Advanced Congratulations
Just want to send my love out to the soon-to-be Opiana's who will be tying the knot tomorrow. Hubby and I were blown when we decided that we wouldn't be able to make the festivities out in San Diego, but just like we told the blushing bride and groom, we'll be there in spirit!
This honestly would've been da BEST time to go back to CA and visit with our homies back home. As much as we have been adjusting to life out here in the Midwest, we've definitely missed our various circle of friends. Da "Hustler crew" was a unique set of friends 'cuz everyone there was either engaged or married! 'Twas a great couple group to hang with and we SO miss our dinners out with them all. Hopefully another opportunity will present itself and we'll have a mini-reunion to look forward to. Hey, there's still another wedding in September- on Labor Day weekend to be exact! These couples were pretty smart, mind you, to schedule their nuptials on national holidays. Know what that means, right? Three-day weekends for their anniversaries for the rest of their lives! I had to make sure that ours fell during summer vacation away from school. For most teachers, especially this particularly unemployed one, lives for the summers and what better time to tie the knot? Speaking of which, let me get a shout-out to one of my gal pals out at Cornerstone who will be tying the knot with her man in Maui...if I remember correctly, the ceremony is in just a couple of weeks. So advanced congrats to the future Chan's!
Again, much love, hugs, and congrats to the Opiana's! Wish we could be there to celebrate your special day. You're in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers. Miss you guys!
Enjoy this long weekend, ya'll! Have fun and be safe in whatever you do. Peace!
Friday, May 28, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Snide Remarks ;-)
Since hubby made mention to our "little spat" the other day, let me offer you my side. Late Tuesday night, I asked hubby if he wanted some ramen. Yes, Top Ramen noodles...they make good around-midnightish snacks, mind you. When it was done, I told hubby that he should just help himself. Now you have to know this about hubby, but whenever he eats noodles, he always eats it from a certain bowl- a Crate and Barrel japanese style bowl, that is, complete with chop sticks. Always. I take it out for him, put it on the side, and continue to put some in a regular bowl for me. Since he was getting his PS2 game on with Tiger Woods, I kept reminding him about the soup. I didn't want the ramen to get cold, you know? Just being the considerate self that I am, is all. So he finally gets up to the kitchen and he sees MY bowl already filled and he says, "Is that for me?" An innocent question, I realize now, but knowing exactly which bowl he always uses forced me to make, what hubby calls, a "snide remark." I must've looked at him with an incredulous look and said, "When do you EVER use this bowl?" Well, this comment happened to spark the fire under hubby 'cuz the next thing I knew, he was snapping in my face with, "Don't get mad at me!" with that lil' high pitched voice. I actually thought it was funny at the time because I remember laughing and saying something like, "Damn, you don't have to yell." But after filling his bowl, the right bowl, with noodles, he stomped back into the living room without a word. Weellllll, WTF was that?! What's he so damn pissed off about? Well, you can imagine that he got ME into a bad mood now and after I finished my bowl, I up and left to go into our bedroom without putting my bowl in the sink. Very unlikely thing for me to do. A few minutes later, he pops his head in the room and asked me if I'm done and I just answer with "Yup."
Now I'll tell you, that whole lil' incident there, which probably took about less than 30 seconds total, really got under my skin. THEN, to top it all off, he goes to bed WITHOUT saying or kissing me goodnight. Boo on him. Well, the next day, I just don't want to deal with him so I hit the mall and do my thang. I go practically the entire day without talking to him. 'Cuz really people, he didn't have to snap at me the way that he did.
So the day comes and goes which brings us to today. Hubby has a client to see in downtown Minneapolis and he suggests I come along for the ride. Perhaps we can have lunch downtown, he says. Hmmm...his attempts at an apology? I go, we walk, we eat at the worst food court ever, we shop, and head home. All in all, the trek downtown goes rather well. We get home and relax for a bit before heading to my folk dance practice. I forget what happened next, but we ended up wrestling...all in good CLEAN fun, peoples...get your minds outta the gutter! lol! We're laughing, we're wrestling, I'm running out of the middle of it all, I turn to him and said, "You didn't even apologize to me." He apologizes and being the boob that I am, retorts with "You're sorry for what?" And he admits it...he says, "Sorry for snapping at you." See, what did I tell you? It wasn't MY fault we had a lil' cold war goin' on for a day or so. He didn't have to yell at me, right? Psshhhhh...ain't no one gonna yell at me like that and pretend we're all okay. Nah uh. That's right hubby, you SHOULD be sorry! Lol!
Well, just like hubby said in his blog, I really can't stay mad at him for too long. It's just the way that I am. It's gotta be something HUGE for me to hold a grudge against someone, but for the lil' spat that we had, well, there's going to be more of where those came from. It's just one of those things. It'll happen, I'll give him the silent treatment, he'll apologize, and it'll be okay. Same old, same old! Lol! Honestly, it's really funny now that we look back on it- so funny, hubby said he's put it out on his blog. Yah, well since he did it, I might as well do the same.
Hey babe? It's all love! (even though it really was YOU who was wrong, but it's all good now....) =)
Ah well...'til my next "snide remark." Love and hugs!
Since hubby made mention to our "little spat" the other day, let me offer you my side. Late Tuesday night, I asked hubby if he wanted some ramen. Yes, Top Ramen noodles...they make good around-midnightish snacks, mind you. When it was done, I told hubby that he should just help himself. Now you have to know this about hubby, but whenever he eats noodles, he always eats it from a certain bowl- a Crate and Barrel japanese style bowl, that is, complete with chop sticks. Always. I take it out for him, put it on the side, and continue to put some in a regular bowl for me. Since he was getting his PS2 game on with Tiger Woods, I kept reminding him about the soup. I didn't want the ramen to get cold, you know? Just being the considerate self that I am, is all. So he finally gets up to the kitchen and he sees MY bowl already filled and he says, "Is that for me?" An innocent question, I realize now, but knowing exactly which bowl he always uses forced me to make, what hubby calls, a "snide remark." I must've looked at him with an incredulous look and said, "When do you EVER use this bowl?" Well, this comment happened to spark the fire under hubby 'cuz the next thing I knew, he was snapping in my face with, "Don't get mad at me!" with that lil' high pitched voice. I actually thought it was funny at the time because I remember laughing and saying something like, "Damn, you don't have to yell." But after filling his bowl, the right bowl, with noodles, he stomped back into the living room without a word. Weellllll, WTF was that?! What's he so damn pissed off about? Well, you can imagine that he got ME into a bad mood now and after I finished my bowl, I up and left to go into our bedroom without putting my bowl in the sink. Very unlikely thing for me to do. A few minutes later, he pops his head in the room and asked me if I'm done and I just answer with "Yup."
Now I'll tell you, that whole lil' incident there, which probably took about less than 30 seconds total, really got under my skin. THEN, to top it all off, he goes to bed WITHOUT saying or kissing me goodnight. Boo on him. Well, the next day, I just don't want to deal with him so I hit the mall and do my thang. I go practically the entire day without talking to him. 'Cuz really people, he didn't have to snap at me the way that he did.
So the day comes and goes which brings us to today. Hubby has a client to see in downtown Minneapolis and he suggests I come along for the ride. Perhaps we can have lunch downtown, he says. Hmmm...his attempts at an apology? I go, we walk, we eat at the worst food court ever, we shop, and head home. All in all, the trek downtown goes rather well. We get home and relax for a bit before heading to my folk dance practice. I forget what happened next, but we ended up wrestling...all in good CLEAN fun, peoples...get your minds outta the gutter! lol! We're laughing, we're wrestling, I'm running out of the middle of it all, I turn to him and said, "You didn't even apologize to me." He apologizes and being the boob that I am, retorts with "You're sorry for what?" And he admits it...he says, "Sorry for snapping at you." See, what did I tell you? It wasn't MY fault we had a lil' cold war goin' on for a day or so. He didn't have to yell at me, right? Psshhhhh...ain't no one gonna yell at me like that and pretend we're all okay. Nah uh. That's right hubby, you SHOULD be sorry! Lol!
Well, just like hubby said in his blog, I really can't stay mad at him for too long. It's just the way that I am. It's gotta be something HUGE for me to hold a grudge against someone, but for the lil' spat that we had, well, there's going to be more of where those came from. It's just one of those things. It'll happen, I'll give him the silent treatment, he'll apologize, and it'll be okay. Same old, same old! Lol! Honestly, it's really funny now that we look back on it- so funny, hubby said he's put it out on his blog. Yah, well since he did it, I might as well do the same.
Hey babe? It's all love! (even though it really was YOU who was wrong, but it's all good now....) =)
Ah well...'til my next "snide remark." Love and hugs!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Birthday Shout-Outs
Belated Happy Birthday to my lil', not so lil' anymore, cousin Derek. He turned the big legal 2-1 this past weekend. From what I heard, he did what any other 21 year-old would do on his bday...he got wasted! Lol! It's still hard for me to think of D as anything but the little duckling (inside family joke), but it just reminds me of how much older we're all getting. Yah, I'll say it- I remember when he was born! Wow. The next time I'm home, I'll be sure to treat him to a drink...'cuz I could actually do that with him now. Damn. Belated wishes and much love-n-hugs straight from MN from your Ate and Kuya!
America Has Voted
...and the new American Idol is.....Fantasia Berrino!
I have to honestly say that I wasn't quite impressed with the top 12 chosen for American Idol. Sure, I was hyped that two Pinays were up there. 'Twas a minor setback that they really didn't represent, but oh well. As proud as we all were, we all knew deep down that they wouldn't make it to the top. Putting all the "you're all winners for making it this far" crap aside, people across America were surprised that Camille and Jasmine made it as far as they did. And when Latoya London was let go? Oh man, American messed up with that one. I thought she for sure was going to win. Between Diana and Fantasia, I didn't really care one way or the other who got it. They're both good and even though Diana was left in the shadows, I'm sure some record label will pick her up just as the other #2 American Idol picks left behind were. And as for Jasmine Trias? Well, if she can follow in #3 Tamyra Gray's footsteps, perhaps we'll be seeing more of her real soon. Bahala na. If anything, she'll be on the tour! Lol!
Much Props
Thanks to cable tv and ESPN2, I was able to watch Barry Bonds hit homerun #670! Whoo hoo! It was DOPE to see that live. I didn't get to see his McCovey Cove hit yesterday, but the replay on ESPN was just as sweet. The SF Giants played against the Arizona D'Backs. Final score: 4-3 Giants. WERD!
