Memory Lane
I'm headed to Vegas to spend New Year's with my family tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to spending time with them because I can't quite recall when was the last time we were all together to ring in the new year. Back in the day, I always questioned my mom when she would sprinkle coins of all denominations all over the house. She said it was so we could have a "prosperous" new year. As much as I heard that word and read it in Christmas cards, I never really knew what it meant at the time. When we were younger and would spend new year's at someone's house, all the moms would make sure that all the kids had some money to jingle in their pockets right before midnight. The theory was that if you have money in your pocket going into the new year, you'd have money for the rest of the year. Kinda like that "theory/superstition" that whatever you're doing on new year's, you'll be doing for the rest of the year...if you're partying, you'll be partying for the rest of the year; if you're watching TV, chances are you'll be a couch potato for the rest of the year. Get my drift? Growing up, New Years were always cool party events because while we were jingling money in our pockets, the moms and aunties were busy ringing bells, the uncles were clinking glasses, and while us short kids were busy jumping up and down ('cuz the theory in that is growing an inch or two taller!), all the other adults would start showering us with money! It was like a pinata being broken, except there was no pinata- only money crazed kids grabbing and pushing for whatever coins came their way! Of course, there was always the cousin (not me!) who didn't get anything and so aunties and uncles would have to fish through their pockets to scrounge up for that quarter to appease the kid. Ha. All I know is that going into high school, family new year parties quickly lost their appeal and I wanted to do everything BUT spend the new year with them. Self-absorbed and young MnM. As I got into college, not that I was any kind of regular party goer or anything, but I was more able to have a tad bit more fun..aka..via alcohol and clubbing! Ha. Oh man. Memories.
I'll be flying out of MN amid the crazy snowstorm we're having and my parents will be taking a roadtrip from da Bay. This new year's celebration has been in the works since last Christmas. 'Tis nothing big really. During the past few years, some of my relatives have been leaving da city for Sin City because of affordable housing. Hell, who DOESN'T have relatives nowadays in Vegas? Anyways, some of our clan will be boarding up in one house and like the auntie of the house said, "Don't expect me to cook for you- we're going to the buffet!" Cool! I also got in touch with one of my oldest best friends from grade school, D, who I hope to see even for a bit. D had been the new girl in 6th grade and as luck would have it, we were seated together because of alphabetical order of our last names. We were inseparable ever since! We became a tagteam of sorts, always getting each other's back, and always getting each other out of trouble- aiya! After 8th grade graduation, her family upped and moved to Vegas and she's been there ever since. Through the years, we've played that keeping in touch game- writing letters every day that would later become weeks, months, and then holidays; we'd call each other once in a while to catch up, mostly on birthdays; we'd even make a point to see each other when we could. Even though we even lost track of each other for a few years, what meant the most to me was that when we did finally get a hold of each other, it was as if time had never passed. We just picked up where we left off and everything was right with the world again. That's the one thing that I love about D! Currently, she's a blackjack dealer at one of the major casinos and mom to one of the cutest kids. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see her!
My time here in MN seemed really short. I actually took down all the Christmas decor today. Just last night, the lights were shining brightly from the tree and tonight, nada. It took time to carefully and painstakingly put everything away, labeling which ornaments were in which bag, wrapping delicate and fragile ones in tissue paper, and of course, putting things back into its original packaging box. Yes, I'm anal that way. This task, by the way, was done entirely by me because to be quite honest, I don't trust hubby to do it! Lol! Coincidentally, hubby will not be joining me in Vegas for New Year's. After new year's, I'll be heading back to da Bay with my family...road trip! Man, I won't even go there with how long it's been since we've had one of those! Weather-wise in MN has been a bitch, but what else should I expect from a MN winter? Of course, it decides to snow the day before I leave and I'm just hoping that my flight to Vegas won't be delayed. I'm actually hoping that enough snow will fall throughout the night so that I could make a snow angel tomorrow- my students would totally get a kick out of that!
Anyways, it's now 3am in the morning and I have yet to pack. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to packing! Aiya! I always dread goodbyes at the airport, but the silver lining to that is that there will always be a reunion later on. So to hubby, even though we cannot be together for new year's, I'll be thinking of you! To Chelle, Happy 33rd Birthday girlfriend! To everyone else, a happy and safe new year to you all! Much love! Goodbye 2005...Hello 2006!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
MnM's Unofficial Year in Review
Yes, yes, I snagged this from J, Rho, and Consuela. I swear, it always trips me out to think that it was like pulling teeth to get J to start a blog and lookit him now! Ha...seems like he's all over the map with the blogging thang! Anyways, now and then there's always these surveys, quizzes, and whatnot that I like to byte off of and well, here's one for ya'll. Take the last sentence of the first entry of each month, cut and paste, and voila, Year in Review. Here's MnM's 2005.
January: Happy 2005, ya'll! Here's to new beginnings! love and peace...
February: Considering that our town is booming, it'll be interesting to see what the town demographics are...yah, in other words, are there any other Pinoys/Pinays up in our area!
March: There are never the right words to comfort the grieving, but the fact that they are in a better place, without sickness and free of pain and suffering, encourages me.
April: Oh yah, and last but not least, a Happy Birthday shout-out goes to ME! =)
May: I hope that you had a great birthday- love and miss you!
June: Your much deserved summer vacation is just around the corner- hang in there!
July: Do I need to boycott you guys for a while???
August: I totally hate it when there's a lull in between blog posts...I tend to want to write about everything that's happened! But laundry loads await...
September: Pictures of Mount Rushmore and our trip coming soon....have a great weekend ya'll!
October: *Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
November: And it did my soul some good.
December: Much love ya'll!
Yes, yes, I snagged this from J, Rho, and Consuela. I swear, it always trips me out to think that it was like pulling teeth to get J to start a blog and lookit him now! Ha...seems like he's all over the map with the blogging thang! Anyways, now and then there's always these surveys, quizzes, and whatnot that I like to byte off of and well, here's one for ya'll. Take the last sentence of the first entry of each month, cut and paste, and voila, Year in Review. Here's MnM's 2005.
January: Happy 2005, ya'll! Here's to new beginnings! love and peace...
February: Considering that our town is booming, it'll be interesting to see what the town demographics are...yah, in other words, are there any other Pinoys/Pinays up in our area!
March: There are never the right words to comfort the grieving, but the fact that they are in a better place, without sickness and free of pain and suffering, encourages me.
April: Oh yah, and last but not least, a Happy Birthday shout-out goes to ME! =)
May: I hope that you had a great birthday- love and miss you!
June: Your much deserved summer vacation is just around the corner- hang in there!
July: Do I need to boycott you guys for a while???
August: I totally hate it when there's a lull in between blog posts...I tend to want to write about everything that's happened! But laundry loads await...
September: Pictures of Mount Rushmore and our trip coming soon....have a great weekend ya'll!
October: *Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
November: And it did my soul some good.
December: Much love ya'll!
News Around da Twin Cities
So a bear was sighted in the neighborhood of da wood. A BEAR! Apparently, bears are known to wander into the metro this time of year looking for a place to hibernate. According to authorities, we humans shouldn't be alarmed, but to be quite honest, I really don't know what I would do if, for example, I was walking around the corner of our place to get the mail when lo and behold, there's a black grizzly wandering in my direction. The only survival tip that comes to mind is to play dead...but in my fear, would I remember even that? They say not to panic because, just like they say for other nasty rodents, they are more scared of you than you of them. Suuuuuure. They say, as long as you're not trying to harm them, they will leave you alone...for the most part. For the most part?!
The authorities have not caught anything just yet (and by caught, I mean, use the tranquilizer gun thingy and drag him back into the woods), but a lot of calls came through about a black grizzly wandering around the shopping area not too far from where we live. In fact, it was sighted near Lifetime Fitness, the gym that hubby frequents! That is just way too close to home!
But my question is, if they have a tendancy to wander into the metro area during this time of year, where are they usually spending their days? Are they really that close to us that we realize? I mean, after winter is done, how likely will I be to run into a bear if I went out for a run?
See peoples...just another thing to add to my list of reasons of why people should hibernate, too!
Peter Jackson flicks
Everyone has been talking about this movie as one of the last huge blockbusters of the year...and I have to agree. Directed by Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it did not disappoint with delivering a 3-hour flick that only resulted in me wanting more. As hubby commented, it was like a LOTR three-hours and not like a Dances With Wolves three-hours. It was good! It was intense! It was awesome! (And btw: hubby and I have been on a Lord of the Rings trip these past couple of days. We popped in the Special Editions and have been soaking up anything and everything Middle Earth. It just reminds me what great movies these are and what huge fans we are!) And maybe I'm not a very good movie critic because honestly, i'm easily impressed. I'm not one of those viewers to continually point out the CGI graphics, the green screen effects, and whatnot; rather, I am one of those people who will get so into the movie that even when the most obvious is about to happen, I will be genuinely surprised and shocked that it did! I'm such a dork! Lol!
Again, the movie was intense...dinosaurs, freaky natives, bugs (and ya'll know how I DETEST bugs!), and oh yes, a huge ass chimp! It's got its moments where I was like, "okay, THAT was weird." If you've already seen it, I'm talking about the vaudeville entertainment show for Kong and the ice skating/sliding around scene. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, I didn't ruin anything...according to hubby, those scenes were put it to show the "connection" between the blonde and the chimp. Ha. Ok. Whatever. I really did like Adrien Brody's character. Here's another one of those leading men, not Brad Pitt-esque, but still quite romantic and sexy in a way. Who cares about the huge nose! But really, just his willingness to keep on going to save the girl was just totally heart
But okay, enough about the huge ass chimp, let's talk about the movie reviews for May 2006 for a sec. I think that May is going to be quite anticipated by lots of moviegoers- here's just a list of what's coming out!
- The DaVinci Code. Starring Tom Hanks and Audry Tautou (from Amelie), and Ian McKellen (plays Gandalf in LOTR). If you have yet to read the book, please do so BEFORE the movie comes out! This Dan Brown novel is such an intelligently woven suspense thriller that will leave you questioning all the things that you already know. If you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. After I saw the new trailer, I was totally psyched, but also kinda freaked out. I heard that Harrison Ford was also up for the main character, but I think either way, Tom Hanks will do a great job, too.
The DaVinci Code opens up on May 19, 2006.
- X-Men 3. Jean Grey returns stronger than ever as the Phoenix. Cyclops. Storm. Rogue and IceMan. A very pissed off Wolverine and a whole new bunch that includes Beast and Angel. It's funny because I was never a big fan of X-Men until the movie...the only Marvel Comics superheroes that I was familiar with was SpiderMan and Batman! In any case, this is going to be the big showdown that can't be missed.
X-Men opens up on May 26, 2006.
- Mission Impossible 3. Okay, let me just say that I'm tired and done with the whole Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes otherwise known as TomKat fiasco. Too much attention, too much media, too much exposure, just plain too much is just sickening. BUT, haha, there's always a 'but' in there, I really enjoyed the Mission Impossible movies thus far and will probably head out to the theaters to catch the latest (and maybe the last?) one. Of course we can expect the directors to out-do the last one, make it more heart-stopping, more intense, more thrilling, and all the other mores you could think of to make it the best. And that alone will make me want to see it...'cuz it's all about the movie experience!
MI:3 opens up on May 5, 2006.
There you have it ya'll...the best is yet to come!
So a bear was sighted in the neighborhood of da wood. A BEAR! Apparently, bears are known to wander into the metro this time of year looking for a place to hibernate. According to authorities, we humans shouldn't be alarmed, but to be quite honest, I really don't know what I would do if, for example, I was walking around the corner of our place to get the mail when lo and behold, there's a black grizzly wandering in my direction. The only survival tip that comes to mind is to play dead...but in my fear, would I remember even that? They say not to panic because, just like they say for other nasty rodents, they are more scared of you than you of them. Suuuuuure. They say, as long as you're not trying to harm them, they will leave you alone...for the most part. For the most part?!
The authorities have not caught anything just yet (and by caught, I mean, use the tranquilizer gun thingy and drag him back into the woods), but a lot of calls came through about a black grizzly wandering around the shopping area not too far from where we live. In fact, it was sighted near Lifetime Fitness, the gym that hubby frequents! That is just way too close to home!
But my question is, if they have a tendancy to wander into the metro area during this time of year, where are they usually spending their days? Are they really that close to us that we realize? I mean, after winter is done, how likely will I be to run into a bear if I went out for a run?
See peoples...just another thing to add to my list of reasons of why people should hibernate, too!
Peter Jackson flicks
Everyone has been talking about this movie as one of the last huge blockbusters of the year...and I have to agree. Directed by Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it did not disappoint with delivering a 3-hour flick that only resulted in me wanting more. As hubby commented, it was like a LOTR three-hours and not like a Dances With Wolves three-hours. It was good! It was intense! It was awesome! (And btw: hubby and I have been on a Lord of the Rings trip these past couple of days. We popped in the Special Editions and have been soaking up anything and everything Middle Earth. It just reminds me what great movies these are and what huge fans we are!) And maybe I'm not a very good movie critic because honestly, i'm easily impressed. I'm not one of those viewers to continually point out the CGI graphics, the green screen effects, and whatnot; rather, I am one of those people who will get so into the movie that even when the most obvious is about to happen, I will be genuinely surprised and shocked that it did! I'm such a dork! Lol!
Again, the movie was intense...dinosaurs, freaky natives, bugs (and ya'll know how I DETEST bugs!), and oh yes, a huge ass chimp! It's got its moments where I was like, "okay, THAT was weird." If you've already seen it, I'm talking about the vaudeville entertainment show for Kong and the ice skating/sliding around scene. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, I didn't ruin anything...according to hubby, those scenes were put it to show the "connection" between the blonde and the chimp. Ha. Ok. Whatever. I really did like Adrien Brody's character. Here's another one of those leading men, not Brad Pitt-esque, but still quite romantic and sexy in a way. Who cares about the huge nose! But really, just his willingness to keep on going to save the girl was just totally heart
But okay, enough about the huge ass chimp, let's talk about the movie reviews for May 2006 for a sec. I think that May is going to be quite anticipated by lots of moviegoers- here's just a list of what's coming out!
- The DaVinci Code. Starring Tom Hanks and Audry Tautou (from Amelie), and Ian McKellen (plays Gandalf in LOTR). If you have yet to read the book, please do so BEFORE the movie comes out! This Dan Brown novel is such an intelligently woven suspense thriller that will leave you questioning all the things that you already know. If you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. After I saw the new trailer, I was totally psyched, but also kinda freaked out. I heard that Harrison Ford was also up for the main character, but I think either way, Tom Hanks will do a great job, too.
The DaVinci Code opens up on May 19, 2006.
- X-Men 3. Jean Grey returns stronger than ever as the Phoenix. Cyclops. Storm. Rogue and IceMan. A very pissed off Wolverine and a whole new bunch that includes Beast and Angel. It's funny because I was never a big fan of X-Men until the movie...the only Marvel Comics superheroes that I was familiar with was SpiderMan and Batman! In any case, this is going to be the big showdown that can't be missed.
X-Men opens up on May 26, 2006.
- Mission Impossible 3. Okay, let me just say that I'm tired and done with the whole Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes otherwise known as TomKat fiasco. Too much attention, too much media, too much exposure, just plain too much is just sickening. BUT, haha, there's always a 'but' in there, I really enjoyed the Mission Impossible movies thus far and will probably head out to the theaters to catch the latest (and maybe the last?) one. Of course we can expect the directors to out-do the last one, make it more heart-stopping, more intense, more thrilling, and all the other mores you could think of to make it the best. And that alone will make me want to see it...'cuz it's all about the movie experience!
MI:3 opens up on May 5, 2006.
There you have it ya'll...the best is yet to come!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
The Magic of Christmas
It never fails at this time of year. Whether or not the past year had been the best or worst, everything seems to fade needlessly into the background around the holidays. Why is that?
Last Christmas had the potential to be rather unpleasant. Maybe it was because it would be my first Christmas ever spent away from my family, maybe it was because I was totally bummed that hubby and I would be alone in our brand new house for the holidays, and maybe it was because we just weren't getting along because we both woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I remember thinking, "Damn, what a crappy Christmas!" Talk about a Bah, Humbug attitude! Hubby and I decided to check out this one church for their midnight service. It was about an hour away from where we lived. It turned out to be one of the most beautiful services I have ever attended- from the symphony of music and songs, to the message of Christmas, it was just what I needed to melt away the negative vibes I was feeling. But to top it all off, as we walked out after the service, it started to lightly snow. It was was magical.
For many, Christmas is about the busyness of all the shopping for that perfect gift. The words of this one Christmas song that our 3rd Graders performed at our show sums it up on point, "It's traffic, it's people, it's lots of noise, it's busy moms and dads, it's cranky boys and's ringin' and singin', it's street corner elves, it's every shopper's dream, every one for themselves, it's sights that you can't possibly find anywhere else, it's Christmas in the city." The commericialization of this holiday has gotten people so engrossed in the spirit of shopping that the true meaning and spirit of Christmas has been lost. It really is sad. I get on my soapbox about forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, but at the same time, I buy into it myself because let's face it, it doesn't seem like Christmas unless there are gifts to give. But it really is the wrong mentality to have.
Where is the magic?
At last night's midnight church service, the pastor began his message with an eye-opener. He wanted to share some pictures of his family and his neighborhood, but the pics that popped up on screen didn't only include sweet pics of his wife and kids, but also those of the Earth (his neighborhood). He continued to share how certain catastrophies befell different parts of his neighborhood: a tsunami, an earthquake, hurricanes and floods, starvation, war. It was such an in-your-face reality check that we all needed and the effect was so profound. There is a prophecy in the Bible that talks about the coming of a Messiah who would also be called the "Prince of Peace." But where is the peace in all of this? Where is the peace in our world? Why is there so much disaster and death when there should be peace?
