Monday, March 01, 2004

Homerun Derby

Whenever I hear the word "derby," I think in Seabiscuit horse race. But today on Sports Center, they showed the Baseball Homerun Derby between the American and National Leagues. I had been telling hubby just a few weeks ago that I can't wait for baseball season to start up again. What a coink-a-dink that the season starts up around my birthday.....hmm....would make a great gift, don't you think? Baseball tickets to Pac Bell Park??? Well, I got to see Barry duke it out for most homeruns scored, but unfortunately, it wasn't his day. Don't get me wrong, he had a handful of homers that went hella far, but the real crowd pleaser had to be Jason Giambi. In the first round, he got into a zone where he hit 12 homers in practically the same exact spot! That crack of the bat sound just kept crackin'! Sammy Sosa was in there, too, and 'twas so funny 'cuz everytime he was interviewed for his up at bat, he was so damn serious! They kept commenting that "Sammy sure is serious about this...I think he really wants to win!" Well win he didn't- Lol! And old Giants manager Dusty Baker was there with his adorable lil' son. Ya'll remember how J.T. Snow had to "rescue" him out of harms way? Haha, I do believe that I have that newspaper photo somewhere! He's so cute.....oh, and lil' Dusty Baker Jr. is the cutest, too!

btw: speaking of Giants, a new SF Giant was featured in our local paper today. Why? 'Cuz he's a former Minnesota Twin! A.J. Pierzynski is one of the new catchers for the Giants. Y'know, I must've missed it, but when did they get rid of Rich Aurelia??? Booooo, he was such a cutie! ;-) (and yes, a GOOD shortstop, too!)(and don't you go thinking that I only like these players 'cuz they're good lookin....)

Birthday Shout-Outs

Just wanted to wish my dear lil' cuz Sha a Happy 18th Birthday! She'll actually be having a cotillion in a couple of weeks which I'm excited to be a part of. No waltzes or cha cha's for me, thank you. I'm one of the candle people which means, I have to prepare a short lil' speech about her. I embarrass her in front of all our family and friends??? Tempting. This reminds me of all the cotillions that I went to back in high school and believe me, there were A LOT! Seemed like every week or almost every month, there was a cotillion to go to during my senior year. Happily, I didn't have one. Honestly, I didn't want one. Too much fanfare for my taste, but it sure was fun attending them. Sha is one of the first in our family to have a cotillion. She gives me the perfect excuse to go buy a dress! I was discussing this with my sis that gosh, she's already 18...goodness, we remember when she was born, ya'll know that kind of conversation. Her and I are going to be one of the "old" cousins there! I mean, yes, we ARE one of the older cousins, but really, we're getting OLD! *sigh* Anyways, Happy 18th, Natassia! Much love to you....

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