Tuesday, June 07, 2005


That's what made me suddenly wake up this morning...the unbelievably loud crack of thunder. It scared the shit out of me! It cracked a couple of times before I realized that it was raining and I had to force myself to get up and run around the house to close all the open windows. Ugh. Know that feeling when you're not totally awake and feel like you're walking around in a daze? Yah, that's me. I swear, putting my glasses on didn't do jack for me 'cuz I basically fumbled around like I was drunk. A couple of hours later, hubby asked if it was me who closed all the windows because he had a dream that he was running around the house closing them. Eh? Lol...weird.

I Do Not Like...

Spiders, ants, ladybugs, tiny light green creepy crawlies, things that look like ladybugs, but aren't, mosquitoes, and other creepy crawlies and/or buzzing around my ears insecty things ON MY LEGS or on any other part of my body!

But that is exactly what happened to me yesterday as hubby and I decided to finally wash our cars. Imagine MnM doing the "get off me, bug" dance all day while screaming my head off! LOL! Why we decided to do that on one of the hottest days thus far is beyond me. Maybe it's the fact that we can actually use our hose and skip bringing our rides to the carwash and save ourselves $20 a piece OR maybe we just wanted to subject ourselves to the unforgiving heat and curse the day as it got hotter...who knows. All I know is that in the process of it all, all the nasty critters mentioned above happened to favor my legs and it was NOT a nice feeling. Oh, and let's just forget about the dream that I had the night before about bugs being all over me...ugh...I woke up feeling all itchy! I will mark down yesterday as a workout day because I'm sure we sweated off a couple of pounds at least- lol. I have to say the best part of the whole washing the car adventure we had was spraying the hose on ourselves to cool down.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Ya'll might've seen the trailers for this movie already. Call it a chick flick all you want, to me it's all about the friendship. When I first heard about the movie, I knew that I wanted to see it, but more than that, I wanted to read the books beforehand. Little did I know that these books were for Young Adult. Not that this bothers me because even before I started teaching, I have always been drawn to books of different genres and levels...in other words, I will read kids, childrens, and young adult books for my own reading pleasure. Anyways, I liked the first book so much that I finished it in a day and had to go to Borders for the second book.

I won't go into detail about what the story entails, but it centers around four friends. These four friends are distinct in their own way and yet, they mesh together so well. Reading it, I can't help but think about three galpals of mine and try to figure in who would be who in the story. They each go through their own dramas and yet, they are always connected by their love for each other and for the story, a pair of pants.

In any case, I simply told hubby, "Sorry, but I can't watch this movie with you." Rude, huh? I mean, it would just seem appropriate to watch it with some galpals or my sister. Makes sense, yah? LOL! It may seem like a teen chick flick, but I don't care...I still want to see it. I'm a sucker for movies like this!

Belated Shout-Outs

Just wanted to send my mom and pops a belated Happy 39th wedding anniversary! They celebrated this past Sunday, June 5th. Much love, hugs, and kisses to you both!


Current Temps: 87 degrees
A/C: not working...shiet


WeatherBug Alert: tornado watch until 9pm. Double shiet.

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