A few days ago, hubby and I finally watched "Hotel Rwanda." As I watched this movie, it made me realize how naive I had been about the world. For those of you who have not seen "Hotel Rwanda," in a nutshell, it's about a civil war in Rwanda between the Tutsi and Hutu peoples and while one side is trying to eradicate the race of the other, there was one man who risked so much to save so many. This all happened in 1994. In 1994, I was in my second year of college, probably having way too much fun. How is it that I never heard of this incident in Rwanda? I will shamefully admit that I was never big on world events. I did not follow what was going on in the world around me and perhaps it was because I was in a selfish state of mind. There is a part in the movie where the main character expresses how glad he is that the situation had been caught on film and would be aired worldwide. It would hopefully generate aid to their country and put a stop to all the unnecessary murders. There is a line spoken by Joaquin Phoenix that sums up how people view such disasters so far away from our immediate neighborhoods, "When people see this on the news, they will think to themselves, 'Oh, that's so terrible!', but after that, they will continue eating their dinner." That's the sad reality of our world. We care, but not enough to really do anything about it.
Where is the peace in all of that?
The peace lies within ourselves. We have to WANT it. Because if we WANT it bad enough, it will force us to take action. The pastor then went into the spirit of gift giving. In fact, he spoke about the gift that God is willing to give to us time and time again. It is a gift that He does not force upon people, but with it, peace could be possible. That gift is forgiveness.
His challenge for us was, "Who are you going to forgive tomorrow?" Everyone has heard of the whole "forgive and forget" thang. And let me tell you from my experience, forgiveness is not an easy thing. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life from my elementary days to the present that have been yearning for that signal that everything will be ok. It's tough and it's something that I struggle with everyday. But then I have to ask myself, how willing am I to have peace? Do I want it bad enough? Am I ready to let bygones be bygones and move on? It's a struggle that I keep praying will get easier with passing day. It's so beyond my comprehension that someone as mighty as God can send His only Son into this world to die and save US from sin. What an awesome God that He is!
Christmas worked its magic once again last night. It didn't snow like last year (thank goodness!), but the essence of the midnight service spoke to me in so many different ways. Whether it was heartfelt music of the Christmas carols that sang of Jesus' birth, or the candlelit sanctuary that filled the room, or simply the message of forgiveness- it was all there. All of the drama that has been troubling me faded away. The focus that had been on ME, ME, ME meant nothing. The only thing that mattered was having peace...peace in the world, peace with our neighbors, and most importantly, peace within ourselves.
*From the bottom of my heart, wishing ya'll a very Merry, joy, and PEACE to you all for the new year and always...
It never fails at this time of year. Whether or not the past year had been the best or worst, everything seems to fade needlessly into the background around the holidays. Why is that?
Last Christmas had the potential to be rather unpleasant. Maybe it was because it would be my first Christmas ever spent away from my family, maybe it was because I was totally bummed that hubby and I would be alone in our brand new house for the holidays, and maybe it was because we just weren't getting along because we both woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I remember thinking, "Damn, what a crappy Christmas!" Talk about a Bah, Humbug attitude! Hubby and I decided to check out this one church for their midnight service. It was about an hour away from where we lived. It turned out to be one of the most beautiful services I have ever attended- from the symphony of music and songs, to the message of Christmas, it was just what I needed to melt away the negative vibes I was feeling. But to top it all off, as we walked out after the service, it started to lightly snow. It was was magical.
For many, Christmas is about the busyness of all the shopping for that perfect gift. The words of this one Christmas song that our 3rd Graders performed at our show sums it up on point, "It's traffic, it's people, it's lots of noise, it's busy moms and dads, it's cranky boys and's ringin' and singin', it's street corner elves, it's every shopper's dream, every one for themselves, it's sights that you can't possibly find anywhere else, it's Christmas in the city." The commericialization of this holiday has gotten people so engrossed in the spirit of shopping that the true meaning and spirit of Christmas has been lost. It really is sad. I get on my soapbox about forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, but at the same time, I buy into it myself because let's face it, it doesn't seem like Christmas unless there are gifts to give. But it really is the wrong mentality to have.
Where is the magic?
At last night's midnight church service, the pastor began his message with an eye-opener. He wanted to share some pictures of his family and his neighborhood, but the pics that popped up on screen didn't only include sweet pics of his wife and kids, but also those of the Earth (his neighborhood). He continued to share how certain catastrophies befell different parts of his neighborhood: a tsunami, an earthquake, hurricanes and floods, starvation, war. It was such an in-your-face reality check that we all needed and the effect was so profound. There is a prophecy in the Bible that talks about the coming of a Messiah who would also be called the "Prince of Peace." But where is the peace in all of this? Where is the peace in our world? Why is there so much disaster and death when there should be peace?
A few days ago, hubby and I finally watched "Hotel Rwanda." As I watched this movie, it made me realize how naive I had been about the world. For those of you who have not seen "Hotel Rwanda," in a nutshell, it's about a civil war in Rwanda between the Tutsi and Hutu peoples and while one side is trying to eradicate the race of the other, there was one man who risked so much to save so many. This all happened in 1994. In 1994, I was in my second year of college, probably having way too much fun. How is it that I never heard of this incident in Rwanda? I will shamefully admit that I was never big on world events. I did not follow what was going on in the world around me and perhaps it was because I was in a selfish state of mind. There is a part in the movie where the main character expresses how glad he is that the situation had been caught on film and would be aired worldwide. It would hopefully generate aid to their country and put a stop to all the unnecessary murders. There is a line spoken by Joaquin Phoenix that sums up how people view such disasters so far away from our immediate neighborhoods, "When people see this on the news, they will think to themselves, 'Oh, that's so terrible!', but after that, they will continue eating their dinner." That's the sad reality of our world. We care, but not enough to really do anything about it.
Where is the peace in all of that?
The peace lies within ourselves. We have to WANT it. Because if we WANT it bad enough, it will force us to take action. The pastor then went into the spirit of gift giving. In fact, he spoke about the gift that God is willing to give to us time and time again. It is a gift that He does not force upon people, but with it, peace could be possible. That gift is forgiveness.
His challenge for us was, "Who are you going to forgive tomorrow?" Everyone has heard of the whole "forgive and forget" thang. And let me tell you from my experience, forgiveness is not an easy thing. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life from my elementary days to the present that have been yearning for that signal that everything will be ok. It's tough and it's something that I struggle with everyday. But then I have to ask myself, how willing am I to have peace? Do I want it bad enough? Am I ready to let bygones be bygones and move on? It's a struggle that I keep praying will get easier with passing day. It's so beyond my comprehension that someone as mighty as God can send His only Son into this world to die and save US from sin. What an awesome God that He is!
Christmas worked its magic once again last night. It didn't snow like last year (thank goodness!), but the essence of the midnight service spoke to me in so many different ways. Whether it was heartfelt music of the Christmas carols that sang of Jesus' birth, or the candlelit sanctuary that filled the room, or simply the message of forgiveness- it was all there. All of the drama that has been troubling me faded away. The focus that had been on ME, ME, ME meant nothing. The only thing that mattered was having peace...peace in the world, peace with our neighbors, and most importantly, peace within ourselves.
*From the bottom of my heart, wishing ya'll a very Merry, joy, and PEACE to you all for the new year and always...
Friday, December 23, 2005
Midwest Winter
Greetings from ass-freezing Minnesota! I have been back here to spend the holidays with hubby and since I arrived, there has been so much to do. Here's a rundown of things Minnesotan winter that I SO wish ya'll could experience with us.
- Can I just talk about the weather really quick?
First of all, my flight back to MN last Friday was delayed THREE HOURS. Yes, to spend all of that time in the airport is just wonderful. It doesn't help that it was a red-eye to begin with. There are just so many math papers that I could correct at 1:30am. All planes coming to and from Minnesota were delayed due to snow. Lovely. When I finally arrived after a r-o-u-g-h flight (turbulence, crying babies, turbulence), the temps were a freezing 4 degrees. Can I just say SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM?! Thankfully, hubby brought along my heavy jacket, scarf, and gloves...just the walk from the terminal to the car was enough to freeze my insides...and oh yah, make me really want to use the restroom! Lol! The first few days that I was here, the temps hit the negatives. The lowest so far has been -3 and that's not even talking wind chill. The other day, it was 0 degrees with a wind chill of -12. It's been a pleasant surprise, though, because the last couple of days has been "warm." By warm, I mean 32 degrees. While there's still snow on the ground, it's still nipply with that icy crisp in the air, but it's warm enough that my nose and ears don't feel like it's going to fall off due to frostbite within minutes. As crazy as it sounds, there is a MAJOR difference between 10 and 0 degrees. Cold is cold is cold is cold, and maybe ya'll just have to be here in the flesh to feel the difference.
- Speaking of cold temps, the keyword is DOUBLE. Double socks, double pants (thermals and jeans), double tops (thermals and long sleeves), scarve, hat, gloves, and jacket.
- Approximate time it takes to put everything on: 10 minutes.
- Approximate time it takes to take off gloves and put on heavy-duty boots over double socks: 2 minutes.
- Approximate time to walk in heavy winter gear from the door to the car without slipping on frozen over ice: 2 minutes.
- Approximate time to catch your breath after being seatbelted in: 1 minute.
*It's such a hassle to leave the ya'll understand the hibernation thang?!
- "Citywide Notification: street parking is prohibited when there is an accumulation of more than two inches from November 1st to April 1st." [That's FIVE MONTHS people!]
- yellow snow...totally gross 'cuz we've seen it EVERYWHERE!
- Learning how to walk. I swear, maybe it's just my West Coast ass, but I feel that during the winter, I need to learn how to walk properly. I have had so many incidents of almost busting my ass, it's not even funny. I don't get it...I make it a point to walk carefully ('cuz if ya'll remember last year, I had TWO major backward, one forward...not my best moments...), but as much as I do, I'm always doing that embarrassing dance where my hands shoot out to try and regain my balance, but I end up just looking like a dork. Whenever we're out and about, I study how people walk. I check out what shoes they're wearing. I observe to see if they're walking around patches of ice/snow or walking right through it. I've seen amazon ladies ('cuz they're hella tall over here!)sporting their heel boots not miss a beat over here, but when I walk in the exact same path, I bust a move! I really can't figure out if it's the shoes that I'm wearing, the speed of my walk, or simply the balance in this non-MN native body of mine. All I know is that I had better have a hand on hubby to keep my balance, else, my backside is going to meet the sidewalk.
- Frozen lakes. There was an incident some weeks back in Wisconsin where a car carrying a man and his kid ran off the road into a lake. It wasn't extremely cold that the lake was completely frozen over yet and so rescue teams were frantically searching the chill waters for them. But what was disturbing was the fact that the news coverage kept talking about the risk of hypothermia in the cold waters. This was AFTER 30 minutes. Wouldn't you think they would talk about the possibility of DEATH? After a few minutes of watching the anchor interview a doctor of the speed and effects of hypothermia, we both pretty much commented in disbelief, "What about the speed of drowning and death?" I don't know which to be afraid of- frozen lakes or news coverage that doesn't deal with reality.
Ahhh...there's so much more things Minnesota that I can't remember it all at the moment. When it comes to mind, I'll be sure to share.
*By the way, I realize that it's been a helluva long time since I blogged. That's what I get for having to use dial-up at my parents! It just takes way too much time to log in to anything besides my email. I feel that I've totally neglected my blog and all the blogs that I read on a daily basis. I took a few hours the other day, yes HOURS, to catch up on blogs and whatnot. But yes, for the most part, I am all caught up with everyone..and for those who were wondering, yes, I'm still very much alive (and back from da dead...AGAIN!). Lastly, a shout-out to my few faithful readers who continue to rack up numbers on my stat counter- (Thanks Eastbay!) lol! Much love ya'll!*
Greetings from ass-freezing Minnesota! I have been back here to spend the holidays with hubby and since I arrived, there has been so much to do. Here's a rundown of things Minnesotan winter that I SO wish ya'll could experience with us.
- Can I just talk about the weather really quick?
First of all, my flight back to MN last Friday was delayed THREE HOURS. Yes, to spend all of that time in the airport is just wonderful. It doesn't help that it was a red-eye to begin with. There are just so many math papers that I could correct at 1:30am. All planes coming to and from Minnesota were delayed due to snow. Lovely. When I finally arrived after a r-o-u-g-h flight (turbulence, crying babies, turbulence), the temps were a freezing 4 degrees. Can I just say SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM?! Thankfully, hubby brought along my heavy jacket, scarf, and gloves...just the walk from the terminal to the car was enough to freeze my insides...and oh yah, make me really want to use the restroom! Lol! The first few days that I was here, the temps hit the negatives. The lowest so far has been -3 and that's not even talking wind chill. The other day, it was 0 degrees with a wind chill of -12. It's been a pleasant surprise, though, because the last couple of days has been "warm." By warm, I mean 32 degrees. While there's still snow on the ground, it's still nipply with that icy crisp in the air, but it's warm enough that my nose and ears don't feel like it's going to fall off due to frostbite within minutes. As crazy as it sounds, there is a MAJOR difference between 10 and 0 degrees. Cold is cold is cold is cold, and maybe ya'll just have to be here in the flesh to feel the difference.
- Speaking of cold temps, the keyword is DOUBLE. Double socks, double pants (thermals and jeans), double tops (thermals and long sleeves), scarve, hat, gloves, and jacket.
- Approximate time it takes to put everything on: 10 minutes.
- Approximate time it takes to take off gloves and put on heavy-duty boots over double socks: 2 minutes.
- Approximate time to walk in heavy winter gear from the door to the car without slipping on frozen over ice: 2 minutes.
- Approximate time to catch your breath after being seatbelted in: 1 minute.
*It's such a hassle to leave the ya'll understand the hibernation thang?!
- "Citywide Notification: street parking is prohibited when there is an accumulation of more than two inches from November 1st to April 1st." [That's FIVE MONTHS people!]
- yellow snow...totally gross 'cuz we've seen it EVERYWHERE!
- Learning how to walk. I swear, maybe it's just my West Coast ass, but I feel that during the winter, I need to learn how to walk properly. I have had so many incidents of almost busting my ass, it's not even funny. I don't get it...I make it a point to walk carefully ('cuz if ya'll remember last year, I had TWO major backward, one forward...not my best moments...), but as much as I do, I'm always doing that embarrassing dance where my hands shoot out to try and regain my balance, but I end up just looking like a dork. Whenever we're out and about, I study how people walk. I check out what shoes they're wearing. I observe to see if they're walking around patches of ice/snow or walking right through it. I've seen amazon ladies ('cuz they're hella tall over here!)sporting their heel boots not miss a beat over here, but when I walk in the exact same path, I bust a move! I really can't figure out if it's the shoes that I'm wearing, the speed of my walk, or simply the balance in this non-MN native body of mine. All I know is that I had better have a hand on hubby to keep my balance, else, my backside is going to meet the sidewalk.
- Frozen lakes. There was an incident some weeks back in Wisconsin where a car carrying a man and his kid ran off the road into a lake. It wasn't extremely cold that the lake was completely frozen over yet and so rescue teams were frantically searching the chill waters for them. But what was disturbing was the fact that the news coverage kept talking about the risk of hypothermia in the cold waters. This was AFTER 30 minutes. Wouldn't you think they would talk about the possibility of DEATH? After a few minutes of watching the anchor interview a doctor of the speed and effects of hypothermia, we both pretty much commented in disbelief, "What about the speed of drowning and death?" I don't know which to be afraid of- frozen lakes or news coverage that doesn't deal with reality.
Ahhh...there's so much more things Minnesota that I can't remember it all at the moment. When it comes to mind, I'll be sure to share.
*By the way, I realize that it's been a helluva long time since I blogged. That's what I get for having to use dial-up at my parents! It just takes way too much time to log in to anything besides my email. I feel that I've totally neglected my blog and all the blogs that I read on a daily basis. I took a few hours the other day, yes HOURS, to catch up on blogs and whatnot. But yes, for the most part, I am all caught up with everyone..and for those who were wondering, yes, I'm still very much alive (and back from da dead...AGAIN!). Lastly, a shout-out to my few faithful readers who continue to rack up numbers on my stat counter- (Thanks Eastbay!) lol! Much love ya'll!*
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Currently listening to: Rent Soundtrack
Track on repeat: Track 16- Finale B
Temperature in da city: 50s
Temperature in da wood, MN: 15 with a windchill of 1
Movie Extravaganza
One of the biggest things that I've missed about being back in MN is watching movies. Not that I can't watch movies back in da Bay! If ya'll know Doh and MnM, you know that we are HUGE movie fans AND that we are opening day watchers. Yes, we love to watch movies the first day that they come's just what we do. We were right there with the Star Wars geeks to watch the midnight showing of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith; for the last Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, we were at the first showing...and we basically had the theater to ourselves! Plus, it's not just the major blockbusters that we crave to watch before everyone else does, it's the lil' corny romantic comedies like 50 First Dates that we will head to the theater for. Again, it's just what we do. Hahaha..what else is there to do in Minnesota?!
During my short stay here in MN, we have definitely had our fill of movies...just our way of making up for lost time. In any case, here's a list of movies we have seen either in the theater (*) or at home on dvd (-):
* Rent
* Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- The Polar Express
- Batman Begins
* Pride and Prejudice
- What Dreams May Come
There's a whole bunch of movies that I'm really looking forward to watching in the upcoming month, the one at the top of my list is currently "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia." I'm almost jealous because the 4th graders at school are planning a field trip to watch it. 'Tis funny because it wasn't until about a couple of years ago that I found out that the book has a lot of Christian symbolism. We did watch the cartoon version of the book a couple of years ago, but if you've seen the trailer for the upcoming movie, it looks really good! You can bet that I'll be in the theaters, although not on opening day, to watch it- stay tuned!
Back in Da Bay
My Thanksgiving holiday in MN passed rather quickly. There were so many things going on. It was a happy-sad-happy time to be back...happy to be back in my house and to see hubby...sad to have to attend a funeral, yet happy that Tita Beth is no longer suffering and confident that she is in a better place. On the day that I left, it snowed and it was just so gosh darned cold! Because of the weather, I got to the airport early, but it turned out that because of snow, hella flights were delayed. I was originally supposed to fly back in da city by 10:30pm timeframe...instead, we landed a little past midnight. By the time I got my luggage and got picked up, it was past 1am...and yes, I had to go to class the next day! Ugh! Let's just say that while I was physically there, mentally, I was still stuck in freezing Minnesota. I swear, I felt that whatever people were telling me was going in one ear and going out the other...after five minutes, I will have totally forgotten what we talked about! Aiya!
