Much Props Go Out To....
- Philippine Student Association, PSA, for their 10th Anniversary celebration! Last night was the much awaited annual fashion show- hella people turned up for the event and everyone had a great time, especially the people involved! Now I will be the first to admit that I was turned off and frustrated at the lack of time and organization that went into the planning, but like all things that be, it all worked out in the end. I have to give my shout-outs to my lil' folk dance crew for being so AWESOME! Just for the record, some of the people have never folk danced before and after about two months of Saturday afternoon practices, got their routine down! Since Pandanggo Sa Ilaw/Oasioas was the opening dance, my tummy was full of butterflies for them, but dayamn, they pulled it off! No one tripped, no one stumbled, no glasses slipped, and the guys were DOPE as they balanced the glasses on their foreheads! Okay, so ONE glass broke, but 'twas already inside the bandanas so they were lucky that they didn't have to experience the "if it falls and breaks, keep dancing!!! I don't care if you're bleeding, keep going- the show must go on!" The Bindian and Tinikling were cool, too, but I have to say that the Pandanggo set the tone for the rest of the night. Congrats for a great show- all of your hard work paid so proud!
- MnM! Okay, so there was a bit of drama with costumes (or the lack thereof!) and yes, MnM had many a sleepless night on a sewing marathon! Nevermind that the last time I really sewed was in high school so 'twas a mixture of reacquainting myself with fabrics, threads, needles, and the machine itself. But it's all I've got 5 men's pants, 20 bandanas, and 5 Igorot head pieces....all done from scratch, baby! Not to mention that I also made 5 flower head pieces, too! So yes, this shout-out goes to ME! =)
- Hubby! First of all, hubby bought me my own personal sewing machine! Okay, so some of ya'll might not be jumping up and down to receive such a gift, but I've been wanting one for some time to get back into sewing. So a big SALAMAT goes to hubby for that! Secondly, along with the lack of costumes came a lack of props as well. While I was busy sewing away, hubby was in charge of making the Pandanggo lights. Now this ain't an easy task- especially if you've never made one before! What we DO know is what a pain in the ass it was to make! Making it isn't such a big deal's getting all the necessary materials, the RIGHT batteries, the RIGHT lamp bases, and the RIGHT bulbs. Aiya!!! We basically went to 3 different Radio Shacks and cleaned out their inventory supply! Not only that, but we had to find glasses, too! We basically went from Joann's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and finally everyone's favorite store, Target! 20 glasses, 20 battery thingy-majigs, and 1 patient hubby. Dayamn...big ups to Hubby for all his hard work, all the soddering of wires and connecting to batteries, and for being my personal chauffeur to and from practices...'tis much appreciated- love you baby!
- Chiweb and Puronoys! These two bands are really awesome! I mentioned this before, but I feel we have an "inside track" 'cuz we know both lead singers- whoo hoo! =) They were the opening show and when you hear 'em, you know that these guys have talent! I saw Ibalik and his crew doin' their lil' mosh pit thang while Chiwebs played...oh and yes, Ibalik, we caught your old skool dance moments during your set! Lol! Ibalik got his "wop" and "reebok" on- representing!!! Ya'll are awesome!
PCN Flashbacks
Okay, all of this prep work and all of the practices were almost like a PCN...ALMOST! Whereas PCN's have mini-skits and some kind of dialogue, this was mainly a fashion show. In between the runway action, there were the folk dances, the hip hop and pop dances, a Martin Nivera sounding-piano-playing dude (he was hella dope, too!), some singing, and of course, the emcees with the corny ass jokes. Although everything worked out in the end, it would have made such a difference had everything started much, much earlier. One thing I'll always appreciate about PACE's PCN's is that everyone did their part, made arrangements with their schedules, helped make props, and basically made sacrifices and put hella effort into the show. Going through this process with PSA made me reminisce about my college days. *sigh* I'm getting old, dammit! I was just telling hubby that during one of the first PCN's that I helped out with the folk dancing, I remember how the curtain closed and while everyone was congratulating each other, hugging, kissing, doing high-fives, etc, there was Bonjun (who helped with dances and costumes) folding and putting costumes away. I totally remember that moment! And now, I am in HIS position....oh man... feeling old now... Overall, it was fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again next least next year, I wouldn't have to worry about this Master's Program AND I wouldn't have to worry about the lack of men's pants, Pandanggo lights, and bandanas....
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