Friday, June 29, 2007


8 days left...

So, my auntie's wedding is next Saturday...I swear, where does the time go??? Three months ago, we started from scratch and now, a wedding of her dreams (I hope!) will take place.

My cousin from New York is getting married next September...and the planning has already begun and is in the works. I mean, isn't that how it should be?

I'm just sayin'...

East Coast Cousins

My cousin from New York was in town for a conference. The last time I saw Kuya D was in 1992! 'Twas funny because I was scheduled to pick him up downtown...after I got off the phone with him, I realized that I didn't ask what he was's been years since I've seen him and I forgot what he looks like! Plus, I didn't even tell him what kind of car I was driving! Luckily, I noticed this guy standing on the corner with a bunch of luggage and well, I figured that it had to be him. Lol!

In 1992, I was excited to be meeting "the New York cousins." Kuya D, M (the one getting married next year), and a couple of other ones came to the Bay for a visit. Apparently the last time we were together was when we were toddlers! M happens to be the same age as me, but I do remember thinking, dang, this girl is tough 'cuz she's from the Bronx! At the time, I was going through my stupid phase of smoking and well, there was our bond. But honestly, I think there was an instant connection when we all met. After the initial shy hellos, we all just got along great and I remember being sad when they left. We did keep in touch for a bit, but ya'll know how that goes. Somewhere along the way, we lost touch and I'd only hear tidbits of them from whenever my mom would call New York...which wasn't very often.

Well, 15 years later, it's neat to update each other of how our lives have played out thus far. Kuya D was here for a pharmacy conference, M used to work for MTV and is now planning to get married...of course, telling our stories was funny, too...Ate & BruthaMan getting married and having the kiddies, me and my always gets interesting reactions. But really, it's just been lots of laughs the entire time. I was commenting to my sis that Kuya D seemed pretty mellow compared to us. We concluded that maybe it's the whole New York thing...we figured the New York cousins are the top, classy ones...then you got us, the Bay Area cousins who are just plain loud and rowdy. Hey, we can't help it! Lol! But the best thing is that we all mesh really well and in all honesty, it would just be awesome if we could see each other more often than we do.

Anyways, Kuya D flies back to New York today...will post some pics later!

Safe travels to you, Kuya D...and here's hoping that we'll all make a trip to New York sometime soon!

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