Since I've been back, it's been nothing but Christmas practice after Christmas practice. To be quite honest, I really can't wait until the whole program is over! That day is quickly approaching- our show is on Monday, Dec. 5th. Are we ready? Are we set? Ha! Yah right! But I am a firm believer that everything will fall into place on the day of the show...and if not, well, the show must go on! The elevated stress level of all the teachers is quite apparent...people tearing out their hair, bags forming under the eyes, tolerance level of uncooperative kids running low, everything taking a physical, mental, and even emotional toll on everyone. It's not supposed to be this stressful! With all the pressure to have everything prepared, there's always that risk of losing the spirit of WHY we are having these Christmas programs in the first place. I sympathize with the students...I really do! Not only are they memorizing songs, hand motions, cues of when to go on/off stage, lines, etc, but the whole standing, sitting, standing, sitting can be very tiresome. Again, while us teachers are trying to get them organized and attentive, there's the risk of having the students NOT excited about the show. I think the kids are looking forward to the end of all the practices just as the teachers. Probably even moreso. Just a quick example of the physical toll it takes on the kids, I learned that a 4th grader fainted today! Fainted! The poor kid probably locked his/her knees and with the brightness of the stage lights and the stuffiness of being up there alongside 100 other kids, it was too much. I heard the kid met the floor with his face...literally. Ouch! Well, for his and all of our sake, it'll all be over next week. Counting the days...
"Lilipad ng Bubong!"
Okay, I don't know if I spelled that correctly, but those are the words that came out of my mom's mouth during dinner. "Lilipad" means flying or my first question to my mom's shocked response was, "What flew?! What's bubong?" Turns out that bubong is roof! Someone's roof flew off today because of the strong winds hitting the city today! As serious and as crappy as it is for whoever that happened to, the conversation that followed with my parents killed me! Seeing my mom's shocked face with my dad's calm face was the first thing. Nonchalantly my dad comments surely, their insurance should cover such damages. Him being an insurance agent and all, I just thought it was the funniest thing. There was no, "Are they okay? Was anyone hurt?", just "Yes, their insurance should include coverage for such damages." I mean, this is about one of their friends! Lol! From there, my dad got into reminiscing-mode and began telling about a time when a typhoon hit in PI. He continued to describe how roofs would always fly off of houses and in his words, "What can you do?" He shared an incident of when he was working at this plant and during a storm, a huge metal plate got sucked up in the air! "What did you do", I asked. His response? "Well, since it flew up like a flying saucer, the only thing you can do is make sure you don't get hit when it falls back down." Maybe it was the words "flying saucer" that made it funny or his facial expression or even his matter-of-factly sharing that yes, typhoons are bad. In any case, I learned a new word today: bubong = roof.
Birthday Shoutouts
Just wanted to send some birthday hugs to D.Reyes! Haven't seen this "omigosh-I-didn't-know-he-was-Filipino" dude in a long time, but whenever we get a hold of each other online, it's like the old SFState days. Happily married with a beautiful family of his own now, I will always remember him as the anime drawing freak from ASU! Lol! Hope you have a faboo birthday, D!
Track on repeat: Track 16- Finale B
Temperature in da city: 50s
Temperature in da wood, MN: 15 with a windchill of 1
Movie Extravaganza
One of the biggest things that I've missed about being back in MN is watching movies. Not that I can't watch movies back in da Bay! If ya'll know Doh and MnM, you know that we are HUGE movie fans AND that we are opening day watchers. Yes, we love to watch movies the first day that they come's just what we do. We were right there with the Star Wars geeks to watch the midnight showing of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith; for the last Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, we were at the first showing...and we basically had the theater to ourselves! Plus, it's not just the major blockbusters that we crave to watch before everyone else does, it's the lil' corny romantic comedies like 50 First Dates that we will head to the theater for. Again, it's just what we do. Hahaha..what else is there to do in Minnesota?!
During my short stay here in MN, we have definitely had our fill of movies...just our way of making up for lost time. In any case, here's a list of movies we have seen either in the theater (*) or at home on dvd (-):
* Rent
* Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- The Polar Express
- Batman Begins
* Pride and Prejudice
- What Dreams May Come
There's a whole bunch of movies that I'm really looking forward to watching in the upcoming month, the one at the top of my list is currently "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia." I'm almost jealous because the 4th graders at school are planning a field trip to watch it. 'Tis funny because it wasn't until about a couple of years ago that I found out that the book has a lot of Christian symbolism. We did watch the cartoon version of the book a couple of years ago, but if you've seen the trailer for the upcoming movie, it looks really good! You can bet that I'll be in the theaters, although not on opening day, to watch it- stay tuned!
Back in Da Bay
My Thanksgiving holiday in MN passed rather quickly. There were so many things going on. It was a happy-sad-happy time to be back...happy to be back in my house and to see hubby...sad to have to attend a funeral, yet happy that Tita Beth is no longer suffering and confident that she is in a better place. On the day that I left, it snowed and it was just so gosh darned cold! Because of the weather, I got to the airport early, but it turned out that because of snow, hella flights were delayed. I was originally supposed to fly back in da city by 10:30pm timeframe...instead, we landed a little past midnight. By the time I got my luggage and got picked up, it was past 1am...and yes, I had to go to class the next day! Ugh! Let's just say that while I was physically there, mentally, I was still stuck in freezing Minnesota. I swear, I felt that whatever people were telling me was going in one ear and going out the other...after five minutes, I will have totally forgotten what we talked about! Aiya!
Since I've been back, it's been nothing but Christmas practice after Christmas practice. To be quite honest, I really can't wait until the whole program is over! That day is quickly approaching- our show is on Monday, Dec. 5th. Are we ready? Are we set? Ha! Yah right! But I am a firm believer that everything will fall into place on the day of the show...and if not, well, the show must go on! The elevated stress level of all the teachers is quite apparent...people tearing out their hair, bags forming under the eyes, tolerance level of uncooperative kids running low, everything taking a physical, mental, and even emotional toll on everyone. It's not supposed to be this stressful! With all the pressure to have everything prepared, there's always that risk of losing the spirit of WHY we are having these Christmas programs in the first place. I sympathize with the students...I really do! Not only are they memorizing songs, hand motions, cues of when to go on/off stage, lines, etc, but the whole standing, sitting, standing, sitting can be very tiresome. Again, while us teachers are trying to get them organized and attentive, there's the risk of having the students NOT excited about the show. I think the kids are looking forward to the end of all the practices just as the teachers. Probably even moreso. Just a quick example of the physical toll it takes on the kids, I learned that a 4th grader fainted today! Fainted! The poor kid probably locked his/her knees and with the brightness of the stage lights and the stuffiness of being up there alongside 100 other kids, it was too much. I heard the kid met the floor with his face...literally. Ouch! Well, for his and all of our sake, it'll all be over next week. Counting the days...
"Lilipad ng Bubong!"
Okay, I don't know if I spelled that correctly, but those are the words that came out of my mom's mouth during dinner. "Lilipad" means flying or my first question to my mom's shocked response was, "What flew?! What's bubong?" Turns out that bubong is roof! Someone's roof flew off today because of the strong winds hitting the city today! As serious and as crappy as it is for whoever that happened to, the conversation that followed with my parents killed me! Seeing my mom's shocked face with my dad's calm face was the first thing. Nonchalantly my dad comments surely, their insurance should cover such damages. Him being an insurance agent and all, I just thought it was the funniest thing. There was no, "Are they okay? Was anyone hurt?", just "Yes, their insurance should include coverage for such damages." I mean, this is about one of their friends! Lol! From there, my dad got into reminiscing-mode and began telling about a time when a typhoon hit in PI. He continued to describe how roofs would always fly off of houses and in his words, "What can you do?" He shared an incident of when he was working at this plant and during a storm, a huge metal plate got sucked up in the air! "What did you do", I asked. His response? "Well, since it flew up like a flying saucer, the only thing you can do is make sure you don't get hit when it falls back down." Maybe it was the words "flying saucer" that made it funny or his facial expression or even his matter-of-factly sharing that yes, typhoons are bad. In any case, I learned a new word today: bubong = roof.
Birthday Shoutouts
Just wanted to send some birthday hugs to D.Reyes! Haven't seen this "omigosh-I-didn't-know-he-was-Filipino" dude in a long time, but whenever we get a hold of each other online, it's like the old SFState days. Happily married with a beautiful family of his own now, I will always remember him as the anime drawing freak from ASU! Lol! Hope you have a faboo birthday, D!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Belated Gobble Gobble Wishes!
Just wanted to wish ya'll belated Happy Thanksgiving wishes! Though many do not celebrate the true meaning of this holiday, namely the Native Americans, (really, why celebrate the slaughter of your own people by the white conquerors?), it's always nice to get a day off of work and school to spend time with family. I hope that you took the time to remember and appreciate the many blessings you have. Yes, we shouldn't take this ONE day out of the year to do so...we should be thankful EVERYDAY! In any case, whatever and however you celebrated this day, hope you were able to spend it with your loved ones.
Redeye Flight
Left da city late Wednesday night for a redeye back to MN just in time to celebrate with hubby. Surprisingly, the airports weren't so terrible! Maybe it was because I was flying out so late or maybe I just missed the chaos of flying out on the day before Thanksgiving, aka, the most busiest time of the year to fly. To be on the safe side, I got to the airport more than two hours before my flight. The flight itself was alright. Since I had a helluva day at school, all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. Not too much turbulence, thank goodness, but the couple that I sat next to were interesting, to say the least. I'm not one to really eavesdrop on people's conversations, but if ya'll are talking loud, well, it just can't be helped, yes? The couple that sat next to me were Middle Eastern and not to be so stereotypical, I was somewhat expecting them to speak with an accent. They were probably born and raised here, but what surprised me the most was that if you closed your eyes and heard them talk, the only thing I pictured was a young, white couple. Not to say that this is a bad thing! It's just that you rarely hear people of color use words such as "jolly" while slapping their thigh and laughing. If we're talking about jolly old St. Nicholas, then fine..but they weren't. All I'm trying to say is that for they sounded whiter than the typical white man! Is that mean? Aiya. Hey...when you're taking a redeye after a long ass day of dealing with uncooperative 3rd graders, anything and everything will seem amusing. End of story.
Turkey Day
As is the tradition, hubby prepared Thanksgiving dinner. While he was busy slaving away in the kitchen, I started decorating the house for Christmas. I have to say that I am quite disappointed with myself. Usually BY Thanksgiving, I have all of my Christmas cards addressed, stamped, and ready to go. I like to get them out of the way because I know that immediately after Turkey Day, the craziness of the Christmas holidays set in. Unfortunately, I did not complete that goal and again, I am bummed at myself for not being on top of things. In any case, Thanksgiving dinner was was the menu that hubby prepared:
mashed potatoes and gravy (from scratch!)
pumpkin pie (for him!)
french silk pie (for moi!)
After stuffing our faces in to keep us content for the time being, we ventured out to the movie theaters to watch "Rent." I have been looking forward to this for some time now. We had actually gone to see the Broadway production of "Rent" back in 1999 in da city, but for some reason, I don't remember being so impressed by it. But it's like how when the movie of "Phantom of the Opera" came out, I was totally impressed! Okay, the phantom didn't have the strongest of voices out there, but watching the film/musical made me understand it in a totally different level. Perhaps seeing "Phantom" on stage is just a different experience and maybe sometimes the singers are a tad overly operatic in the sense that I can't even understand what they're singing about. Yah I got the gist of the story, but seeing the storyline on film made a lot of sense in parts where I might've been cloudy on. The same with "Rent," I almost forgot what the storyline was about. Not only was it a story of 8 friends living in New York, but it's really how their lives are connected and the many struggles they deal with. To me, it's a very REAL story. It deals with HIV positive people, strip club dancers, drag queens, lesbians, song writers, and film makers. It deals with drugs, sex, social injustice, and politics. While it is a whole other side of a community that many choose to ignore, hate, fear, disrespect, and misunderstand, the movie touches upon the human side that we should always see...that there is more to people than what can be seen on the outside. In all honesty, I was surprised that "Rent" was being shown out here in good ole' conservative Midwest...but very glad that it is just the same. If you're looking for a good movie to watch this Thanksgiving weekend, check out "Rent." And oh yes, don't forget to bring the tissue!
Winter Wonderland
After watching "Rent" last night, we were still in the mood to watch another movie so we popped in "The Polar Express." If ya'll haven't seen it, I recommend it! It has a really good message about believing and it's just the perfect thing to get you into the Christmas spirit. By the time we headed to bed, it was about 2:30am-ish. We were woken up by this annoyingly loud scraping noise and hubby asked, "Are those the snow plowers?" We both got out of bed and went to the window and wouldn't you know it? It was snowing! Everything covered in white looked so beautiful...and cold. Winter has arrived! I did get a chance to go out 'cuz I wanted to take a pic with my camera phone..and for that minute or so that we were out there, all I can say is BRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The wind chill is about 6 degrees and again, while it looks pretty and wintery, it's not as romantic as it looks. Plus, it's a major bitch if you have to travel in it! As I write this, the snow is still falling. According to hubby, we probably have received about 4 inches so far. It's still coming down and all I could say is, damn..."...and so it begins..."
Birthday Shout-Outs
Just wanted to send some birthday wishes to sista-friend, RyceGirlie! I haven't seen her in a while and we've been meaning to have a walk-n-talk about Lake Merced forever. We figure, if we can get a good workout while catching up on each other's life, then yah, let's go for it! Well girlfriend, I hope that we get to catch up real soon...hope you have a wonderful day today, girl- Happy Birthday!
Just wanted to wish ya'll belated Happy Thanksgiving wishes! Though many do not celebrate the true meaning of this holiday, namely the Native Americans, (really, why celebrate the slaughter of your own people by the white conquerors?), it's always nice to get a day off of work and school to spend time with family. I hope that you took the time to remember and appreciate the many blessings you have. Yes, we shouldn't take this ONE day out of the year to do so...we should be thankful EVERYDAY! In any case, whatever and however you celebrated this day, hope you were able to spend it with your loved ones.
Redeye Flight
Left da city late Wednesday night for a redeye back to MN just in time to celebrate with hubby. Surprisingly, the airports weren't so terrible! Maybe it was because I was flying out so late or maybe I just missed the chaos of flying out on the day before Thanksgiving, aka, the most busiest time of the year to fly. To be on the safe side, I got to the airport more than two hours before my flight. The flight itself was alright. Since I had a helluva day at school, all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. Not too much turbulence, thank goodness, but the couple that I sat next to were interesting, to say the least. I'm not one to really eavesdrop on people's conversations, but if ya'll are talking loud, well, it just can't be helped, yes? The couple that sat next to me were Middle Eastern and not to be so stereotypical, I was somewhat expecting them to speak with an accent. They were probably born and raised here, but what surprised me the most was that if you closed your eyes and heard them talk, the only thing I pictured was a young, white couple. Not to say that this is a bad thing! It's just that you rarely hear people of color use words such as "jolly" while slapping their thigh and laughing. If we're talking about jolly old St. Nicholas, then fine..but they weren't. All I'm trying to say is that for they sounded whiter than the typical white man! Is that mean? Aiya. Hey...when you're taking a redeye after a long ass day of dealing with uncooperative 3rd graders, anything and everything will seem amusing. End of story.
Turkey Day
As is the tradition, hubby prepared Thanksgiving dinner. While he was busy slaving away in the kitchen, I started decorating the house for Christmas. I have to say that I am quite disappointed with myself. Usually BY Thanksgiving, I have all of my Christmas cards addressed, stamped, and ready to go. I like to get them out of the way because I know that immediately after Turkey Day, the craziness of the Christmas holidays set in. Unfortunately, I did not complete that goal and again, I am bummed at myself for not being on top of things. In any case, Thanksgiving dinner was was the menu that hubby prepared:
mashed potatoes and gravy (from scratch!)
pumpkin pie (for him!)
french silk pie (for moi!)
After stuffing our faces in to keep us content for the time being, we ventured out to the movie theaters to watch "Rent." I have been looking forward to this for some time now. We had actually gone to see the Broadway production of "Rent" back in 1999 in da city, but for some reason, I don't remember being so impressed by it. But it's like how when the movie of "Phantom of the Opera" came out, I was totally impressed! Okay, the phantom didn't have the strongest of voices out there, but watching the film/musical made me understand it in a totally different level. Perhaps seeing "Phantom" on stage is just a different experience and maybe sometimes the singers are a tad overly operatic in the sense that I can't even understand what they're singing about. Yah I got the gist of the story, but seeing the storyline on film made a lot of sense in parts where I might've been cloudy on. The same with "Rent," I almost forgot what the storyline was about. Not only was it a story of 8 friends living in New York, but it's really how their lives are connected and the many struggles they deal with. To me, it's a very REAL story. It deals with HIV positive people, strip club dancers, drag queens, lesbians, song writers, and film makers. It deals with drugs, sex, social injustice, and politics. While it is a whole other side of a community that many choose to ignore, hate, fear, disrespect, and misunderstand, the movie touches upon the human side that we should always see...that there is more to people than what can be seen on the outside. In all honesty, I was surprised that "Rent" was being shown out here in good ole' conservative Midwest...but very glad that it is just the same. If you're looking for a good movie to watch this Thanksgiving weekend, check out "Rent." And oh yes, don't forget to bring the tissue!
Winter Wonderland
After watching "Rent" last night, we were still in the mood to watch another movie so we popped in "The Polar Express." If ya'll haven't seen it, I recommend it! It has a really good message about believing and it's just the perfect thing to get you into the Christmas spirit. By the time we headed to bed, it was about 2:30am-ish. We were woken up by this annoyingly loud scraping noise and hubby asked, "Are those the snow plowers?" We both got out of bed and went to the window and wouldn't you know it? It was snowing! Everything covered in white looked so beautiful...and cold. Winter has arrived! I did get a chance to go out 'cuz I wanted to take a pic with my camera phone..and for that minute or so that we were out there, all I can say is BRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The wind chill is about 6 degrees and again, while it looks pretty and wintery, it's not as romantic as it looks. Plus, it's a major bitch if you have to travel in it! As I write this, the snow is still falling. According to hubby, we probably have received about 4 inches so far. It's still coming down and all I could say is, damn..."...and so it begins..."
