I've never heard of, but is the location of the racetracks. One of the first things you see once you get there is the number of trailers and RVs. Because this is a huge 3-day event, people flock from all over and camp out. I think it's wonderful that families make the trip; personally, even if I wanted to attend all three days of the festival, I'd make that extra drive into town and stay at one of the hotels. I'm just very particular when it comes to running water and flushable toilets. Lol!
As we drove towards Monterey, the weather was depressingly foggy and overcast...as if we never even left da city! But the closer we got to the Laguna Seca racetracks, the sun was peeking out of the clouds until it finally came out. The rest of the morning and afternoon was sunny and just plain HOT! Rycegirl and I were prepared- we had our sunscreen, our sunglasses, our water, but despite reapplying the sunblock, it still didn't stop my shoulders from getting a tad burned.
Because festival goers from the days prior staked their claim to the best spots on the lawn, Rycegirl and I settled for a spot on the dusty ground NEXT to the lawn area. We could've easily found a space in the back, but we wanted to be closer to the stage. Here's what the area around the Mainstage looked like from far away.
The entire festival was HUGE. Aside from the three performance stages, there were rows of booths where various vendors sold items ranging from Christian wear, art, music; booths that offered information and workshops for different ministries that included child sponsorship and mission field work; and even booths that offered massage and other health related things. There was a VeggieLand (yes, as in VeggieTales) for the smaller attendees that included a mini petting zoo. There was also a skate park, rock climbing, carvinal-esque games, and quite a few of those huge inflatable slides. And oh yes, let's not forget about the food!
Here's a list of the major highlights of the day:
OPERATION WORSHIP. The mission of this ministry is to provide Bibles to our soldiers. Festival attendees were encouraged to grab a Bible and inscribe the inside cover with a note of encouragement. The act is really simple, but as I wrote my note, I found myself getting a tad emotional. If these Bibles are meant to offer some light to the many brave men and women who are fighting for our freedom, then it is a privilege and my wish that my words offer that glint of hope in their dark and lonely moments. And if the particular Bible fell into someone's hands that already believe in God, then hopefully they at least feel the love, thanks, support, and appreciation that I pray my message conveys.
THE CROSS. This cross sits on a hill overlooking the entire festival site. It's not that far, but it does involve a mini-trek up some trails. Near the base of the cross, there was a bolt sticking out where people stuck their written prayers onto. If I had a pen and paper, I probably would've left one, too. Coincidentally, we also found a person asleep at the foot of the cross...gosh, I hope they were asleep and not passed out because of the heat...but he or she didn't seem to mind all these people venturing up there and praying at the cross. It was just one of those things that RyceGirl and I said that we HAD to do that day...and I'm glad we did.
THE MUSIC. Ultimately, the featured artists and their Christian messages are what brought me to Spirit West Coast in the first place. As I mentioned in another post, I've been in major need of some spiritual upliftment as of late. This sign is hilarious, isn't it? It's funny because people don't seem to understand that when I say "Christian music," it's not the regular music that one would expect to hear at church. In fact, there is such a huge stereotype that is widely misinterpreted by so many that Christians have to fit into this certain box, a particular category that sets them so obviously apart from others. How I wish people would open their eyes! Who says that Christians can't have tattoos, colored hair, and body piercings? I was surrounded by people just like that...and it was a wonderful thing! Going back to the music, most of what we heard would be considered Christian rock, Christian alternative...totally contemporary, energetic, and hip. If you don't even listen to the lyrics, you'd definitely be rockin' out; but if you DO, you'd find that you'd be rockin' out for Jesus.
