Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Freakin' All-nighter

I honestly didn't think I was capable of these anymore. Staying up until the break of dawn and being stuck in a "zone." I went to bed at 7:30am this morning. I probably could've kept going like the Energizer bunny had I not noticed the light coming through the blinds. I got up to open the blinds and just like that, the exhaustion washed over me. As if on cue, my eyes suddenly lost their power to stay open, my head began to ache, and my heart was pounding on overdrive. Plus, I always know when I've been up too late when my stomach starts hurting as if to tell me, "Okay, time to hit the sack. You will begin de-energizing in zero minus five minutes." And if I'm lucky, I could go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face before I end up collapsing next to my snoring hubby. On the real, I can't be doing sh*t like this at my age. Let's face it, I'm not as young as I was before and pulling a stunt like this just screws up any chance of developing a healthy regimen and sleeping routine. I'm so screwed.

My final paper is due tomorrow at midnight. The gal that I'm working with is in CA, so yes, it gives me an extra two hours to make our paper bomb-diggidy. I have to say though, that I put partial blame on her for my staying up late last night and into the morning. I've been trying to get this assignment started since last week and she's been no help. I take the initiative, but only up to the point of not being overly controlling. I hate people like that. I wanted to make this assignment what it was- a partner project. In any case, we only decided our topic, Bilingual Education, last night and so I spent the rest of my time researching information. I came across this website that featured a book that looked vaguely familiar. It took a minute to click in my head that I had that very book! I found it and thank goodness 'cuz it had the exact info that I was looking for.

While I was scanning the pages, it turned out to be quite an interesting read. The idea of bilingualism in the United States has a fascinating history. Contrary to popular belief, bilingual education isn't an invention of the Civil Rights era. In fact, it dates all the way back to the late seventeenth century. Of course when you think about all the immigrants coming from Europe into the New World, it makes sense. Then you've got your period of turmoil as the building of the country took place followed by the rebuilding from the result of war. Add to that the push to "Americanize" language minority students and the stab of discrimination of non-AngloSaxon people and well, you've got yourself quite the cocktail and the primary reason why puti people so sucked back then and still continue to suck today.

Needless to say, I've learned quite a lot during my early morning "nerding session" as Rycegirlie would say. It reminded me of the Asian American Studies classes I took at State and to relearn all this history now, for some reason, resonates with me even more. It's all about perspective and seeing it through older and wiser eyes. In any case, I'm confident the paper will be kick-ass, but not without the stress of finding the right words to make it so. Wish me luck ya'll...just one more day.

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