Hubby was commenting to me just yesterday that he never saw me as the type of gal who liked to watch sports. I mean, I watch Sports choice! Yes, I admit that it's only within the last 5 years that I've really gotten into sports. I will blame hubby for that, although it's definitely not a bad thing. I totally miss going to Pac Bell (sorry, can't call it SBC Park) and sitting in them nice Lower Level seats c/o hubby's coworkers. Although I enjoy watching basketball and football, I dig watching baseball the most. I'm wanting to watch a Twins game here at the Metrodome, but don't get it twisted and think I'm changing over. No sir. I'm a GIANTS fan through and through.
Timberwolves??? They're beginning to grow on me. It can't be helped really- that's all they show over here! We were even invited to a T'Wolves mini-party last week for game 7 against Sacramento Kings. As exciting as the game was, I was too distracted and wanting someone to change the channel to ESPN2 and check the Giants game. All in all, I think I could like 'em...I wouldn't mind seeing them play either.
Belated Happy Birthday to my lil', not so lil' anymore, cousin Derek. He turned the big legal 2-1 this past weekend. From what I heard, he did what any other 21 year-old would do on his bday...he got wasted! Lol! It's still hard for me to think of D as anything but the little duckling (inside family joke), but it just reminds me of how much older we're all getting. Yah, I'll say it- I remember when he was born! Wow. The next time I'm home, I'll be sure to treat him to a drink...'cuz I could actually do that with him now. Damn. Belated wishes and much love-n-hugs straight from MN from your Ate and Kuya!
America Has Voted
...and the new American Idol is.....Fantasia Berrino!
I have to honestly say that I wasn't quite impressed with the top 12 chosen for American Idol. Sure, I was hyped that two Pinays were up there. 'Twas a minor setback that they really didn't represent, but oh well. As proud as we all were, we all knew deep down that they wouldn't make it to the top. Putting all the "you're all winners for making it this far" crap aside, people across America were surprised that Camille and Jasmine made it as far as they did. And when Latoya London was let go? Oh man, American messed up with that one. I thought she for sure was going to win. Between Diana and Fantasia, I didn't really care one way or the other who got it. They're both good and even though Diana was left in the shadows, I'm sure some record label will pick her up just as the other #2 American Idol picks left behind were. And as for Jasmine Trias? Well, if she can follow in #3 Tamyra Gray's footsteps, perhaps we'll be seeing more of her real soon. Bahala na. If anything, she'll be on the tour! Lol!
Much Props
Thanks to cable tv and ESPN2, I was able to watch Barry Bonds hit homerun #670! Whoo hoo! It was DOPE to see that live. I didn't get to see his McCovey Cove hit yesterday, but the replay on ESPN was just as sweet. The SF Giants played against the Arizona D'Backs. Final score: 4-3 Giants. WERD!
Hubby was commenting to me just yesterday that he never saw me as the type of gal who liked to watch sports. I mean, I watch Sports choice! Yes, I admit that it's only within the last 5 years that I've really gotten into sports. I will blame hubby for that, although it's definitely not a bad thing. I totally miss going to Pac Bell (sorry, can't call it SBC Park) and sitting in them nice Lower Level seats c/o hubby's coworkers. Although I enjoy watching basketball and football, I dig watching baseball the most. I'm wanting to watch a Twins game here at the Metrodome, but don't get it twisted and think I'm changing over. No sir. I'm a GIANTS fan through and through.
Timberwolves??? They're beginning to grow on me. It can't be helped really- that's all they show over here! We were even invited to a T'Wolves mini-party last week for game 7 against Sacramento Kings. As exciting as the game was, I was too distracted and wanting someone to change the channel to ESPN2 and check the Giants game. All in all, I think I could like 'em...I wouldn't mind seeing them play either.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
What a Weekend
Depending if you've already read hubby's blog, you might've heard about his lil' adventure to the emergency room on Sunday. Late Saturday night, hubby was complaining of some discomfort in his chest. According to Doh, it wasn't like someone was sitting on his chest kinda pain, but definitely something uncomfortable. Being the butthead that he is, he DIDN'T tell me about the pain radiating down his arm or the tightness he had in his jaw. These, if you don't know, are some of the symptoms that have to do with heart problems. He slept it off thinking it was something he ate or whatnot and went to church on Sunday morning. After church, the pain had not subsided and I thought it was time to head to the E.R. In no way did I want to take any chances. I've seen these symptoms one too many times. Plus, it was definitely affecting hubby 'cuz he wasn't the usual bubbly, joking self and this, in turn, caused me to worry even more.
Luckily, we live about five minutes from the hospital. When we got there, he was immediately taken by wheelchair (although he didn't have any trouble walking at all) to a room. Being that it was Sunday afternoon in the quiet lil' suburb that we live, it seemed that the entire hospital staff was having a party. It could've been my imagination, but I had the feeling that by bringing hubby in, we were interrupting their snack and gossip time. Needless to say, he was seen right away and our presence basically made people try to "look busy." After I registered hubby in, I went in to the examining room to find him all hooked up. Hooked up, as in hooked to an EKG machine, oxygen in the nose, and hubby looking so ka-wawa on the bed. Poor baby. The nurses and doctor came in to ask questions, trying to figure out exactly what kind of pain hubby had. His nurse had to draw blood for tests and boy, was that needle huge or what? He also had to have a chest x-ray and had to take some nitro under the tongue, too. We weren't sure whether or not he'd have to stay overnight, but after some odd hours of waiting and taking in some meds and liquid Motrin, hubby was given the okay to go home. His bloodwork and his x-ray came back negative and as far as they could tell right then and there, nothing was wrong with hubby. He's due in for a follow-up exam this week and hopefully, the doc will have some news to clear things up. I'm grateful that hubby's okay. Just do me a favor and keep him in your prayers until we find out what caused the pain. Maybe, just maybe, it'll have been nothin' but heartburn.
After Sunday's lil' adventure, hubby took the day off yesterday. Much needed, I say. As for me, it took quite a bit of me to remain calm in the wake of everything. I'd like to think that with all the times I've been to the hospital for my family, of all the times I myself have rushed my grandma to E.R., and then seeing my dad go through this quadruple bypass last summer, with all that, I'd like to think I'm pretty strong when it comes to things like this. It's scary to see your loved ones all hooked up and lying in the bed and seeing hubby was no different. But this girl kept it together and stayed strong.
On A Mission
For hubby's day off, we decided to do a bit of Mall of America. Yah, yah. As much as we complain about how crowded it can be with all them ghetto chitlins and how overrated it is, it's really the perfect place to get your exercise on, considering how truly HUGE this place is. We walked and did a bit of shopping. After a while, the subject of the wedding chapel came up in our conversation. Have I mentioned that there is an actual wedding chapel inside MOA?! As much as we've heard about it, we've never seen it. So, we made it our mission for the day to find it. Some of ya'll might say, "Just look at the directory." Yes, yes, we have tried that before, but being in the wrong wing of the mall can definitely pose a problem. And if you sometimes get that claustrophic feeling when there's just way too many people in one place that we often get at MOA, you'd understand why we're always complaining. According to the directory, the Chapel of Love, (the actual name, people, I am NOT making this up!)is located at 345E. East wing. I had to find my own bearings 'cuz I had no idea which wing we were at. 'Tis kinda funny 'cuz when we actually found it (3rd floor outside of Bloomingtons), it happened to be just around the corner of where we entered the mall! Seeing that there isn't possibly anything we could afford at Bloomingtons, why wander yonder to that area, right? Well, we found it, sneaked a quick peak into the chapel, and had a good laugh about it. Ain't nothing spectacular. Reno and Vegas, by far, totally blows 'em all away. BUT, at least we can say that we finally found it, saw it, walked inside it, and well, ah, the chase is over. Mission accomplished.
btw: we spent the day WITHOUT our cell phones! Oh horrors! Lol- actually, it wasn't bad at all. I felt inspired after reading tpham11's blog about leaving his cell phone at home and just spending time with his kids. Damn, remember the times before everyone and everyone had a cell or pager? Seems ages ago, doesn't it? Needless to say, we DID feel a bit nervous not having our phones with us, but the quality time spent was, like the Mastercard commercials spout, priceless. Ya'll should try it sometime...
Speed Reading and Funky Dreams
Don't know if ya'll remember that lil' list I made up of things to do on my three-week break from school. Top of the list was to read and reread the Harry Potter series. If you're an avid reader like myself, taking up this matter is nothing like a challenge at all. It's more like a much wanted punishment. If you've read the series, you know that each book gets thicker and thicker as it follows the adventures of Harry and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a huge Harry Potter fan as I am a Lord of the Rings fan (btw: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King dvd was released today! Go get your copy!). I've practically been reading the series straight, going from one book and immediately to the next. I just finished the third one- Prisoner of Azkaban- today. Tonight, I start on The Goblet of Fire- all 734 pages of it! I'm so stoked!
Seeing that reading is part of my usual routine before I go to sleep, it's no wonder that my dreams have been taking upon a "magical, yet freakish" nature. Just last night, I dreamt that He-who-must-not-be-named was after me because of a particular amulet I had. All these strange things were happening- a llama looking horse suddenly became three soaring birds; shadowy figures were gliding overhead; people were fainting like crazy as soon as He-who-must-not-be-named came close; and to make it so unbelievably psycho, there was someone's wedding trying to happen amid all the confusion and fear. I remember that I was panicking because I was trying to get my hair up in a bun, but 'cuz I just got it cut, 'twas almost impossible. Aiya! Albeit that it was a weird dream, I know it isn't anything to worry about. I've had my fair share of nightmares, but this one was definitely, without a doubt, due to my late night readings of Harry Potter. I've got a little over a week left and two more books to go. As much as I'm trying to complete the lil' goal that I've set for myself, I'm also trying to relish each page that I read. The story has gotten so intriguing that I've totally immersed myself into the plot. In many ways, I dread finishing up a good book- I don't want it to end. But at the same time, you get so into it that you find yourself hungry for more. I'll tell you this though, I can't wait for the sixth book of the series to come out. Til then, I've got to get my read on...
Depending if you've already read hubby's blog, you might've heard about his lil' adventure to the emergency room on Sunday. Late Saturday night, hubby was complaining of some discomfort in his chest. According to Doh, it wasn't like someone was sitting on his chest kinda pain, but definitely something uncomfortable. Being the butthead that he is, he DIDN'T tell me about the pain radiating down his arm or the tightness he had in his jaw. These, if you don't know, are some of the symptoms that have to do with heart problems. He slept it off thinking it was something he ate or whatnot and went to church on Sunday morning. After church, the pain had not subsided and I thought it was time to head to the E.R. In no way did I want to take any chances. I've seen these symptoms one too many times. Plus, it was definitely affecting hubby 'cuz he wasn't the usual bubbly, joking self and this, in turn, caused me to worry even more.
