Forgot To Mention....
Hubby and I finally decided to get our bikes up and off the racks that they've been hanging from ever since we moved here. Needless to say, they've accumulated lots of dust and grime from sitting in the garage for so long. I had to get one of my tires replaced and lucky us, hubby found a place nearby. Afterwards, we decided to bike around the movie parking lot not too far from our apartment complex. Being that it was already dark out, one of my main concerns was NOT whether we had reflectors or light colored clothing so cars would spot us- it was whether or not the bugs were out in full effect! Lol! Thankfully, they were not...but it's only a matter of time. We biked up the long stretch of road from our complex in total darkness and for some unknown reason, I had this sudden fear of running into some wild critter. We live near a preserve, remember? There's a family of deer that roam around and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to happen upon them on a bike.
I can't recall how many times we circled the parking lot. All I know is that my thighs were beginning to burn and my ass was most uncomfortable! I take back my sarcastic comments about needing the gel-seat pads we saw back at the cycle shop. It's true what they say about riding a bike- even though it's been a while since you've ridden, it all comes back to you. I just happened to forget about the whole uncomfy bum issue.
After rounding the good sized parking lot a few more times, hubby and I agreed that our huffing and puffing were good signs to head back home. Yes, we are a TAD bit outta shape and we didn't want to overdo it the first time out. Now that the weather is greatly improving, we're determined to get the most out of our bikes.
Oh, and as far as critters of the night went- we saw one brown rabbit. It stayed on its side of the grass while we did our best not to disturb it. No other encounters with anything with four legs to report, thank goodness. Let's keep it that way.
Guilty Pleasures
My latest guilty pleasure, and I'm in no way ashamed to admit it, has been watching and catching up on Dawson's Creek. I never really watched it when it was on, though I WANTED to. I did, however, watch the finale. So, although I know how it all ends, I was curious to know what happened prior. Hubby had bought me season I on DVD and ever since then, I've been hooked! I'm winding my way down to the last disc of season II and though season III isn't out yet, I have the best alternative. Gilmore Girls just came out with their first season today and thanks to hubby, it's just waiting for me to start watching.
Our DVD collection is definitely growing. Not only do we have our favorite movies on DVD, add to that our fave TV shows. If ya'll go to Best Buy and browse the DVD section, you'll be amazed and giddy at just what they're punching out these days. Heck, I have yet to catch up on the FRIENDS frenzy- we've only got up to season II and we're so behind! We haven't added ER either and I know hubby is dying to get DAVE CHAPPELLE'S season II out, too. More things to add to that list of To Buys include Battlestar Gallactica, Band of Brothers, and if and when the Fresh Prince of Bel Air came out, hubby would be first in line! Hahaha, yes people, this is what we do out here in Minnesota- watch DVD's and play PS2. We all deserve some guilty pleasures now and again, yes?
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