Birthday Shout-Outs
Just wanted to send some birthday wishes to sista-friend, RyceGirlie! I haven't seen her in a while and we've been meaning to have a walk-n-talk about Lake Merced forever. We figure, if we can get a good workout while catching up on each other's life, then yah, let's go for it! Well girlfriend, I hope that we get to catch up real soon...hope you have a wonderful day today, girl- Happy Birthday!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Ocean Beach, Grandma, TFC, and really bad Hip Hop
Sunday afternoon proved to be a beautiful day in da city. In fact, da city has been blessed with warm, sunny, simply gorgeous days lately that I'm tempted to call in sick. Where would I go? To the beach, of course! Recently it's been the norm that I spend my Sunday afternoons lounging at the beach and correcting my papers. Yes, correcting papers....the piles and piles that never seem to end. Because I'd rather not deal with papers getting caught in a breeze and awkwardly running after them as I sink deeper into the sand, I do my correcting in my car.
I actually snagged a good spot location to watch the many surfers riding the waves, people flyin' kites with their kids, and no telephone poles to block my view of the ocean itself. I rolled down my windows, scooted my seat back, and began attacking the pile I brought with me. After about an hour, I could feel the sun beating down on my entire left side of my neck and arms. Too bad I couldn't turn over and work on my right side. That would've looked silly. Usually I would reward myself an actual stroll on the beach after I complete a pile, but since I had so many, I never left my car. Instead, I had to break away and drive out to Baskin Robbins in Westlake for a delish MochaBlast.
'Tis been a while since I've visited my Apu (grandma). Yes, shame on me. Since I won't be around for the Thanksgiving holidays, I decided to pay her a visit. When I got there, she was lying in bed watching tv. Now if you know my Apu, you know that her guilty pleasure is anything and everything on TFC...the Filipino channel. My grandma could name the popular artistas, who's who in whatever drama she's watching, who's dating whom, etc. If I didn't know better, I'd say that my 89 year old grandma is an addict! Lol!
If you've ever watched TFC, you know that there are numerous "variety shows." By variety, I mean, shows with a whole bunch of people dancing and singing...or should I say, TRYING to dance and at best, lip-syncing. For as long as I can remember, I've always been irked at how the artistas really could NOT lip-sync in time with the music. I mean, dude! How hard is it? At least look as if you're really singing! And do yourselves a favor...keep the mic at your mouth!
Anyways... Apu was watching "Fantastic." It was a dance contest among different actors from shows like America's version of Big Brother. A dance contest. Seeing that PI is so hip to get with the western culture, it's no surprise that the young'uns were all hootchified out. But as much as I am proud to say that Pinoys and Pinays got the rhythm thing goin' on, the ones on this variety show SO didn't have it goin' on. Now, I was pretty much entertained for two reasons. One, that I was watching some REALLY BAD HIP HOP on TV...'twas so bad that it was funny. Two, that I was watching some really bad hip hop on tv WITH MY APU! She's chillin' watching this dance contest with music bumpin' from Snoop Dogg ("Drop It Like It's Hot") and Black Eyed Peas ("Bebot")! She's watching these hootchified mamas grindin' and shakin'....and watching the wannabe breakers doin' their thing. And it’s not like she was changing channels, paused, and shook her head at the bumpin’ and grindin’. She was actually watching it! Hilarious! Wow..I totally see my grandma in a whole new light! Lol!
Sunday afternoon proved to be a beautiful day in da city. In fact, da city has been blessed with warm, sunny, simply gorgeous days lately that I'm tempted to call in sick. Where would I go? To the beach, of course! Recently it's been the norm that I spend my Sunday afternoons lounging at the beach and correcting my papers. Yes, correcting papers....the piles and piles that never seem to end. Because I'd rather not deal with papers getting caught in a breeze and awkwardly running after them as I sink deeper into the sand, I do my correcting in my car.
I actually snagged a good spot location to watch the many surfers riding the waves, people flyin' kites with their kids, and no telephone poles to block my view of the ocean itself. I rolled down my windows, scooted my seat back, and began attacking the pile I brought with me. After about an hour, I could feel the sun beating down on my entire left side of my neck and arms. Too bad I couldn't turn over and work on my right side. That would've looked silly. Usually I would reward myself an actual stroll on the beach after I complete a pile, but since I had so many, I never left my car. Instead, I had to break away and drive out to Baskin Robbins in Westlake for a delish MochaBlast.
'Tis been a while since I've visited my Apu (grandma). Yes, shame on me. Since I won't be around for the Thanksgiving holidays, I decided to pay her a visit. When I got there, she was lying in bed watching tv. Now if you know my Apu, you know that her guilty pleasure is anything and everything on TFC...the Filipino channel. My grandma could name the popular artistas, who's who in whatever drama she's watching, who's dating whom, etc. If I didn't know better, I'd say that my 89 year old grandma is an addict! Lol!
If you've ever watched TFC, you know that there are numerous "variety shows." By variety, I mean, shows with a whole bunch of people dancing and singing...or should I say, TRYING to dance and at best, lip-syncing. For as long as I can remember, I've always been irked at how the artistas really could NOT lip-sync in time with the music. I mean, dude! How hard is it? At least look as if you're really singing! And do yourselves a favor...keep the mic at your mouth!
Anyways... Apu was watching "Fantastic." It was a dance contest among different actors from shows like America's version of Big Brother. A dance contest. Seeing that PI is so hip to get with the western culture, it's no surprise that the young'uns were all hootchified out. But as much as I am proud to say that Pinoys and Pinays got the rhythm thing goin' on, the ones on this variety show SO didn't have it goin' on. Now, I was pretty much entertained for two reasons. One, that I was watching some REALLY BAD HIP HOP on TV...'twas so bad that it was funny. Two, that I was watching some really bad hip hop on tv WITH MY APU! She's chillin' watching this dance contest with music bumpin' from Snoop Dogg ("Drop It Like It's Hot") and Black Eyed Peas ("Bebot")! She's watching these hootchified mamas grindin' and shakin'....and watching the wannabe breakers doin' their thing. And it’s not like she was changing channels, paused, and shook her head at the bumpin’ and grindin’. She was actually watching it! Hilarious! Wow..I totally see my grandma in a whole new light! Lol!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Rough Week and Sad Goodbyes
With the upcoming 3rd grade Christmas program, tensions have been high at school. All grade level teachers are stressin' out. We've all been feeling the pressure to get our students to memorize the songs, learn their lines for drama, and to remember all the handmotions that accompany the songs. It doesn't help any that we've only less than two weeks to get them ready. As mentioned before, I somehow took on the task of writing the drama portion...however that happened, I'd rather not discuss. Let's just say that I "took one for the team." In any case, and as short as it is, it wasn't so terrible considering that the story of the birth of Christ has already been written! 'Twas just trying to incorporate that into a short story that was giving me a headache. Plus the fact that yes, although I've always tinkered with the idea of writing, THIS will be the first time ever that I've written something that will be OUT THERE for all the world to see! Ok, so not all the world, but still... I already have this self-esteem issue when it comes to my writing and as some people have pointed out, it's ONLY a 3rd grade Christmas program. Even though the parents will be so busy pointing and clicking their digicams and cameras, laughing at how cute the dressed up reindeer are, etc, it's STILL my writing. It makes me nervous on a whole different level.
I will admit though, practicing every day has been a real bitch. It's bad enough that teachers don't feel like we get enough teaching time in the classroom, but it's felt even deeper because of all the rehearsals. After practice, it's lunchtime; after lunch, the kids are so exhausted and ready to call it a day. Attention spans are at its all time low of the day and any plans on my part to get them to focus seem practically impossible. And I don't blame them. It just sucks big time is all I'm trying to say.
My kids have been a major challenge this year. I was commenting to a teacher friend my concerns that maybe I have just lost my touch with disciplining. Even as a 1st year teacher some years back, I felt that I had my students under control...I even had "the look" that stopped any misbehavior or even the thought of misbehavior! But this year?'s not that these kids are bad. They're really a good bunch of rugrats. Honestly? They really can't shut up! The majority of my students ALWAYS have to make a comment about something. Even after the reminder has been given, someone will have to say something. And when I get on their case, they have the gall to say that they didn't say anything!
Student: "I was just telling him that he dropped his eraser!"
MnM: "But did you talk?"
Student: "No. I was just telling him..."
MnM" "And how did you tell him? With your voice?"
Student: "Yes, but..."
MnM: "And wasn't my instructions not to talk anymore?"
Student: "Yes, but..."
MnM: "So yes, you talked. You used your voice. You owe me 5 minutes outside."
They SAID something, but they didn't say anything. This is just an example of my many conversations... Some people might say that man, MnM, he was just telling his friend that he dropped his eraser. To that, I will say, too bad he talked. There are other ways to tell someone that he or she dropped an eraser...a much more silent way. Point to the dropped eraser. Signal to your friend. Do it without talking. There is no negotiation here unless it's an emergency and no, a dropped eraser is not an emergency.
There are days when I am SO looking forward to ending this teaching gig in January. Seems like after the Christmas program, January will be here before I know it! But there are so many moments that remind me of why I chose teaching as a career in the first place. When I have the eyes of each student captivated by what I'm saying, I feel that yes, they are learning. When a kid's eyes light up because it clicked on in their head how to do something, it's such a good feeling. Time and time again, it's always said that teachers don't see the fruits of their labor until much later. But even those small moments are well worth the effort of what I do and makes even the bad days better.
I won't lie...I will miss these kids terribly when I leave. It's like a teaser almost because I started the year with them, worked with many of them in certain areas, but I won't be able to see them through and how they might've improved. And I believe that it takes some kids to adjust and so while those late bloomers are beginning to open up and blossom, it'll be time for me to go. As much as I complain about how tough it's been to be back in the classroom and as crazy days as I have and want to pull my hair out because of some rugrat, it'll be sad to say goodbye.
Speaking of goodbyes, I got a call from hubby in the middle of the day earlier this week. It's rare that hubby calls me during school and once I heard my phone ring, I immediately knew something was up. Turns out that an auntie-friend back in Minnesota passed away due to complications of her cancer and a recent stroke attack. As some of you have read in hubby's blog, Tita Beth had been nothing but kind to us. When hubby and I first moved out there, she was one of the few that would say hello to us and greet us as if we really belonged. Because the church community is so small, it was tough on everyone to see her go through her the effects of chemo on her body. And yet, through it all, she still made it to church, hairless and all, with a big smile on her face. She went into remission for a while and we all thought it was a miracle. She gained her weight back, her hair grew out, and all was thought to be fine. But the evil of her disease returned with a vengeance...and it was just too much for her to handle. The last time I saw her, she was in a wheelchair and though it didn't look it, I was told that her time was very limited. It was hard to hear that she passed on without having to said my goodbyes. And boy was it tough to finish the rest of the day at school. But a huge part of me is glad that she is finally free from all the pain. Though she leaves her children behind, I know in my heart that it was her time and that God has a much bigger plan for her. Death is something that no one deals with well...I mean, is that even possible? But it comforts me that her suffering is over and that she is with the big guy upstairs. Her faith was strong and I pray that her passing will only bring her children closer together.
Rest in peace, Tita Beth... even though I wasn't able to say my goodbyes to you in person, know that you were loved and appreciated by everyone around you. Your smiles and your loving presence will definitely be missed.
With the upcoming 3rd grade Christmas program, tensions have been high at school. All grade level teachers are stressin' out. We've all been feeling the pressure to get our students to memorize the songs, learn their lines for drama, and to remember all the handmotions that accompany the songs. It doesn't help any that we've only less than two weeks to get them ready. As mentioned before, I somehow took on the task of writing the drama portion...however that happened, I'd rather not discuss. Let's just say that I "took one for the team." In any case, and as short as it is, it wasn't so terrible considering that the story of the birth of Christ has already been written! 'Twas just trying to incorporate that into a short story that was giving me a headache. Plus the fact that yes, although I've always tinkered with the idea of writing, THIS will be the first time ever that I've written something that will be OUT THERE for all the world to see! Ok, so not all the world, but still... I already have this self-esteem issue when it comes to my writing and as some people have pointed out, it's ONLY a 3rd grade Christmas program. Even though the parents will be so busy pointing and clicking their digicams and cameras, laughing at how cute the dressed up reindeer are, etc, it's STILL my writing. It makes me nervous on a whole different level.
I will admit though, practicing every day has been a real bitch. It's bad enough that teachers don't feel like we get enough teaching time in the classroom, but it's felt even deeper because of all the rehearsals. After practice, it's lunchtime; after lunch, the kids are so exhausted and ready to call it a day. Attention spans are at its all time low of the day and any plans on my part to get them to focus seem practically impossible. And I don't blame them. It just sucks big time is all I'm trying to say.
My kids have been a major challenge this year. I was commenting to a teacher friend my concerns that maybe I have just lost my touch with disciplining. Even as a 1st year teacher some years back, I felt that I had my students under control...I even had "the look" that stopped any misbehavior or even the thought of misbehavior! But this year?'s not that these kids are bad. They're really a good bunch of rugrats. Honestly? They really can't shut up! The majority of my students ALWAYS have to make a comment about something. Even after the reminder has been given, someone will have to say something. And when I get on their case, they have the gall to say that they didn't say anything!
Student: "I was just telling him that he dropped his eraser!"
MnM: "But did you talk?"
Student: "No. I was just telling him..."
MnM" "And how did you tell him? With your voice?"
Student: "Yes, but..."
MnM: "And wasn't my instructions not to talk anymore?"
Student: "Yes, but..."
MnM: "So yes, you talked. You used your voice. You owe me 5 minutes outside."
They SAID something, but they didn't say anything. This is just an example of my many conversations... Some people might say that man, MnM, he was just telling his friend that he dropped his eraser. To that, I will say, too bad he talked. There are other ways to tell someone that he or she dropped an eraser...a much more silent way. Point to the dropped eraser. Signal to your friend. Do it without talking. There is no negotiation here unless it's an emergency and no, a dropped eraser is not an emergency.
There are days when I am SO looking forward to ending this teaching gig in January. Seems like after the Christmas program, January will be here before I know it! But there are so many moments that remind me of why I chose teaching as a career in the first place. When I have the eyes of each student captivated by what I'm saying, I feel that yes, they are learning. When a kid's eyes light up because it clicked on in their head how to do something, it's such a good feeling. Time and time again, it's always said that teachers don't see the fruits of their labor until much later. But even those small moments are well worth the effort of what I do and makes even the bad days better.
I won't lie...I will miss these kids terribly when I leave. It's like a teaser almost because I started the year with them, worked with many of them in certain areas, but I won't be able to see them through and how they might've improved. And I believe that it takes some kids to adjust and so while those late bloomers are beginning to open up and blossom, it'll be time for me to go. As much as I complain about how tough it's been to be back in the classroom and as crazy days as I have and want to pull my hair out because of some rugrat, it'll be sad to say goodbye.
Speaking of goodbyes, I got a call from hubby in the middle of the day earlier this week. It's rare that hubby calls me during school and once I heard my phone ring, I immediately knew something was up. Turns out that an auntie-friend back in Minnesota passed away due to complications of her cancer and a recent stroke attack. As some of you have read in hubby's blog, Tita Beth had been nothing but kind to us. When hubby and I first moved out there, she was one of the few that would say hello to us and greet us as if we really belonged. Because the church community is so small, it was tough on everyone to see her go through her the effects of chemo on her body. And yet, through it all, she still made it to church, hairless and all, with a big smile on her face. She went into remission for a while and we all thought it was a miracle. She gained her weight back, her hair grew out, and all was thought to be fine. But the evil of her disease returned with a vengeance...and it was just too much for her to handle. The last time I saw her, she was in a wheelchair and though it didn't look it, I was told that her time was very limited. It was hard to hear that she passed on without having to said my goodbyes. And boy was it tough to finish the rest of the day at school. But a huge part of me is glad that she is finally free from all the pain. Though she leaves her children behind, I know in my heart that it was her time and that God has a much bigger plan for her. Death is something that no one deals with well...I mean, is that even possible? But it comforts me that her suffering is over and that she is with the big guy upstairs. Her faith was strong and I pray that her passing will only bring her children closer together.
Rest in peace, Tita Beth... even though I wasn't able to say my goodbyes to you in person, know that you were loved and appreciated by everyone around you. Your smiles and your loving presence will definitely be missed.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Where Does The Time Go?
It still trips me out at the period of time between posts. I'm amazed at how people find the time to blog on a daily basis when I'm over here struggling to correct the neverending piles of papers, trying to develop a script for the third grade Christmas program (um, more on that later...), recovering from last week's parent-teacher conferences, trying to squeeze in at least a good 5-6 hours of sleep, AND still be able to enjoy my WB programs. Yes, I MUST have my fill of my shows, or as some would call them, "mindless entertainment," or else I will not be able to function well. As funny as it is, I will drop everything that I have in order to catch the latest of Smallville, Gilmore Girls, and my recent fave, Related.
In any case, here's the rundown of some of the things that I've been up to these past few weeks...
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
As tiring and somewhat nerve-racking as it is to meet with some parents, the experience was not totally dreadful. There was one that really stood out that I wanted to share. When the parent first came, she brought with her a box of pastries from her bakery..for me! How nice is that?! With this conference, I already knew that it would be a good meeting simply because her son is just the sweetest thing on this earth. This particular student is like a teddy bear..not only is he just an overall sweet-natured kid, he's also helpful, kind to others, trustworthy, responsible, and pretty good academically. All this, of course, was conveyed to the mother at which point, she started crying! Good tears, mind you! It caught me off guard because while she was trying to hold back her tears, she was explaining that every year at conference time, the teachers always have such nice things to say about her son and it just touches her heart. I mean, I have heard parents say that yes, of course, they love their kid, but the WAY she said, "Oh, I just love my son so much" got ME teary-eyed! I had nothing but good things to say about him and while she was being so appreciative of me as a teacher, I had to give it right back to her for being such a supportive parent. When she heard that, the tears just came even more! Embarrassed, but still trying to talk, she started joking, "Oh see, now all of these parents are wondering why I'm crying..they must think my kid is really bad!"
