Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Is It So Difficult?

All it takes is a freakin' phone call...is that so difficult? A simple 3-5 minute conversation would suffice. We don't have to talk about the weather, how work is, or other small talk shit like that. It boggles the mind at how each pertinent question I have asked has been dodged and left unanswered. Why is that?

Do you do that to piss me off?

Would it kill you to pick up the phone? How about a voicemail? text? IM? email?

Call it common courtesy or call it my right to know. I don't see what the problem is. Don't give me the excuse that you've been busy with work because you and I know damn well that no matter how hectic work gets, there's ALWAYS time to make a quick call.....something.

The situation that we find ourselves in is one that I never thought in a million years we'd be. But here we are nonetheless. And yes, it bites. The BIG one. I have been trying my best to keep it nice and clean...and to be quite honest, my patience is running thin.

If the situation were reversed, I'd never withold information from you....even as we are in the middle of this thing that we are in the middle of. I shouldn't have to guess what's going on...throw me a freakin' bone and give me a clue. Is it so difficult?

"...And all the things you put me through
I'm holding on by letting go of you..."

(All-American Rejects)

It's amazing, and somewhat disturbing, at how much a person can get done on less than two hours of sleep. Be it adrenaline or the caffeinated Starbucks drink, or both, I can't believe that I made it through today.

Today was the first day back at school from Christmas vacation. Being the OCD nerdy teacher that I am, I actually went back to school a few days after the break started to clean out the classroom. As anxious as I was to begin the new year and as excited as I was to see my kids again, thankfully cleaning up last year's mess wasn't on my agenda. Last night was a different story. Being the queen procrastinator, I looked at my stack of papers that have been waiting to be corrected and I swear I heard them laugh at me. The question is again, WHY...why wait to do this the night before returning to school?

Oh and here's something ambitious I started....stupidly. The walls of my classroom have been void of a World Map...you'd think something as basic as a world map would be in EVERY classroom, yes? N-O-T! I actually do have one, but it's back in the Midwest along just about everything else that I own. Why I didn't grab the World Map when I got the U.S. one, I'll never know. In any case, at around 1:30am, I decide to check Yahoo maps and print one out. Simple, right? Quite the contrary! Instead, I ended up printing 20-something pages of these tiny maps that I had to tape together by overlapping them! Remember what ya'll had to do to your pics to make a panoramic picture BEFORE that option ever came in? Trying to make sure everything flows and looks flawless, right? OMIGOD, what did I get myself into? When I started it, I thought the kids would get a kick out of it, but it became tedious pretty quick. But I couldn't NOT finish it, you know? So print, cut, overlap, and tape I did....way too many times.

I was right, though...my kids DID get a kick out of it! And if I do say so myself, the whole things looks pretty flawless to me- lol!

I do have to say that my kids were almost-but-not-quite-angels today! You could tell that they were tired, too.....when my class gets that quiet, I start to worry. "What's wrong with you, people? Is this really MY class?" (they always get a kick out of me saying that, too....ha) Bless their hearts, the lil' buggers gave me a great day today.

Fast forward replay to P.E. (lots of running), a meeting after school (lots of talking), and hitting Best Buy and Target (lots of driving) on a mission to find "Alfie" (I'm on a Jude Law trip, remember?!). Didn't find it and was quite disappointed (lots of whining), proceeded to get stuck in a BART parking lot with Sha (lots of bitching), and lo and behold, I finally start to crash. BUT, got "Closer" instead, interesting alternative. But hey, I got my Jude Law fix and now, I have about 6 hours before I need to get up and start the whole thing all over again. Egads...

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