Spring Cleaning
On Friday, the usual clean-the-house routine somehow became an adventure in rearranging the furniture once again. Hubby had completed a few of those mini-home repairs that have been needing repair for a while...put up an IKEA mirror above our couch, screwed in a IKEA shelf behind our couch, and cut a hole in our drywall to fix the cable in the loft. That led to hubby rearranging his office for a new look- we took out the couch and put that in the loft/tv room and I ended up bringing a bookcase originally in our master bedroom down to the living room. I finally got to gather up my framed photographs to put on display...'course, that in itself took me a while. Gotta have my pics, y'know? I can honestly say that the house is looking homey now. The living room is definitely set...ain't no moving around stuff anymore. If anything, I've been looking into buying some houseplants...did I just say that? Haha, one of those "you know you're getting older when" moments once again!
Pics to come soon.
Digital Sucks
I'm really hating our digital camera right now. I've said this before, but despite all the cool options one can manipulate with a digital, I personally prefer to buy actual film, point and shoot, develop the film, and get actual pictures. With a digital, I've been known to take pictures on end, but the laziness factor kicks in and the pictures are forever stored in the memory chip, never given the chance to shine in one of my Target bought albums complete with magazine cutouts and commentary.
A huge chunk of the pics we took on our CA trip have been lost...and it's killing me. I am especially mourning the loss of our Sea World trip and the pics with the kids. I honestly don't know what happened...one day it was there, the next it wasn't. Freakin' technology is not always the best option.
I have been slow in getting around to the nice Canon camera hubby got me for Christmas. We brought it to CA, but rarely used it. I finally got the black and white film developed that's been in there since January and I have to say, there are a few really cool ones! I mean, out of the entire batch of pics, I am totally digging on 3 or 4. Although it seems small, imagine when I DO get the hang of it and its capabilities, yah? Call it my new hobby in the making.
I'm Impressed...
On the front page of today's local paper, the Pioneer Press, there is an article about Minnesota's hunt for overseas nurses. Sure enough, it's an entire article about the recruitment of nurses from PI. Oh, and get this...they spelled "Filipino" correctly!!! I've seen the term spelled in the most incorrect ways- seeing it spelled "Philippino" is like nails on a chalkboard! While it goes on to say how compassionate Filipino nurses are and how they have truly raised the bar, it mentioned a stat of 58 nurses recruited last year. I'm thinking, hey, most of those are from our church! Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but I'm quite positive that the Filipino Nurses Association that we performed at last year are the same ones the article is talking about. It goes on to say that although it has been great to get qualified RNs from PI, the process itself is a bitch. Blame the 9/11 attacks and problems with establishing immigration status in the U.S.
A Filipino nurse was named Healtheast's (major hospital) employee of 2004- a recognition in these parts is huge...so props to you, Michael deVara, RN...and yes, props also Jeremy Olson for the article.
Birthday Shout-Outs
Just wanted to send some birthday love to my lil' cousin (who's not so little anymore!), D, who celebrated his 22nd yesterday. Even tho D attends Sac State, is over 21, drinks, and just got a new tatt, I'll forever see him as the long-lashed lil' boy with the squeaky voice- LOL! Sorry D! Yes, he's all grown up now and I do love the fact that we're able to talk about tattoos, religion/spirituality, relationships, and life itself. Him and his Ate are the closest lil' cousins to me since forever and I'm just glad that when all other family has grown apart and lost touch, we haven't. I'm especially glad that we were able to hang out during Bina's 1st Communion party- remember the Talent Show I mentioned? He was the one who did the worm and played the piano! In any case, Happy Happy 22nd Birthday D!!! Hope you had lots of free drinks- I owe you one! Much love and hugs...
Lastly...Guilty Pleasures
Things to look forward to watching on the tube this week-
*Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes on Oprah.
*Season finale of Everwood.
*2-hour season finale of One Tree Hill
* American Idol- down to the last two
* The crowning of the new American Idol...my bets are on Bo!
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