Moments like these not only stand out, but really makes an impression on me. It serves as a major reminder of what MY job and responsibilites are as a teacher. Yes, my goal is to make a difference in a child's life, but with all the craziness of what teaching entails, I'll be honest and say that it is easy to forget what I'm really there for. It's easy to get caught up with what needs to get done each day. It's easy to forget that the students entrusted in my care are only 8-year old kids...young...impressionable....eager to learn...eager for guidance....craving for attention...craving for praise...craving for validation. No matter what people say, teaching is difficult. It's not an easy thing. There are days when I literally pray for a good day....please God, grant me the patience that I need to teach these lil' rugrats.... I mean, anyone can just go into a classroom, bust out some facts for the kids to memorize, and call it a day. But what good is that? I don't want to just teach. I don't just want to guide. Ultimately, I want to make a difference and inspire. I think because it has been a while for me being in a classroom, it's taken me some time adjust back. And yes, while it gets crazy and hectic, little moments like the parent-teacher conferences gives me that opportunity to step back and look at teaching in a new perspective or to see my students in a different see the students from their parents' point of view. While I don't even want to go into how some parents believe their chidren are complete and perfect angels (sorry lady!), kids will be just makes my job easier when the parents and teachers work together. After all, we both want the same thing for the kids.
In any case, I'm glad conference week is over. With all the pleasant meetings I had, I did have my share of conferences that were, well, just there. Some parents do not understand the concept of "Please do not disturb- conferences in session..", but I will let that one go....
-Trek Out to the Double V
A couple of weeks ago, lil' bro Phil and I made the trek to Vacaville for Keyopes' son's birthday party. 'Twas a first time for me to see the new house and of course, what a great excuse for a get-together! It was great to see old friends and can I just say that those inflatable jumpers make for a really good ab and leg workout? All the jumping and all the laughing made my workout for the day complete- lol! 'Tis funny because although I did make a roadtrip from CA to MN, the car ride from da city to Vacaville was just long! Got to visit the outlets afterwards for a bit..didn't buy anything, but cool nonetheless. Belated birthday wishes to lil' Andres!
- Sunday Stroll
Is it possible to be mad and upset at a place? For as long as I can remember, I have been going to Ocean Beach. It's been my refuge of may not be the most beautiful beach out there, but when I need to think, clear my head, or just want to be alone, that's where I go. Spending time there, watching and listening the waves crash onto the shore relaxes me, soothes me even. But there was one particular moment when I came to the beach, wanting to get away from pressures of life and whatnot, and surprisingly, I got nothing out of it. I literally left upset, mad at the beach, for not comforting me in the way that I needed. So it's not a major surprise that since I've been here in da Bay, I have not gone out of my way to visit. And I've missed it. Two Sundays ago, I was on my way to church when something inside made me head on to the beach. It just so happened to be one of those rare beautiful warm days in da city and being there did something to me. It didn't lift my spirits completely, but being out there, being warmed by the sun, listening to the waves, hearing the laughter of lil' kids playing, seeing surfers trying to catch that perfect wave did something to me. It's as if whatever it was that I lost was found again. I'm not talking major life altering moment or anything, but whatever it was compelled me to drive out to Fort Funston and take a walk. Take a walk! Me? I don't usually go out for walks...nevermind that I should more often, but yes, that's what I did. Whatever "rift" existed between the beach and myself, if that is at all possible, is gone. And it did my soul some good.
It still trips me out at the period of time between posts. I'm amazed at how people find the time to blog on a daily basis when I'm over here struggling to correct the neverending piles of papers, trying to develop a script for the third grade Christmas program (um, more on that later...), recovering from last week's parent-teacher conferences, trying to squeeze in at least a good 5-6 hours of sleep, AND still be able to enjoy my WB programs. Yes, I MUST have my fill of my shows, or as some would call them, "mindless entertainment," or else I will not be able to function well. As funny as it is, I will drop everything that I have in order to catch the latest of Smallville, Gilmore Girls, and my recent fave, Related.
In any case, here's the rundown of some of the things that I've been up to these past few weeks...
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
As tiring and somewhat nerve-racking as it is to meet with some parents, the experience was not totally dreadful. There was one that really stood out that I wanted to share. When the parent first came, she brought with her a box of pastries from her bakery..for me! How nice is that?! With this conference, I already knew that it would be a good meeting simply because her son is just the sweetest thing on this earth. This particular student is like a teddy bear..not only is he just an overall sweet-natured kid, he's also helpful, kind to others, trustworthy, responsible, and pretty good academically. All this, of course, was conveyed to the mother at which point, she started crying! Good tears, mind you! It caught me off guard because while she was trying to hold back her tears, she was explaining that every year at conference time, the teachers always have such nice things to say about her son and it just touches her heart. I mean, I have heard parents say that yes, of course, they love their kid, but the WAY she said, "Oh, I just love my son so much" got ME teary-eyed! I had nothing but good things to say about him and while she was being so appreciative of me as a teacher, I had to give it right back to her for being such a supportive parent. When she heard that, the tears just came even more! Embarrassed, but still trying to talk, she started joking, "Oh see, now all of these parents are wondering why I'm crying..they must think my kid is really bad!"
Moments like these not only stand out, but really makes an impression on me. It serves as a major reminder of what MY job and responsibilites are as a teacher. Yes, my goal is to make a difference in a child's life, but with all the craziness of what teaching entails, I'll be honest and say that it is easy to forget what I'm really there for. It's easy to get caught up with what needs to get done each day. It's easy to forget that the students entrusted in my care are only 8-year old kids...young...impressionable....eager to learn...eager for guidance....craving for attention...craving for praise...craving for validation. No matter what people say, teaching is difficult. It's not an easy thing. There are days when I literally pray for a good day....please God, grant me the patience that I need to teach these lil' rugrats.... I mean, anyone can just go into a classroom, bust out some facts for the kids to memorize, and call it a day. But what good is that? I don't want to just teach. I don't just want to guide. Ultimately, I want to make a difference and inspire. I think because it has been a while for me being in a classroom, it's taken me some time adjust back. And yes, while it gets crazy and hectic, little moments like the parent-teacher conferences gives me that opportunity to step back and look at teaching in a new perspective or to see my students in a different see the students from their parents' point of view. While I don't even want to go into how some parents believe their chidren are complete and perfect angels (sorry lady!), kids will be just makes my job easier when the parents and teachers work together. After all, we both want the same thing for the kids.
In any case, I'm glad conference week is over. With all the pleasant meetings I had, I did have my share of conferences that were, well, just there. Some parents do not understand the concept of "Please do not disturb- conferences in session..", but I will let that one go....
-Trek Out to the Double V
A couple of weeks ago, lil' bro Phil and I made the trek to Vacaville for Keyopes' son's birthday party. 'Twas a first time for me to see the new house and of course, what a great excuse for a get-together! It was great to see old friends and can I just say that those inflatable jumpers make for a really good ab and leg workout? All the jumping and all the laughing made my workout for the day complete- lol! 'Tis funny because although I did make a roadtrip from CA to MN, the car ride from da city to Vacaville was just long! Got to visit the outlets afterwards for a bit..didn't buy anything, but cool nonetheless. Belated birthday wishes to lil' Andres!
- Sunday Stroll
Is it possible to be mad and upset at a place? For as long as I can remember, I have been going to Ocean Beach. It's been my refuge of may not be the most beautiful beach out there, but when I need to think, clear my head, or just want to be alone, that's where I go. Spending time there, watching and listening the waves crash onto the shore relaxes me, soothes me even. But there was one particular moment when I came to the beach, wanting to get away from pressures of life and whatnot, and surprisingly, I got nothing out of it. I literally left upset, mad at the beach, for not comforting me in the way that I needed. So it's not a major surprise that since I've been here in da Bay, I have not gone out of my way to visit. And I've missed it. Two Sundays ago, I was on my way to church when something inside made me head on to the beach. It just so happened to be one of those rare beautiful warm days in da city and being there did something to me. It didn't lift my spirits completely, but being out there, being warmed by the sun, listening to the waves, hearing the laughter of lil' kids playing, seeing surfers trying to catch that perfect wave did something to me. It's as if whatever it was that I lost was found again. I'm not talking major life altering moment or anything, but whatever it was compelled me to drive out to Fort Funston and take a walk. Take a walk! Me? I don't usually go out for walks...nevermind that I should more often, but yes, that's what I did. Whatever "rift" existed between the beach and myself, if that is at all possible, is gone. And it did my soul some good.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Under The Weather
I have not been feeling well at all since Sunday. I'm thinking that I might've caught something after the Breast Cancer walk last Saturday. I've been coughing nonstop and could feel all this phlegm deep inside my chest. It sucks 'cuz I'm one of those people who cannot, for the life of me, cough it up. I just end up gagging with tears in my eyes.
I've been so tempted to call in sick to work, but there's so much happening that I can't afford to miss anything. It's terrible, really, because it's not my intention to get any of my students sick. Oh and I just hate it when lil' kids get sick. They're so quiet, so lethargic, and it makes you wonder WHY on earth did their parents allow them to come to school in the first place. I think our field trip that we had this past Monday to the pumpkin patch didn't help matters. It was a drizzly day, overcast, not overly cold, but just not great weather to be outdoors. The field trip itself was perfect. Our MUNI trip was hassle-free going to and from, the parents who volunteered were great, and my kids were, surprisingly, on their best behavior. Maybe the fact that some kids were left behind got them thinking twice about playing around. That's right. I left some kids behind. Didn't let them go. Had to leave them in another class. Hey, if ya'll don't bring the money and the permission slip on the due date, you gotta face the consequences. In any case, it just so happened that the ones left behind are the same kids that cause all the less hassle for me!
Still...I've been feeling lethargic myself. No energy to correct papers. And yes, the pile is getting bigger as we speak. I was dyin' the other day when my Dayquil ran out. I think what I'd rather have is Nyquil so I could just knock da f out.
I'm hoping whatever I have clears up by next week. Parent-teacher conferences are next Meeting with parents should be "interesting" and hopefully, things go smoothly.
Titanic: Collector's Edition
Was anyone else EXCITED that the collector's edition of Titanic was released this week?! Anyone? Anyone? You mean, the fact that there are three hours of bonus material, behind the scenes shots, and tons of deleted scenes wasn't enough for you to rush out and buy this dvd?! C' even has an alternate ending! Okay, I'm the only nerd in my circle of friends whose sole purpose of going to Target was to put my hands on that dvd! I spent all Tuesday evening going through all three discs to watch as many of the bonus material as possible. Without ruining it for anyone, although I have a funny feeling that I really wouldn't be, the deleted scenes alone had me bustin' out the tissue! There are some really good scenes that, in my opinion, should've been in the original cut. Anyways, for the cherry on top, I was browsing the book section and saw a new book by Nicholas Sparks called "At First Sight." Score!
I have not been feeling well at all since Sunday. I'm thinking that I might've caught something after the Breast Cancer walk last Saturday. I've been coughing nonstop and could feel all this phlegm deep inside my chest. It sucks 'cuz I'm one of those people who cannot, for the life of me, cough it up. I just end up gagging with tears in my eyes.
I've been so tempted to call in sick to work, but there's so much happening that I can't afford to miss anything. It's terrible, really, because it's not my intention to get any of my students sick. Oh and I just hate it when lil' kids get sick. They're so quiet, so lethargic, and it makes you wonder WHY on earth did their parents allow them to come to school in the first place. I think our field trip that we had this past Monday to the pumpkin patch didn't help matters. It was a drizzly day, overcast, not overly cold, but just not great weather to be outdoors. The field trip itself was perfect. Our MUNI trip was hassle-free going to and from, the parents who volunteered were great, and my kids were, surprisingly, on their best behavior. Maybe the fact that some kids were left behind got them thinking twice about playing around. That's right. I left some kids behind. Didn't let them go. Had to leave them in another class. Hey, if ya'll don't bring the money and the permission slip on the due date, you gotta face the consequences. In any case, it just so happened that the ones left behind are the same kids that cause all the less hassle for me!
Still...I've been feeling lethargic myself. No energy to correct papers. And yes, the pile is getting bigger as we speak. I was dyin' the other day when my Dayquil ran out. I think what I'd rather have is Nyquil so I could just knock da f out.
I'm hoping whatever I have clears up by next week. Parent-teacher conferences are next Meeting with parents should be "interesting" and hopefully, things go smoothly.
Titanic: Collector's Edition
Was anyone else EXCITED that the collector's edition of Titanic was released this week?! Anyone? Anyone? You mean, the fact that there are three hours of bonus material, behind the scenes shots, and tons of deleted scenes wasn't enough for you to rush out and buy this dvd?! C' even has an alternate ending! Okay, I'm the only nerd in my circle of friends whose sole purpose of going to Target was to put my hands on that dvd! I spent all Tuesday evening going through all three discs to watch as many of the bonus material as possible. Without ruining it for anyone, although I have a funny feeling that I really wouldn't be, the deleted scenes alone had me bustin' out the tissue! There are some really good scenes that, in my opinion, should've been in the original cut. Anyways, for the cherry on top, I was browsing the book section and saw a new book by Nicholas Sparks called "At First Sight." Score!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Breast Cancer Walk
Today in Golden Gate Park, the American Cancer Society held its annual walk for breast cancer. I have always wanted to take part in a walk for cancer, but today was my first time. Homegirl Sharon with sidekick Sammy the dog and I headed to GGP...only to get lost. Dude...just because I've lived in the city my entire life does NOT mean that I know my way around! Yes, yes, it's like I'm a tourist in my own city. Sad, but true. Anyways, after some really lucky guesses, we found ourselves in the right place. Plus, all the people in pink walking by was a big clue. Parking was a bitch, but we finally found a spot around the Mile 4 marker. Basically, we had to walk a mile just to hit the registration tables! 'Twas all good though. A mile later, we were greeted by cheers of congratulations that we finally made it to the end, er, the beginning. We proceeded to get some free snacks and drink...found a fellow coworker who'd be joining us on our walk...took some pics...wandered around the different booths...bought a T-shirt...and finally got started.
The walk was five miles. 'Twas a pleasant day, even though it was overcast and foggy. I'm actually glad that it wasn't hot...I don't think I would've enjoyed a five mile trek in hot sweltering if da city often has those kinds of days.
In any case, it was a great day for a walk and to hang out Sharon (and Sammy the dog!). Not to mention, it was all for a great cause! Lots of people were on my mind today as I did the walk. Seeing all the stickers that said, "In Memory Of" or "For My Mom" got me all choked up. It's just a major wakeup call that this disease is so prevalent and that no one is immune to it. I'm not saying that I've been naive to think that I would never get it or that no one I knew would ever get it, but just seeing the sheer numbers today was a major visual.
We finished in about an hour and a half. I honestly think we could've finished sooner, but when there's a four-legged canine sniffing everything in sight and wanting to stake its territory every so feet, well, it's going to take a while. Sometimes you gotta let the dog do what it's gotta do!'s a couple of pics from today!
After our teacher in-service this past Friday, two of my fellow 3rd grade teachers and I headed out for some Japanese grub. We were originally supposed to go to Crazy Sushi in Noe Valley (which btw, JUST opened a few months ago AND is run by the significant other of one of the teachers at school!), but considering that it was a Friday and that we were carpooling in a minivan, we thought parking would be a problem. I suggested the hole in the wall Japanese joint that hubby and I used to frequent...often. Plus, I haven't gone there in so long, I was feening!
There was a long line, to be expected on a Friday evening, but man, the wait was well worth it. I ordered my usual, chicken teriyaki with tempura, and boy, did it hit the spot or what?
Hanging out with these teachers was very cool. Anytime that we could hang out outside of the school is always different. You only tend to see your coworkers in a certain mode. Teacher-mode, for some, is quite opposite from their non-teacher-mode. This was no different. We had our laughs, we had our jokes, but as much as we tried to avoid it, school always came up! It's inevitable. Aiya.
In any case, Akagi's was yum. We tried to head to the new Tanforan Mall and check out the new Barnes and, it's Teacher Appreciation Week and we get a 25% discount. Dope. But we got there a little past 9pm and security wasn't letting people in. Suckers. Oh looks nice from the outside for sure! Maybe I'll head over there tomorrow and walk around.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Whirlwind Weekend
As much as I was looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday, I was up and ready to leave the house before 9am. A fellow 3rd grade teacher was tying the knot that day and I had been recruited to help decorate the church that morning. The ceremony was in Redwood City and just my luck, I got lost. Ain't my fault. I followed the directions from their wedding website, but it didn't get me there. Thankfully, another friend's hubby just so happened to have bought one of those navigational gadgets for their car. Once I pulled over and they knew my position, they were able to get me to the church safely. Ha. I'm such a loser.
The ceremony itself was beautiful. The music. The dresses. The message. Love and forgiveness...two components necessary in a marriage. The parents of both the bride and groom lost it and were bawling. In fact, as the bride was being walked down the aisle, the dad was already having a hard time keeping it together. Bust out the tissues, let me tell you! After the ceremony, the program called for a "light reception."
Light reception, my ass.
A light reception does NOT consist of a live Hawaiian band, courtyard filled with tents that house different types of carnival-esque foods to munch on like churros, slushies, cotton candy, fruits, chicken, and other goodies. I knew that there would be a candy station- jars filled with the bride's favorite candies and just like the mall, you could scoop out whichever ones you wanted into a lil' baggie, or in this case, a lil' pink chinese take-out box. Too cute. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's definitely a wedding of her dreams and a wedding to remember, but light reception? Pshhhhhh.....please.
Since this teacher happens to be a member of the adjoining church, other teachers, parents, and students alike were all up in there...I mean, dang, I see these people all week and now I gotta see them on a Saturday, too?! Lol! Jokes aside, it was very nice. She happens to also work with the middle school fellowship and so a grip of them were there to help serve food. The cool thing was many of these middle school kids were many of my former students! They're all grown up now...girls with chests, wearing short skirts and looking semi-hootchified....boys all taller with deeper voices. It was neat to see how old these kids have gotten and yet, how they have stayed the same!
The weather also turned out simply beautiful. What started with a foggy and overcast morning transformed into a sunny, no wind perfect day. Talk about a major blessing!
Anyways, it was great to hang out with some people outside of the school environment and though I did not attend the banquet due to some unforeseen circumstances, it was a beautiful day for a beautiful wedding and well worth missing sleeping in a few more hours.
