Monday, March 01, 2004

Proud To Be

I'm proud to be a native San Franciscan. I always like to spout that piece of information 'cuz honestly, native city gals like myself are far and few between unless you're white. Growing up in San Francisco has opened my eyes and mind to so many things, specifically areas concerning the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. In the past few weeks, San Francisco has been a hot topic in the news because of all the same sex marriages happening at City Hall. Well, it's about fricken time! Now I'm not one to be so articulate in these matters of debate, but I truly believe that this is long overdue. If two people love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, why shouldn't they be joined as one? I'm really tired of all the conservatives who are so close minded in this matter that two people of the same sex cannot be married. On one hand, I can respect other people's opinions who are not so accepting of this. I understand that some are just so old skool in their thinking, that they are not comfortable with change, that they are completely happy with things staying the same, etc. Fine. That is their beliefs and one cannot expect someone to change that overnight. But because of someone's sexual preference, these people have the right to say what is acceptable or not? I don't think so! What ever happened to everyone's right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?"

This has been a topic of discussion during the sermons at church as well. Even growing up in the Catholic church, there were always some issues that I didn't quite agree with. It didn't sit well with me to think that churches, no matter what denomination or faith, thought and still strongly believe that homosexuality is a sin. How can these holier than thou people of God say, "You need Jesus in your life!" when they're also preaching that they cannot be accepted because of who and what they are? Are they saying that by accepting Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will heal them of their homosexuality and they'll no longer be gay? I don't think so. Now this is one of my personal struggles with church in general. I was taught to believe that God is the all knowing, all loving, and all accepting God. Am I supposed to believe that God only loves certain people? I actually begin to feel queasy when preachers or priests talk about the institution of marriage being ONLY between a man and a woman. Here is the part where my arguments come to a brick are you supposed to argue against what the Bible says? It's God's word! Some people like to argue that although we are reading God's words, it was still written by man. Their interpretation and their biases may have come into play. But for the most part, many will interpret the Bible word for word and in all literal senses.

I am torn. As a newly born again Christian, my relationship with Jesus has only deepened and has become even more meaningful compared to what it was growing up. Again, not that I'm regretting my Catholic upbringing, I'm just saying that I feel more spiritually connected now. The foundation that has been set before has helped me on my journey and personal walk with God. In many ways, I always thought that I wasn't a good enough Catholic and now, not a good enough Christian. In both instances, the church had laid out their beliefs and to be a follower of either, you have to give up your old beliefs and take up the new. For me, I felt like I could pick and choose. I believed this, but not this. I didn't and couldn't say that I believed and agreed with everything 100%. Many would probably frown upon this. I could keep quiet about it and appear to agree, but hey, God knows the truth in my inner thoughts and feelings. I could be vocal about my beliefs, but I would then be ostracized by the very community that I want to be a part of. In all things, nothing is so black and white- there's always a middle gray area that many people, myself included, end up in. Does that make me any more or less Christian? I really don't know.

In any case, I'm excited that many people in the LGBT community are getting married and I'm proud that San Francisco has finally stepped up as a city to allow these unions. I know that da City is getting a lot of heat for this, but I am hopeful. It will be a long time coming for the rest of the country to follow suit. Honestly, I do not see it happening in the near future and that makes me sad. For the greatest country on Earth, sometimes I really wonder what makes the U.S. so wonderful. There's so much hate, bigotry, prejudice, racism, and so much more that makes the country divided. Funny...I thought we were the UNITED states of America...

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