Finding the Inspiration
Can I get an AMEN?
Last week, I attended a Christian concert in Fremont sponsored by KFAX (1100 AM radio). The featured artist was the Hillsong praise and worship team from London. Hillsong is well-known and when I found out that they would be here in the Bay, I knew that I had to see them. In fact, my very first Christian/praise & worship cd that I ever bought was from Hillsong. I had actually gone to a Christian warehouse and spent some time at a listening station until I found one that "spoke" to me...and this was before I "discovered" Christian rock...yes, there IS such a thing! The cd that I bought was very mellow, yet powerful.
Some people don't realize that Christian music can be "cool" and that you can totally rock out to it. If some outsider were to describe the vibe of the night, they would tell you how people were on their feet jumping around and how the energy in the room was electric. At the same time, you see people "getting their praise on" with arms lifted high and closed eyes. One can't help but let the music touch your soul and the words of the song speak to your heart. Plus, there really is something about being at a Christian concert. Not to say that all the people in attendance believe that they are all perfect; rather, we are all there because we know that we are IMperfect and in need of Him. When that realization of us being a broken people hits me, I can't help but feel grateful that we're not left alone in this world to deal on our own. It's enough to bring tears to my eyes thinking of the grace He gives us to go on, despite how unworthy we are. We don't deserve His goodness...yet He gives it to us for free. We are all different in how we walk with God, in how we pray to God, and in how we worship's all good. And for many people, listening to Christian music may be "too much" for them. To each his own, right? But it's interesting how a concert or a person's testimony could speak volumes...and even moreso that if feels that it's being directed to me as if God knew that I HAD to hear those particular words at this particular time. Haha, it sounds so hokey and folksy, right....but shoot, God works in mysterious ways. I believe that for a fact.
It's been a while since I've cried...and crying for a commercial, movie, or laughing doesn't count. Lol! But wow...sometimes everyone needs a good cry now and then...not only does it do wonders for you emotionally and psychologically...but there is a definite physical release of sorts, too. The crazy thing about that night was knowing was that I wasn't the only one who had to let it out. I mean, you could hear people around the church just surrendering it all...and I wish everyone could experience that sort of freedom when you just let everything go. Talk about having that burden lifted from your shoulders!
Apparently there was an earthquake that night...and I didn't even feel it! But it was during one song that I noticed the screen shaking, but I thought it was because everyone was out of their seats jumping around! There was an announcement afterwards and the entire church prayed together for the safety of those affected. That, in itself, is powerful stuff...hearing the church auditorium suddenly become deafeningly quiet while we are led in prayer...and then to hear a thunderous "AMEN!" at the end...
It's so amazing how things work we are led to be in some places at certain times...not even knowing what the outcome would be...and yet having faith that God knows what He is doing when He leads us to that moment, that place, and that experience. I continue to be wowed. With the busyness of school and upcoming events, this concert was enough to give me the inspiration I slow down, think ahead, reflect, change, and move on.
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