Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been trying to read this book by Francis Chen for some time now. I actually can't believe that it's taking me so long to finish it considering that it's only ten chapters long. It's not one of those "read-in-one-sitting" kind of books nor is it something I need to rush through. This book requires a lot of reflection and self-evaluation and I want to make sure that I allot the due time needed for it to do its work in me.

It's been a tough read. It's not the choice of vocabulary that goes over my head that makes it tough; it's more the content that challenges my thinking and forces me to face up to the truth of my convictions...or lack thereof.

This book points out that many Christians become too comfortable in their spiritual journey. While everyone's walk with God will be unique to each individual, do we settle into "saying," rather than "doing?" Many will choose that they are, indeed, a doer...but then the question becomes "How are you in the doing?" Do we follow Christ's footsteps wholeheartedly with passion and conviction? Or do we grudgingly follow half-heartedly? Are we focused on Him or do we get distracted along the way? Do we "do" simply because it's expected of us as Christians or do we "do" because we choose to and desire to?

There are countless passages in the Bible that tell us of God's love. In fact, the word "love" is mentioned 697 times in the Bible. That's a lotta love! John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life." Whenever I read or hear that verse, it all just blows me away. We are not meant to truly comprehend the almighty power of God, but to know that He loved US so much that He sent his own son to die for OUR sins? That Jesus died for ME? ME?! I mean, who am I?

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 states, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

We are taught to substitute each "love" with the word, "Jesus." Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind...Jesus never fails.

THAT blows me away 100x over.

Here is this God,our God, who does SO MUCH for us, for me. He gave us his ONLY son so that he could die a gruesome death to pay for my sins.

What do I give him...or rather, what SHOULD I be giving?

The answer: OUR BEST.

But in actuality, we don't. We get distracted by everyday life and what we end up giving is anything but mediocre. God deserves so much more than that, but we all easily forget. Time and time again, we WILL forget. But there's hope...c'mon ya'll, there's ALWAYS hope!

In order for us to give our very best, we must make changes to our current life. Seven years ago, I made a HUGE change in my life by accepting Christ to be my Lord and Savior. My life was in the shithole and I knew deep in my gut that I couldn't survive it on my own. I had reached rock-bottom and I was stuck. The good news was that when you're as down as you can ever get, the only way you can go is UP! But you have to make that decision to do so AND you have to ask for help to get outta there.
But it doesn't and shouldn't stop there. After you make that decision to make your life better, it's a work-in-progress FOREVER! It's one of those things that you have to constantly work at and continually seek guidance for.

Again, how easily we forget...how easily I forget.

My life HAS been different, but I still stumble and fall. While I do seek Him, I tend to rely on my own ways more. While I do trust Him, I can't seem to see the bigger picture until it's too late. While I have given my life to Him, I know that something pulls me back from surrendering to him completely.

This comedian once said, "It's way too hard to follow Jesus, I think I'll just go to hell."

Following Jesus isn't meant to be easy. It IS hard...but not impossible. Francis Chen gives this great illustration of living a Christian life: Imagine a never-ending escalator. Everyone takes a spot on the escalator and enjoys the ride down. But following Jesus is going UP while everyone is going down. You may piss some people off as you're going the opposite direction on the escalator because you're bumping into them or disturbing their ride, but following Jesus requires work. Work to climb up those stairs, work to be like him. Many of us do this, but there's a time when we get tired of climbing and of getting the nasty stares from other people...so we stop, turn around, and ride like everyone else. It's a choice...ride down or climb up.

I know that I haven't been giving God my ultimate best and I want to change that. There are so many things on my mind and an endless to-do list to complete, but these are poor excuses. I need to take a step from my supposedly busy life and acknowledge Him and what's He's done. God's love for us is mad crazy- indescribable, imcomprehensible, so over our heads- but He deserves nothing but our very best. I just hope that my love for Him can be as crazy as His love for me is.

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