Memory Lane
I'm headed to Vegas to spend New Year's with my family tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to spending time with them because I can't quite recall when was the last time we were all together to ring in the new year. Back in the day, I always questioned my mom when she would sprinkle coins of all denominations all over the house. She said it was so we could have a "prosperous" new year. As much as I heard that word and read it in Christmas cards, I never really knew what it meant at the time. When we were younger and would spend new year's at someone's house, all the moms would make sure that all the kids had some money to jingle in their pockets right before midnight. The theory was that if you have money in your pocket going into the new year, you'd have money for the rest of the year. Kinda like that "theory/superstition" that whatever you're doing on new year's, you'll be doing for the rest of the year...if you're partying, you'll be partying for the rest of the year; if you're watching TV, chances are you'll be a couch potato for the rest of the year. Get my drift? Growing up, New Years were always cool party events because while we were jingling money in our pockets, the moms and aunties were busy ringing bells, the uncles were clinking glasses, and while us short kids were busy jumping up and down ('cuz the theory in that is growing an inch or two taller!), all the other adults would start showering us with money! It was like a pinata being broken, except there was no pinata- only money crazed kids grabbing and pushing for whatever coins came their way! Of course, there was always the cousin (not me!) who didn't get anything and so aunties and uncles would have to fish through their pockets to scrounge up for that quarter to appease the kid. Ha. All I know is that going into high school, family new year parties quickly lost their appeal and I wanted to do everything BUT spend the new year with them. Self-absorbed and young MnM. As I got into college, not that I was any kind of regular party goer or anything, but I was more able to have a tad bit more fun..aka..via alcohol and clubbing! Ha. Oh man. Memories.
I'll be flying out of MN amid the crazy snowstorm we're having and my parents will be taking a roadtrip from da Bay. This new year's celebration has been in the works since last Christmas. 'Tis nothing big really. During the past few years, some of my relatives have been leaving da city for Sin City because of affordable housing. Hell, who DOESN'T have relatives nowadays in Vegas? Anyways, some of our clan will be boarding up in one house and like the auntie of the house said, "Don't expect me to cook for you- we're going to the buffet!" Cool! I also got in touch with one of my oldest best friends from grade school, D, who I hope to see even for a bit. D had been the new girl in 6th grade and as luck would have it, we were seated together because of alphabetical order of our last names. We were inseparable ever since! We became a tagteam of sorts, always getting each other's back, and always getting each other out of trouble- aiya! After 8th grade graduation, her family upped and moved to Vegas and she's been there ever since. Through the years, we've played that keeping in touch game- writing letters every day that would later become weeks, months, and then holidays; we'd call each other once in a while to catch up, mostly on birthdays; we'd even make a point to see each other when we could. Even though we even lost track of each other for a few years, what meant the most to me was that when we did finally get a hold of each other, it was as if time had never passed. We just picked up where we left off and everything was right with the world again. That's the one thing that I love about D! Currently, she's a blackjack dealer at one of the major casinos and mom to one of the cutest kids. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see her!
My time here in MN seemed really short. I actually took down all the Christmas decor today. Just last night, the lights were shining brightly from the tree and tonight, nada. It took time to carefully and painstakingly put everything away, labeling which ornaments were in which bag, wrapping delicate and fragile ones in tissue paper, and of course, putting things back into its original packaging box. Yes, I'm anal that way. This task, by the way, was done entirely by me because to be quite honest, I don't trust hubby to do it! Lol! Coincidentally, hubby will not be joining me in Vegas for New Year's. After new year's, I'll be heading back to da Bay with my family...road trip! Man, I won't even go there with how long it's been since we've had one of those! Weather-wise in MN has been a bitch, but what else should I expect from a MN winter? Of course, it decides to snow the day before I leave and I'm just hoping that my flight to Vegas won't be delayed. I'm actually hoping that enough snow will fall throughout the night so that I could make a snow angel tomorrow- my students would totally get a kick out of that!
Anyways, it's now 3am in the morning and I have yet to pack. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to packing! Aiya! I always dread goodbyes at the airport, but the silver lining to that is that there will always be a reunion later on. So to hubby, even though we cannot be together for new year's, I'll be thinking of you! To Chelle, Happy 33rd Birthday girlfriend! To everyone else, a happy and safe new year to you all! Much love! Goodbye 2005...Hello 2006!
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