Saturday, February 20, 2010

Less Than Four...

Fast forward four months and the date is June 20th. By that time, the school year will have ended and hopefully, all of my lil' rugrats will have advanced to the next grade level. In four months, many of my kids will either be in summer school or on some long-awaited vacation.

Where will I be?

I've actually been thinking ahead to what summer holds for me. Many are envious of the long summer break that I have and while yes, it IS a perk, it's not all fun and games. Not many consider all of the prep work that goes into the next school year. There are lessons to revise, papers to gather and xerox, papers to file, research to do, a room to reorganize, and the list goes on. As a teacher, my work is never done! Even when I'm on vacation, I see something that can be used in the classroom. When I'm at the bookstore, I browse the children's section to see what would be great additions to my library. I go to the beach to relax and I see shells, sand dollars, and rocks that I just need to take a picture of to take back to my classroom. Anywhere I go, there will ALWAYS be an opportunity for something school-related that will make my mind work a million times a second to see how I could incorporate it into my class curriculum. It never stops.

BUT...when the last day of school is done and over with, I DO allow myself to just veg. Chill. Relax. Chillax, if you will.

I am looking forward to this summer for many reasons. One, I have been eager to get back into running. With my current commute into da city, I simply don't have the time to go out for a run. I've been slowing down, but I refuse to fall back into anything considered unhealthy. Second, I've got it in my mind that I'm going to teach myself the guitar. I've had a guitar for years and I know a few chords here and there. But, I'm serious about this and I'm determined. I would LOVE to bring my guitar to school, bust it out, and have a lil' sing-a-long with my class- how awesome would that be?! In fact, for my upcoming birthday, I'm going to splurge and buy myself a brand new acoustic. This time, I will do my research and find one that is just the right size. By the end of the summer, I'll be that strummin' fool! Third, I will be in my new that I will be sharing with my Sweets. This has been a long time coming, although the journey thus far has been rocky. It seems like we haven't had a break in much, but if I look ahead four months, I can already see the beginning of something great...not only in our relationship, but just in life in general. Living with da family has been great- the only downfall is the distance. Hanging out with the kiddies is always a treat and having my daily night conversations with my sis is always what I need. It sure beats talking to her on the phone! I will definitely miss all of this when the time comes to move forward (and out!), but it's time to get my life started.

It's funny...getting my life started. I'm going to be 36 years old, for crying out loud! But life has been life...and dealing with what life has thrown me so far hasn't been easy. God and time has been the ultimate healer- I've said that once before- and it's true. All the experiences that I've encountered, good and bad, have continued to shape me into who I am today. And as we journey on the path that God presents to us, we are either ready to face it or not. When we're not ready, there are lessons to be learned that help us to be ready the next time around.

Our life is like a book- one story with many chapters. Sometimes, it feels like we are living one hell of a chapter, but then, it comes to an end. I wouldn't know what genre to categorize my book. Adventure? Fantasy? Horror? Tragedy? LOL...whatever it'd be, I smell a #1 bookseller that Oprah will love! I guess I would say that it's a combination of many things. I'd like to think that I could look back on my 36 years and say, "Wow...I've done a lot!"

I'm looking forward to having my SECOND life started...with my Sweets. Life after divorce seemed impossible for a long time. I honestly thought that I was living THE Ally McBeal life- one that would be lived all by my lonesome. I almost accepted that I would never find love again. But I was wrong...thank God! In essence, everything had to happen the way it did- getting married, moving to Minnesota, being/feeling alone, accepting Christ, finding strength to leave, moving back to California, getting married (again, but for real this time!), getting a divorce, dealing with divorce, being in debt, being jobless, finding a job, moving out, dating online, dating guys who've come and gone, being alone AGAIN.

And when life seemed like a repeat episode from Ally McBeal, I got a friend request on Facebook...

1 comment:

rycegirlie said...

Hello...thought of you today and decided to visit you online. It's been awhile. I was thinking I may need a way to vent...but I forgot the blog addy i once had. Hope to talk to you soon. Walk-n-talk when the weather gets better.