Luckily, we live about five minutes from the hospital. When we got there, he was immediately taken by wheelchair (although he didn't have any trouble walking at all) to a room. Being that it was Sunday afternoon in the quiet lil' suburb that we live, it seemed that the entire hospital staff was having a party. It could've been my imagination, but I had the feeling that by bringing hubby in, we were interrupting their snack and gossip time. Needless to say, he was seen right away and our presence basically made people try to "look busy." After I registered hubby in, I went in to the examining room to find him all hooked up. Hooked up, as in hooked to an EKG machine, oxygen in the nose, and hubby looking so ka-wawa on the bed. Poor baby. The nurses and doctor came in to ask questions, trying to figure out exactly what kind of pain hubby had. His nurse had to draw blood for tests and boy, was that needle huge or what? He also had to have a chest x-ray and had to take some nitro under the tongue, too. We weren't sure whether or not he'd have to stay overnight, but after some odd hours of waiting and taking in some meds and liquid Motrin, hubby was given the okay to go home. His bloodwork and his x-ray came back negative and as far as they could tell right then and there, nothing was wrong with hubby. He's due in for a follow-up exam this week and hopefully, the doc will have some news to clear things up. I'm grateful that hubby's okay. Just do me a favor and keep him in your prayers until we find out what caused the pain. Maybe, just maybe, it'll have been nothin' but heartburn.
After Sunday's lil' adventure, hubby took the day off yesterday. Much needed, I say. As for me, it took quite a bit of me to remain calm in the wake of everything. I'd like to think that with all the times I've been to the hospital for my family, of all the times I myself have rushed my grandma to E.R., and then seeing my dad go through this quadruple bypass last summer, with all that, I'd like to think I'm pretty strong when it comes to things like this. It's scary to see your loved ones all hooked up and lying in the bed and seeing hubby was no different. But this girl kept it together and stayed strong.
On A Mission
For hubby's day off, we decided to do a bit of Mall of America. Yah, yah. As much as we complain about how crowded it can be with all them ghetto chitlins and how overrated it is, it's really the perfect place to get your exercise on, considering how truly HUGE this place is. We walked and did a bit of shopping. After a while, the subject of the wedding chapel came up in our conversation. Have I mentioned that there is an actual wedding chapel inside MOA?! As much as we've heard about it, we've never seen it. So, we made it our mission for the day to find it. Some of ya'll might say, "Just look at the directory." Yes, yes, we have tried that before, but being in the wrong wing of the mall can definitely pose a problem. And if you sometimes get that claustrophic feeling when there's just way too many people in one place that we often get at MOA, you'd understand why we're always complaining. According to the directory, the Chapel of Love, (the actual name, people, I am NOT making this up!)is located at 345E. East wing. I had to find my own bearings 'cuz I had no idea which wing we were at. 'Tis kinda funny 'cuz when we actually found it (3rd floor outside of Bloomingtons), it happened to be just around the corner of where we entered the mall! Seeing that there isn't possibly anything we could afford at Bloomingtons, why wander yonder to that area, right? Well, we found it, sneaked a quick peak into the chapel, and had a good laugh about it. Ain't nothing spectacular. Reno and Vegas, by far, totally blows 'em all away. BUT, at least we can say that we finally found it, saw it, walked inside it, and well, ah, the chase is over. Mission accomplished.
btw: we spent the day WITHOUT our cell phones! Oh horrors! Lol- actually, it wasn't bad at all. I felt inspired after reading tpham11's blog about leaving his cell phone at home and just spending time with his kids. Damn, remember the times before everyone and everyone had a cell or pager? Seems ages ago, doesn't it? Needless to say, we DID feel a bit nervous not having our phones with us, but the quality time spent was, like the Mastercard commercials spout, priceless. Ya'll should try it sometime...
Speed Reading and Funky Dreams
Don't know if ya'll remember that lil' list I made up of things to do on my three-week break from school. Top of the list was to read and reread the Harry Potter series. If you're an avid reader like myself, taking up this matter is nothing like a challenge at all. It's more like a much wanted punishment. If you've read the series, you know that each book gets thicker and thicker as it follows the adventures of Harry and his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a huge Harry Potter fan as I am a Lord of the Rings fan (btw: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King dvd was released today! Go get your copy!). I've practically been reading the series straight, going from one book and immediately to the next. I just finished the third one- Prisoner of Azkaban- today. Tonight, I start on The Goblet of Fire- all 734 pages of it! I'm so stoked!
Seeing that reading is part of my usual routine before I go to sleep, it's no wonder that my dreams have been taking upon a "magical, yet freakish" nature. Just last night, I dreamt that He-who-must-not-be-named was after me because of a particular amulet I had. All these strange things were happening- a llama looking horse suddenly became three soaring birds; shadowy figures were gliding overhead; people were fainting like crazy as soon as He-who-must-not-be-named came close; and to make it so unbelievably psycho, there was someone's wedding trying to happen amid all the confusion and fear. I remember that I was panicking because I was trying to get my hair up in a bun, but 'cuz I just got it cut, 'twas almost impossible. Aiya! Albeit that it was a weird dream, I know it isn't anything to worry about. I've had my fair share of nightmares, but this one was definitely, without a doubt, due to my late night readings of Harry Potter. I've got a little over a week left and two more books to go. As much as I'm trying to complete the lil' goal that I've set for myself, I'm also trying to relish each page that I read. The story has gotten so intriguing that I've totally immersed myself into the plot. In many ways, I dread finishing up a good book- I don't want it to end. But at the same time, you get so into it that you find yourself hungry for more. I'll tell you this though, I can't wait for the sixth book of the series to come out. Til then, I've got to get my read on...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
So, So Proud
Read this and be proud. It's About Time.
I think I've taken for granted just how lucky I've been to have grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area. To be born and raised in such an accepting society and where the color of your skin and the person whom you love and sleep with ain't such a big deal. If you love someone, does it matter that they're of the same sex?
Sure, my upbringing wasn't a totally accepting one at first. Not to say that my parents were freaking racists, but they did and sometimes do have that old skool mentality. I remember back in the day, my dad had some qualms about some of my sister's Japanese friends. It wasn't anything personal- it was the fact that they were Japanese. As in, the Japanese that killed, raped, tortured Filipinos during the occupation in the Philippines. It was wartime and our families and motherland suffered. Who wouldn't be bitter against the "enemy?" Enemy at the time. Yes, that was a long time ago and letting go of that hatred and resentment is a difficult thing. Takes time. If my parents still have any of those feelings intact, it in no way, shape, or form is ever revealed. I felt that my eyes were opened to "the truth" in college. Up to that point, we've been taught that America was this perfect country. It was so high on a pedestal- who were we to question anything of this land of milk and honey? Then comes the Asian American Studies and we learn of the inequality and injustices inflicted upon us, Filipinos, and any other people of color. I began to see America's past in a whole different light and was saddened by the fact that many Americans, aka puti and other ignorant folk, still hold true of those hateful beliefs. So many people have learned tolerance and acceptance that it's such a damn shame that other parts of the country haven't followed suit.
I've no regrets about moving to MN. In fact, this entire move has led me to reflect and learn more about myself as an individual. Who am I as a woman, a Pinay, a daughter, a sister, a ninang, a wife, a teacher, a Christian? In the 9 months that I've been here, I often feel that my head is going to "patok" or pop from all the thoughts that race around in my mind. It's exhausting. I've always felt that I've had some kind of spiritual connection, but figuring out "my place" with God has been a major focus and connecting puzzle piece. It's dope to be down with something you believe in and it really gives your life meaning and purpose. But there's always struggles, isn't there? In my opinion, struggles are life's way of keeping us on our toes.
One of my struggles is the church that hubby and I believe in. Not the church itself, but moreso, certain beliefs and attitudes. More specifically than that, it's the beliefs and attitudes about the gay community. Honestly, it's not so different than the beliefs of the Catholic church that I grew up in and/or the many other Christian churches out there. It's probably due to the voice that the church over here takes on. First and foremost, a bible scholar I'm not. I can't even tell you where in the Bible it says that same sex anything is "an abomination." All I know is that the church is against it. But as recent events come to light about the legality of same sex marriage, I find it irritating, no wait, repulsing is more like it, when the leaders of our church keep pressing the issue that gay marriage is wrong. What happened to acceptance and love for your fellow neighbors? Am I to believe that God and heaven will only allow straight, Christian folk? When it comes down to it, we're all sinners by nature. Leave the judging for the Almighty One is all I'm saying. It may sound utopian to some ears, especially to those who don't even believe in a higher power, but it sounds simple to me. And this isn't to say that I'm the most open-minded person out there. On the contrary. Everyone has their biases in some way or another, but it's really in the way people lead their lives that show off their true character. Don't spout to me about love and acceptance when there's a "but" or "except" in there. Our job, in my strongest of belifs and opinions, is to accept everyone for who they are, no matter what color, race, religion, or sexual orientation they are. There shouldn't be any but's about it.
Read this and be proud. It's About Time.
I think I've taken for granted just how lucky I've been to have grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area. To be born and raised in such an accepting society and where the color of your skin and the person whom you love and sleep with ain't such a big deal. If you love someone, does it matter that they're of the same sex?
Sure, my upbringing wasn't a totally accepting one at first. Not to say that my parents were freaking racists, but they did and sometimes do have that old skool mentality. I remember back in the day, my dad had some qualms about some of my sister's Japanese friends. It wasn't anything personal- it was the fact that they were Japanese. As in, the Japanese that killed, raped, tortured Filipinos during the occupation in the Philippines. It was wartime and our families and motherland suffered. Who wouldn't be bitter against the "enemy?" Enemy at the time. Yes, that was a long time ago and letting go of that hatred and resentment is a difficult thing. Takes time. If my parents still have any of those feelings intact, it in no way, shape, or form is ever revealed. I felt that my eyes were opened to "the truth" in college. Up to that point, we've been taught that America was this perfect country. It was so high on a pedestal- who were we to question anything of this land of milk and honey? Then comes the Asian American Studies and we learn of the inequality and injustices inflicted upon us, Filipinos, and any other people of color. I began to see America's past in a whole different light and was saddened by the fact that many Americans, aka puti and other ignorant folk, still hold true of those hateful beliefs. So many people have learned tolerance and acceptance that it's such a damn shame that other parts of the country haven't followed suit.
I've no regrets about moving to MN. In fact, this entire move has led me to reflect and learn more about myself as an individual. Who am I as a woman, a Pinay, a daughter, a sister, a ninang, a wife, a teacher, a Christian? In the 9 months that I've been here, I often feel that my head is going to "patok" or pop from all the thoughts that race around in my mind. It's exhausting. I've always felt that I've had some kind of spiritual connection, but figuring out "my place" with God has been a major focus and connecting puzzle piece. It's dope to be down with something you believe in and it really gives your life meaning and purpose. But there's always struggles, isn't there? In my opinion, struggles are life's way of keeping us on our toes.
