Friday, October 22, 2004

Waste of Time

We decided last minute to go watch a movie tonight. Because it's been such a stressful week in terms of work, school, and whatnot, we weren't particularly in the mood for any serious drama. I've been wanting to watch "Taxi" 'cuz it just looks damn funny, but it wasn't showing at the theater near our place. 'Twas a toss up between "Surviving Christmas" or "Team America: World Police." We went with the latter.

Now, we'd been curious as how the whole puppet thing would work out. The puppets, the almost seemed worth it to spend six bucks to see it. Wrong. Within the first five minutes, you start to hear the curse words. And boy oh boy, do they curse up a storm! I somehow forgot that the film was done by the creators of "South Park." Back in da day when I was in college, it was THE thing to watch. It was crude, it was sick, it was twisted, and it was everything that appealed to the crude, sick, and twisted minds of us college folk back then. Honestly, everything seemed funnier when all the filthiness was bleeped out. Watching it tonight was tough on the ears. I don't know what it was...was it because it was on the big screen? Was it because there were some young'uns in the theater? I think what it comes down to is that we're sitting there watching a movie with puppets and when I think of puppets, I think of little kids. Well this movie was definitely, 100% inappropriate for kids! It did have its moments, we chuckled, we laughed and guffawed here and there, but mostly hubby and I were more like, "Dayamn!" or "Ewwww!" or "They did NOT just show that!" or "I can't believe they just said that."

The movie was weak. For us, anyways. I'm sure there are rave reviews from "South Park" followers, but y'know, we're over it. I will say one last thing though. If you've been hearing all the hoopla about the sex scenes that made it an R-rated movie and wondering just what's so bad about it....go see it for yourself. I see the producer's point about them being puppets and all, but still. I'd almost say think Kama Sutra, but it's leaning more towards the porn side. Also, there is one majorly gross scene that many of you, in your stupid college or post-college years, may have experienced. For me, it just takes one word "Miyakes." That's all I gotta say about that.

Needless to say, hubby and I felt cheated out of a good movie night. When we got home, we felt a sudden need to salvage what was left of the Friday night movie experience. We popped in "Alladin" and it worked. This definitely makes my top three faves of Disney movies. It's just so romantic and sweet and never fails to leave you with that good feeling when it's done. Movie night wasn't a waste after all!

*Have a good weekend ya'll! Oh, and if you're going to make it a movie night, choose wisely. Much love...*

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