Thursday, May 19, 2005

See Star Wars Episode III You Will

Hubby and I just got back from watching the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Can I just say that OMG, it was SO GOOD! I won't spoil it for the rest of ya'll, but I will say this- the light saber battles are dope!

I must admit, though, that I was not an original follower of Star Wars. Considering that Episode IV opened in theaters in 1977, that would've only made me 3 years old. Do the math. Of course I've heard all about it, knew which characters were whom, but I never quite really understood or really got caught up in the subculture of it. Horrors, I know! Funny thing is that when the movies were re-released in the 90's, I did go and see them, but there were always questions and confusion on my part.

Funny story: during the re-release of the movies, everyone at State were all caught up in the hype. Me being semi-familiar with the movies didn't understand the movie one-liners that everyone was throwing out. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why Mrs. Voodoo get waving her hand in front of me telling me that I WILL do this or I WILL do that! Yes, yes, the Jedi mind trick, I know! At the time, I was clueless (but not completely!). Thank goodness for dvd and the pause button! After re-watching Episode I and II, hubby was on hand to explain some of my confusion and to prepare me for the latest movie. Of course, I had to visit the websites for further details. So now, while I may not have been an original follower, I have more knowledge in the whole Star Wars thang now. I got it down, I understand. I have been a good padawan thus far.

In any case, the theater in our small town was surprisingly packed tonight. Lots of high schoolers, but lots of older folks, too...older, I mean, people of hubby's generation and older. I was disappointed that there weren't any die-hard Star Wars fans who came dressed in costumes, although many of the kids brought their light sabers. Hubby asked if we should bring ours, but I opted not to. Also, at around 11:15pm, the theater owner said, "Since I am one cool theater owner, I am going to let you guys in 15 minutes earlier. But George Lucas wants me to make sure that no one is going to pirate any of the movie and so I'm going to have to check all bags and purses." So we're let in, ticket lady takes our stubs (whatever happened to the movie tickets that you can actually keep and frame if you wanted?!), and theater owner guy is at the door checking bags...and he's actually confiscating things! I doubt anyone was stupid enough to actually bring in a video equipment or whatnot, but dude was making kids leave candy and other food not bought from the theater at the door! Sucker! 'Tis a good thing I put my candy and digital camera in my jacket pocket-haha.

Just like any movie, I think seeing it a second time (or third!) might shed light on things I might've missed. It was awesomely good and it kept me at the edge of my seat. Yes, I know what happens in the plot of the story, but to see it unfold had me totally glued and holding my breath.

Go see this movie...if you don't, regret it you will.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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