Leaving Civilization
We're off on our first camping trip.
Camping?! But MnM doesn't even like the outdoors!
Yes, I realize that. But since it's a retreat for the youth at our church, I'm making the sacrifice.
Being the anti-outdoorsy person that you are, I'm certain that MnM will be sleepin' in the nice confines of a cabin, yes?
WRONG! Hubby and I went all out on camping gear. Tent. Bug spray. Sleeping bags. Bug spray. Foam mattress. Bug spray. Grill. Bug spray. Flashlights. Did I mention bug spray? Egads...what am I getting myself into???
You mean to say, MnM is going to be completely one with nature for an entire weekend?!
Well, not entirely. There ain't any electricity, that's for sure. Geez, no Internet access for three freakin' days...wtf?! BUT, thank the good Lord that there IS a bathroom with running water on the grounds. People, if there wasn't one, there'd be now way I was going! Ain't no way MnM is going #1 or #2 out in the woods....EWWW!
What's the one thing you're looking forward to during this lil' excursion?
Does coming back home to sleep in my own comfy bed without the fear of mosquitoes attacking me left and right count?
What's the one thing that you're NOT looking forward to?
Besides mosquitoes, "chiggers" and "no-see-ums." Up until yesterday, I had no idea what the hell these were. Hubby and I were at Target buying bug repellent and the bottle said it protects from these things. A nice old man heard my "What the hell is a chigger and no-see-um?!" and was kind enough to explain. "Chiggers" are tiny spiders that imbed themselves under your skin and makes you itch like crazy. "No-see-ums" are exactly that...bugs so teeny tiny that you can't see. Lovely. So lovely that I'm feeling itchy just thinking about them. Arrrgggh!
Any last thoughts or comments before leaving the comfort of civilized living?
Yes. Ya'll gotta pray for me that I survive this trip! Pray that the bugs will be kind and that they don't suck out all my blood. Pray that there ain't any bears in the vicinity. Pray that the bathrooms DO indeed have running water. And oh yah, pray for all the kids on the retreat. It should be an interesting weekend...
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