GROUP 1 CREW. Not only did we get to see them perform up close, but we got to meet them and get an autograph! Even though they performed at one of the smaller stages, a lot of people gathered to watch them. Hailing from Florida, they have a Latin flavor in their music...it's a whole lotta dance, hip hop, reggae, and rap all in one. What was cool about their performance (and I have to say that this is 100% true for many of the other artists as well) is that they sound good LIVE. Plus, the message in their songs and their shared testimonies make the vibes of the performance that much deeper and more relatable. Group 1 Crew (Pablo, Blanca, and Manwell) were very cool to meet- totally down to earth individuals using their talents to praise and glorify God and to get the message of God's love and mercy out there for all to hear.
The other artists that we got to see included:
*Aaron Shust
*Group 1 Crew
*Sanctus Real
Overall, I was so glad to have gone and even moreso, that it was with RyceGirl. There may not have been a specific moment and it could honestly be a sum of all parts, but being in the company of so many Christians, all there for the same reason and purpose, is truly a powerful thing. I found myself thinking about my journey thus far and all of the things that I've had to overcome to get to where I am today. I look around me and see the people in my life who love me and I look at the wonderful creations that give beauty to this world...and I think to myself, how can I NOT thank God for His goodness?
God does work in mysterious ways. He led me to attend this concert on THIS particular day...so that I may listen to these particular artists...so that I could hear their particular message and testimony. He knew that what they had to share would affect me in a certain way. Last week, someone told me that I had a "warped sense of God in my life" and I was truly offended. There were a couple of moments where I let those words sink in and it made me question if there was any truth to it. No one wants to believe that for themselves, myself included, but I am not perfect, nor have I ever claimed to be. But I stand firm in what I believe. While it hurt to hear those words spoken to me, I will take that as reason to dig deeper into my faith and to look even closer when I see myself in the mirror. Perhaps there are things that I do that are "warped" that I don't see and maybe it had to take that person's comments to open my eyes. I still believe that I met that person for a reason- to open their eyes to the possibility of a God that loves unconditionally and that having a relationship with Him is lifechanging.
Spirit West Coast was an AWESOME experience...and I can't wait to go again next year!
RyceGirlie, it was a blast to have gone with you! So many memorable moments...the shopping, the food, the icky-not-so-icky toilets, the drive, the heat, the cold, the fog, the weird smell on the opposite side where we sat, the dust, the rhythmless nation, "shoost," the "Counting Crows," meeting Group 1 Crew, and the free hugs...I should've gotten the t-shirt! I can't wait to do it again! I thank God for friends like you...much love homegirl!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Would've Been...
...my 5-year wedding anniversary today. It's hard not to NOT dwell on it because that day meant so much. I refuse to let it get me down, but in so many ways, I think that it will affect me for some years to come. Even if it is to think about it as a day that should've turned out way differently than it has. It still saddens me tremendously, but I'm a totally changed person because of all that's transpired and I'm thankful. The events leading to that day and beyond has enabled me to nurture my relationship with God that has only become stronger, deeper, and more meaningful.
That is why I'm so excited for this weekend's events. I will be heading down to Monterey to attend the Christian Music Festival SPIRIT WESTCOAST. This rollercoaster summer of emotions is in definite need of some spiritual upliftment. Seeing Chris Tomlin last year was exactly what I needed...attending the concerts at Great America's Paramount Theater to see David Crowder and Jeremy Camp was awesome...and I anticipate Spirit WestCoast to be ever moreso. The major headline that I'm hyped to see is Switchfoot.
I'm sure that I'll have pics and stories to share, but in the meantime, please continue to keep the people in Minnesota affected by the bridge collapse in your prayers as well as each other...
...my 5-year wedding anniversary today. It's hard not to NOT dwell on it because that day meant so much. I refuse to let it get me down, but in so many ways, I think that it will affect me for some years to come. Even if it is to think about it as a day that should've turned out way differently than it has. It still saddens me tremendously, but I'm a totally changed person because of all that's transpired and I'm thankful. The events leading to that day and beyond has enabled me to nurture my relationship with God that has only become stronger, deeper, and more meaningful.
