Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Most Confusing Day...

Today had the potential to be one of those really great days. After an entire day of rain yesterday, I was surprised to wake up to sunny skies. This weather has been so unpredictable lately...even more, it's disillusioning...gads, is that a word? Anyways, as nice as it looked out, it felt freakin' cold.

My bed was delivered today...thanks Mom! Not that I minded sleeping on the's mighty comfy. I did, however, really hate sleeping on the daybed at my parent's house. The mattress lost its firmness years ago and every move, every turn, every breath, it would creak! Yes, yes, be thankful that I even had anything to sleep on, but still, it wasn't the most comfortable for my already bad back.

So I was supposed to hang out with a friend today...but because of miscommunication via texting (..."miscommunitexting..?"), it went from yes, we're hanging out today to the totally opposite end of the spectrum. Within a few hours time, I seriously thought this person didn't want anything to do with me! WTF went wrong? It all started with a text gone awry...WHY we didn't just call each other up to confirm plans is beyond me! What was supposed to be a cool day to hang out turned out to be back-and-forth texts from hell. Lol...I laugh about it now, but at the time, each time I'd get a text, my reaction would be like, "Where the hell did THAT come from?"

I tell you, as convenient texting is, it's impossible to distinguish tone. Just like instant messaging, right? A completely innocent text could easily be construed for something totally different than from what you originally meant it to mean. That is exactly what happened today...and it wasn't cute. It was damn near confusing and I'll admit, disheartening.

I decided to see this person anyways...and we both admitted that we were confused as to WHAT exactly went down. After talking about it and laughing it off the next minute, it hit me how much time we wasted all because of miscommunitexting...ha, I should coin that term...that is, if it hasn't been invented yet! It was a useless and unnecessary "argument"...if we can even call it that. While it could've been a great day to hang out, the day wasn't completely wasted. We ended up going to dinner and laughing about the whole thing over drinks. Still...for that brief period, I was in a complete state of confusion.

The lesson? Do not rely on texting...CALL the person up. It will avoid any unnecessary miscommunication.

And hell, it will probably save time and heartache in the end...LOL!

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