Plate Lunched-Out
Finally ate at Hukilau's in Palo Alto today! An old family friend was having the reception for her baby's baptism there today and what a great excuse to tag along with my parents? Not only was I able to see the this family ('cuz it's been YEARS!), but I was able to get my grub on some ono grinds! Now ya'll know that MnM and Doh love us some Hawaiian plate lunches, but I gotta tell you. Ever since I've been back, I've had nothing BUT! Maybe it's because I'm on this quest for the best mac salad. But honestly, especially after today, I am totally plate lunched-out. I don't think I could even think about going to eat Hawaiian for a while now. I'm done. Over it. Just for a while. Plus, since it was so hot in Palo Alto today, I took advantage of the free tropical juices, mainly pineapple. Ang sarap ng sarap! Talk about totally refreshing! It got to the point that after one glass too many, my throat took a beating...too acidic, I think. Man...I can't win! Lol!
One major plus for the plate lunch experience was hanging out with my folks. Yes, I am currently staying at my parent's house and yes, I do see them every day, but I have NOT really hung out with them in a while. And it was nice today. The ride to and from was filled with pleasant conversations, mainly stories (new & old) care of my dad. I learned a lot of new things about my parents, as always when he gets into storytelling mode, and it made the car ride too short. I'm glad that I drove them out there and I'm thankful for the time that was spent today.
Mill Valley Film Festival
My aunt called to see if I was interested in going to Mill Valley for the Film Festival out there. Seeing that I've always wanted to go to any kind of film festival AND seeing that there might be a possibility of seeing my her as an extra in this film, I was good to go.
The movie that we watched was "Bee Season" with Richard Gere and Juliette Binoche. Gere's character is a teacher at UC Berkeley and they get a good shot of the Capanile Tower. They have aerial views of the Bay and I have to say, I always get all giddy when movies are set in the city. There's always that excitement of seeing a place that I've actually been to that gets me hyped and possibly even the fact that I'm one of those easily starstruck people that just because a celebrity has been there for movie filming purposes, I get that proud feeling that yes, it's in MY city.
Anyways, before the movie started, the directors were there to give an intro to the movie. I was in awe of the movie directors...sure I don't even know them or their work, but wow, they're introducing a film that THEY directed. I'm easily impressed as you can tell. At the end of the film, they came back again for a short Q&A. Very cool...not only for us, but for them as well because of all the cool feedback they received. While I was a bit confused in some parts of the storyline, the Q&A was able to clarify the points that I missed. In any case, while I may not be sure if this is the usual program for a film festival movie, it was still a cool experience for me nonetheless.
Mill Valley itself is a nice lil' community. Looks so safe. Lots of cool shops and cafes. Very shi-shi...but cool to hang out in. The weather today was awesome...not a cloud in the sky! After the movie, we decided to head out to Sausalito to find somewhere to eat. We were originally thinking we'd eat at Houlihan's, but ended up at a place called Horizons. DE-LISH! I may not be a food critic like The Weekender or Mrs. Voodoo, but I totally recommend this joint! For starters, we had the crabcakes and for dinner, we had fish & chips. The fish just tasted so tender and fresh and wow, can I just talk about the view for a sec? We were seated out on the deck and had a front seat view of the city of San Francisco. No fog...just an unbelievably clear evening with the full moon reflecting on the water's surface. The city skyline was lit up and it's as if we could see every light of the city from where we were. Plus, it' as if the view made our meal so much better...not that the meal needed any help. On the real though, this has got to be one of the first times that I have hung out with my auntie like this. I mean, yah we've had lunch at the mall or at parties, but never out-out like this. It was nice and I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime.
*Thanks T.Baybes for the movie (even though it was mucho expensive!)and for the yummy dinner- it was fun!*
Thursday, October 13, 2005
What A Weekend!
The last I wrote, I was just happy, um, semi-happy, that the field trip was over. Thankfully my prayers were answered and no lil' 3rd graders were lost. Score! Had a great reunion with the Hustler crew and was on my way back to the Twin Cities with hubby for the weekend.
Hubby and I had a bunch of things planned, but wouldn't you know it, he had to get sick! And when I say sick, I mean, 100 degree temperature, lethargic, and not keeping anything down. Ew, I know. Hubby felt bad because it was like we wasted a day. Him sick in bed and me..haha..doing a month's load of laundry! Just kidding! No, while he was out of temporarily out of commission, I took the time to correct papers, clean up, and just enjoy the house. 'Cuz damn, I really miss my house! Anyways, as mentioned, hubby was already bummed that we weren't able to hit up the things on our, I was scheduled to return back to CA on Tuesday. Boo. Well, turns out that he felt better the next day and we got to watch "Just Like Heaven." What a cute movie! It was just enough corny and just enough romantic to hold me over..considering that it's been a while since we've been to a movie!
"Just Like Heaven." Almost, but not really, like "Ghost." Had a different twist to it. Plus, Mark Ruffalo is in it. Not the typical leading man that you'd expect to "fall in love with." He's not Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but he's just as lovable and endearing. He's kinda like Jimmy Fallon's teacher character in "Fever Pitch." Also, I think the Mark Ruffalo thang started in "13 Going on 30." Sweet.
Anyways, I really wanted to see "Just Like Heaven" not only because it's one of those typically corny romantic flicks that'll make me cry, (typical MnM), but also because it's set in da city by da Bay! And hey, if I wasn't representin' my hometown before, it's moreso since I moved to da Twin Cities, so it's clear that I just HAD to see it! Oh, and I have to mention this, but one of my aunties happens to be a regular extra on movies filmed in San Francisco and yes, she is in this one! Of course I didn't know it at the time, but she did tell me exactly where she now, I have to see it AGAIN to check her out. Y'know...even though it was the back of her head...or her side view....STILL!
So yes..."Just Like Heaven." If you're anything like me, you'll dig this movie. hubby gets better, we watch a movie, do some shopping at the new stores that just opened near our house, bought some really cute shoes from DSW, and lo and behold, guess who decides to get sick?! Freaking me! And on the day that I'm supposed to fly back to CA....great.
Now, while I wish I could say that I was playing hooky and stayed an extra day to enjoy MN, but that wasn't the case. In fact, I was too sick to even move, let alone get myself on a plane. We decided to move my flight for the next day, I called in sick to work, and then made a date with the bed until the following day. I had a 100 degree temperature, felt nauseous like you wouldn't believe, got the chills, felt lethargic, felt achy, and just couldn't hang for the life of me. It was so sad. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Yuck.
I don't wake up until the following afternoon....say, like a couple of hours before I have to hit the airport. I get back to S.F. late last night, crash as soon as I get in, and struggled to make it to work today.
As much as many people might think, teachers really HATE to miss a day of work. It totally screws up the schedule of what you want to do with the class and as bad as this sounds, you could never really depend on substitutes to get anything done. Sucks. Oh, and let's not forget to mention how the kids in your class will somehow forget ALL of the rules you've spent so long ingraining into their heads and lose all sense of control of what to do and what not to do when their teacher happens to call in sick. Yah..that goes along with that lil' victory dance they do, too. Perhaps that's some kind of cool validation that hey, at least when I'm with them, they know what to do....or maybe not. And I have to say, in the years that I have taught, I have never had a class SO TALKATIVE! Anyways...I was NOT looking forward to what other teachers had to say about my class...and hey, I was right. No points all. Bad. Bad. Bad. Lol.
Well, with what energy that I did NOT have today, I basically told them that yes, I heard about all of their rule breakings for the past few days, but that I would give them another chance to basically redeem themselves. I told them that I wasn't feeling well, and yes, the kids actually gave me a decent day today. While today is Thursday, it did feel like a Monday because I haven't seen them in so long. Let's just say that thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
Is anyone watching it right now? Am I the only one disturbed here that young Superman just got shot and supposedly died? Yes, I know it's not happening because then, hello, there would be no series or no movies, but still...
And can I just say that Smallville is THE BEST series ever and that if you don't watch it, then something is terribly wrong with you?
If having The Flash wasn't good enough for ya'll...look out for AquaMan next week....I can't wait!
The last I wrote, I was just happy, um, semi-happy, that the field trip was over. Thankfully my prayers were answered and no lil' 3rd graders were lost. Score! Had a great reunion with the Hustler crew and was on my way back to the Twin Cities with hubby for the weekend.
Hubby and I had a bunch of things planned, but wouldn't you know it, he had to get sick! And when I say sick, I mean, 100 degree temperature, lethargic, and not keeping anything down. Ew, I know. Hubby felt bad because it was like we wasted a day. Him sick in bed and me..haha..doing a month's load of laundry! Just kidding! No, while he was out of temporarily out of commission, I took the time to correct papers, clean up, and just enjoy the house. 'Cuz damn, I really miss my house! Anyways, as mentioned, hubby was already bummed that we weren't able to hit up the things on our, I was scheduled to return back to CA on Tuesday. Boo. Well, turns out that he felt better the next day and we got to watch "Just Like Heaven." What a cute movie! It was just enough corny and just enough romantic to hold me over..considering that it's been a while since we've been to a movie!
"Just Like Heaven." Almost, but not really, like "Ghost." Had a different twist to it. Plus, Mark Ruffalo is in it. Not the typical leading man that you'd expect to "fall in love with." He's not Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but he's just as lovable and endearing. He's kinda like Jimmy Fallon's teacher character in "Fever Pitch." Also, I think the Mark Ruffalo thang started in "13 Going on 30." Sweet.
Anyways, I really wanted to see "Just Like Heaven" not only because it's one of those typically corny romantic flicks that'll make me cry, (typical MnM), but also because it's set in da city by da Bay! And hey, if I wasn't representin' my hometown before, it's moreso since I moved to da Twin Cities, so it's clear that I just HAD to see it! Oh, and I have to mention this, but one of my aunties happens to be a regular extra on movies filmed in San Francisco and yes, she is in this one! Of course I didn't know it at the time, but she did tell me exactly where she now, I have to see it AGAIN to check her out. Y'know...even though it was the back of her head...or her side view....STILL!
So yes..."Just Like Heaven." If you're anything like me, you'll dig this movie. hubby gets better, we watch a movie, do some shopping at the new stores that just opened near our house, bought some really cute shoes from DSW, and lo and behold, guess who decides to get sick?! Freaking me! And on the day that I'm supposed to fly back to CA....great.
Now, while I wish I could say that I was playing hooky and stayed an extra day to enjoy MN, but that wasn't the case. In fact, I was too sick to even move, let alone get myself on a plane. We decided to move my flight for the next day, I called in sick to work, and then made a date with the bed until the following day. I had a 100 degree temperature, felt nauseous like you wouldn't believe, got the chills, felt lethargic, felt achy, and just couldn't hang for the life of me. It was so sad. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Yuck.
I don't wake up until the following afternoon....say, like a couple of hours before I have to hit the airport. I get back to S.F. late last night, crash as soon as I get in, and struggled to make it to work today.
As much as many people might think, teachers really HATE to miss a day of work. It totally screws up the schedule of what you want to do with the class and as bad as this sounds, you could never really depend on substitutes to get anything done. Sucks. Oh, and let's not forget to mention how the kids in your class will somehow forget ALL of the rules you've spent so long ingraining into their heads and lose all sense of control of what to do and what not to do when their teacher happens to call in sick. Yah..that goes along with that lil' victory dance they do, too. Perhaps that's some kind of cool validation that hey, at least when I'm with them, they know what to do....or maybe not. And I have to say, in the years that I have taught, I have never had a class SO TALKATIVE! Anyways...I was NOT looking forward to what other teachers had to say about my class...and hey, I was right. No points all. Bad. Bad. Bad. Lol.
Well, with what energy that I did NOT have today, I basically told them that yes, I heard about all of their rule breakings for the past few days, but that I would give them another chance to basically redeem themselves. I told them that I wasn't feeling well, and yes, the kids actually gave me a decent day today. While today is Thursday, it did feel like a Monday because I haven't seen them in so long. Let's just say that thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
Is anyone watching it right now? Am I the only one disturbed here that young Superman just got shot and supposedly died? Yes, I know it's not happening because then, hello, there would be no series or no movies, but still...
And can I just say that Smallville is THE BEST series ever and that if you don't watch it, then something is terribly wrong with you?
If having The Flash wasn't good enough for ya'll...look out for AquaMan next week....I can't wait!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Our First Field Trip
Field trips. As a teacher, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. I definitely love 'em...although that goes without mentioning all the anxiety that comes with it. I love them because getting out of the classroom and school environment really gets the kids' attention and give them the opportunity to experience things on a whole different level. There's only so much you can do in a classroom and there's only so much you can do with a textbook. To actually have that hands-on experience not only makes learning fun, but it definitely makes it worth remembering.
I took my class to the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. We are currently studying plants in Science, so this was very appropos...oh, and also, I just happen to be the lucky winner of the school lottery in which one class from the school gets to go. In all honesty, I was very hesitant to bring my class on any kind of field trip so early into the school year. With this exceptionally talkative class, I was worried that the excitement of the field trip itself would be enough to make some of these kids lose control. Plus, I was used to traveling with at least another 3rd grade class and this would be my first time going solo. The anxiety of using public transportation is also just another major headache that I'd rather not deal with either...because IF the school had its own bus OR IF the school allowed parents to drive kids to and from field trips, our lives would be so much easier. But that's another story altogether. So put all of that together and if you can imagine, it made for a very nervous me on Friday morning. By the way, my morning prayer sounded a little like this: Dear God, please don't let me lose one of my students today. Amen.
Going there, MUNI was not a problem at all. We were able to get on the first bus that came our way...usually, bus drivers would pass up class field trips simply because they don't want to deal with a whole bunch of kids. The kids were okay. I wasn't 100% happy with how they behaved...we have ONE major rule when travelling on the bus and that is to be absolutely quiet. No talking. None. Not allowed. Some might say that's impossible to enforce and in general, just plain mean. But I tell you, when travelling with 25+ 3rd graders on public transportation, fellow passengers and most importantly, the bus drivers all appreciate quiet and well behaved children. I have never really had a problem with my past classes...they were quiet and with one look, they would think twice about opening their mouth to talk. We even practice the day before...yes, practice! We practice standing and holding onto a moving bus....I walk through their lines complete with bumping into them, pushing them, and being rude...y'know, just like how they might experience a real MUNI bus ride. For some of them, this is their first time on a bus. And the #1 reason for their rule of no talking is that they will not distract the bus driver. In years past, I have had many compliments from bus drivers on how well behaved my kids were. And for 3rd graders, this is definitely a big thing.
But oh, can I just skip right down to our bus ride home? We caught the 44 O'Shaughnessy outside the park and lucky for us, it wasn't even crowded. As instructed, I took my class straight to the back of the bus. From the moment we got on the bus, I swear, we all held on for dear life! For a trip that usually takes about 30 minutes to and from the park, our bus ride took half the time! Maybe this bus driver thought it'd be fun to have kids flying out of their seats...and if we were on a bus with a bomb underneath it that would detonate if it went less than 55mph, then I would've understood, but damn bus driver lady! For those of you who are not familiar with the 44 O'Shaughnessy route, it's a very curvy and twisting road. Now remember when you were little and whenever your dad would make a right or left hand turn, you'd do the whole leaning into the turn and squish anyone who was next to you complete with the Ahhhhhh scream? Well, imagine that on a bus, with 26 lil' 3rd graders, whose tiny hands could NOT get a grip on the handle bars and who were literally, LITERALLY, flying out of their seats! At first, I was busy trying to quiet them down, but after a minute of semi-chaotic-ness, I was just focused on grabbling kids left and right and telling them to hold on! It was mad crazy! It was so bad, I honestly think that I got whiplash! Can I just share how happy I was when our stop finally came?! I had the kids thank the bus driver and crazy lady has the balls to say, "Oh, your class was so quiet I almost forgot you were on the bus!" Kiss my ass, lady! Y'know...there's always a reason to detest taking MUNI..
Anyways, the field trip itself was very interesting. We had to split up into groups and of course, my group consisted of the kids that NEED to have me watching them. The theme of the trip was Plant Travelers...basically, how plants travel, germinate, and grow in different climates and conditions. Our docents were very good with the kids and did a great job at keeping them engaged and focused. One of them was a former teacher and kept telling me how cute my students were...I couldn't help thinking, "Is it because they're lil' Asian kids?" Is it me or do most puti people think Asian kids are adorable? And isn't that why when they choose to adopt, they do to China or Korea? Hmmm...sorry...tangent. Anyways, I didn't realize just how huge the Botanical Gardens was...we didn't even cover half of it! If my kids weren't paying attention in class when we studied seeds, then I hope it stuck in their heads this time around because the docents repeatedly mentioned the terms I covered. It was cool to see some students sharing what they knew and remembered from class..YES, they got it! I was given a folder at the beginning of our tour and the docents cut samples for me to take back to the classroom. Plants and seeds just seem more fascinating after a field trip like this because again, it provides that opportunity to learn on a whole different level. I believe these kids will never look at a leaf the same anymore after Friday.
Since hubby was in town for a few days, we decided to have dinner with the Hustler crew. We haven't seen them for days and thankfully, mostly everyone was available for Friday night dinner. L&B suggested Ihaw-Ihaw in San Bruno. Can I just say YUM?! If ya'll haven't gone, you have to go! Order up some pork adobo, the beef steak, and the will not be disappointed. Anyways, we were excited to see everyone, especially B because, well, she's about to give birth any day now! Plus, she is the first in the group to get pregnant...I remember we even had a pool goin' to see who would be the first to get preggie. I had one vote that it'd be me, but it all pointed to L&B. And whaddaya know! After dinner, we all headed to Starbucks for coffee for a bit before da Lapids dropped us off at the airport. It was so great to see everyone, sans the Leynes, and it made us realize just how much we miss having our group of friends like them close by. When we all met, none of us were married. One by one, we got engaged and tied the by one, we went from an apartment, to a condo, to a single family home. And now, one of us is going to be parents any day now!
Times like these makes me miss being in CA. It's tough to miss out on the dinners, the birthdays, the movie nights, and the plain just hanging out. Maybe it'd be a different story if hubby and I had a similar group of friends out here in MN. Unfortunately we don't. But then again, it's because we don't that makes the coming home a little bit sweeter.
So to the Hustler crew: the Potencions, Opianas, and da Lapids, thanks for coming out for food and coffee. 'Twas great food, great company, and loads of laughs. Good times ya'll...good times. We miss you guys like crazy and look forward to our next get-together. Much love!
