Monday, April 18, 2005

My Latest Obsession

I have a new book and author to add to my favorites. First off, let me just say that when this book first came out, I did not allow myself to get caught up in the hoopla of it all. I was only a tad knowledgable of what the plot was about. My sister had tried to convince me to drop everything else to read this, but for some reason, I wasn't interested. I did know, however, that it was a book that I would want to eventually read and add to my own library. This past Christmas, it was one of the gifts I received from hubby and since then, has been sitting all nicely between Judy Blume and Alexandre Dumas...until Saturday.

Just a sidenote on my love for books. I am one of those people that could spend an entire day at Barnes & Nobles and/or Borders. In fact, I always try and make sure that hubby is in the mood to actually browse around because I don't like the feeling of being rushed to browse myself. I make a point to pick through the sales items because there is ALWAYS something there. I am strictly a lover of fiction, although I do tend to glimpse at the nonfiction once in a while. I'm not totally closed to that genre; it just so happens that most of the books I buy are fiction. I have my favorites and lately, I am set on getting hardbacks for the books I already have OR I am attempting to immerse myself back into the classics. Classics, as in, books that I was forced to read in high school and never really understood, enjoyed, or appreciated. Reading Shakespeare or Fitzgerald today is a totally different experience. Even though I know I have read it before, it is as if I'm reading it for the very first time. Also, as I browse and walk, walk and browse through stacks and stacks of books, I have the tendancy to buy on impulse. The impulse is so strong that I could very well have a pile of books that have yet to be read for years. Whenever I have to choose a new book to read, I actually scan through all of the titles as I run my fingers down the spine of the books. There are some titles that I have repeatedly tried to read, but have never gone past the first chapter. At the same time, there are books that I have read over and over again. Something has to compell me to read a book, whether it is a feeling or mood...and for whatever reason, something drove me to finally pick up The Da Vinci Code.

From the moment I picked it up, it was a task in itself to put it back down...even to sleep. After the first few pages, the momentum of the story keeps building and building. Plus, this mystery thriller just blows me away. Its historically research based and the reality of secret societies and theories of clues left behind in paintings is overwhelmingly eerie. It got me thinking of what the "truth" really is.

In any case, if you haven't read this book already, GO GET IT! I've already handed it over to speedreader hubby who is practically halfway done. For those who have read it, I can only wonder if you went Da Vinci Code crazy afterwards. (Must get Angels and Demons now!)
Here are some of the sites that are fun to browse and practice your cryptology skills...surprisingly, I'm not too shabby!

Dan Brown
Uncover the Code1
Uncover the Code2
Da Vinci Code Research Guide

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