Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thank You, Enrique!

No, I ain't talking as in's more like Enrique, the maintenance dude. Hubby and I had to endure a couple of THE coldest nights ever in our apartment. The temps have been in the mid-20's in the daytime and you can imagine how cold it gets at night. Because handy dandy maintenance dude couldn't come in for a couple of days, hubby and I had to layer it: hooded sweatshirts, sweats, thermals, and socks. Heck, I got to the point of wearing triple layer shirts! Since we're going to be moving soon, I kidded hubby that we should lay off using the heater to save on our bills. I mean, when we were both growing up, it had to be really cold for the moms to okay turning up the heat. Lo and behold, the moment that it got too cold for us to handle, the damn thing wouldn't start up. Great. Perfect. If any of ya'll can remember, this very thing happened to us last year. It was the motor that got jammed. The cause? Muddaubers. Ewwww! I mean, they were dead and all, but its nest clogged up the motor. When Enrique showed it to me, my body instantly felt like there were hundreds of creepy crawlies on me. Not cool! I would totally suck at Fear Factor, people! Well, after a few chilling nights, the heater got fixed. Thank God and thank Enrique. So what that handy dandy Enrique didn't speak much English and that every question I asked was a timid yes. He fixed it. We're warm. It's all good.

Stressed Out

I was reading sista friend Rycegirlie's blog the other day and I could help but laugh. She was stressing over a school assignment and not that I thought that was funny, but it was more of a "that'll be in in a couple of days." Ever since I started working part-time, I've just been coming home exhausted. As pathetic as it may sound, I really got used to the whole not working thang this past year. My daily routine, aside from the usual cooking and cleaning, was schoolwork in the morning, er, afternoon, and schoolwork in the evening. I'd take TV, eating, reading, and blogging breaks, but other than that, I basically did schoolwork all day. Now that I'm working, I'm having the hardest time adjusting to the juggling act that I somewhat mastered while I was working full-time at Cornerstone. On top of all the papers that I had to correct and lessons to plan, I still found time (in the early mornings) to do my readings and write up assignments. Looking back, I don't know how I did it. Eh, I did it because I had to. In any case, I got off work today at 2pm-ish, unwound at home and watched "Elf" with hubby (ended around 5:30pm), watched the special features on the dvd, and at 7pm got to working on the THREE assignments due at midnight. Five hours seems like a lot of time, but in my world, it's not. When it comes to reading, I can zoom through books in a flash. But books for school is different. In order for me to really understand the concept, I have to read it a couple of times over. Needless to say, I turned in the 3rd assignment by 11:40pm-ish. Score!

Of course now, the coffee that I originally took 4 hours ago to help keep me awake is slowly kicking in now. Shiet.

Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

Today, hubby is head chef today. He has this whole feast set up for us again. This year, we decided on a smaller turkey 'cuz last year was way too big for just the two of us. Today's menu includes:

- Turkey
- Ham
- Mashed potatoes and gravy (from scratch)
- Stuffing
- Green Bean casserole
- Pumpkin pie (for hubby) and French silk pie (for me)

Coincidentally, today is RyceGirlie's 25th birthday! Happy birthday, sista friend! It's funny and I know that she must be sick of me saying this, but I've always considered her to be a lil' sis to me and now that she's all grown up, I can't help but feel that sense of pride at the young and beautiful woman she's become. I'm thankful that we've remained friends through the years and I'm grateful for how our friendship has developed. Wishing you a happy and blessed birthday! Much love...

Thanksgiving Agenda

It seems that there's just tons of things to get done today. Thankfully, I won't be anywhere near the kitchen...that's hubby's domain for today! Because I'm leaving for da City the day after Turkey Day, here's a list of MUST DOs for today:

- do laundry
- vaccuum
- prepare bills for mailing
- start packing for San Francisco
- start packing the house for the move
- get a manicure/pedicure (hey, there are weddings to attend!)
- call the folks and loved ones
- eat, eat, and eat
- spend time with hubby

Seems like a long list, but now that school is outta the way for a week, I can focus on these things. I'm looking forward to my trip to the Bay. Two of my dearest friends are getting married and I would NOT miss their special day for the world. Unfortunately hubby will not be accompanying me, but hopefully on my return, he'll have moved some of our stuff into our new townhome. This trip back home will be special in more ways than one because it will basically be the last time I visit CA until May. Hubby and I will be spending Christmas here in MN...our 1st Christmas holiday without my family. Hmmm...again, the whole nostalgia was kickin' in and maybe that's why I was crying my eyes out during "Elf." Yes, I cried during "Elf!" Well, considering that I'm likely to cry at any movie, the whole spirit of Christmas really got to me. Aiya! Anyways...let's focus on one holiday celebration at a time, shall we? Hope ya'll have a great Thanksgiving...gobble, gobble, gobble!!!

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