One of my struggles is the church that hubby and I believe in. Not the church itself, but moreso, certain beliefs and attitudes. More specifically than that, it's the beliefs and attitudes about the gay community. Honestly, it's not so different than the beliefs of the Catholic church that I grew up in and/or the many other Christian churches out there. It's probably due to the voice that the church over here takes on. First and foremost, a bible scholar I'm not. I can't even tell you where in the Bible it says that same sex anything is "an abomination." All I know is that the church is against it. But as recent events come to light about the legality of same sex marriage, I find it irritating, no wait, repulsing is more like it, when the leaders of our church keep pressing the issue that gay marriage is wrong. What happened to acceptance and love for your fellow neighbors? Am I to believe that God and heaven will only allow straight, Christian folk? When it comes down to it, we're all sinners by nature. Leave the judging for the Almighty One is all I'm saying. It may sound utopian to some ears, especially to those who don't even believe in a higher power, but it sounds simple to me. And this isn't to say that I'm the most open-minded person out there. On the contrary. Everyone has their biases in some way or another, but it's really in the way people lead their lives that show off their true character. Don't spout to me about love and acceptance when there's a "but" or "except" in there. Our job, in my strongest of belifs and opinions, is to accept everyone for who they are, no matter what color, race, religion, or sexual orientation they are. There shouldn't be any but's about it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Yesterday's Outings
The weather yesterday was surprisingly beautiful. We've been getting some rain showers as of late and the sunshine was a nice break. Hubby has been getting back into playing ball and the crew decided to take advantage of the weather. I thought it'd be perfect to take my bike out, too. (see, meeting one of my goals on that lil' list of mine!)Went out to a park out in Cottage Grove and while hubby headed to the court, I headed out to the streets. I didn't exactly know where to go. I basically went biking in one direction for a good 15 minutes and then turned around. By that time, my calves and thighs were burning. Not quite sure if I'd end up with that good burning feeling after a good workout versus that burning feeling that'll leave you sore the next day. The ride itself was cool. With the sun beating down, it was refreshing to feel the wind in my face. But the wind wasn't the only thing hitting my face. More than once, I had to dodge disgusting bugs and cotton. Ya' read correctly- COTTON. I'd forgotten to mention, but in the summertime, you'd think the giants up in the sky (y'know, the same ones that go bowling and when they get strikes, we hear it as thunder...don't tell me you've never heard that before!) were out picking dandelions and blowing them out to make wishes or something! I'm not exaggerating, but the skies are literally filled with cotton at this time of year. So aside from bugs, I had to make sure I breathed through my nose for fear of ingesting any cotton. Overall, it was fun to finally give my bike some exercise and though I woke up a bit stiff in the legs, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Hooters Happy Hour
A couple of the b-ball crew wanted to eat at Hooters for happy hour. Hooters. I was telling hubby the first time I ever heard of the place was on an episode of Married With Children! Quite the educational show, wouldn't you say? Didn't quite know what to expect- waitresses with huge hooters, I suppose. Hooters, knockers, melons, boobies, whatever you want to call them. The waitresses wore really short shorts, kinda like roller skater waitresses back in the 50's actually. The tops were tight fitting showing some cleavage, but really nothing to holler about. Unless you're dead drunk and rowdy, which some of the patrons appeared to be. Apparently, the most popular appetizer is the buffalo wings. They go for $.25 each. Just imagine a bunch of hungry dudes after playing basketball ordering 2 50-pieces entrees of wings. That's 100, mind you. Being the lil' bi-otch that I am when it comes to spicy foods, I ordered chicken strips instead. 100 wings for five hungry dudes. The guys were telling me that the only reason they ever go there is for the wings. Suurrrrreeee. That's what they all say- lol!
Oh, and I just have to put it out there. While hubby and I were waiting for the others, we hung out at the arcade across the way. Hooters, by the way, is at Mall of America. We got to playing Air Hockey. Proud to say, MnM kicked Doh's ass. 7-6. Whoo hoo! Okay, that's it. Gloating over.
Next Best Thing
Know how I've been bitching about the lack of Baskin Robbins over here? Well, the status hasn't changed- still none in the area. I've been totally feening for a MochaBlast like ya'll wouldn't believe! Went grocery shopping the other day and upon the recommendation of my sis, got the Nescafe Ice Java syrup. On the back, there's directions for mixing it up in a blender. Lo and behold, after blending it up with some ice and milk and topping it with some whip cream, we had a MochaBlast! Gotta tell ya', it sure hit THE spot and what's even better? I can have it anytime I want. MnM is a happy camper.
New Look
MnM before....
MnM after...
Whaddaya think??? Let me know! (and please, be kind!) =)
The weather yesterday was surprisingly beautiful. We've been getting some rain showers as of late and the sunshine was a nice break. Hubby has been getting back into playing ball and the crew decided to take advantage of the weather. I thought it'd be perfect to take my bike out, too. (see, meeting one of my goals on that lil' list of mine!)Went out to a park out in Cottage Grove and while hubby headed to the court, I headed out to the streets. I didn't exactly know where to go. I basically went biking in one direction for a good 15 minutes and then turned around. By that time, my calves and thighs were burning. Not quite sure if I'd end up with that good burning feeling after a good workout versus that burning feeling that'll leave you sore the next day. The ride itself was cool. With the sun beating down, it was refreshing to feel the wind in my face. But the wind wasn't the only thing hitting my face. More than once, I had to dodge disgusting bugs and cotton. Ya' read correctly- COTTON. I'd forgotten to mention, but in the summertime, you'd think the giants up in the sky (y'know, the same ones that go bowling and when they get strikes, we hear it as thunder...don't tell me you've never heard that before!) were out picking dandelions and blowing them out to make wishes or something! I'm not exaggerating, but the skies are literally filled with cotton at this time of year. So aside from bugs, I had to make sure I breathed through my nose for fear of ingesting any cotton. Overall, it was fun to finally give my bike some exercise and though I woke up a bit stiff in the legs, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Hooters Happy Hour
A couple of the b-ball crew wanted to eat at Hooters for happy hour. Hooters. I was telling hubby the first time I ever heard of the place was on an episode of Married With Children! Quite the educational show, wouldn't you say? Didn't quite know what to expect- waitresses with huge hooters, I suppose. Hooters, knockers, melons, boobies, whatever you want to call them. The waitresses wore really short shorts, kinda like roller skater waitresses back in the 50's actually. The tops were tight fitting showing some cleavage, but really nothing to holler about. Unless you're dead drunk and rowdy, which some of the patrons appeared to be. Apparently, the most popular appetizer is the buffalo wings. They go for $.25 each. Just imagine a bunch of hungry dudes after playing basketball ordering 2 50-pieces entrees of wings. That's 100, mind you. Being the lil' bi-otch that I am when it comes to spicy foods, I ordered chicken strips instead. 100 wings for five hungry dudes. The guys were telling me that the only reason they ever go there is for the wings. Suurrrrreeee. That's what they all say- lol!

Oh, and I just have to put it out there. While hubby and I were waiting for the others, we hung out at the arcade across the way. Hooters, by the way, is at Mall of America. We got to playing Air Hockey. Proud to say, MnM kicked Doh's ass. 7-6. Whoo hoo! Okay, that's it. Gloating over.
Next Best Thing
Know how I've been bitching about the lack of Baskin Robbins over here? Well, the status hasn't changed- still none in the area. I've been totally feening for a MochaBlast like ya'll wouldn't believe! Went grocery shopping the other day and upon the recommendation of my sis, got the Nescafe Ice Java syrup. On the back, there's directions for mixing it up in a blender. Lo and behold, after blending it up with some ice and milk and topping it with some whip cream, we had a MochaBlast! Gotta tell ya', it sure hit THE spot and what's even better? I can have it anytime I want. MnM is a happy camper.

New Look
MnM before....

MnM after...

Whaddaya think??? Let me know! (and please, be kind!) =)
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Birthday Shout-Outs
My Ate celebrated her 37th yesterday- whoo hoo! 'Tis funny thing about my sis- people whom we meet for the first time always mistake us for twins OR that I'm older than her! Truth is, we're 7 years apart! We look so much like each other, but people say that my sis looks like my dad and I look more like my mom...but we still look like twins. Eh??? That always confused me.
My sis and I are best friends, but that was never always the case. In fact, it wasn't only until my college years that we got really tight. When I was younger, I totally looked up to her. But of course in her eyes, I was more of the "tag-along" sister that tattle-taled on her more times than probably was deserved. Up until her grad in college, we shared a bedroom with twin beds. Lol! Whenever I see twin beds nowadays, it's hilarious to see how small they really are! For the most part, we got along well for sisters. We'd have our nightly tournament of Rummy under our fort of blankets-and she wouldn't let me win. Had to toughen me up by letting me lose, I suppose. Shiet. When I got into grade school, things changed up a bit. My sis had turned out to be the smart one in the family. Seriously. All thru elementary, she got A's with the occasional B (oh horrors!). When she got to high school, she was top of her class for the entire four years. Geez, how do you compete with that? Truth be told, I couldn't. When I got to Kindergarten, the teacher thought I was "advanced" for my age and when I got to 1st grade, they wanted me to skip a grade 'cuz I read well. There was no grade skipping of the sort, but in the years that followed, my grades coincided with the beginning of the alphabet- A's, B's, and C's. I think my parents began to see that academically, I couldn't be like my sis. But that didn't stop them from trying to compare me to her all the time. For the most part, I had begun to resent being her sister for a long time. By the time I got to high school, I had this love-hate relationship with her. She was more like a 2nd mother, rather than a sister. When I was finally allowed to go out on Friday nights and weekends, she made sure I adhered to my curfew time...and if I didn't, she'd really let me have it. Those years were tough, I'll admit. Not to say that I was the "bad girl" of the family, but compared to her, I was a rebel. I'm the one that gave my parents all the headaches. Of course, I realize NOW that they just wanted the best for me, blah, blah, blah, but at the time...well, ya'll know how it goes.
But all that is past now. Today, she's the bestest friend I can and ever will have. Sure, we still have our differences and yes, I'll always be "the little sister," but the fact that we're friends as well as sisters has made all the difference. After she got married and moved out of the house, I got lonely and realized how much I missed her. Then, after she had her first child, I saw her in a whole different light. Plus, having actually been there to see the birth of Bina, I had a deeper respect for her as well. Moving to MN has been difficult in terms of not being near any family. It's reassuring that I'm able to call home anytime I want, but it's still not the same. I probably talk to my sis about the same amount as I did when we were living in Foster City. The only difference is, we can't visit each other as often as we'd like. It's totally something I've had to get used to and yes, I still get homesick here and there. But I'm looking forward to my sis and her family coming out here to MN next month for a few days.
