Thursday, March 11, 2004

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I've got a lesson plan on phonics due today, a Family Literacy plan due tomorrow, discussion questions due on Saturday, a group project due on Sunday AND Monday, I've still got to finish packing, clean house, run some last minute errands, and manage to get myself out of bed at fricken 6:30ish or 7am tomorrow in order to catch my flight to da city. I'm a tad bit stressed considering that I'm half awake as I write this. Yah, so what if it's 10:30am...I just closed my eyes but five hours ago. Don't ask. Screwed up schedule. There seriously isn't enough hours in the day to accomplish all I have to do!

Other Thoughts

Recently bought Mona Lisa Smile with Julia Roberts. Loved it. It takes place in the 1950's at the all women's college, Wellsley. It follows the lives of all these different gals and the choices they make. 'Course this was the time where the woman's place was in the home and her sole responsibility was to have kids, cook, clean, and "be a good wife." was hard to watch some of these characters "settling" for that kind of life when they really could've gone to become much more. But see, that's the "liberal" way of thinking...the "subversive," as they called it in the movie. Then here comes Californian Julia Roberts "ruffling everyone's feathers." She challenges these women to think for themselves and being that this was set in the 50's, that was a huge thing. Ah yes, another movie about the choices that women make. Major theme in my life lately, eh? If and when you see this, stick around for the credits. They've got all these old skool ads from the 50's and a really cool featurette comparing then and now. Quick example, back in the 50's, only 40% of women went after graduation to get a full-time job. Today, it's 95%! Whoo hoo- go women! This chick flick is a thinking, make you feel good kinda movie. AND, it makes the teaching profession definitely challenging, but worth it all in the end.

Hubby has been gone this entire week for training. While he's trying to catch his breath and deal with the change of altitude, he missed a mild snowstorm here in MN. And goodness gracious me, it has been windy! All throughout the night, er, morning, the windows were rattling in that freakish, creepy kinda way. Does it help to see that commercial of the new Johnny Depp movie or that damned Dawn of the Dead? Nope. Plus, the other day, I was curious to watch the premiere series of "Mad, Mad House." Is that the correct title? This is, surprise surprise, another reality show. This is more like a Real World type of show, 'cept that you get these "normal" people trying to live with these "freaks." Freaks, as in a witch, a vampire, a voodoo priestess, a naturalist, and a primitive dude. Now, it can very well be that they're highly paid actors, but vampire, too freaky for me. Definitely not something that I want to be dreaming about! 'Course that didn't help in putting me to sleep. I refused to watch Insomniac Theater or After Hours, so I watched the early morning news on CNN. Have you heard of that blast in Madrid yet? Some terrorist group decided to bomb these commuter railway cars in the middle of rush hour this morning. Fricken sucks. Sometimes I can't believe all the bad sh*t that happens in our world.

I don't have a straight flight into da city tomorrow. Boo. Lucky me gets to spend about 2 hours in there time to see Oprah??? Can't say that I've been to the windy city before, but here's my chance to get a magnet to prove it.

Incredibly excited to be going home. I was just talking to my sis last night and it really got me missing my godkids. From what I hear, it's shorts weather! Um, gosh, this body of mine ain't ready to see the sun just yet. Can I just say that I've got the whitest legs?! Lol! Yes, I'm in definite need of some sun...note to self: must hit the beach. As for my beloved Honda update, it has now been towed. Hope the car doctor gets 'er up and running by this weekend.

Tomorrow is hubby's birthday! Whoo hoo! The major thing that sucks is that I won't even get to see him until next week. As it turns out, I leave tomorrow morning and he comes back in the evening. We miss each other by about 10 hours! 'Tis a sacrifice this time, but hopefully we won't be separated on special days like this. Miss you much, baby...

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