Thursday, January 13, 2005

Weather Update

It is now a whopping -6 degrees here with a wind chill of -27. There is, in fact, a wind chill advisory. It's so friggin' cold out here that they are saying that frostbite may occur within 10-15 minutes(?!?!). The temps are practically dropping a couple degrees each hour.

Why would anyone in their right mind WANT to go out in this weather?! I went to our icebox of a garage to start up my car...HOORAY it started!....and we decided to drive around the corner to get the mail. Honestly, it's not that far away, but we had to bundle up anyways. I swear, the way these weather reporters are talking, I'm so reminded of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow."

Anyways, keep warm ya'll...and for those in da Bay and the rest of CA, stay dry. Mother Nature has to let up some time, eh? Keep your fingers crossed.

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