In any case, I guess I could go on about my sis- I've got tons of stories! I wish I could've been with my sis to celebrate her birthday, but we'll have to have a belated celebration when she gets here. Happy Happy 37th Birthday Ate! Love and miss you...
My Ate celebrated her 37th yesterday- whoo hoo! 'Tis funny thing about my sis- people whom we meet for the first time always mistake us for twins OR that I'm older than her! Truth is, we're 7 years apart! We look so much like each other, but people say that my sis looks like my dad and I look more like my mom...but we still look like twins. Eh??? That always confused me.
My sis and I are best friends, but that was never always the case. In fact, it wasn't only until my college years that we got really tight. When I was younger, I totally looked up to her. But of course in her eyes, I was more of the "tag-along" sister that tattle-taled on her more times than probably was deserved. Up until her grad in college, we shared a bedroom with twin beds. Lol! Whenever I see twin beds nowadays, it's hilarious to see how small they really are! For the most part, we got along well for sisters. We'd have our nightly tournament of Rummy under our fort of blankets-and she wouldn't let me win. Had to toughen me up by letting me lose, I suppose. Shiet. When I got into grade school, things changed up a bit. My sis had turned out to be the smart one in the family. Seriously. All thru elementary, she got A's with the occasional B (oh horrors!). When she got to high school, she was top of her class for the entire four years. Geez, how do you compete with that? Truth be told, I couldn't. When I got to Kindergarten, the teacher thought I was "advanced" for my age and when I got to 1st grade, they wanted me to skip a grade 'cuz I read well. There was no grade skipping of the sort, but in the years that followed, my grades coincided with the beginning of the alphabet- A's, B's, and C's. I think my parents began to see that academically, I couldn't be like my sis. But that didn't stop them from trying to compare me to her all the time. For the most part, I had begun to resent being her sister for a long time. By the time I got to high school, I had this love-hate relationship with her. She was more like a 2nd mother, rather than a sister. When I was finally allowed to go out on Friday nights and weekends, she made sure I adhered to my curfew time...and if I didn't, she'd really let me have it. Those years were tough, I'll admit. Not to say that I was the "bad girl" of the family, but compared to her, I was a rebel. I'm the one that gave my parents all the headaches. Of course, I realize NOW that they just wanted the best for me, blah, blah, blah, but at the time...well, ya'll know how it goes.
But all that is past now. Today, she's the bestest friend I can and ever will have. Sure, we still have our differences and yes, I'll always be "the little sister," but the fact that we're friends as well as sisters has made all the difference. After she got married and moved out of the house, I got lonely and realized how much I missed her. Then, after she had her first child, I saw her in a whole different light. Plus, having actually been there to see the birth of Bina, I had a deeper respect for her as well. Moving to MN has been difficult in terms of not being near any family. It's reassuring that I'm able to call home anytime I want, but it's still not the same. I probably talk to my sis about the same amount as I did when we were living in Foster City. The only difference is, we can't visit each other as often as we'd like. It's totally something I've had to get used to and yes, I still get homesick here and there. But I'm looking forward to my sis and her family coming out here to MN next month for a few days.
In any case, I guess I could go on about my sis- I've got tons of stories! I wish I could've been with my sis to celebrate her birthday, but we'll have to have a belated celebration when she gets here. Happy Happy 37th Birthday Ate! Love and miss you...
Friday, May 14, 2004
Curbside Prophet
Got to see the 'curbside prophet' himself, Jason Mraz, give a free concert at Rice Park in St. Paul today. His mini-performance was actually part of this kickoff rally for the St. Paul soccer team, Thunder. When I got to Rice Park, there was a good size gathering. The weather was just beginning to warm up and people were staking their spots on the ground. Mind as well do the same. The Thunder team was introduced and the mayor said a few words. The ceremony lasted all of 20-25 minutes. Jason Mraz wasn't going to come on for another hour and a half, but with the crowd quickly growing, I popped a squat and stayed put.
Right before Jason Mraz came on, the personalities from the local radio station were there to give out free shirts. There were just tossing them left and right. Of course, the crowd was getting hyped at this point and were throwing themselves in whatever direction the shirts were flying. MnM was going to have a piece of this action and lucky me, a shirt came flying my way! Whoo hoo! So what if it's a generic white shirt with the radio logo on it- it's free! I actually had a good grip on another flying shirt, but the girl behind me wanted it more than I did so I let go. 'Twas fun to be jumping around, hands above my head, grabbing just to grab.
2pm, Jason Mraz took the stage. Just him and his guitar. He addressed the crowd a bit, sharing the times he had been in the Minnesota area. Said that about 7-8 years back, he and his friend were part of the local Renaissance Faire. Said that he was the "pickle guy." I'm assuming that he was some pickle vendor of some sort, but I wouldn't know. I've never been to a Renaissance Faire before. Anyhoo, his acoustic set was HOT! As hubby would say, he's one of those "true vocalists." He sounds exactly, no, even better, than his cd. If you're a fan of this incredibly talented dude like myself, you would've loved this free concert. He started with "Curbside Prophet," went into a ballad, then went into this medley of assorted songs.
A couple of things caught my eye during this lil' concert. As JMraz did his thang, the crowd was surprisingly quiet. There weren't screaming girls everywhere that you could barely hear him sing. Well, okay, there were some girls who yelled their undying love for him during his set and it actually made him chuckle midsong. It was dope to actually hear him sing though. The pic above was the best that I could take. I wasn't that far from the stage, but compared to all the other peeps there, I still had to strain my neck to keep him in view. Another thing I noticed (and I should've taken a pic of this!) was how many people were holding up their cell phones toward the stage. They were all probably trying to record and/or let someone else listen in, but it tripped me out at how many people were doing it. In fact, I had hardly noticed until some guy near me commented to his friend, "Hey, check out all the people holding their cell phones. I'm goin' to hold mine up so I don't feel left out."
He's performing tonight at the Orpheum theater and according to online brokers, his tix are going for about $150 a pop. Sorry Mraz, will have to catch you in concert at a later date. Hey, I was just glad to have caught him for free today.
Gotta give a shout-out to Ibalik for giving us the 411 on the free Jason Mraz concert today. Maraming salamat Pare!
Landmark Plaza
As I was waiting for hubby to pick me up, I sat in this lil' park area. I think hubby may have mentioned it once before in his blog that there are a whole bunch of statues around the Twin Cities area dedicated to the Peanuts gang. Here a just a couple that I took. There was one of Charlie Brown with Snoopy in his lap, but a few young concert-goers were taking "naughty" pictures with it. Lol! Hubby and I have yet to wander aimlessly about St. Paul- from what we hear, there's a lot to do and discover out there. Ah yes, our state's capital...and it's so close to where we live, too! One of these days, we'll go on a walking tour, but for now, enjoy these cute pics of the Peanuts gang.
Got to see the 'curbside prophet' himself, Jason Mraz, give a free concert at Rice Park in St. Paul today. His mini-performance was actually part of this kickoff rally for the St. Paul soccer team, Thunder. When I got to Rice Park, there was a good size gathering. The weather was just beginning to warm up and people were staking their spots on the ground. Mind as well do the same. The Thunder team was introduced and the mayor said a few words. The ceremony lasted all of 20-25 minutes. Jason Mraz wasn't going to come on for another hour and a half, but with the crowd quickly growing, I popped a squat and stayed put.
Right before Jason Mraz came on, the personalities from the local radio station were there to give out free shirts. There were just tossing them left and right. Of course, the crowd was getting hyped at this point and were throwing themselves in whatever direction the shirts were flying. MnM was going to have a piece of this action and lucky me, a shirt came flying my way! Whoo hoo! So what if it's a generic white shirt with the radio logo on it- it's free! I actually had a good grip on another flying shirt, but the girl behind me wanted it more than I did so I let go. 'Twas fun to be jumping around, hands above my head, grabbing just to grab.
2pm, Jason Mraz took the stage. Just him and his guitar. He addressed the crowd a bit, sharing the times he had been in the Minnesota area. Said that about 7-8 years back, he and his friend were part of the local Renaissance Faire. Said that he was the "pickle guy." I'm assuming that he was some pickle vendor of some sort, but I wouldn't know. I've never been to a Renaissance Faire before. Anyhoo, his acoustic set was HOT! As hubby would say, he's one of those "true vocalists." He sounds exactly, no, even better, than his cd. If you're a fan of this incredibly talented dude like myself, you would've loved this free concert. He started with "Curbside Prophet," went into a ballad, then went into this medley of assorted songs.

A couple of things caught my eye during this lil' concert. As JMraz did his thang, the crowd was surprisingly quiet. There weren't screaming girls everywhere that you could barely hear him sing. Well, okay, there were some girls who yelled their undying love for him during his set and it actually made him chuckle midsong. It was dope to actually hear him sing though. The pic above was the best that I could take. I wasn't that far from the stage, but compared to all the other peeps there, I still had to strain my neck to keep him in view. Another thing I noticed (and I should've taken a pic of this!) was how many people were holding up their cell phones toward the stage. They were all probably trying to record and/or let someone else listen in, but it tripped me out at how many people were doing it. In fact, I had hardly noticed until some guy near me commented to his friend, "Hey, check out all the people holding their cell phones. I'm goin' to hold mine up so I don't feel left out."
He's performing tonight at the Orpheum theater and according to online brokers, his tix are going for about $150 a pop. Sorry Mraz, will have to catch you in concert at a later date. Hey, I was just glad to have caught him for free today.
Gotta give a shout-out to Ibalik for giving us the 411 on the free Jason Mraz concert today. Maraming salamat Pare!
Landmark Plaza
As I was waiting for hubby to pick me up, I sat in this lil' park area. I think hubby may have mentioned it once before in his blog that there are a whole bunch of statues around the Twin Cities area dedicated to the Peanuts gang. Here a just a couple that I took. There was one of Charlie Brown with Snoopy in his lap, but a few young concert-goers were taking "naughty" pictures with it. Lol! Hubby and I have yet to wander aimlessly about St. Paul- from what we hear, there's a lot to do and discover out there. Ah yes, our state's capital...and it's so close to where we live, too! One of these days, we'll go on a walking tour, but for now, enjoy these cute pics of the Peanuts gang.

