Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kodak Moments

This was taken in downtown Minneapolis on our way to the Metrodome. The bright yellows are just one of the beautiful colors among many that have been showing up all over MN during this fall. Ain't it purty???

Here's a shot of the Metrodome, home to the Twins and Vikings. It was interesting to watch an indoor game. Surprisingly, it was still freakin' cold because they had the a/c cranked up...retail ploy to get people to buy merchandise, no less. Check out how packed it is!

Okay, so the Vikings got their ass whooped, we were still there to cheer them on nonetheless. GO VIKES!

My first thought during halftime: "Damn, that's a sh*tload of cheerleaders!" Again as I mentioned before, it wasn't at all impressive. I'm not too big of a fan to cheerleaders, although I did enjoy watching "Bring It On." Throughout the game, we watched them do their routines, exchanged looks that said, 'WTF was that?', and rolled our eyes as they did the harlem shake and the like. In any case, this was a good shot of the packed purple and gold stadium.

This didn't quite come out as clear, but the blue gives it an eerie kind of feel. Last year, we took a pic with a Skeletor kind of character, but this werewolf was happy to oblige this time around.

We did our civic duty yesterday. Because we weren't officially MN residents in terms of getting our picture ID, it was quite an obstacle for us to ensure that we were able to vote. I have to say that this has been the first presidential campaign where I found myself glued to the TV. It was tense throughout the night as the votes poured in and somewhat confusing as various channels projected the different electoral votes. It was SO close and I was keeping my fingers crossed. Ultimately, the results came in and much to my disappointment and chagrin, Kerry lost. I just finished watching Kerry's concession speech and I have to admit, there was a sadness welling up inside of me. Well, we're in for another challenging four years and let's just hope that everything fares well for the country.

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