Free As A Bird
Today was the last day of my online class and I gotta tell ya''s like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders! Since that all-nighter I pulled the other day, I told myself that I would NOT stress out over the final paper. I did more than my share of the project and feel pretty damn good about the content quality. My partner claimed that she's been having technical difficulties. Any other day, I would be the first to sympathize, but when there is a deadline looming above our heads, hmmm, I don't know. I took it as the opportunity to "take one for the team" and suck it up and just do the damn thing myself. I always tend to bitch when I do things like this because it seems like a curse that will forever haunt me as long as I'm in this program. Nevertheless, she redeemed herself with a good conclusion. Not as kick-ass as I hoped, but it'll do. I've got myself a mini three-week break until the next class. Got lots of things on my plate, but for the next couple of days, I just wanna chill.
Like Twins
I was talking to my sister the other day. Whenever we get on the phone, we spend a good deal catching up on each other's week with updates about the family, the kids, the weather, etc. From there, we usually tend to go off on tangents about everything and nothing. One of the recent things we discussed was hobbies. I started my spiel about how I've been wanting to get into photography. Not as in being camera happy all the time, but to really develop an eye and capture great shots. I shared that I'm not a huge fan of digital cameras. Horrors, I know. I mean, they're great because you get instant results and I do love the fact that they can be downloaded on the computer in a flash. But I like to have developed pictures. I like the feel of the real deal. Perhaps it's 'cuz I'm not as computer savvy and on top of that, I don't have the patience to sit in front of the screen to try and manipulate the size, coloring, and all that other stuff. A couple of weeks ago, I bought some black and white film to experiment. I took a lot of outdoor shots, which by the way is ironic seeing that the great changing of the leaves thang is going on and black and white pics won't do them justice. I have yet to get them developed and to see if there's any hope that this may be something new to pursue.
So I'm telling my sis all of this and there's a pause. She told me that I was either weird or eerie, I can't remember which. Then she starts to explain that about six months ago, she started looking into classes at the local community college...for photography! We hadn't talked about this prior so I didn't even know she had any interest in it at all. How funny! People may think it's all a coincidence, but I'm set on the theory that as sisters, we're just so linked together. Some have mistaken us for twins in the past (really? you're NOT twins? and you're 7 years older?!), and yes, we do have similar likes and dislikes, but it's times like this that validates that theory even more for me. Going on a tangent really quick... when my sister was in college, she tore a knee ligament while playing volleyball and had to have surgery. I was in high school at the time, but I vividly recall that on the day of her surgery, I was feeling major pain in my left knee. Coincidence that it was my sister's left knee that was being operated on? It's been referred to as sympathy pains, but why, eh? Again the theory makes sense here. We're connected. We'll forever be connected and honestly, I'm cool with that.
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