Ho Hum Days Ahead
Due to my melancholic moods and perhaps the loss of motivation somewhere along the way, I've decided to take a mini-break from my classes and chill. Hmmm...some of you may be thinking that because I am currently unemployed that I'm already chillin', but that's not the case at all. Although school has been my major focus out here, I've been feeling overworked with readings, papers, posts, and sometimes annoying classmates that I just couldn't stand any longer. It's funny because even though I've never met any of them personally, you KNOW them even if you don't know them. I've been with this particular group of people for the past 3-4 classes already- that's 21 weeks of agreeing, disagreeing, concurring, debating, and after a while, you really end up hearing the same old sh*t over and over again. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of them. I need a break and I got it. So, I've got myself three weeks of freedom to myself, my books (the ones i WANT to read), my writings, and me, me, me.
It's so easy to neglect yourself, isn't it? Especially when you've got so much on your plate, people are so busy running around trying to take care of this or that. Not that my life has been traumatically hectic or anything- it's just nice to take a break now and then, is all. Or maybe it's like that sickness that seems to plague all students this time of the year. Ya'll may know it as "spring fever." The end of the school year is quickly approaching, the skies are getting sunnier, and basically, there is no motivation, none whatsoever, to get any schoolwork done. Ah, perhaps that is where I fall in. Well, whatever it is that bit me, I've been plagued and I've got three weeks to enjoy it.
Here is a short list I've compiled of what I'd like to do during my three weeks of "me" time. Let's just see how far I get...
1. Read and reread the entire Harry Potter series.
2. Study and take the written driver's test for MN. (I've been putting this on hold simply 'cuz I wasn't willing to give up my CA driver's license just yet. Plus, have you seen the MN driver's license? It's the ugliest thing! They've got NO creativity in their design! Ugh...)
3. Go biking. (Let's see if I can at least leave the garage!)
4. Get a new haircut.
5. Look for a job.
6. Catch up on emails and correspondences.
Yes, I admit that it is nice that I'm able to just do this and take this break. Yes, not everyone can just do that whenever they please. I figure, I might as well take advantage of this time that I DO have before I get back into the real world. I miss it, but kinda don't. I guess you can say that I'm stuck in my own little reality of a world. Not quite ready to come out just yet...ho hum, ho hum, ho hum...
Due to my melancholic moods and perhaps the loss of motivation somewhere along the way, I've decided to take a mini-break from my classes and chill. Hmmm...some of you may be thinking that because I am currently unemployed that I'm already chillin', but that's not the case at all. Although school has been my major focus out here, I've been feeling overworked with readings, papers, posts, and sometimes annoying classmates that I just couldn't stand any longer. It's funny because even though I've never met any of them personally, you KNOW them even if you don't know them. I've been with this particular group of people for the past 3-4 classes already- that's 21 weeks of agreeing, disagreeing, concurring, debating, and after a while, you really end up hearing the same old sh*t over and over again. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of them. I need a break and I got it. So, I've got myself three weeks of freedom to myself, my books (the ones i WANT to read), my writings, and me, me, me.
It's so easy to neglect yourself, isn't it? Especially when you've got so much on your plate, people are so busy running around trying to take care of this or that. Not that my life has been traumatically hectic or anything- it's just nice to take a break now and then, is all. Or maybe it's like that sickness that seems to plague all students this time of the year. Ya'll may know it as "spring fever." The end of the school year is quickly approaching, the skies are getting sunnier, and basically, there is no motivation, none whatsoever, to get any schoolwork done. Ah, perhaps that is where I fall in. Well, whatever it is that bit me, I've been plagued and I've got three weeks to enjoy it.
Here is a short list I've compiled of what I'd like to do during my three weeks of "me" time. Let's just see how far I get...
1. Read and reread the entire Harry Potter series.
2. Study and take the written driver's test for MN. (I've been putting this on hold simply 'cuz I wasn't willing to give up my CA driver's license just yet. Plus, have you seen the MN driver's license? It's the ugliest thing! They've got NO creativity in their design! Ugh...)
3. Go biking. (Let's see if I can at least leave the garage!)
4. Get a new haircut.
5. Look for a job.
6. Catch up on emails and correspondences.
Yes, I admit that it is nice that I'm able to just do this and take this break. Yes, not everyone can just do that whenever they please. I figure, I might as well take advantage of this time that I DO have before I get back into the real world. I miss it, but kinda don't. I guess you can say that I'm stuck in my own little reality of a world. Not quite ready to come out just yet...ho hum, ho hum, ho hum...
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night...
Ah, the great words of Snoopy! Lol! It's been almost a week since I last blogged. Seems weird when you get out of a routine of writing, isn't it? As the days have passed, I seemed to have lost all motivation to write. I really blame this dreary weather that we've been having as of late. When I woke up today, it was so dark that I thought I actually woke up early! ('cuz that would be so unlike MnM!)
Can we talk about the weather for a sec? I guess I'm notorious for bitching about MN weather. When we first arrived in MN, it was too fricken hot and humid. Winter came in October, lasting for a good five months, and it got so cold that there was concern for frostbite. Spring and fall have definitely become my favorite seasons out of the four. Now that summer is quickly approaching, some days it's beautiful out- others it's storming, like today. Storming as in gray and overcast skies, pounding rain, and through all that, it's still a good 72 degrees out. All these ingredients make for tornado conditions that I really don't care for. We've had thunder, lightning (the ones where the entire sky lights up!),and hail- goodn Lord, the hail!
A tornado actually touched down somewhere in MN on Sunday. Hubby and I were out looking at model homes when the sky suddenly turned black. It was eerie. The tornado sirens were on full blast, but since we didn't see people frantically running in search of shelter, we thought we were okay. It was humid, enough to wear shorts and tank tops. On our way home, it started raining. Not regular rain, but rain that makes them big ole' splotches on your windshield. Huge. Honestly, hubby and I were getting a bit worried when the wind became so strong. I kept peering outside the window to make sure there weren't any funnels forming anywhere near us. Just when we thought we out-drove the storm, it literally caught up to us. Hubby and I were so tense! If ya'll could've just seen the clouds- they were moving like they do in movies, except we weren't watching them on fast forward. Know what I mean? Then, when we were about 5 minutes from our place, the sky was dumping buckets and buckets of rain. We could barely see in front of us! I could tell that hubby was getting worried now and he comments, "Just as long as it doesn't start hailing..." I'm like, "Why? What does hail have to do with it?" Hubby says, "It's usually a good sign of a tornado." And wouldn't you know it? It started hailing!
We got home safely, but not without having a mild heart attack. My body felt so tense! We turned on the TV and sure enough, there were all these weather alerts. Hubby and I were joking, but not, about keeping our shoes all ready near the know, JUST IN CASE. After the hail died down and whatnot, we kept our blinds open so we can watch the entire sky light up. 'Tis cool to watch when you're indoors, but when you're out there, nah uh.
Anyways, it looks like we're in for another storm today. If anything majorly exciting happens, I'll let ya'll know.
Ah, the great words of Snoopy! Lol! It's been almost a week since I last blogged. Seems weird when you get out of a routine of writing, isn't it? As the days have passed, I seemed to have lost all motivation to write. I really blame this dreary weather that we've been having as of late. When I woke up today, it was so dark that I thought I actually woke up early! ('cuz that would be so unlike MnM!)
Can we talk about the weather for a sec? I guess I'm notorious for bitching about MN weather. When we first arrived in MN, it was too fricken hot and humid. Winter came in October, lasting for a good five months, and it got so cold that there was concern for frostbite. Spring and fall have definitely become my favorite seasons out of the four. Now that summer is quickly approaching, some days it's beautiful out- others it's storming, like today. Storming as in gray and overcast skies, pounding rain, and through all that, it's still a good 72 degrees out. All these ingredients make for tornado conditions that I really don't care for. We've had thunder, lightning (the ones where the entire sky lights up!),and hail- goodn Lord, the hail!
A tornado actually touched down somewhere in MN on Sunday. Hubby and I were out looking at model homes when the sky suddenly turned black. It was eerie. The tornado sirens were on full blast, but since we didn't see people frantically running in search of shelter, we thought we were okay. It was humid, enough to wear shorts and tank tops. On our way home, it started raining. Not regular rain, but rain that makes them big ole' splotches on your windshield. Huge. Honestly, hubby and I were getting a bit worried when the wind became so strong. I kept peering outside the window to make sure there weren't any funnels forming anywhere near us. Just when we thought we out-drove the storm, it literally caught up to us. Hubby and I were so tense! If ya'll could've just seen the clouds- they were moving like they do in movies, except we weren't watching them on fast forward. Know what I mean? Then, when we were about 5 minutes from our place, the sky was dumping buckets and buckets of rain. We could barely see in front of us! I could tell that hubby was getting worried now and he comments, "Just as long as it doesn't start hailing..." I'm like, "Why? What does hail have to do with it?" Hubby says, "It's usually a good sign of a tornado." And wouldn't you know it? It started hailing!
We got home safely, but not without having a mild heart attack. My body felt so tense! We turned on the TV and sure enough, there were all these weather alerts. Hubby and I were joking, but not, about keeping our shoes all ready near the know, JUST IN CASE. After the hail died down and whatnot, we kept our blinds open so we can watch the entire sky light up. 'Tis cool to watch when you're indoors, but when you're out there, nah uh.
Anyways, it looks like we're in for another storm today. If anything majorly exciting happens, I'll let ya'll know.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Belated Wishes
Belated Cinco de Mayo wishes! The funniest thought came to me earlier. I just realized that the fact that I'm not teaching in a school right now has got me forgetting about the special days and holidays I'd otherwise be celebrating with 3rd graders. If I am not mistaken, Cornerstone had their annual Taco Lunch today. Throughout the week, the 3rd graders had to sign up to bring various fruits and vegetables; some had to bring snacks and drinks; others, the basic essentials of chips and dip. They probably spent a good deal of the morning cutting up fruit in the classrooms with plastic knives while the other classes and teachers gladly took a whiff of it all as they passed by wondering what the 3rd grade was up to, even though they do this every single year. It makes for good conversation that almost compares to a broken record, doesn't it? With the six classes participating to make a community fruit bowl, the teachers were probably on constant watch to make sure that each kid obediently washed their hands before handling any food AND that no fluid of any kind made it into the bowl. Disgusting thought, but a most definite and inevitable occurrence. 'Course, while all this is going on, one of the teachers is doing the exact same thing, BUT putting all the ingredients into a separate bowl- a much more germ-kid-free one especially for the rest of the teachers.