That is why I'm so excited for this weekend's events. I will be heading down to Monterey to attend the Christian Music Festival SPIRIT WESTCOAST. This rollercoaster summer of emotions is in definite need of some spiritual upliftment. Seeing Chris Tomlin last year was exactly what I needed...attending the concerts at Great America's Paramount Theater to see David Crowder and Jeremy Camp was awesome...and I anticipate Spirit WestCoast to be ever moreso. The major headline that I'm hyped to see is Switchfoot.
I'm sure that I'll have pics and stories to share, but in the meantime, please continue to keep the people in Minnesota affected by the bridge collapse in your prayers as well as each other...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Minnesota Bridge Collapse
In case you didn't see it or hear it on the news, a bridge in downtown Minneapolis collapsed today. It happened during rushhour traffic and sent approximately 50-60 cars into the Mississippi River. That is a 64 foot drop. Other sections crumpled and took homeward bound people with it. As of a couple of hours ago, the death toll was at 7, but is expected to rise by tomorrow. The 8-lane 35W Interstate bridge is a major artery and is one of many bridges that connect people throughout the Twin Cities. I am almost positive that I have crossed the very same bridge while I was there.
When I first heard the news, I felt an uneasiness in my stomach. Since that bridge is located right smack dab in the middle of the downtown area, I feared for my friends back there. I did get a hold of a particular family that I was close to and thankfully, they were not in the area at the time. But for the many others, I am unsure. The rescue attempts ceased for the night and will continue first thing tomorrow, but finding survivors looks grim...especially for those stuck underwater.
The whole bridge collapse is reminiscent of the Bay Bridge and Cypress Freeway, isn't it? Although it wasn't due to an earthquake or a terrorist attack, my heart goes out to those families who are waiting for news. Please keep those people in your thoughts and prayers...and please pray that my friends back in Minnesota are safe.
In case you didn't see it or hear it on the news, a bridge in downtown Minneapolis collapsed today. It happened during rushhour traffic and sent approximately 50-60 cars into the Mississippi River. That is a 64 foot drop. Other sections crumpled and took homeward bound people with it. As of a couple of hours ago, the death toll was at 7, but is expected to rise by tomorrow. The 8-lane 35W Interstate bridge is a major artery and is one of many bridges that connect people throughout the Twin Cities. I am almost positive that I have crossed the very same bridge while I was there.
When I first heard the news, I felt an uneasiness in my stomach. Since that bridge is located right smack dab in the middle of the downtown area, I feared for my friends back there. I did get a hold of a particular family that I was close to and thankfully, they were not in the area at the time. But for the many others, I am unsure. The rescue attempts ceased for the night and will continue first thing tomorrow, but finding survivors looks grim...especially for those stuck underwater.
The whole bridge collapse is reminiscent of the Bay Bridge and Cypress Freeway, isn't it? Although it wasn't due to an earthquake or a terrorist attack, my heart goes out to those families who are waiting for news. Please keep those people in your thoughts and prayers...and please pray that my friends back in Minnesota are safe.
My List...
...of a**holes keeps getting higher. If anyone is interested, I'll gladly give a name. This person just needs to stick his head up his own ass. I've never wished any ill will on anyone, but if someone like this particular person is going to curse me out for some stupid crap and continue to take cheap shots in hopes of diminishing my self-esteem, well then SOMETHING should happen to them just because. And if anyone ever dares to use my faith in God against me, tells me that I have a warped sense of God in my life, and that my actions somehow defile the meaning of the Bible? I guarantee that you will feel my wrath.
...of a**holes keeps getting higher. If anyone is interested, I'll gladly give a name. This person just needs to stick his head up his own ass. I've never wished any ill will on anyone, but if someone like this particular person is going to curse me out for some stupid crap and continue to take cheap shots in hopes of diminishing my self-esteem, well then SOMETHING should happen to them just because. And if anyone ever dares to use my faith in God against me, tells me that I have a warped sense of God in my life, and that my actions somehow defile the meaning of the Bible? I guarantee that you will feel my wrath.
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