Field trips. As a teacher, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. I definitely love 'em...although that goes without mentioning all the anxiety that comes with it. I love them because getting out of the classroom and school environment really gets the kids' attention and give them the opportunity to experience things on a whole different level. There's only so much you can do in a classroom and there's only so much you can do with a textbook. To actually have that hands-on experience not only makes learning fun, but it definitely makes it worth remembering.
I took my class to the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. We are currently studying plants in Science, so this was very appropos...oh, and also, I just happen to be the lucky winner of the school lottery in which one class from the school gets to go. In all honesty, I was very hesitant to bring my class on any kind of field trip so early into the school year. With this exceptionally talkative class, I was worried that the excitement of the field trip itself would be enough to make some of these kids lose control. Plus, I was used to traveling with at least another 3rd grade class and this would be my first time going solo. The anxiety of using public transportation is also just another major headache that I'd rather not deal with either...because IF the school had its own bus OR IF the school allowed parents to drive kids to and from field trips, our lives would be so much easier. But that's another story altogether. So put all of that together and if you can imagine, it made for a very nervous me on Friday morning. By the way, my morning prayer sounded a little like this: Dear God, please don't let me lose one of my students today. Amen.
Going there, MUNI was not a problem at all. We were able to get on the first bus that came our way...usually, bus drivers would pass up class field trips simply because they don't want to deal with a whole bunch of kids. The kids were okay. I wasn't 100% happy with how they behaved...we have ONE major rule when travelling on the bus and that is to be absolutely quiet. No talking. None. Not allowed. Some might say that's impossible to enforce and in general, just plain mean. But I tell you, when travelling with 25+ 3rd graders on public transportation, fellow passengers and most importantly, the bus drivers all appreciate quiet and well behaved children. I have never really had a problem with my past classes...they were quiet and with one look, they would think twice about opening their mouth to talk. We even practice the day before...yes, practice! We practice standing and holding onto a moving bus....I walk through their lines complete with bumping into them, pushing them, and being rude...y'know, just like how they might experience a real MUNI bus ride. For some of them, this is their first time on a bus. And the #1 reason for their rule of no talking is that they will not distract the bus driver. In years past, I have had many compliments from bus drivers on how well behaved my kids were. And for 3rd graders, this is definitely a big thing.
But oh, can I just skip right down to our bus ride home? We caught the 44 O'Shaughnessy outside the park and lucky for us, it wasn't even crowded. As instructed, I took my class straight to the back of the bus. From the moment we got on the bus, I swear, we all held on for dear life! For a trip that usually takes about 30 minutes to and from the park, our bus ride took half the time! Maybe this bus driver thought it'd be fun to have kids flying out of their seats...and if we were on a bus with a bomb underneath it that would detonate if it went less than 55mph, then I would've understood, but damn bus driver lady! For those of you who are not familiar with the 44 O'Shaughnessy route, it's a very curvy and twisting road. Now remember when you were little and whenever your dad would make a right or left hand turn, you'd do the whole leaning into the turn and squish anyone who was next to you complete with the Ahhhhhh scream? Well, imagine that on a bus, with 26 lil' 3rd graders, whose tiny hands could NOT get a grip on the handle bars and who were literally, LITERALLY, flying out of their seats! At first, I was busy trying to quiet them down, but after a minute of semi-chaotic-ness, I was just focused on grabbling kids left and right and telling them to hold on! It was mad crazy! It was so bad, I honestly think that I got whiplash! Can I just share how happy I was when our stop finally came?! I had the kids thank the bus driver and crazy lady has the balls to say, "Oh, your class was so quiet I almost forgot you were on the bus!" Kiss my ass, lady! Y'know...there's always a reason to detest taking MUNI..
Anyways, the field trip itself was very interesting. We had to split up into groups and of course, my group consisted of the kids that NEED to have me watching them. The theme of the trip was Plant Travelers...basically, how plants travel, germinate, and grow in different climates and conditions. Our docents were very good with the kids and did a great job at keeping them engaged and focused. One of them was a former teacher and kept telling me how cute my students were...I couldn't help thinking, "Is it because they're lil' Asian kids?" Is it me or do most puti people think Asian kids are adorable? And isn't that why when they choose to adopt, they do to China or Korea? Hmmm...sorry...tangent. Anyways, I didn't realize just how huge the Botanical Gardens was...we didn't even cover half of it! If my kids weren't paying attention in class when we studied seeds, then I hope it stuck in their heads this time around because the docents repeatedly mentioned the terms I covered. It was cool to see some students sharing what they knew and remembered from class..YES, they got it! I was given a folder at the beginning of our tour and the docents cut samples for me to take back to the classroom. Plants and seeds just seem more fascinating after a field trip like this because again, it provides that opportunity to learn on a whole different level. I believe these kids will never look at a leaf the same anymore after Friday.
Since hubby was in town for a few days, we decided to have dinner with the Hustler crew. We haven't seen them for days and thankfully, mostly everyone was available for Friday night dinner. L&B suggested Ihaw-Ihaw in San Bruno. Can I just say YUM?! If ya'll haven't gone, you have to go! Order up some pork adobo, the beef steak, and the will not be disappointed. Anyways, we were excited to see everyone, especially B because, well, she's about to give birth any day now! Plus, she is the first in the group to get pregnant...I remember we even had a pool goin' to see who would be the first to get preggie. I had one vote that it'd be me, but it all pointed to L&B. And whaddaya know! After dinner, we all headed to Starbucks for coffee for a bit before da Lapids dropped us off at the airport. It was so great to see everyone, sans the Leynes, and it made us realize just how much we miss having our group of friends like them close by. When we all met, none of us were married. One by one, we got engaged and tied the by one, we went from an apartment, to a condo, to a single family home. And now, one of us is going to be parents any day now!
Times like these makes me miss being in CA. It's tough to miss out on the dinners, the birthdays, the movie nights, and the plain just hanging out. Maybe it'd be a different story if hubby and I had a similar group of friends out here in MN. Unfortunately we don't. But then again, it's because we don't that makes the coming home a little bit sweeter.
So to the Hustler crew: the Potencions, Opianas, and da Lapids, thanks for coming out for food and coffee. 'Twas great food, great company, and loads of laughs. Good times ya'll...good times. We miss you guys like crazy and look forward to our next get-together. Much love!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Message
I was really looking forward to going to church today. My heart was open and ready to listen to the message of God's Word. Unsurprisingly, the message hit quite close to home today because it dealt with teachers, aka leaders. Instead of discussing how to be an effective leader, the pastor focused on what it was to be an INeffective leader. The pastor delved into the various characteristics of how to lead so no one would follow and as a teacher, I was forced to reflect on my own attitude towards teaching others.
Looking back at the past week, if I had to rate it on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, I would give the thankfully short week a 3. I must say that the kids aren't really bad, so to speak, they are just unbelievably full of energy and excitement. In other words, they really just can't shut up! Lol! While I may not consider myself to be on the strictest teachers out there, I do have certain expectations of how my students should behave. I tell my students that anytime outside of the class is THEIR time- to play, to talk, to scream, to run, to go crazy, etc- but when they are in the classroom, they are on MY time. MY time consists of trying to do their best to pay attention, learning, and leaving all the fooling around at the door. For 8-year old kids, this is quite the challenge and I do understand that...which is why I strive to have a classroom that makes learning fun. I just need the children to understand that there is a time for everything...and if and when you choose to talk during classtime and/or when I am in a middle of a lesson, etc, I will NOT be a happy camper.
Maybe it was the warm weather that made them excitable...or maybe there was an invisible leprachaun that was "forcing" their mouths to open and make noises at inexcusable volumes. Ask any of my kids and they would choose the leprachaun story, hands down. All last week, I found myself raising my voice and losing my patience way too easily. And I really do not enjoy being loud like that. It makes me cranky. I tell my students that hey, if you give ME a good day, I will give YOU a good day. If you give me a bad day, LOOK OUT because I can definitely give you a bad day back. Now, I'm not one to assign tons of extra homework...Lord knows I am still trying to get the kids to finish the assigned work in the first place! But really, if I'm having a bad day, it is so not conducive to learning...and it's a major waste of time. And in all honesty, there was a lot of wasting time last week. Again, I was not a happy camper.
It kills me because we have an upcoming field trip this Friday. I mean, you would THINK that the kids would be on their best behavior. You would THINK that they would try and do their best not to get in trouble. You would THINK that right after I reminded them of the rules that they would follow them. You would THINK, right? W-R-O-N-G! I don't get it! I was VERY close to cancelling this field trip because I really don't think they deserve to go.
Last Friday, we had a teacher in-service. Those are fun. Really. Pshhhhh...NOT! But the ending activity did stand out to me. Basically, it was a reminder that each one of our students has and IS a hidden gift inside and as teachers, our goal is to find it and nurture it. Going back to today's sermon and how to be an ineffective leader, it made me question how much heart I put into being with the kids. Hands down, I love being in the classroom. I love interacting with the kids, getting to know them, teaching them something and seeing that "a-ha" moment when the light goes on in their head. And these kids totally crack me up, too! But with all the excessive talking and "naughtiness," I'm thinking whether or not my reactions to their actions were reasonable. Yes, they broke the rules. Yes, they were LOUD. Yes, they were pushing my buttons. Did they deserve my wrath? ;-)
Some things about ineffective leaders:
- they tend to focus on externals, rather than internals. In other words, they are just worried about their image and don't really care about the deeper impact they should be making.
- they relish special treatment. For example, they enjoy the perks of being a leader and they love and crave the attention- focus is on THEM and not the students.
- they place impossible demands on others. Our goals as teachers and leaders is to help kids be successful...learning is a step by step process.
- they repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. Are we learning from the mistakes of others or are we sticking to the same routine?
- they keep others in the dark. As teachers, are we sharing the brilliant lesson ideas or keeping them to ourselves? Why not share the wealth of information to benefit ALL kids and not just our own individual classes?
Today's message really made me stop and take a look at myself, at my teaching, at my attitude towards teaching, and at my attitude towards my students. What it comes down to is having the right heart to do the I giving from the heart? Because I am only teaching temporarily, am I going to work each day with the right attitude or am I only doing the job half ass? I know that I need to be more patient with the kids and in essence, I have this huge desire to make the most of my time that I do have with them. I've mentioned this before, but teachers don't really get to see the fruits of their labor until much later. But if I can make a difference in some small way, even if it's only getting kids to say "yes" instead of "yah," and "excuse me?" rather than "huh?", then I have done my job.
I hope and pray that I am being effective with my students. I truly believe that it is a calling from God to work with children. Not only do I not want to disappoint the Big Guy upstairs or the students in my care, but I really don't want to disappoint myself. In these past few days, my perspective on teaching and working with kids has been amplified. I need to remind myself to look at each student as a gift and not as the kid who constantly talks. They are all special in their own individual way and deserve nothing but the best from me.
I was really looking forward to going to church today. My heart was open and ready to listen to the message of God's Word. Unsurprisingly, the message hit quite close to home today because it dealt with teachers, aka leaders. Instead of discussing how to be an effective leader, the pastor focused on what it was to be an INeffective leader. The pastor delved into the various characteristics of how to lead so no one would follow and as a teacher, I was forced to reflect on my own attitude towards teaching others.
Looking back at the past week, if I had to rate it on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, I would give the thankfully short week a 3. I must say that the kids aren't really bad, so to speak, they are just unbelievably full of energy and excitement. In other words, they really just can't shut up! Lol! While I may not consider myself to be on the strictest teachers out there, I do have certain expectations of how my students should behave. I tell my students that anytime outside of the class is THEIR time- to play, to talk, to scream, to run, to go crazy, etc- but when they are in the classroom, they are on MY time. MY time consists of trying to do their best to pay attention, learning, and leaving all the fooling around at the door. For 8-year old kids, this is quite the challenge and I do understand that...which is why I strive to have a classroom that makes learning fun. I just need the children to understand that there is a time for everything...and if and when you choose to talk during classtime and/or when I am in a middle of a lesson, etc, I will NOT be a happy camper.
Maybe it was the warm weather that made them excitable...or maybe there was an invisible leprachaun that was "forcing" their mouths to open and make noises at inexcusable volumes. Ask any of my kids and they would choose the leprachaun story, hands down. All last week, I found myself raising my voice and losing my patience way too easily. And I really do not enjoy being loud like that. It makes me cranky. I tell my students that hey, if you give ME a good day, I will give YOU a good day. If you give me a bad day, LOOK OUT because I can definitely give you a bad day back. Now, I'm not one to assign tons of extra homework...Lord knows I am still trying to get the kids to finish the assigned work in the first place! But really, if I'm having a bad day, it is so not conducive to learning...and it's a major waste of time. And in all honesty, there was a lot of wasting time last week. Again, I was not a happy camper.
It kills me because we have an upcoming field trip this Friday. I mean, you would THINK that the kids would be on their best behavior. You would THINK that they would try and do their best not to get in trouble. You would THINK that right after I reminded them of the rules that they would follow them. You would THINK, right? W-R-O-N-G! I don't get it! I was VERY close to cancelling this field trip because I really don't think they deserve to go.
Last Friday, we had a teacher in-service. Those are fun. Really. Pshhhhh...NOT! But the ending activity did stand out to me. Basically, it was a reminder that each one of our students has and IS a hidden gift inside and as teachers, our goal is to find it and nurture it. Going back to today's sermon and how to be an ineffective leader, it made me question how much heart I put into being with the kids. Hands down, I love being in the classroom. I love interacting with the kids, getting to know them, teaching them something and seeing that "a-ha" moment when the light goes on in their head. And these kids totally crack me up, too! But with all the excessive talking and "naughtiness," I'm thinking whether or not my reactions to their actions were reasonable. Yes, they broke the rules. Yes, they were LOUD. Yes, they were pushing my buttons. Did they deserve my wrath? ;-)
Some things about ineffective leaders:
- they tend to focus on externals, rather than internals. In other words, they are just worried about their image and don't really care about the deeper impact they should be making.
- they relish special treatment. For example, they enjoy the perks of being a leader and they love and crave the attention- focus is on THEM and not the students.
- they place impossible demands on others. Our goals as teachers and leaders is to help kids be successful...learning is a step by step process.
- they repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. Are we learning from the mistakes of others or are we sticking to the same routine?
- they keep others in the dark. As teachers, are we sharing the brilliant lesson ideas or keeping them to ourselves? Why not share the wealth of information to benefit ALL kids and not just our own individual classes?
Today's message really made me stop and take a look at myself, at my teaching, at my attitude towards teaching, and at my attitude towards my students. What it comes down to is having the right heart to do the I giving from the heart? Because I am only teaching temporarily, am I going to work each day with the right attitude or am I only doing the job half ass? I know that I need to be more patient with the kids and in essence, I have this huge desire to make the most of my time that I do have with them. I've mentioned this before, but teachers don't really get to see the fruits of their labor until much later. But if I can make a difference in some small way, even if it's only getting kids to say "yes" instead of "yah," and "excuse me?" rather than "huh?", then I have done my job.
I hope and pray that I am being effective with my students. I truly believe that it is a calling from God to work with children. Not only do I not want to disappoint the Big Guy upstairs or the students in my care, but I really don't want to disappoint myself. In these past few days, my perspective on teaching and working with kids has been amplified. I need to remind myself to look at each student as a gift and not as the kid who constantly talks. They are all special in their own individual way and deserve nothing but the best from me.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Pinch, Punch, the 1st of the Month!
Ya'll remember that from your elementary days? Yes, yes, I've reverted back to the silliness of third grade simply because I'm surrounded by them on a daily basis. Although I do have to say that the full grown adult in me came out in full force this week as I tried to get my unruly bunch of 8-year olds to settle down and listen. I don't remember my teachers ever having to really raise their voices or watch their hair turn white as they tried to get us to be on-task. Sure there was always that handful, but man, nothing like today's kids! We have been in school a full month now and I expect the kiddies to follow a certain routine. For example, one of the techniques I use to get their attention is to ring my bell. When I ring it, everyone has to freeze and stop talking no matter what they are doing. I have them face me, give them the necessary instructions, and voila, they're supposed to follow the given directions. Supposedly. Eh....let's just say that it has not been a good week at all.
Talk To The Hand!
Because I don't want to get into the full details of this incident that I had recently with a parent, let me just summarize it all in a nutshell. This one nitpicky parent, who has been complaining since day one, yelled at me in front of my class. She had the audacity to point fingers in my face and tell me that I was NOT doing this and/or doing that in the classroom. She had the nerve to twist my words around and made it seem like I am not doing my job. And to make it even worse, her timing could not have been worse because she decided to spout off at me at 8:25am, five minutes before I start my day. Since she was on a roll and since I did not see an end to it all, I had to raise MY voice at her, in front of the kids AND some other parents in the classroom, and basically do the whole "talk to the hand" bit. I told her that she was welcome to sit in my classroom to observe what I do or take it up with the principal if she pleased, but I simply did not have the time to deal with her in that manner at that moment. I tell you, as much as I tried to keep my cool for the kids' sake, my whole day was practically ruined. Talk about not starting the day on the right foot! Ugh...just one of the many "benefits" of being a teacher in today's world.
Besides the drama of uncooperative parents AND students, my body has taken a beating physically. At the end of the day, I'm dead tired! During the day, all the adrenaline to teach, assess, supervise, discipline, interact, etc, pumps through my body, but as I am driving those less-than-5-minutes back home, my body slows down considerably. I park the car, walk up the steps, open the gate, go down the stairs to my room and once my head hits the pillow, it's lights out for me! At 4-5pm, it's not unusual to take short naps to get reenergized, but with MnM, there is no such thing as a short nap! Whenever I take a nap, I end up waking up 7-8 hours later! Short naps and/or power naps are impossible for me. And when I do take my famous 7-8 hour naps, that usually means skipping out on piles of papers to correct. So figure the 3 days this week that I napped after school and multiply that by the piles of papers I have yet to correct, well, I ain't that best in math, but I'll you right now, it's a major sh*tload.
In any case, I just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy 1st of October! I know that it's been a while, but don't fret faithful readers (all 3 of you!), I am still alive!