You can't forget about that one lucky teacher who has recess duty today. While the rest of the classes are trying to finish up all the cutting (and there WILL be kids who take forever!), one from the bunch will be in charge of ALL the kids- approximately all 125 of them! 'Cuz another teacher will be already getting all the food together, one is setting up the Cafe, another is preparing the video that they'll all watch after lunch, and the other two are in charge of the kids leftover in the classrooms because they can't cut faster than their mouths can move. Plus, on top of all of this activity, there is the constant classroom management, making sure no kids stab each other with the plastic knives, stop the kids from taking taste tests on the food, monitoring of the kids who've misbehaved and are only left to watch and/or do work, and just think that all of this happens before 10:30am.
It's funny how I could remember the schedule for the Cinco de Mayo celebration at school. As hectic as the day always turns out, I must be crazy to say this, but I sure do miss teaching! But there's always this sense of calm after each class has lined up for their tacos, after all the serving has been done, and when the teachers actually get to sit down and rest their feet. Yah, kids will always come up to you to either ask permission to go to the restroom, ask for seconds (again!), and/or complain about how someone made them drop their snacks or whatnot, but at that point, you're so pooped that you have to say, "May I please just eat my lunch first?" They may complain and whine, and for those who simply don't get it will continue to prod you for questions, but the majority will simply oblige to your wishes and let you eat in peace. That is, until another kid comes up to you and the rest can't help but follow suit. Kids are funny lil' creatures and teaching them and being around them on a daily basis is definitely a challenge.
And through all of the nonsense I just described, I can't wait to do it all over again.
Belated Cinco de Mayo wishes! The funniest thought came to me earlier. I just realized that the fact that I'm not teaching in a school right now has got me forgetting about the special days and holidays I'd otherwise be celebrating with 3rd graders. If I am not mistaken, Cornerstone had their annual Taco Lunch today. Throughout the week, the 3rd graders had to sign up to bring various fruits and vegetables; some had to bring snacks and drinks; others, the basic essentials of chips and dip. They probably spent a good deal of the morning cutting up fruit in the classrooms with plastic knives while the other classes and teachers gladly took a whiff of it all as they passed by wondering what the 3rd grade was up to, even though they do this every single year. It makes for good conversation that almost compares to a broken record, doesn't it? With the six classes participating to make a community fruit bowl, the teachers were probably on constant watch to make sure that each kid obediently washed their hands before handling any food AND that no fluid of any kind made it into the bowl. Disgusting thought, but a most definite and inevitable occurrence. 'Course, while all this is going on, one of the teachers is doing the exact same thing, BUT putting all the ingredients into a separate bowl- a much more germ-kid-free one especially for the rest of the teachers.
You can't forget about that one lucky teacher who has recess duty today. While the rest of the classes are trying to finish up all the cutting (and there WILL be kids who take forever!), one from the bunch will be in charge of ALL the kids- approximately all 125 of them! 'Cuz another teacher will be already getting all the food together, one is setting up the Cafe, another is preparing the video that they'll all watch after lunch, and the other two are in charge of the kids leftover in the classrooms because they can't cut faster than their mouths can move. Plus, on top of all of this activity, there is the constant classroom management, making sure no kids stab each other with the plastic knives, stop the kids from taking taste tests on the food, monitoring of the kids who've misbehaved and are only left to watch and/or do work, and just think that all of this happens before 10:30am.
It's funny how I could remember the schedule for the Cinco de Mayo celebration at school. As hectic as the day always turns out, I must be crazy to say this, but I sure do miss teaching! But there's always this sense of calm after each class has lined up for their tacos, after all the serving has been done, and when the teachers actually get to sit down and rest their feet. Yah, kids will always come up to you to either ask permission to go to the restroom, ask for seconds (again!), and/or complain about how someone made them drop their snacks or whatnot, but at that point, you're so pooped that you have to say, "May I please just eat my lunch first?" They may complain and whine, and for those who simply don't get it will continue to prod you for questions, but the majority will simply oblige to your wishes and let you eat in peace. That is, until another kid comes up to you and the rest can't help but follow suit. Kids are funny lil' creatures and teaching them and being around them on a daily basis is definitely a challenge.
And through all of the nonsense I just described, I can't wait to do it all over again.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Forgot To Mention....
Hubby and I finally decided to get our bikes up and off the racks that they've been hanging from ever since we moved here. Needless to say, they've accumulated lots of dust and grime from sitting in the garage for so long. I had to get one of my tires replaced and lucky us, hubby found a place nearby. Afterwards, we decided to bike around the movie parking lot not too far from our apartment complex. Being that it was already dark out, one of my main concerns was NOT whether we had reflectors or light colored clothing so cars would spot us- it was whether or not the bugs were out in full effect! Lol! Thankfully, they were not...but it's only a matter of time. We biked up the long stretch of road from our complex in total darkness and for some unknown reason, I had this sudden fear of running into some wild critter. We live near a preserve, remember? There's a family of deer that roam around and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to happen upon them on a bike.
I can't recall how many times we circled the parking lot. All I know is that my thighs were beginning to burn and my ass was most uncomfortable! I take back my sarcastic comments about needing the gel-seat pads we saw back at the cycle shop. It's true what they say about riding a bike- even though it's been a while since you've ridden, it all comes back to you. I just happened to forget about the whole uncomfy bum issue.
After rounding the good sized parking lot a few more times, hubby and I agreed that our huffing and puffing were good signs to head back home. Yes, we are a TAD bit outta shape and we didn't want to overdo it the first time out. Now that the weather is greatly improving, we're determined to get the most out of our bikes.
Oh, and as far as critters of the night went- we saw one brown rabbit. It stayed on its side of the grass while we did our best not to disturb it. No other encounters with anything with four legs to report, thank goodness. Let's keep it that way.
Guilty Pleasures
My latest guilty pleasure, and I'm in no way ashamed to admit it, has been watching and catching up on Dawson's Creek. I never really watched it when it was on, though I WANTED to. I did, however, watch the finale. So, although I know how it all ends, I was curious to know what happened prior. Hubby had bought me season I on DVD and ever since then, I've been hooked! I'm winding my way down to the last disc of season II and though season III isn't out yet, I have the best alternative. Gilmore Girls just came out with their first season today and thanks to hubby, it's just waiting for me to start watching.
Our DVD collection is definitely growing. Not only do we have our favorite movies on DVD, add to that our fave TV shows. If ya'll go to Best Buy and browse the DVD section, you'll be amazed and giddy at just what they're punching out these days. Heck, I have yet to catch up on the FRIENDS frenzy- we've only got up to season II and we're so behind! We haven't added ER either and I know hubby is dying to get DAVE CHAPPELLE'S season II out, too. More things to add to that list of To Buys include Battlestar Gallactica, Band of Brothers, and if and when the Fresh Prince of Bel Air came out, hubby would be first in line! Hahaha, yes people, this is what we do out here in Minnesota- watch DVD's and play PS2. We all deserve some guilty pleasures now and again, yes?
Hubby and I finally decided to get our bikes up and off the racks that they've been hanging from ever since we moved here. Needless to say, they've accumulated lots of dust and grime from sitting in the garage for so long. I had to get one of my tires replaced and lucky us, hubby found a place nearby. Afterwards, we decided to bike around the movie parking lot not too far from our apartment complex. Being that it was already dark out, one of my main concerns was NOT whether we had reflectors or light colored clothing so cars would spot us- it was whether or not the bugs were out in full effect! Lol! Thankfully, they were not...but it's only a matter of time. We biked up the long stretch of road from our complex in total darkness and for some unknown reason, I had this sudden fear of running into some wild critter. We live near a preserve, remember? There's a family of deer that roam around and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to happen upon them on a bike.
I can't recall how many times we circled the parking lot. All I know is that my thighs were beginning to burn and my ass was most uncomfortable! I take back my sarcastic comments about needing the gel-seat pads we saw back at the cycle shop. It's true what they say about riding a bike- even though it's been a while since you've ridden, it all comes back to you. I just happened to forget about the whole uncomfy bum issue.
After rounding the good sized parking lot a few more times, hubby and I agreed that our huffing and puffing were good signs to head back home. Yes, we are a TAD bit outta shape and we didn't want to overdo it the first time out. Now that the weather is greatly improving, we're determined to get the most out of our bikes.
Oh, and as far as critters of the night went- we saw one brown rabbit. It stayed on its side of the grass while we did our best not to disturb it. No other encounters with anything with four legs to report, thank goodness. Let's keep it that way.
Guilty Pleasures
My latest guilty pleasure, and I'm in no way ashamed to admit it, has been watching and catching up on Dawson's Creek. I never really watched it when it was on, though I WANTED to. I did, however, watch the finale. So, although I know how it all ends, I was curious to know what happened prior. Hubby had bought me season I on DVD and ever since then, I've been hooked! I'm winding my way down to the last disc of season II and though season III isn't out yet, I have the best alternative. Gilmore Girls just came out with their first season today and thanks to hubby, it's just waiting for me to start watching.
Our DVD collection is definitely growing. Not only do we have our favorite movies on DVD, add to that our fave TV shows. If ya'll go to Best Buy and browse the DVD section, you'll be amazed and giddy at just what they're punching out these days. Heck, I have yet to catch up on the FRIENDS frenzy- we've only got up to season II and we're so behind! We haven't added ER either and I know hubby is dying to get DAVE CHAPPELLE'S season II out, too. More things to add to that list of To Buys include Battlestar Gallactica, Band of Brothers, and if and when the Fresh Prince of Bel Air came out, hubby would be first in line! Hahaha, yes people, this is what we do out here in Minnesota- watch DVD's and play PS2. We all deserve some guilty pleasures now and again, yes?
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Weekend Festivities
Talk about a busy weekend! With the Festival of Nations performances on Friday and Saturday, homework assignments due left and right, and trying to squeeze in some quality pleasure reading time, I was finally granted the luxury of taking a 6-hour nap after church. Allow me to backtrack on the weekend festivities...
- Festival of Nations. Earlier I had summed up this event to be almost like the Ethnic Dance Festival held in San Francisco. was better. I was surprised to find that over 90 different countries were represented. In Minnesota?! I was trippin' because I had no idea how diverse it was out here. It was held in this huge auditorium in downtown St. Paul. There was an area for performances that reminded me of the Civic Center auditorium in da city, an area for food booths, and an area for arts/crafts booths. It was almost like the Ethnic Dance Festival, Fiesta Islands, and Taste of San Francisco all rolled up into one event. Considering the number of ethnic groups, it made for a totally cool experience!
