Wednesday, May 12, 2004

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night...

Ah, the great words of Snoopy! Lol! It's been almost a week since I last blogged. Seems weird when you get out of a routine of writing, isn't it? As the days have passed, I seemed to have lost all motivation to write. I really blame this dreary weather that we've been having as of late. When I woke up today, it was so dark that I thought I actually woke up early! ('cuz that would be so unlike MnM!)

Can we talk about the weather for a sec? I guess I'm notorious for bitching about MN weather. When we first arrived in MN, it was too fricken hot and humid. Winter came in October, lasting for a good five months, and it got so cold that there was concern for frostbite. Spring and fall have definitely become my favorite seasons out of the four. Now that summer is quickly approaching, some days it's beautiful out- others it's storming, like today. Storming as in gray and overcast skies, pounding rain, and through all that, it's still a good 72 degrees out. All these ingredients make for tornado conditions that I really don't care for. We've had thunder, lightning (the ones where the entire sky lights up!),and hail- goodn Lord, the hail!

A tornado actually touched down somewhere in MN on Sunday. Hubby and I were out looking at model homes when the sky suddenly turned black. It was eerie. The tornado sirens were on full blast, but since we didn't see people frantically running in search of shelter, we thought we were okay. It was humid, enough to wear shorts and tank tops. On our way home, it started raining. Not regular rain, but rain that makes them big ole' splotches on your windshield. Huge. Honestly, hubby and I were getting a bit worried when the wind became so strong. I kept peering outside the window to make sure there weren't any funnels forming anywhere near us. Just when we thought we out-drove the storm, it literally caught up to us. Hubby and I were so tense! If ya'll could've just seen the clouds- they were moving like they do in movies, except we weren't watching them on fast forward. Know what I mean? Then, when we were about 5 minutes from our place, the sky was dumping buckets and buckets of rain. We could barely see in front of us! I could tell that hubby was getting worried now and he comments, "Just as long as it doesn't start hailing..." I'm like, "Why? What does hail have to do with it?" Hubby says, "It's usually a good sign of a tornado." And wouldn't you know it? It started hailing!

We got home safely, but not without having a mild heart attack. My body felt so tense! We turned on the TV and sure enough, there were all these weather alerts. Hubby and I were joking, but not, about keeping our shoes all ready near the know, JUST IN CASE. After the hail died down and whatnot, we kept our blinds open so we can watch the entire sky light up. 'Tis cool to watch when you're indoors, but when you're out there, nah uh.

Anyways, it looks like we're in for another storm today. If anything majorly exciting happens, I'll let ya'll know.

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