Wednesday, December 29, 2004

House Update

House. Townhouse. Shiet. It's all the same to me! I might've mentioned this earlier, but when we were deciding on our place, I had to ask what the difference between the two were...sorry, I'm not knowledgable like that! So contractor dude says that townhomes share walls, whereas homes do not and are separated. Well if that's the case, the whole city of San Francisco are living in townhomes! Hahaha, I guess they don't take into consideration the earthquaking proof thang...oh well.

Anyways, we've slowly but surely have been settling into our new place. On the day of our big move, Mother Nature decided to give us some bone chilling weather. No snow, mind you, just seriously freakin' cold ass temps that once you step out into the cold, your face freezes up like the Joker. No jokes. And perhaps she wanted to take her sick and twisted joke a bit further, she added some cuts-like-a-knife-through-your-chest wind. Egads! Well, that big move was mainly to get the huge furniture outta the way. What was left at the apartment was a whole bunch of lil' things...things that didn't get packed, things that didn't get sorted...shoot, probably things that'll end up in the trash if you ask me!

Just the other day, the youth group from our church decided to pay us a visit. One of the parents basically dropped them off and they were ours for the day. Yay! First of all, it was just nice to have visitors at our place and second of all, the five extra hands would definitely help us clear out everything else that was left. So on to the apartment we go! Since we didn't have a moving truck this time around, hubby and I had to pack our cars until they couldn't hold anymore. On our first run, we had to leave the three girls behind in order to haul our stuff over. When we got pack to the apartment, we found that they seriously kicked ass and cleaned, cleared, packed, and vaccuumed all that was left. (Thanks you guys! You're totally awesome!)

Aside from the moving thing, I enjoyed hanging out with the girls. Though we've been here over a year (has it really been that long?!), I feel that I haven't really gotten IN with them just yet. But it's all good. I took this time to get to know them a little bit better as they all helped with cooking and cleaning. It was all laughs, all venting, all bitching, all girl talk...and it was good.

Our walk thru with the apartment management is tomorrow. There's still a few things left over there, namely our bikes and some of hubby's computer parts. We have to make sure that it's all clean and tidy, too. Our garage right now is looking how a garage should look- full and packed to the rim! The rest of the house has boxes here and there, some halfway unpacked and some still unopened. We've got the basics down- hubby's office, the other room, the bathrooms, our bedroom, the kitchen, and my library. Ahhhh, my library. When I get a chance, I will definitely post a picture of my beloved sanctuary of books. I gotta say, it looks bomb...thanks to hubby (and IKEA!).

Anyways, that's why I haven't blogged recently. My mind is just focused on getting everything unpacked and put in its place. It already looks like a home and feels like a home, but there's still so much work to be done. Hubby says that it hasn't truly hit him that we're homeowners yet. Wow. HOMEOWNERS! It's due to the fact that we're still going back and forth to the apartment. Well, by January 1st, it'll all be out of our hands. In the meantime, it's back to unpacking and cleaning. Will post pics soon! (like ya'll haven't heard that one before! LOL!)

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