For a good part of the afternoon, a four-hour block to be exact, I helped sell food at the Filipino booth. The menu included: pancit, chicken adobo, rice, lumpia, carioca, and sago, otherwise known today as "bubble tea." Imagine that you can get all of those items under the combo plate for only $7. In da city, the price could've easily been jacked up. In any kind of food venue area, the people traffic varied from nil to boo-yow busy. I gotta tell you- all them puti people sure do love to get their lumpia and pancit on! Plus, there were lots of repeat customers coming back for more! Not that I'm complaining 'cuz it was definitely good business for our booth. During the morning and into the afternoon, the festival is open only to students. Basically, all these schools take a field trip out to St. Paul and get to wander about their business for the day. As far as teh other food booths were concerned, there were foods I've never seen or heard of and though I didn't take advantage of any taste testing, seeing everyone done up in their native costumes (which was a requirement in order to be a vendor) made for the best people-watching activity.
Our dance performances went well. The days were divided into an adult program on Friday and a children's program on Saturday. In terms of uniformity and spacing, the adult program went surprisingly well. Hubby had bought a camcorder the day prior and he was there to capture it all on tape. Considering that this was only my second time performing with CSFA, I was excited. The kids had a dope show as well. I was one of the clappers for Tinikling, but 'twas cool that we were last in the program and honestly, Tinikling was the perfect choice to end the evening. The roar of the applause at the end was more to give any of these knuckle-headed kids a big head about their performance.
Just a tiny gripe about the whole performance....ya'll knew that it was coming, right? On Friday, the only thing that I had to complain about was the fact that I had serve right up until I had to perform. Not a big deal, although, my legs were aching the following day. Saturday was a different story. Like I said, the kids were to perform Tinikling. Most of the adults, myself included, were clapping. Before getting to the auditorium, I had proceeded to get ready- hair up in a bun, foundation and other stage makeup, jewelry off- basic stuff, yes? Well, imagine my surprise when I ended up being the only female clapper to be "formally dressed!" They told me that "we're only the clappers- we're background and we're not supposed to stand out in any way." I should've known after I was told last practice that the clappers' costumes would consist of black pants and white tops. Any black pants and white tops. Funny, I thought this was a Barrio dance and that participants would be dressed in the proper attire. Plus, some clappers went out in shoes. Not sapatilla shoes- I'm talking tennis shoes and sandals. Hello?! Ya'll are supposed to be barefoot- we're out in the barrio people! Now I'm sorry, to me, this was very unacceptable. I've always been taught that in Tinikling, the most important people ARE the clappers. Without good clappers, the dancers wouldn't be able to maneuver themselves correctly. It's been ingrained in my head that they are the ones to keep the dance going. Then, to NOT be dressed, no stage makeup, no buns done up, and people wearing shoes?! Nah uh. I was disappointed with that whole aspect of it, but I had to do what I've been doing for the past 8 months- that is, swallow my pride. I have to keep telling myself that they do things differently out here and that this group's goal is NOT to be the professional type of dance troupe like Likha or Larawan. But to me, if you're going to be representing the Filipino community in front of 90 other countries (and even being televised on certain cable stations), you'd THINK that they would like to look as authentic as possible.
Moving on...
- Sunday church service. After accepting Christ and choosing to follow the ways of the Christian church, I was baptized last Sunday. This baptism is a bit different from the Catholic baptism. One of the major differences is that in the Catholic church, most babies are sprinkled with holy water on their forehead by the priest. The babies are then annointed with oil. Sunday's ceremony was one of those full body immersion into the water deals. I had the opportunity to give a short testimony to the whole congregation and as luck would have it, I started blubbering and struggling to get any articulate words out. It was a very personal moment and made it even more blessed is that hubby was there to baptize or "dunk" me in.
For as long as I can remember, I've attended quite a few baptismal ceremonies. There'd be times when multiple ones would be going on at the same time with babies crying left and right. Plus, don't forget the record number of godparents, too! It is custom in the Catholic church to have a baby baptized soon after he or she has been born. This is to introduce and welcome the child into the Catholic church, and for the most part, to have the baby blessed and protected. I've come to learn that the baptism ceremony is very symbolic. The whole act represents Christ's death (going into the water), His burial (being immersed into the water), and His resurrection (coming out of the water). As symbolic as it is, it's just as moving and overwhelming.
In some ways, I was very sad that my family wasn't there to witness my baptism. I think in a lot of ways, I've become a bit homesick for CA lately. But at the same time, I know my decision to become born again has been the best and most important decision I could ever make for myself. I've come to realize that people just can't fit into any religion, no matter how long you've been around it. It really is a personal decision. I have the utmost appreciation for having the Catholic foundation instilled in me, and though there are many differences between the doctrines and beliefs, it still comes down to God. God is the only constant there is, for me at least, and I'm not one to judge someone for their beliefs or lack thereof in God.
Needless to say, it's been quite a weekend. Talk about going nonstop from Friday to Sunday. This week will be just as busy. With Mother's Day coming up, the kids at church will be performing a special number of Pandanggo Sa Ilaw/Oasioas. That means, I have to punch out a few more costumes for this barrio dance....'cuz honestly, black pants and white tops for this just ain't gonna do it for me.
Talk about a busy weekend! With the Festival of Nations performances on Friday and Saturday, homework assignments due left and right, and trying to squeeze in some quality pleasure reading time, I was finally granted the luxury of taking a 6-hour nap after church. Allow me to backtrack on the weekend festivities...
- Festival of Nations. Earlier I had summed up this event to be almost like the Ethnic Dance Festival held in San Francisco. was better. I was surprised to find that over 90 different countries were represented. In Minnesota?! I was trippin' because I had no idea how diverse it was out here. It was held in this huge auditorium in downtown St. Paul. There was an area for performances that reminded me of the Civic Center auditorium in da city, an area for food booths, and an area for arts/crafts booths. It was almost like the Ethnic Dance Festival, Fiesta Islands, and Taste of San Francisco all rolled up into one event. Considering the number of ethnic groups, it made for a totally cool experience!
For a good part of the afternoon, a four-hour block to be exact, I helped sell food at the Filipino booth. The menu included: pancit, chicken adobo, rice, lumpia, carioca, and sago, otherwise known today as "bubble tea." Imagine that you can get all of those items under the combo plate for only $7. In da city, the price could've easily been jacked up. In any kind of food venue area, the people traffic varied from nil to boo-yow busy. I gotta tell you- all them puti people sure do love to get their lumpia and pancit on! Plus, there were lots of repeat customers coming back for more! Not that I'm complaining 'cuz it was definitely good business for our booth. During the morning and into the afternoon, the festival is open only to students. Basically, all these schools take a field trip out to St. Paul and get to wander about their business for the day. As far as teh other food booths were concerned, there were foods I've never seen or heard of and though I didn't take advantage of any taste testing, seeing everyone done up in their native costumes (which was a requirement in order to be a vendor) made for the best people-watching activity.
Our dance performances went well. The days were divided into an adult program on Friday and a children's program on Saturday. In terms of uniformity and spacing, the adult program went surprisingly well. Hubby had bought a camcorder the day prior and he was there to capture it all on tape. Considering that this was only my second time performing with CSFA, I was excited. The kids had a dope show as well. I was one of the clappers for Tinikling, but 'twas cool that we were last in the program and honestly, Tinikling was the perfect choice to end the evening. The roar of the applause at the end was more to give any of these knuckle-headed kids a big head about their performance.
Just a tiny gripe about the whole performance....ya'll knew that it was coming, right? On Friday, the only thing that I had to complain about was the fact that I had serve right up until I had to perform. Not a big deal, although, my legs were aching the following day. Saturday was a different story. Like I said, the kids were to perform Tinikling. Most of the adults, myself included, were clapping. Before getting to the auditorium, I had proceeded to get ready- hair up in a bun, foundation and other stage makeup, jewelry off- basic stuff, yes? Well, imagine my surprise when I ended up being the only female clapper to be "formally dressed!" They told me that "we're only the clappers- we're background and we're not supposed to stand out in any way." I should've known after I was told last practice that the clappers' costumes would consist of black pants and white tops. Any black pants and white tops. Funny, I thought this was a Barrio dance and that participants would be dressed in the proper attire. Plus, some clappers went out in shoes. Not sapatilla shoes- I'm talking tennis shoes and sandals. Hello?! Ya'll are supposed to be barefoot- we're out in the barrio people! Now I'm sorry, to me, this was very unacceptable. I've always been taught that in Tinikling, the most important people ARE the clappers. Without good clappers, the dancers wouldn't be able to maneuver themselves correctly. It's been ingrained in my head that they are the ones to keep the dance going. Then, to NOT be dressed, no stage makeup, no buns done up, and people wearing shoes?! Nah uh. I was disappointed with that whole aspect of it, but I had to do what I've been doing for the past 8 months- that is, swallow my pride. I have to keep telling myself that they do things differently out here and that this group's goal is NOT to be the professional type of dance troupe like Likha or Larawan. But to me, if you're going to be representing the Filipino community in front of 90 other countries (and even being televised on certain cable stations), you'd THINK that they would like to look as authentic as possible.
Moving on...
- Sunday church service. After accepting Christ and choosing to follow the ways of the Christian church, I was baptized last Sunday. This baptism is a bit different from the Catholic baptism. One of the major differences is that in the Catholic church, most babies are sprinkled with holy water on their forehead by the priest. The babies are then annointed with oil. Sunday's ceremony was one of those full body immersion into the water deals. I had the opportunity to give a short testimony to the whole congregation and as luck would have it, I started blubbering and struggling to get any articulate words out. It was a very personal moment and made it even more blessed is that hubby was there to baptize or "dunk" me in.
For as long as I can remember, I've attended quite a few baptismal ceremonies. There'd be times when multiple ones would be going on at the same time with babies crying left and right. Plus, don't forget the record number of godparents, too! It is custom in the Catholic church to have a baby baptized soon after he or she has been born. This is to introduce and welcome the child into the Catholic church, and for the most part, to have the baby blessed and protected. I've come to learn that the baptism ceremony is very symbolic. The whole act represents Christ's death (going into the water), His burial (being immersed into the water), and His resurrection (coming out of the water). As symbolic as it is, it's just as moving and overwhelming.
In some ways, I was very sad that my family wasn't there to witness my baptism. I think in a lot of ways, I've become a bit homesick for CA lately. But at the same time, I know my decision to become born again has been the best and most important decision I could ever make for myself. I've come to realize that people just can't fit into any religion, no matter how long you've been around it. It really is a personal decision. I have the utmost appreciation for having the Catholic foundation instilled in me, and though there are many differences between the doctrines and beliefs, it still comes down to God. God is the only constant there is, for me at least, and I'm not one to judge someone for their beliefs or lack thereof in God.
Needless to say, it's been quite a weekend. Talk about going nonstop from Friday to Sunday. This week will be just as busy. With Mother's Day coming up, the kids at church will be performing a special number of Pandanggo Sa Ilaw/Oasioas. That means, I have to punch out a few more costumes for this barrio dance....'cuz honestly, black pants and white tops for this just ain't gonna do it for me.
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