Birthday Shout-Outs
*Just wanted to send some birthday love to Mister J AND to my mama-in-law down in San Diego. Also wanted to send a belated shout out to Sweet Sixteener, Lina, and to
my fellow 80's buff lil' bro back in Minnesota, Franco, who celebrated his 20th last Saturday. Sorry dude...try as you'd like to be a cool Generation X-er like us, nothing beats being an original! LOL! Love and hugs to you all!
*Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
Ya'll remember that from your elementary days? Yes, yes, I've reverted back to the silliness of third grade simply because I'm surrounded by them on a daily basis. Although I do have to say that the full grown adult in me came out in full force this week as I tried to get my unruly bunch of 8-year olds to settle down and listen. I don't remember my teachers ever having to really raise their voices or watch their hair turn white as they tried to get us to be on-task. Sure there was always that handful, but man, nothing like today's kids! We have been in school a full month now and I expect the kiddies to follow a certain routine. For example, one of the techniques I use to get their attention is to ring my bell. When I ring it, everyone has to freeze and stop talking no matter what they are doing. I have them face me, give them the necessary instructions, and voila, they're supposed to follow the given directions. Supposedly. Eh....let's just say that it has not been a good week at all.
Talk To The Hand!
Because I don't want to get into the full details of this incident that I had recently with a parent, let me just summarize it all in a nutshell. This one nitpicky parent, who has been complaining since day one, yelled at me in front of my class. She had the audacity to point fingers in my face and tell me that I was NOT doing this and/or doing that in the classroom. She had the nerve to twist my words around and made it seem like I am not doing my job. And to make it even worse, her timing could not have been worse because she decided to spout off at me at 8:25am, five minutes before I start my day. Since she was on a roll and since I did not see an end to it all, I had to raise MY voice at her, in front of the kids AND some other parents in the classroom, and basically do the whole "talk to the hand" bit. I told her that she was welcome to sit in my classroom to observe what I do or take it up with the principal if she pleased, but I simply did not have the time to deal with her in that manner at that moment. I tell you, as much as I tried to keep my cool for the kids' sake, my whole day was practically ruined. Talk about not starting the day on the right foot! Ugh...just one of the many "benefits" of being a teacher in today's world.
Besides the drama of uncooperative parents AND students, my body has taken a beating physically. At the end of the day, I'm dead tired! During the day, all the adrenaline to teach, assess, supervise, discipline, interact, etc, pumps through my body, but as I am driving those less-than-5-minutes back home, my body slows down considerably. I park the car, walk up the steps, open the gate, go down the stairs to my room and once my head hits the pillow, it's lights out for me! At 4-5pm, it's not unusual to take short naps to get reenergized, but with MnM, there is no such thing as a short nap! Whenever I take a nap, I end up waking up 7-8 hours later! Short naps and/or power naps are impossible for me. And when I do take my famous 7-8 hour naps, that usually means skipping out on piles of papers to correct. So figure the 3 days this week that I napped after school and multiply that by the piles of papers I have yet to correct, well, I ain't that best in math, but I'll you right now, it's a major sh*tload.
In any case, I just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy 1st of October! I know that it's been a while, but don't fret faithful readers (all 3 of you!), I am still alive!
Birthday Shout-Outs
*Just wanted to send some birthday love to Mister J AND to my mama-in-law down in San Diego. Also wanted to send a belated shout out to Sweet Sixteener, Lina, and to
my fellow 80's buff lil' bro back in Minnesota, Franco, who celebrated his 20th last Saturday. Sorry dude...try as you'd like to be a cool Generation X-er like us, nothing beats being an original! LOL! Love and hugs to you all!
*Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
It's Come To This
Blogging once a week. It's all I've got time to do. Again, I don't know how everyone else who works the daily 9am-5pm does it. Maybe I just suck at time management.
The work week seems neverending to me. I'm like a newbie all over again trying to get used to the daily grind of a work routine. What a wuss! Actually, my body has adjusted to the early morning disturbance of the annoyingly cheap alarm clock from Target. I have gotten used to skipping my breakfast (not good!) because I'd rather use that time to prepare my clasroom. And thankfully, my whole lower body has adjusted quite well to the whole being-on-your-feet the entire day. Nice. I guess my complaints revolve around the planning-correcting part of the job. It's every teacher's nightmare...when that immensely huge pile of papers NEVER seem to get smaller! You've heard the saying and I tell you quite honestly that it's true: a teacher's job is never done. Yah, yah, you've heard that about other jobs, too, but c'mon, really, I feel like it's some cruel trick being played...right when I think that I'm done correcting a pile, there's always something else. Always.
Our Open House/Back to School night was last Thursday. I always tend to feel sorry for parents on that night because not only are they required to come straight from work, but they have to endure a general presentation from the principal AND the teacher. I have nothing against Open Houses, but in order to keep everyone happy, both parents and teachers, let's keep it short and sweet! In the past, I have always brought a light snack and drink for the parents. I remember the first year that I did that, the gesture was truly appreciated. By that time in the evening, many have not had dinner yet and even a little cookie helps curb the growling tummy. And I also thought to myself, hey, if that were ME, I'd like to have something to snack on, too! So the idea to bring snacks was born...and happy to say, many other teachers have decided to adopt the idea as well.
Open House is always nerve-racking for teachers. Standing in front of 28 pairs of lil' bodies is one thing...standing in front of 28 pairs of adult eyes is another. Those same pairs of eyes that stare you down, that try to analyze and nitpick about everything single thing, that look at you and have to understand and accept that the person standing before them is the one and only person that is taking care of their perfect little angel is not an easy thing to stomach. Sure, I can do the whole smile and nod reasssurance dance, but it's almost as if I have to convince each and every parent that I am worthy to be their child's teacher. And today's parents are of a whole different generation from when I was a child. The OG parents of long ago looked up to the teacher and backed up whatever the teacher had to say. Teachers back then had the full support of the parents behind them. Unfortunately, that is not the case of today's generation of parents. Not to say that is how ALL parents are. On the contrary! I'm just saying that somewhere down the line, there was this attitudinal shift that took place where the teachers lost that respectable place in society. I'm not saying that teachers should be put on top of a mantle or anything like that, but for goodness sake, recognize the fact that teachers are the ones molding today's kids. Some people do not realize the extent of what a teacher does in a classroom. Some may have this conception that learning means that their kids can memorize information and spit it back out. That ain't teaching to me. That's just plain regurgitation. Some think that the more homework we give to kids will make them smarter. But it's all about QUALITY, not QUANTITY. And lots of people just don't get it. So to those parents who just don't get it (and by goodness, I would LOVE to say the names of those in MY class!), get a grip. Stop your sorry ass complaining and use all of that energy to being a good, nurturing, and encouraging parent. And for God's sake, keep in mind that your kid is only 8 years old....give 'em a break.
ANYWAYS....whew..where did THAT come from?! =) The rest of Open House was okay. I wish that I could say that I was a dynamic speaker to my parents, but I wasn't. Instead, my presentation was often interrupted by my bouts of coughing, hacking, and clearing my throat. Sucks to be sick. Sucks to be sick AND required to be present. Ugh. As was my plan, I used my sickness to keep my presentation short and promised them that I would have them out as soon as possible, but well, it never turns out that way. I will say this though. I had my students make a card for their parents and that brought a smile to the parents' faces. But as a closing activity, I had the parents write a note BACK to their kids. Not only did the parents think that was a good idea (I stole it from my niece's teacher!), but if you saw the students' faces the following day as they walked into the classroom, all of the naughtiness or whatnot just seemed to fade away in the background! I did get a chance to read the notes that morning (they were on sticky notes on top of the desks) and some of the things that the parents wrote totally touched my heart. They ranged from the "Good morning son!", "Don't forget to turn in your homwork today!" to the "You're the best kid I know!" and the "I'll always love you no matter what." It was a great way to start the Friday, not only for me, but for the kids as well. It also made me see those kids in a whole different light and I'm grateful to that. Sometimes I have to admit, it's hard to erase the previous day from my mind. So if Kid #1 was naughty yesterday, I have to pray really hard that day to wipe his/her slate clean. But I do and it makes all the difference.
And ultimately, that's what I want to do. Make a difference.
If only everyone else could see it the way I do...
*My Apu (grandmother) turned 89 years old last week. Had lunch at her house yesterday and 'twas great to hang out with the lil' (not so lil' anymore!) cousins. Apu is still going strong for 89, but gradually slowing down. She looked happy and content to have lots of family around and it was just so nice to see her. Happy 89th Apu..and many more to come!
*My lil' cousin Rod is going off to UCLA this week. Up and leaving the nest and going off to be that college kid. Damn. Where did the time go? All of the lil' cousins that I remember being born are all in college now...heck, one of 'em was even drinking a Corona at the party and I had to ask her if she was old enough! (She's 23.) When did THAT happen? Aiya...where does the time go? In any case, good luck in UCLA Rod...kick some ass!
*Mr. Stud Muffin Gee turned the big 3-0 last Wednesday! Welcome to da club, my friend. Sorry I couldn't make it to the birthday picnic...but glad to hear that ya'll had fun. Happy Happy 30th you old man!
*Belated anniversary wishes go out to EastBay and AI. They celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary last week. So guys...when's the baby, huh??? I'm sure Doh wouldn't mind being Ninong! (wink, wink)
*Belated birthday wishes go out to Mr.Francis G, our former choir director at Epiphany. His position at Gap relocated him to London for a year! Although he is coming back, it still won't be the same without him here. In the 6 years that he's directed, the choir has grown from a handful of people to an altar full of kids. Congrats and best wishes...say hello to the Queen for us!
*Speaking of the choir, just wanted to say thanks to Mrs. Gee, MeAnn, and Bhic da Man for coming out and having lunch today. Ate at the new Hawaiian joint on Sloat Blvd, Ono Hawaiian BBQ. 'Twas alright, huge portions, decent prices, but I've had better mac salad. We headed to Ocean Beach afterwards to enjoy the sun...yes, SUN in San Francisco! Thanks for hanging out today, guys...let's not wait too long for the next get-together.
*Belated birthday shout-out goes to J.Cabrera. Old friend from my Larawan days who I just reconnected with via Friendster...that thing really works! Lol! Hugs to you!
*Wanted to wish one of my best galpals, VirgoCapri, much love and happiness as she tied the knot to her man yesterday. The wedding was in Atlanta and as much as I wanted to go, unfortunately could not. I did talk to her on Friday night and she was busily preparing the bouquets for the following day. Love and congrats to you!
Last, but Not Least....
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina is still fresh and I just wanted to take the time to ask ya'll to remember the victims in your prayers. It's easy to take for granted the everyday necessities that we've been blessed with, but for many that which has been destroyed and taken away. The destruction may be halfway across the country, but it affects us all. In today's world, we may feel helpless in terms of what we can do or how we can contribute, but I have found that prayer is a powerful thing. The list may seem endless- the poor, the sick, the hurricane victims, the tsunami victims, the homeless, war-torn countries, and so many more. But if it's the only thing that we CAN do and afford, then by all means, do it. It will make a difference.
Blogging once a week. It's all I've got time to do. Again, I don't know how everyone else who works the daily 9am-5pm does it. Maybe I just suck at time management.
The work week seems neverending to me. I'm like a newbie all over again trying to get used to the daily grind of a work routine. What a wuss! Actually, my body has adjusted to the early morning disturbance of the annoyingly cheap alarm clock from Target. I have gotten used to skipping my breakfast (not good!) because I'd rather use that time to prepare my clasroom. And thankfully, my whole lower body has adjusted quite well to the whole being-on-your-feet the entire day. Nice. I guess my complaints revolve around the planning-correcting part of the job. It's every teacher's nightmare...when that immensely huge pile of papers NEVER seem to get smaller! You've heard the saying and I tell you quite honestly that it's true: a teacher's job is never done. Yah, yah, you've heard that about other jobs, too, but c'mon, really, I feel like it's some cruel trick being played...right when I think that I'm done correcting a pile, there's always something else. Always.
Our Open House/Back to School night was last Thursday. I always tend to feel sorry for parents on that night because not only are they required to come straight from work, but they have to endure a general presentation from the principal AND the teacher. I have nothing against Open Houses, but in order to keep everyone happy, both parents and teachers, let's keep it short and sweet! In the past, I have always brought a light snack and drink for the parents. I remember the first year that I did that, the gesture was truly appreciated. By that time in the evening, many have not had dinner yet and even a little cookie helps curb the growling tummy. And I also thought to myself, hey, if that were ME, I'd like to have something to snack on, too! So the idea to bring snacks was born...and happy to say, many other teachers have decided to adopt the idea as well.
Open House is always nerve-racking for teachers. Standing in front of 28 pairs of lil' bodies is one thing...standing in front of 28 pairs of adult eyes is another. Those same pairs of eyes that stare you down, that try to analyze and nitpick about everything single thing, that look at you and have to understand and accept that the person standing before them is the one and only person that is taking care of their perfect little angel is not an easy thing to stomach. Sure, I can do the whole smile and nod reasssurance dance, but it's almost as if I have to convince each and every parent that I am worthy to be their child's teacher. And today's parents are of a whole different generation from when I was a child. The OG parents of long ago looked up to the teacher and backed up whatever the teacher had to say. Teachers back then had the full support of the parents behind them. Unfortunately, that is not the case of today's generation of parents. Not to say that is how ALL parents are. On the contrary! I'm just saying that somewhere down the line, there was this attitudinal shift that took place where the teachers lost that respectable place in society. I'm not saying that teachers should be put on top of a mantle or anything like that, but for goodness sake, recognize the fact that teachers are the ones molding today's kids. Some people do not realize the extent of what a teacher does in a classroom. Some may have this conception that learning means that their kids can memorize information and spit it back out. That ain't teaching to me. That's just plain regurgitation. Some think that the more homework we give to kids will make them smarter. But it's all about QUALITY, not QUANTITY. And lots of people just don't get it. So to those parents who just don't get it (and by goodness, I would LOVE to say the names of those in MY class!), get a grip. Stop your sorry ass complaining and use all of that energy to being a good, nurturing, and encouraging parent. And for God's sake, keep in mind that your kid is only 8 years old....give 'em a break.
ANYWAYS....whew..where did THAT come from?! =) The rest of Open House was okay. I wish that I could say that I was a dynamic speaker to my parents, but I wasn't. Instead, my presentation was often interrupted by my bouts of coughing, hacking, and clearing my throat. Sucks to be sick. Sucks to be sick AND required to be present. Ugh. As was my plan, I used my sickness to keep my presentation short and promised them that I would have them out as soon as possible, but well, it never turns out that way. I will say this though. I had my students make a card for their parents and that brought a smile to the parents' faces. But as a closing activity, I had the parents write a note BACK to their kids. Not only did the parents think that was a good idea (I stole it from my niece's teacher!), but if you saw the students' faces the following day as they walked into the classroom, all of the naughtiness or whatnot just seemed to fade away in the background! I did get a chance to read the notes that morning (they were on sticky notes on top of the desks) and some of the things that the parents wrote totally touched my heart. They ranged from the "Good morning son!", "Don't forget to turn in your homwork today!" to the "You're the best kid I know!" and the "I'll always love you no matter what." It was a great way to start the Friday, not only for me, but for the kids as well. It also made me see those kids in a whole different light and I'm grateful to that. Sometimes I have to admit, it's hard to erase the previous day from my mind. So if Kid #1 was naughty yesterday, I have to pray really hard that day to wipe his/her slate clean. But I do and it makes all the difference.
And ultimately, that's what I want to do. Make a difference.
If only everyone else could see it the way I do...
*My Apu (grandmother) turned 89 years old last week. Had lunch at her house yesterday and 'twas great to hang out with the lil' (not so lil' anymore!) cousins. Apu is still going strong for 89, but gradually slowing down. She looked happy and content to have lots of family around and it was just so nice to see her. Happy 89th Apu..and many more to come!
*My lil' cousin Rod is going off to UCLA this week. Up and leaving the nest and going off to be that college kid. Damn. Where did the time go? All of the lil' cousins that I remember being born are all in college now...heck, one of 'em was even drinking a Corona at the party and I had to ask her if she was old enough! (She's 23.) When did THAT happen? Aiya...where does the time go? In any case, good luck in UCLA Rod...kick some ass!
*Mr. Stud Muffin Gee turned the big 3-0 last Wednesday! Welcome to da club, my friend. Sorry I couldn't make it to the birthday picnic...but glad to hear that ya'll had fun. Happy Happy 30th you old man!
*Belated anniversary wishes go out to EastBay and AI. They celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary last week. So guys...when's the baby, huh??? I'm sure Doh wouldn't mind being Ninong! (wink, wink)
*Belated birthday wishes go out to Mr.Francis G, our former choir director at Epiphany. His position at Gap relocated him to London for a year! Although he is coming back, it still won't be the same without him here. In the 6 years that he's directed, the choir has grown from a handful of people to an altar full of kids. Congrats and best wishes...say hello to the Queen for us!
*Speaking of the choir, just wanted to say thanks to Mrs. Gee, MeAnn, and Bhic da Man for coming out and having lunch today. Ate at the new Hawaiian joint on Sloat Blvd, Ono Hawaiian BBQ. 'Twas alright, huge portions, decent prices, but I've had better mac salad. We headed to Ocean Beach afterwards to enjoy the sun...yes, SUN in San Francisco! Thanks for hanging out today, guys...let's not wait too long for the next get-together.
*Belated birthday shout-out goes to J.Cabrera. Old friend from my Larawan days who I just reconnected with via Friendster...that thing really works! Lol! Hugs to you!
*Wanted to wish one of my best galpals, VirgoCapri, much love and happiness as she tied the knot to her man yesterday. The wedding was in Atlanta and as much as I wanted to go, unfortunately could not. I did talk to her on Friday night and she was busily preparing the bouquets for the following day. Love and congrats to you!
Last, but Not Least....
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina is still fresh and I just wanted to take the time to ask ya'll to remember the victims in your prayers. It's easy to take for granted the everyday necessities that we've been blessed with, but for many that which has been destroyed and taken away. The destruction may be halfway across the country, but it affects us all. In today's world, we may feel helpless in terms of what we can do or how we can contribute, but I have found that prayer is a powerful thing. The list may seem endless- the poor, the sick, the hurricane victims, the tsunami victims, the homeless, war-torn countries, and so many more. But if it's the only thing that we CAN do and afford, then by all means, do it. It will make a difference.
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