Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Test Results

I just HAVE to share. Rewind to last month when I had to take two teacher prep courses. I was studying my ass off because it was imperative that I pass these on the first try. Then as Murphy's Law would have it, I scrubbed on the slippery sidewalk. Not only did my backside hurt like a muther, but I was left bloodied as I took the tests. I was sure that this was somehow a sign that I wasn't meant to pass and become a teacher. I was sure that some force was telling me that I had to start looking for another career. As I took the tests, I found myself guessing and at best, trying to see how many times I could spell D-A-D and other simple three-letter words. If worst came to worst, ya'll know that I would've went with Cs all the way down. The multiple choice was difficult. The short answer test required 12 written responses and I only completed 9. Needless to say, I was sure that I failed.

Fast forward to yesterday. The letter came in the mail. Although it was one of the first things hubby saw in the pile, I automatically put it on the bottom and continued to open up everything else, even credit card applications. I was scared and nervous. I KNEW in my heart that I had failed, but to see the score itself would've been like stamping a big fat red FAILED across my forehead. I was just postponing the inevitable.

On the Elementary Ed: Content Knowledge test, I scored a 157.
The passing score was 140.

On the Principles of Learning & Teaching, I scored a 170.
The passing score was 152.


In all honesty, I don't know HOW the heck that happened. All I know is that Someone was watching out for me that day. Amen to the big guy upstairs- whoo hoo!

Okay...I just had to share that bit of good news. I'm going to go treat myself to some ice cream now. Peace out!

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